The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 91: I am a villain


Then they seemed to find the fun of this activity, and harassed the past one by one. All the players looked at the scene in front of them, their faces turned red with anger, and Hu Die even punched the glass. He said bitterly: "Oh my, that puppet is a pervert!"

As soon as she finished saying this, a reminder sounded in her mind: "You have been deducted one point of reputation due to your rough behavior."

Hu Die: "... Grass."

I saw that the reputation bar above her head, which was originally displayed as 0, became minus one. The originally blank progress bar was filled with red.

"Fucking points are also deducted?" Fatty broke down.

Just after he finished speaking, the notification sound came again: "You have been deducted one point of reputation because of your irregular language."

Fatty: "fxxk"

Prompt: "Two points deducted."

"Ahh—" Fatty fell into a breakdown, "What the hell kind of dog is this... a game between the life and death of Gouli Nation."

Now he didn't dare to curse at others, and he didn't dare to kick the door, so he could only squat down and curse his mother silently in his heart. Lin Huai kept squatting on the ground (yes, his legs haven't grown well yet), and stroked his hair.

'When the woman endured the insult just now, the reputation value on her head increased by 0.5, and the number of support votes increased by 1. ’ He thought, ‘Hehe, could it be that the point of this game is to make us become jittery…’

But at the same time, another thing also attracted his attention. While the woman was enduring the insult, he didn't hear the beep from the system for the addition and subtraction of her reputation. But when Hu Die and Fatty were punished for their unqualified behavior, they heard a clear system reputation value prompt.

"Is this a hint?" he thought.

"Brother Lin." Lu Xiaotian next to him came over, "Have you thought of anything?"

Lin Huai: "I didn't expect it, let me climb."

Lu Xiaotian: ...

A cold notification sounded in his mind: "You have been deducted one point of reputation because of your irregular language."

Lu Xiaotian stared at Lin Huai resentfully, swallowing his anger without daring to speak. Just when he was about to crawl away on the spot, he heard Lin Huai's call: "Come here, show me."

Lu Xiaotian: "What are you looking at?"

Lin Huai: "See if the top of your head is green."

Lu Xiaotian crawled over obediently. In the progress bar above his head, there was indeed a touch of green, and a pitiful "0.5" was displayed on it.

"Hehe..." Lin Huaixu rolled his eyes, "I deduct 1 point for every sentence I scold, and add 0.5 points for every sentence I get scolded... This system still acts as a middleman to earn the difference..."

"Brother Lin." Lu Xiaotian couldn't understand what he was saying, "What do you want to do?"

"Speaking of which, the system only asked me to fill the progress bar above my head to 70%, and didn't say what color to fill it with..." Lin Huai thought, "In this case, instead of making myself green, it's better to make myself red. it's..."

Lu Xiaotian: "???"

Lin Huai thought for a while, and felt that her train of thought was quite correct. Although he can't confirm the authenticity of this idea, if he wants to be bullied by a group of unqualified people for three months in a row, he might as well make this museum truly artistic - blow it up. As the saying goes, art is an explosion, if it does not explode in silence, it will perish in silence...

As a person of quality, Lin Huai never exploded casually, he usually let others perish...

But speaking of frying...

Lin Huai suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

If the museum is blown up, the ballot box is blown up, there is no voting record, and there is no ranking, then... wouldn't everyone be in the top four

"I would rather let the people of the world lose me than let the people of the world lose me." Lin Huai made up her mind and stood up relying on her newly muscular legs. "Now it's time for me to perform."

"Wait, wait." Lu Xiaotian was dumbfounded, "Brother, what did you think of just now?"

"I just drew up a two-month plan based on a hypothesis." Lin Huai said.

"What plan?"

"First of all, C will make his debut, and then C will come out." Lin Huai looked at the glass cabinet in front of him, "First of all, I want to be popular. I will become the most famous fried child in the world... Red progress bar The red of the bomb, the bomb of the museum, the gay of the gay."

"Huh?" Fatty Wang, who was eavesdropping next to him, was confused, "Old Lin, you should understand, what are you going to do?"

"In short." Lin Huai put his hand on the glass and took a deep breath.

"I want to be the most unqualified person in the world," he said.

Lu Xiaotian and Fatty: "..."

"Brother, calm down." Fatty Wang couldn't laugh or cry, "Isn't this game asking us to fill up the progress bar? Why don't you do something unqualified..."

"Whoever said Quan Hong is not full, I will be a villain today." Lin Huai said loudly.

The moment he made his voice, the system sent another notification: "You have been deducted one point of reputation because of your irregular language."

The progress bar above her head turned red again, and Lin Huai showed a happy (and crazy) smile.

Then, he squatted on the ground, relying on the accumulation of novels, and repeatedly insulted the system. After being deducted a full ten points by the system, the fat man finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Dude, buddy, stop, stop." Fatty Wang broke down, "Every time you are deducted a point, your system notification will sound in my head, not to mention that the deductions will become less and less after that, and it will only become a one-point deduction. 0.01 points... Can you stop doing it, I'm going to faint."

