The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 90: The Garden of Eden opens


Using a nurse skill as an offensive skill, perhaps except for Lin Huai, should be unprecedented. After listening to the explanation, Lu Xiaotian showed admiring eyes: "Fuck, brother Lin, you are awesome! Why are you wearing Pinru's clothes?"

Lin Huai maintained his posture, half-kneeling in front of the glass, and said "hehe" twice.

"But in fact, I didn't expect them to shock me." Lin Huai muttered softly, "They shocked me just because they mentioned a hairstyle... Are they Dongfang Jousuke? Compared with Pavlov's dog, I I'd rather be Schrödinger's cat or Lorenz's butterfly... I'll kill you all when I get out hehe... "

As he spoke, he showed a black and white panda head-like expression.

"I still want to be Morgan's white-eyed fruit fly... By the way, what the hell is Schrödinger's cat!... They are all gone, you go back and lie down." The fat man on the other side whispered, "It's time to stop pretending Forced... go, take a break. After half an hour, that exhibition... will start."

"I want to go back too." Lin Huaixu said, "but I can't control my legs..."

"Huh?" Fatty asked puzzled, "Why?"

Just as Lin Huai was about to reply to him, an extremely cold voice came from the other side.

"Lin Huai."

It was a man with a long ponytail, as strong as Zhao Ritian's triploid.

Zhao Jingtian's expression was still cold. He said seriously: "Just now I heard the sound of the glass being broken by your kick, but with that kick, you didn't just break the glass."

Lin Huai looked up at him.

"You kicked me apart, and I have prejudices in my heart." Zhao Jingtian said coldly, "I am willing to work so hard for the fate of an unknown npc... Congratulations, you have gained my respect."

Facing his sincere gaze, Lin Huai's scalp felt a little numb, and he said weakly: "Don't talk so early, in fact, you don't know me well enough..."


Lin Huai raised his right foot: "It wasn't the glass that shattered just now, but my right ankle."

"So I can't move." He added, a little aggrieved in his tone, "Why is this broken glass so hard?"

Zhao Jingtian: ...

"Brother Lin." The fat man was about to cry, "Why are you so ignorant, your legs are broken, what will you do in the future?"

"It's okay, it's just that I can't dance and play basketball for the time being..." Lin Huaiman said nonchalantly, "It will take a long time for it to grow by's really fine."

"Do you think you are a gecko..."

In order to reflect the persuasiveness of his words, he raised his foot and shook it to the other party: "I've been used to it for a long time."

... I have done more laborious work than this before, such as repairing the head, such as repairing the whole body... He closed his eyes and maintained his motionless posture, feeling the tendons, nerves and bones, which were gradually being repaired and perfected under his strength.

In the time it took for him to repair his leg, the digital clock finally pointed to nine in the morning.

Greenhouse Capital Museum special exhibition area - "Eden", opened.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Greenhouse Capital Museum! Today is March 1, 501 in the new world, thanks to the Greenhouse, and thanks to the Thirteen Consuls!"

"Presumably everyone who came to the Greenhouse Capital Museum today has the same purpose." The host with bright red lipstick smiled, "That is, come and watch our latest exhibition—'Eden' exhibition!"

"In ancient times, Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They were naked and unrestrained, and they lived in a free paradise... until the poisonous snake offered apples and changed everything. Wisdom, morality, and sin together took root in the human heart. "

"In the past 100 years, we have divided future criminals from the ranks of human beings through the research on 'born criminals'. However, this is not the end." The host said loudly, " We all have parents, we all have children, and we all have friends. The recessive genes of crime are hard to guard against in the blood of human beings. It is not correct to kill them, and it is more burdensome to raise them... Finally, we finally, with the help of Dr. Lucier Now, I have created a method to eliminate evil and change people who are born criminals!"

"...the first batch of transformed people will be exhibited in the Eden Park. Considering the government's financial constraints and the residents' lack of entertainment, the largest TV station in the greenhouse—Starlight TV has specially created a new program with a reality show as its selling point— Potential offense 100!"

"Every three months, 100 potential prisoners are put into the same museum and exhibited to the world as exhibits! From daily life to talent shows, every detail of life is broadcast to the world in real time!"

"Among the 100 potential criminals, the four most recognized by the audience will be retained, gain the identity of normal people, and return to a happy life. The four least popular natural criminals every week, They will be eliminated. And the remaining forty-six will be disposed of at a low price, ha ha." The host chuckled, "This can be regarded as their final value for the greenhouse!"

In the crowded North Square, crowds of people came to watch the fun. The curator of the museum felt extremely relieved when he saw the scene in front of him. He turned his face to the director of the Starlight Station beside him, and said softly: "Compared to last month, the number of passengers has increased by more than four times."

