The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 92: Gong's new vest is online


In the meeting room, the dean and others had already been sitting in it, and in the meeting room, they had a considerable quarrel.

"I can't accept it." Dr. Lucier said with a livid face, "This is an insult to me!"

He began to regret his decision to leave Lin Huai humiliated in the morning. Where is this man a little sheep? Where is the little wild cat? Where is a little mouse? This is like a fucking Archimedes, give him a fulcrum, and he can go to the sky!

"This exhibition is no longer something you can decide alone." The dean persuaded, "This is everyone's decision..."

"Come on, no one is interested in your therapy." The head of the starry sky station next to him rolled his eyes, "In the end, he hates therapy. With a look in his eyes, he continued, "We cooperate with you, what we want is hot spots, what we want is traffic! Look—"

He pointed to Lin Huai: "Isn't this just a living traffic!"

"His stay here is an insult to the entire greenhouse..."

"Where is this an insult? This is entertainment." The director of Starry Sky Station spread his hands, "What was the reason for the rumors of those sensational born criminals before? Isn't it just for entertainment, to divert everyone's attention... And,"

He paused and smiled again: "He's just one person, how big a storm can he make? When the hot spot of this period is over, you can use him as you want, use him as you want, and play as you want , as long as you play, isn’t that all? Citizens, they are easy to forget, go to this one, and there is another one.”

"But… "

"Dr. Lucier," a man in uniform said, "You should have heard about the recent events in the south."

After he said this, the atmosphere in the entire conference room became heavy.

"… That is."

"The remnants of the group of defectors two hundred years ago." The man in uniform said lightly, "they have been active in the southern border for two hundred years, gathered in groups, and used the southern border as their base. Recently, they captured a city."

"They're going to open the skylight and get to the ground."

"On the ground?" One of them turned pale with shock, "Isn't it still winter on the ground? And the radiation exceeds the standard..."

"Two hundred years ago, the ground was already suitable for human habitation." The man in uniform said simply.

Needless to say, everyone understands the next words. The "greenhouse" is called a greenhouse because it is underground, and it can maintain relative stability under the leadership of the thirteen consuls in the hereditary system.

And if it's on the ground...

"They need to divert their attention during this time." The man in uniform briefly concluded, "This man is a good topic. Let him be more controllable."

He tapped the table with his finger.

"If it's uncontrollable," he said flatly, "kill him."

The cold aura emanating from him at that moment silenced all the people present.

It took a long time for Dr. Lucier to say: "OK."

"This is it?" Lin Huai asked looking at the mahogany gate in front of him.

The two guards nodded. Lin Huai then spread out a hand and said, "Okay, I'll go in first, you wait for me outside."

With that said, he walked into the door.

behind the door.

Guard a: "Why do I feel like his bodyguard?"

Guard b: "..."

Walking into the door, Lin Huai's first impression was that it was very lively.

There are many people sitting in the conference room. Dr. Lucier, a magnetic blast infantryman he is familiar with, is looking at Lin Huai affectionately with a look of "I can't get used to you and I can't kill you". There is also the curator of the Greenhouse Capital Museum, who is personable, really elegant and easy-going. In addition, there is also the director of Xingkong Station, who is wearing a mink suit, fingernails, and smiled coquettishly at Lin Huai when he saw Lin Huai.

... To be honest, the director of Xingkong Station is quite good-looking, but when Lin Huai was stared at by him, he felt a burst of deep♂dark♂fantasy panic all over his body.

However, what attracted his attention the most was the man in uniform sitting in seat C.

When seeing him, Lin Huai had only four thoughts.


so handsome.

So handsome.

Want to skin him.

At that moment, Lin Huai's mind quickly ran through the three processes of stunned, skinned, and skinned, and finally, a kind smile appeared.

The man in uniform had a straight body, thick black hair, a straight nose bridge and ice-blue eyes on his chiseled, mixed-race silhouette. His sitting posture was extremely upright, his aura was cold, like a falcon ready to go.

—A falcon soaring in the sky.

"Sit down," he said.

Lin Huai leaned back on the chair without sitting down. The man in uniform just pursed his lips and didn't say a word. For a long time he said, "You are Lin Huai?"

For some reason, the tone of his voice when he uttered the sound "Lin Huai" made Lin Huai feel a little familiar. After thinking about it, he nodded to the other party.

"Okay." The man in uniform glanced at him again and said coldly, "You can go."

Lin Huai:? ?

With complete confusion, he was invited back to Display Cabinet 81 again by the guards.

Before coming here, he was prepared to fight against the Confucianists, fight against dark conspiracies, and was always ready to perish in silence (others) for his own actions, but unexpectedly...

"Why did this group of people call me here? Just to see me?"