"Yeah..." The white-collar worker on the other side was also a little miserable, "I didn't expect you to be so fragrant..."

Lin Huai said: "Wait, let me finish the last sentence, the grass your girlfriend planted on your head will turn the Sahara into Greater Khingan Mountains—"

At this moment, a long-lost notification sound finally came from his mind: "The point deduction for talking to yourself for uncivilized language has reached five points, please change the way of scoring points!"

"Oh, okay. After squatting for too long, my feet are a little numb..." He muttered, "Think of a way, change the position..."

Everyone stared dumbfounded at Lin Huai's madness in the arena. I saw several male high school students playing in the glass cabinet one by one. One of the fastest runners came to Zhao Jingtian's display cabinet, and suddenly his eyes lit up when he saw the people in front of him.

"Come and see!" he yelled, "There's a lot of fun here!"

"What's the fun?" Several other people followed.

"It's not a question of whether it's fun or not, they're just special... Hey, this, this!" He widened his eyes.

A group of people chattered and came to the last group in a miasma.

They had harassed the prisoners in every room during the half-hour-long trip before, and got a good laugh out of it. What the museum and Dr. Lucier said was indeed correct. Under the control of the collar and the previous treatment plan, these natural-born criminals would not have any resistance to them at all.

"The project was very successful." In the conference room, the curator of the museum, the director of Starry Sky Station, and Dr. Lucier looked at their finished product with satisfaction. "Undertaking this exhibition has brought us a lot of income and traffic."

Everything that happened in the museum this morning did exactly as they had imagined.

At the beginning, the citizens still feared the potential criminals and dared not approach them. Soon, they discovered the characteristic that the other party would not fight back when they scolded or beat them back. Some citizens still retained some of their qualities, and did not attack them, but voted and left silently after watching. Some citizens gradually became excited, and gradually made radical remarks to the potential criminals in the glass cabinet.

They soon discover that potential offenders have nothing to fear, which means that the treatment program is very effective. By the time…

Museums, Star TV, and Star Media can gain exposure and earn a lot of money. The plans of Dr. Lucier and the Rama Sanitarium were carried out, gaining both fame and fortune. And the Greenhouse Archon, too, will celebrate that the pressure on the nursing home has been relieved.

Everything is good, everything is useful—except, the would-be criminals who are being sacrificed.

But they don't care about the life and death of potential prisoners. After all, as long as the treatment plan is effective and the collar they made is effective and can be implemented—how can they care about a few small victims on their way to gain profits

At the same time, online live broadcasts of exhibitions are also on the rise. Several assistants were watching the live broadcast comments with great interest, ready to respond at any time, but one of them suddenly let out an "eh".

"There's something wrong in hallway five," she said. "Look."

What she pointed at was the No. 5 corridor where Lin Huai and others were located. I saw a sea of people in Corridor No. 5, and everyone seemed to be standing still and watching some novel scene.

"Do you want to report to the curator?" one of them asked.

"We don't need to deal with it ourselves first. Call out the surveillance to see." Another person said.

The two turned on the surveillance camera, only to find that the crowd was mainly gathered next to display cabinet No. 81. A few high school students gathered around the glass cabinet, blushing at what the other said.

"Amplify the volume." The staff signaled.

The operator responded by amplifying the volume of the video, and the conversations of several people were immediately heard.

"I'm telling you! I'm going to complain to the staff!" The leading high school student blushed with anger, and he gave the person in the glass cabinet a hard look, "Just wait!"

The young man standing upside down in the glass cabinet rolled his eyes: "Why are you yelling so loudly, you have the ability to find property management."

"Who do you think you are? You're just a potential criminal! Do you know who my dad is? My dad is..."

"Shut up, what did your dad do wrong? You insulted him after he gave birth to you and raised you? Have you thought about the consequences for saying this? He worked hard to support his family, and he was promoted by you like this. Son, can you hold your head up in the workplace? Doesn’t your conscience hurt? After all, he is an upright person. How did you give birth to such a disunited thing? Look, you are not even united with the five senses on your face, and you are doing your own thing .”

"Grass, I'm so mad!"

"Why don't you find the reason from yourself? Why do you have to shift the responsibility to others?"

"You #¥%#... ...¥"

"You talk so poisonously, your boyfriend must have uremia, right?"

"You #%... #¥#... 6!%"

"Don't be angry, I'll burn incense for you tonight, be good."

"%¥... ... ... #¥!¥"

"You know the difference between you and a plate of shit? You don't have a plate."


"Don't be angry, it kills the sperm. But don't worry, judging by your face, even if you are infertile, you can still have a lot of children and grandchildren."

“¥…¥#… #¥… !!!”

"Let's go, stop arguing with him, let's go for a walk and calm down." One of the high school students held back the still angry high school student, "What's the point of arguing with someone like him."

