The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 89: 10% Sao operation


"Good morning," he said.

"No. 81, Lin Huai." The secretary reminded the doctor in the ear. The doctor nodded. He bent down, looked at the young man sitting on the ground who was neither humble nor overbearing, and said kindly, "What are you doing here?"

Lin Huai said, "Visit the wildlife park."

The doctor and others obviously didn't understand Lin Huai's stalk. He smiled lovingly and asked, "Were you knocking on the glass just now?"

Lin Huai nodded: "En."

The doctor knelt down and looked him straight in the eyes: "Why?"

"Do you want to vent your dissatisfaction with being locked up here, or..." He narrowed his eyes, "Or do you want to save No. 91?"

"Neither of them." Lin Huai yawned, squinting his eyes and said, "It's just to get angry, the girl's scream is the worst wake-up alarm in the world."

The doctor smiled lowly, and for a long time, he said, "I really want to open the glass and touch the top of your head, but unfortunately, you seem a little too aggressive."

Lin Huai also looked into his eyes and smiled: "I also really want to touch the top of your head, but I prefer to touch furry creatures, such as dogs, minks or bamboo rats... rather than the top of a bald old man's head .”

PhD:"… "

"It's time for you to take some medicine." The doctor smiled softly, "Good boy."

As he spoke, he clapped his hands and said indifferently to the camera: "Electric shock."


The sudden pain caused Lin Huai to shake his head violently. The moment the operator presses the button, a strong current is sent from the collar around the neck. The heart-piercing pain will always follow the nerves, drill into the Tianling Cap, and then reach the fragile cerebral cortex.

Although Lin Huai's tolerance to pain is higher than ordinary people, and has the ability to repair the body. It's a pity that although he is a ghost, he has not been able to surpass the limits of human beings like Dio, that is to say...

His body is still able to conduct electricity.

The moment the doctor pressed the power button, everyone's faces turned pale. The girl who was sitting in another room wearing a sunflower suddenly got up!

She took two steps in three steps, walked in front of the glass, and almost opened her mouth to say something.

However, the next moment, her eyes darkened, and the moment she saw the collar clearly, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

"Interesting..." she said softly.

Finally, she lowered her arms to her side and closed her eyes.

"It hurts, right?" Dr. Lucier squatted opposite him, touching his chin and said, "You really should feel pain. This level of electric current is prepared to punish disobedient exhibits."

Then, he clapped his hands again, looked at the twisted side face of the other party, and let out a "huh" as if in surprise.

"You're much better looking now than you are with your fangs and claws and sharp teeth," he said. "Does it hurt? If you feel pain, just scream. There's no need to suppress your feelings for the sake of ridiculous dignity, is there?"

After saying this, he looked at the other party leisurely, and as expected, he found that the shoulders of the young man in front of him trembled violently.

As expected.

"Have you heard of Pavlov's dog?" Lucille looked at him with green eyes under the glasses and chuckled, "Or, have you heard of Little Albert?"

"This is operant conditioning." Through the glass, he touched the hair of the pale young man in front of him, "A pain is a lesson, and obedience is a comfort. Soon you will learn to let go." Be a good boy. Do you understand?"

"Fuck your good boy." Lin Huai hugged his head with a sneer, "It's impossible, unless..."

"Unless your bald head grows back." He said, "But it seems that you will not be able to do this in your lifetime. If you want to do this, you should commit suicide early to benefit the people and reincarnate in the next world as a A hairy cockroach."

Lucille's smiling face finally darkened unavoidably. He took a few deep breaths and stabilized his smiling expression. After a long time, he said, "You're fine."

He decided not to say anything more. Soon, the young man will be unable to make more sharp answers due to the pain. He thought this way, the next step should be to beg for mercy, to cry and howl...

Dr. Lucier thought idly. After satisfying the sadistic desire in his heart, he felt a little bored again.

Dr. Lucier was born into an upper-class family. His family is very clean - there has never been a potential criminal. After all, the determination of potential offenders has always been a very subjective testing program. Sometimes, a boy who bullies his classmates and burns his hair off at the age of ten is not a potential criminal; The tens of millions of inheritance left by parents can be judged as a potential criminal-after all, these are operational problems.

He has a pair of strong parents and two brothers who are physically stronger than him, and the resulting inferiority complex tortured him throughout his teenage years. Some people can use a perfect childhood to heal their future self, and spend their entire life as a light; however, there are also people who encountered too many unpleasant things in childhood, so they need to use various methods in adulthood, Find ways to use your own life to heal your childhood.