At this moment, he was very confused, and he also felt a kind of sadness that he had nowhere to use his energy. When he returned to Room 81, Fatty Wang saw the guards leaving, and leaned over again: "Brother Lin, what did they do to you? So fast?"

Lin Huai: "They seem to have just looked at me briefly."

Fatty Wang: "Huh?"

Fatty Wang couldn't believe it, and Lin Huai himself couldn't believe it either. He pondered in the room for a long time, but couldn't think of a clue.

At this moment, Zhao Jingtian's cold voice came from the glass room opposite him.

"You had a chance to escape just now." Zhao Jingtian said, "Why didn't you leave?"

Lin Huai glanced at him inexplicably: "In order to stay and do the task."

Zhao Jingtian was silent, and soon, he showed his expression of being moved by himself: "... I understand."

Lin Huai: "... Huh? No, brother, what do you understand?"

"People like you do more than talk," he said.

"That..." Fatty Wang, who had been tormented by Lin Huai's fragrant point deduction sound all day, raised his hand silently, "I think he said a lot..."

Zhao Jingtian completely ignored his words: " just don't want to leave us and run away alone."

Lin Huai: "...?? What??"

"I will remember this love." Zhao Jingtian continued coldly, "I owe you this time. But it doesn't mean you can repay your kindness."

Lin Huai: "Huh??"

"A person treats me well, and I return one point to the other party." Zhao Jingtian sat down cross-legged, "This is the principle of how I, Zhao Jingtian, behave!"

After making this classic speech of "I don't want you to think, I want me to think", Zhao Jingtian sat back in his seat. He closed his eyes and began to meditate.

After a long while, he said again: "Go to bed early, tomorrow you will have to fight the Confucian scholars."

Lin Huai: ...

Laughter came one after another in the fifth corridor. The sunflower girl covered her mouth and laughed happily: "Hahaha...haha..."

"Hey, miss, what are you laughing at..." Lin Huaixu rolled his eyes.

"It's nothing, it's fun to see you have today," she said.

Lin Huai: ...

The next day, the museum opened at nine in the morning as usual. However, it was completely different from yesterday. On this day, the first place that a large number of tourists went to was the Fifth Corridor.

Yesterday's trip to the museum made Zu Li very uncomfortable - so he left the museum early, and he didn't hear the verbal confrontation from later. However, this day, he wanted to rest in the dormitory for a whole day, but was woken up by his roommate who watched the webcast all day long.

"Old Su, did you go to the museum yesterday?"

Monk Su Li Zhang Er couldn't figure it out, he could only say: "What?"

Speaking of this, he complained again: "I asked you to accompany me a long time ago, but you just didn't want to go."

"I've already said that I'm not interested in those. Those potential criminals who are being treated, what Adam and Eva, are all dumbfounded, what's so good about it?" The roommate used to pull and step on him, and took his hand , "But I saw a video on Douwen yesterday, hahaha, how fucking funny?"


"That's it, look." The roommate brought up a video for him, "It's just this brother No. 81, the one with the cheapest mouth, it's really fun! A bunch of netizens on the Internet have made an appointment to go to the museum and have a verbal battle with him Heroes."

Su Li: "?? What the hell??"

Under the strong invitation of his roommate, although he was reluctant, he was dragged to the Greenhouse Capital Museum by his roommate. Before entering the fourth corridor, they heard a burst of laughter coming from the fifth corridor.

As soon as they entered the fifth corridor, they were taken aback by the scene of wind and water inside. I saw that the fifth corridor was full of people. The tourists who used to tease and bully other potential criminals stopped bullying, and stretched their necks one by one, showing expressions of watching a show.

Two people: ...

Even the other potential criminals, although they were pretending to be doing their own thing, were actually craned their necks secretly, eavesdropping on the speech inside.

Now that the battle between Lin Huai and Lin Huai is in full swing, after the third round of the battle, many elegant elders found that they could not defeat the opponent in a refined and easy-going way, but instead were caught by the opponent's killing move "Oh~~ You are so annoying~~ Don't listen to me ~~" and Lei fell down. After discussing tactics, they settled on the wheel—and tried to beat the man strategically and emotionally.

Elegant old brother A: "Don't you think that you are sorry for Dr. Lucier and the greenhouse Guodu Museum that gave you this stage?"

Lin Huai: "I don't think this is a problem!"

Elegant brother B: "Don't you think it's indecent for you to do this?"

Lin Huai: "I don't want you to think, I want me to think"

Ruya old brother C: "Why are you avoiding my question honestly? Please ask me honestly!"

Lin Huai: "You are so stubborn!"

Ruya old man Ding: "Who else do you think will vote for you? Why should they vote for you?"

Lin Huai: "I'm young, but I love taking a bath."

Ruya old brother Wu: "I, Wang Ze, will not vote for you even if I jump from here and die of starvation!"

Lin Huai: "Don't you think you're a bit rebellious?"