"Do you know? When you were walking in the sun, children in the Middle East were still suffering from wars! You don't know, you only care about yourself." Lin Huai said heartbrokenly, "How can you be so unkind and noble? Is it not kind or sunny?"

The high school student only felt his eyes go dark, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and left the venue.

After he left, the crowd gradually dispersed. The operator looked at the scene in front of him and looked at each other in blank dismay. One of them hesitated and said, "Should we... want to take care of him?"

"Dr. Dean, let them take care of him." One of the operators said absently. She switched the live broadcast to the front and watched it attentively. "Hahaha, this No. 81 is quite interesting."

"I think he doesn't want to die." Another person shrugged, "He is the only one out of a hundred people who dances like this. Can he survive to the end?"

"Keeping him is good for publicity, you see." A girl moved the mouse to the live broadcast area of Lin Huai's performance, "Many people said that they would come to see him tomorrow."

With that said, she showed the comment section to other operators.

"Crap, what kind of genius is this No. 81?"

"The museum found a ghost!! Dr. Lucier found a ghost??"

"Has he really been treated? Doesn't he need to take medicine?"

"How dare a shameless yellow-mouthed child bark here!!"

"Incense hahaha."

"Oh my god hahahahaha I don't know why I feel so refreshed like I drank Vita lemon tea."

"Upstairs, Vita Lemon Tea is the best! Coconut coconut juice is the best!"

"Take away Mr. Coconut Juice, don't pretend to be loyal upstairs, thank you, Jiumi."

"Hahahahahahahahahaha, I think it's quite fun."

"When I saw this video, I was shaking with anger. My whole body was sweating in the hot weather, and my hands and feet were cold. What's wrong with this greenhouse? It's full of such arrogant potential criminals. Tears flowed down my face!"

"I think this bullshit is quite suitable for carrying poles on construction sites."

"+1, I want to see him go to the construction site to fight."

"The irritable old man is arguing online."

"Hahaha brother 81 is really a different coquettish bitch."

"Do you have any friends who are going to the museum tomorrow? Ask for an appointment. I want to visit the famous gangster."

"+1, let's go play together."

"I live in District 9, did anyone go with me?"

Netizens watching the hothouse quickly pushed the relevant comments to the highest level, and "How to evaluate Greenhouse No. 81" was also a hot topic, and it was sent to Wenhu.

But because it was the first day, there were only a few answers. Among them, the latest answer also comes from a respondent in the film and television area, and its content is:

"Thank you for the invitation. I'm in the capital, and I just got off the plane. I thought you were talking about a bad movie called "Beijing No. 81" from the old century."

"Potential criminals can also buy hot searches these days? Is there any bottom line for entertainment companies to hype? The country is really a mess, or is the car exhaust in foreign countries sweeter!"

However, Lin Huai, who had been fighting hard for a day, didn't know the bloody storm he brought on the greenhouse network, nor did he know that the video of him swearing was about to be cut into ghosts and animals and played on the Internet, and he didn't know that he had an extra nickname called "Brother Shangxiang". . Now it was closing time, he lay on the sofa, looked at the red progress bar above his head that had soared to 25, and smiled "I'm red".

On the other side, the fat man crawled over weakly: "Brother, you are really strong in combat today, you are really a villain! In my head, there are all the notifications that you have been deducted points, awesome! Really awesome !"

As he spoke, he raised a thumbs up.

"Others get angry and I don't get angry, and when I get sick, there is no one to replace me. If I get angry to death, no one will be happy. Besides, it is sad and laborious. Life is like a play. We get together because of destiny. When I recover my superpowers, I will throw them all into the sea." Go." Lin Huai said, "Amitabha, in fact, in my daily life, I am more refined..."

"But can your method really work?" Fatty Wang worried, "But look—you don't have a ticket in front of you, look at Zhao Jingtian, there are still several tickets."

"You don't understand. There is no way to attract diehard fans by resigning yourself to it. Without diehard fans, there will be no one to make rankings for me to canvass data and clean keywords." Lin Huai said, "When I rely on my unique talent to attract Fans, they will try their best to send me a c-position debut, and then sell a wave of cruel fans to solidify the fans... "

"Wait, why are you so proficient!! How many times have you practiced outside!!"

"Number 81." Someone's voice sounded from the side, "Come out."

The bright flashlight shined into the No. 81 glass cabinet, and went straight to Lin Huai's face. He raised his hand to block it, and complained: "Don't take pictures from this angle, it will make my face look big, and I will lose powder..."

Fatty: "You really got into the show."

"Hush." Lin Huai shook his finger, "I really brought the villain to me."

The glass door was opened, and two vicious guards were about to step forward to pick up Lin Huai. Lin Huai shook off the two of them, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and yawned lazily: "Don't touch me, I'll walk by myself, ha ha."

With that said, he walked between the two guards and followed them out of the corridor.