What Dr. Lucier used was to use his abnormal enthusiasm for "dominant desire" to heal his childhood of being bullied by his brothers and neglected by his parents. When he was studying biology, he was keenly aware of the society's enthusiasm for the issue of "potential criminals". The public's fear of crime and their enthusiasm for labeling to find emotional outlets gave birth to such a twisted and terrifying product.

He smelled the business opportunity, and quickly started his own actions. Cooperating with the media's momentum and his own understanding of the public's psychology, he successfully started his own path of domination.

He dominates the lives of his "patients" and the public opinion of the outside world. He is the inventor of new methods, he is the benevolent savior of would-be criminals who should not see the light of day, he is the god who should be praised by all!

Dr. Lucier enjoyed that sense of aloofness. Just like the way he looked at the number 81 opposite the glass now, clutching his head and shrugging his shoulders in pain. After all the unhappiness caused by disobedience had been dispelled, while putting on a perfect mask, he also felt the satisfaction and boredom of "everything is as it should be".

It's almost time to stop. Dr. Lucier thought so, and opened his mouth to the people around him: "Stop..."

However, the next moment, he finally heard the voice from the mouth of the potential prisoner who was supposed to beg for mercy.

"Haha...hahaha..." he laughed, "hahahaha..."

It turned out to be a laugh.

"Why are you laughing?!"

At that moment, an indescribable sense of shock and anger spread from the bottom of Dr. Lucier's heart. He felt a strong sense of humiliation, even stronger than the humiliation he felt when he couldn't catch up with his stronger brother all those years ago.

He is laughing? He is actually laughing? This prisoner, this person whose status is much lower than his own... is actually laughing

He couldn't believe his ears for a while, and ordered the operator to turn off the power with a cold face. He lay on the glass and stared straight at the prisoner below: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you..." The prisoner behind the glass looked into his eyes and slightly raised the corner of his lips, "I laugh at you..."

"Guess," he said softly, "you and me, who was more like a prisoner who couldn't get out just now?"

It was a fluffy sentence, but Lucille was suddenly furious. With a dark face, he led the crowd away.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… "

Crazy laughter chased and lingered behind his ears, until he left completely, and the lights in the corridor dimmed.

It wasn't until Lucille and the others left that Lin Huai stopped laughing.

"Brother Lin, Brother Lin." Lu Xiaotian crawled towards him crying, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Lin Huai said.

"How could you be okay! You were stunned by the electric shock!" Lu Xiaotian yelled, "Damn that doctor dog, who looks like a human, is actually a magnetic blast infantry..."

"It's fine." Lin Huai said, "I don't feel any pain at all..."

"Brother Fat! Big Brother Fat! Brother Lin was stunned by the electric shock!" Lu Xiaotian yelled, "Let's think of a way and bring him out of the closet! If we are locked up here again, we will all be stunned by the electric shock!" "


Lin Huai sighed: "At first I wanted to create a beautiful, strong and tragic image for you, forget it, let's reveal the answer now."

As he spoke, he shook his neck easily, revealing the gap between the collar and the neck.

"Actually, I used two skills just now." He said, "The first skill invalidates the power of the magnetic blast infantry."

Lu Xiaotian's eyes widened: "Fuck, you still have this operation? What about the second one?"

Lin Huai: "The second skill is called Stanislavsky, also known as "Actor's Self-Cultivation". In the form of performance, he mistakenly thought that I was being shocked by electric shock. In fact, I was just acting, hehe."

Lu Xiaotian: "..."

Having said that, maybe I need to explain how Lin Huai broke the collar just now.

In the room, Lin Huai tried various ways to break the damn collar. However, it seems to be made of ultra-new technology, with first-class elasticity and toughness, and if brute force is used to crack this article, it may become a strange story of the headless horseman... So in the end, he remembered the one he had obtained. Skill.

[Some say we sell disposable products, some say our computers never work well — oh my friend, when they don’t work, just give them a hard tap!]

Skill Name: Maintenance Skills [Green]

Skill introduction: In a person's life, there are always some weird things that need temporary repairs, sometimes it is a TV, sometimes it is a computer, sometimes it is your ex-boyfriend who is not thinking well... When your mechanical device When it fails, you can use it, and slamming the mechanism once makes it easy to use. Remarks: It only works for products after the first industrial revolution. The strength of the striking force will determine the useful time of the mechanical device, and the longest use time shall not exceed half an hour. Skill success rate: 90%.

Since the collar cannot be destroyed, find a way to repair it. Before the dean and others came to the corridor, Lin Huai used skills on the collar and carried out 25 repairs...

Finally, in the last repair, he hit the last 10% probability and repaired the collar perfectly...