"Everyone has a curiosity-seeking mentality." The director of Xingguangtai said, "This is not surprising."

As he said that, he looked at Dr. Lucier who was sitting next to him, but unexpectedly found that the other person's face didn't seem pretty.

He thought for a while, and thought he had discovered the reason, so he whispered: "Dr. Lucier, is it that No. 81 that made you angry?"

As he said that, he patted the other person on the shoulder: "You don't have to be angry about that kind of thing. If you don't like it, just operate in secret and get rid of him, isn't that enough?"

As he spoke, he wiped it on his neck suggestively.

Dr. Lucier glanced at the other party, and after a while, he smiled.

"No," he pushed his glasses politely, "Not only will I not get rid of him, but I will also give him more attention."

"Let him participate in the performance seven days later," he said, "I will let him experience what it is like to be a monster."

With the ribbon-cutting of the opening ceremony successfully completed, the Greenhouse Capital Museum also began to enter. Numerous citizens held four voting coupons and lined up at the entrance politely and orderly with curiosity or excitement.

Due to space constraints, the "Garden of Eden" exhibition area was divided into five areas, from zero to ninety-nine, and every twenty born criminals were placed in one area. With great curiosity, Su Li held the voting coupon in his hand and waited anxiously and excitedly in the watching line.

For him, "natural born criminal" and "potential criminal" are familiar yet unfamiliar terms, just like "mutant" and "witch" in the Middle Ages. A noun that attracts people to explore the mystery. No matter what era, there are curious people who target such as Jack the Ripper, Green River Killer, and White City Devil. For Su Li and others, "born criminals" are such existences.

He had seen reports about these "natural born criminals" on TV. In hundreds of years of news reports and film and television materials, they are all hideous, twisted and screaming, full of disturbing fear. Therefore, he also pays great attention to his mental health, so as not to accidentally become one of them in the spot check every ten years. However, now there are studies claiming that they can transform them back to normal people, which really makes him feel sincerely excited and curious.

For the first three days, only visits are allowed. Afterwards, the museum even allowed them to interact with the exhibits—it was an overwhelming sense of anticipation. He was thinking like this, but he heard the voice of his companion: "Su Li, which restaurant do you want to go to?"

Su Li glanced at the crowds and sighed: "The first few teams are too crowded." He said, "Let's go to the last pavilion."

Compared with other exhibition halls, the last hall is located in a relatively remote location. As soon as he walked into the corridor, Su Li felt a chill hit him.

In the hallway of the museum, twenty display cabinets are neatly arranged, and in each display cabinet, there is a person sitting or lying down. Some of them were reading a book, some were drawing a picture, and even more, they were looking at the ceiling, as if there was something in it that interested him very much.

The only thing in common is that none of them said a word.

The fifth corridor starts from No. 80 and ends at No. 99. However, due to some failures in the gate next to No. 81, tourists can only start visiting from the gate next to No. 100. Looking at those people in the window, for some reason, Su Li had the illusion that he was visiting an aquarium.

But it's not an illusion—it's reality. He quickly denied himself, how could this group of born criminals be as gentle and harmless as those small animals

"It turns out that these are potential criminals..."

"Actually, they look similar to us..."

"Are you kidding? Look at his forehead, it's so wide, it's a typical criminal face." The leading boy among a group of high school students said confidently, "Don't look at them pretending to be gentle and polite, but they are really treated When stimulated, they will show their real reaction, if you don't believe me, see—"

As he spoke, he walked to a display case where a woman was drawing quietly.

"Boom boom boom."

With the knocking sound, the woman was awakened. She turned her head hesitantly: "Hello?"

"Hey, what are you drawing? Are you drawing your own underwear?" the boy said loudly.

"Hahaha… "

The woman suddenly showed an angry expression, and when she was about to stand up to reason with the boy with a flushed face, she saw the collar on her neck, and then froze slightly—

"I'm sorry to cause you such a misunderstanding." She lowered her head and said, "I'll just put it away."

The unscrupulous laughter grew louder. One of the boys seemed to have discovered a new world, and said in amazement: "Look, they really don't seem to resist, and they don't know how to swear!"

"This is the meaning of voting." The boy in the lead said triumphantly, "If they want to get out of here, they have to endure it, and they have to not resist, otherwise they won't get votes and will be disposed of as recyclables."

As he spoke, he took out a voting ticket from his pocket and stuffed it into the ballot box in front of the woman. After the green number on the box showed +1, he smiled triumphantly: "No, this is the reward."

"Ha ha ha ha-"

"Fuck," Hu Die blushed with anger, "is this game a pervert?"