The museum closed at 5 pm that day, and many challengers failed to return. While drinking water, Lin Huai said to Fatty Wang next to him, "Cut, there's no one who can beat you."

Fatty Wang: "Spicy, you are really awesome."

"Brother Lin, is your throat dry yet?" Lu Xiaotian ran over staringly, "What are you usually looking at that have so much knowledge?"

"I usually just make a small contribution..." Lin Huai waved his hand.

He looked at the red bar above his head. After today's battle, his red bar has reached 50, and it is still slowly rising...

"Speaking of which, I will stay here for two months..." He counted with his fingers, "I don't know if this red bar reaches 100, can it continue to max out and get the first hatred value in the greenhouse..."

Dinner that day was delivered through a hole in the wall as usual. The dinner that comes in always looks very rich, with bread and two beautiful side dishes—but when Lin Huai puts them in his mouth, he is surprised to find that they taste exactly the same, a kind of Sweet and salty, it can supplement protein, sugar and salt at the same time. The only difference is their shape.

This kind of food undoubtedly made everyone taste the same, but when Lin Huai ate the food in his mouth today, he had a different feeling.

"Strange..." He was a little confused, "This tomato scrambled egg is actually sweet?"

He told Fatty Wang next to him about his discovery. When Fatty Wang heard that the old man was talking about being a teenager, he began to eat and chew. After taking two bites, he said with a sad face, "It's not sweet, it still tastes like that!"

"It's really sweet." Lin Huai insisted.

"Brother, touch your forehead." Fatty Wang looked at him worriedly, "Have you been sprayed by too many people and you are out of your mind?"

Lin Huai: ...

After finishing the meal, he wanted to send the plate out as usual, but found something on the plate.

"Strange, what is this?"

He opened the small box and saw some lollipops inside.

... It's still lozenges.

"Wow, Brother Lin, you still wear throat lozenges when you enter the game." Lu Xiaotian leaned his head over, "Prepare for a rainy day, it's really high."

Lin Huai: ...

He looked at the box of throat lozenges, wondering who it belonged to, thought about it, and threw one into his mouth.

Sweet, cool, icy.

"It tastes good." He thought so, covered his face with the book, and fell asleep bored.

In the dream, he held lozenges and said to the phone camera: "Thank you my fans for giving me gifts, I love you."

At the same time, in the command room on the other side, such a conversation took place.

"Sir." The adjutant in white uniform hesitated to speak for a long time, and finally said, "If you don't sign it, will he know that it was sent by you?"

"I trust his judgment." A cold voice said.

"Okay." The adjutant hesitated for a moment, and continued to report, "The map I was looking for before has some clues. It is said that it is in the hands of the leader of the Southern Resistance Army..."

Outside the door of the command room, the guards looked at the doctor in a white coat tremblingly, only to see him wearing glasses, his face livid and silent.

After a while, he waved his sleeves and walked away!

"Crazy, really crazy..." he thought in his heart, "that lord pays so much attention to such a person..."

Halfway through, he stopped, pushed his glasses, and thought calmly: "No, I have to go and see, I want to see what kind of monster that person is!"

Lin Huai had a wonderful night with throat lozenges in his mouth, but in a corner of the greenhouse that he didn't know, there was gradually such a group of people fermenting.

"Team to brush greenhouse No. 81, (4/20), enter the group as soon as possible"

"I have never seen such a brazen man!"

"Ah, brother Lin Huai is so handsome!!"

"Did the upstairs forget the sentence '50 cents, delete the brackets'"

"I don't care if I'm a fan of my brother's face. My brother is not only beautiful but also talented. I want to vote for my brother! Protect the best brother with a bad mouth!"

"I'm dying of laughter. Even potential criminals have fans these days. It's true that the three views are wrong."

"Internet police, there are a group of potential sex idiots here, rushing for performance!"

"Brother Shangxiang, I have twelve tickets on my back to save you!!"

There are even some good-natured people who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal to form a small organization called "Nine Nine Eighty-One Difficulties". Its eighty-one difficulty is exactly the meaning of "eighty-one" difficulty. Their theme and purpose is to record Lin Huai's every day, and feel happy like a fairy!

"There is only one No. 81 in the world, for thousands of years and generations!" This is their slogan.

However, they were just watching the excitement at that time, and they didn't know that this small organization would later become an existence like the Akatsuki organization... These are all things for later.

At this moment, Lin Huai is not ready for both style and style. On the second day, as usual, he sat on the bed and fought with all the heroes, and provided wenliwenli with a large amount of ghost material and kumquat lemon...

However, when she woke up from her dream that night, she saw an unexpected guest.

The man was dressed in white, with gold-rimmed glasses, and even his shirt was buttoned to the top.

It was the general's best friend, Dr. Qiao Qi.