The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 94: Lin Ge's first C position debut


Lin Huai waved at the guard, motioning for him to come close to his ear.

The guard glanced at the camera and saw that it was looking in another direction, so he came over to his ear with confidence: "What exactly are you trying to do?"

"Do you surf the Internet?" Lin Huai asked.

"What… ?"

"Lend me your mobile phone." Lin Huai said.

The guard turned on the phone, and after explaining to Lin Huai a series of app uses, the other party asked Lin Huai to open Wenbo, the largest marketing account of the greenhouse, after a short thought, and motioned to him: "Search my name."

The guard said, "No need to search, it's on Hot Search."

With that said, he clicked on the hot search list. I saw the seventh on the list, and the words "Greenhouse No. 81" were impressively listed.

Just as he was about to say something, he felt that No. 81, who was originally lazy, suddenly became excited when he saw himself appearing on the trending list. He lay on the glass, his face full of excitement: "Let me be healthy, let me be healthy and comment!"

As he said that, he even patted the glass excitedly, just like Su Daqiang who insisted on marrying Cai Genhua.

For some reason, when he met his sincere and warm eyes, the guard felt pity in his heart.

'He has no idea what kind of cyber violence he is enduring. He sighed in his heart, "Although he is a potential criminal, it seems that he is just an innocent child, and he even thought that he was on the top search because he was liked..."

At that moment, there were some inexplicable things in his heart, and then he heard the other party's voice: "Let me see how they scold me!"

Guard: ...

He wondered if this person had gone crazy, but under the persistent request of the other party, he still screened out some comments that were not too exaggerated, held them up in front of the glass, and showed them to Lin Huai. Lin Huai watched this with relish, and sighed for a long time: "Oh..."

There was endless regret in that voice.

"Since it's uncomfortable, don't force yourself to see it." The guard knelt down to comfort him, "This kind of thing is inevitable..."

"But I can't figure out why..."

"Everyone will inevitably be scolded..."

"I can't figure out why! I've acted so hard, why some people still don't scold me!" Lin Huai said angrily, "Why do reputation points get added to being praised for being handsome?? These superficial people, they only see I have a gorgeous appearance, but I can't see my vicious inside, hey, I'm really pissed off!"

Guard: ...

—I don’t know why, this number 81 always has such a magical power: when a person is about to treat him as an adult, he can always turn the tide and make that person treat himself as a psychopath again...

The guard swallowed the words of comfort that came to his lips, and then he heard the other party's voice: "I have a small request."

Guard: "What?"

"Every day, I print out the remarks that scold me and praise me on the Internet."

Guard: "Why are you printing this?"

"Shut my remarks, stay and appreciate them." Lin Huai said coolly, "Praise my remarks, refute them one by one..."

Guard: "..."

Under the power of the bet, before the opening of the museum the next day, Lin Huai's room had many more printouts. Lin Huai treasured them and folded them one by one and placed them beside the bed.

The fat man looked at Lin Huai's strange behavior and felt a little ashamed: "What are you doing?"

"As the saying goes, know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles." Lin Huai said, "As the public enemy of the greenhouse, the most unqualified villain, you must keep up with current events, follow hot spots, seize all slots, and attack all possible true fans. The presence… "

Fatty: ...

On this day, before the museum opened, the administrators were stunned by the unprecedented grand occasion.

"There are more people coming today than in the previous two days." Administrator No. 1 said to the people around him, "This is the first time. On the third day, the number of visitors has not decreased but increased."

"Do you need to send more people?" The person next to him said, "From the security department, we will send 20 temporary guards to the Garden of Eden. Four more people will be sent to each corridor..."

As she was speaking, the guard's voice came from the earphones.

"... There is no need to send more to the other corridors, let's send them to the fifth corridor." The guard said hoarsely, "Those people... all came for No. 81..."

On the third day, the fourth day, and the fifth day, the same grand event still took place in the Greenhouse Capital Museum, and even intensified. After the initial fanaticism and curiosity-seeking psychology, the citizens in the greenhouse who had different attitudes towards Lin Huai gradually turned into three factions.

One group, headed by Dr. Qiao Qi, insisted that the existence of Lin Huai was immoral, and believed that he was just a clown to please the public. What's more, because of his domineering and domineering attitude, he crazily anti him, but because of the barrier of the glass cabinet, he couldn't throw sulfuric acid on Lin Huai to express his dissatisfaction. They are obsessed with writing articles in the major media with seemingly rational writing, asking, "Can clowns stand out now? What is the future of the greenhouse? No snowflake is innocent during an avalanche!"

This group of people brought Lin Huai a lot of piecemeal and continuously increasing hatred values, and they are the people he is most grateful for.

The other faction is more radical, and its representative is the leader of the high school student who was beaten in the face by Lin Huai that day. While they were disgusted and resentful, they also united and insisted on reporting every day to make trouble for Lin Huai. Some of them found twisted pleasure in being scolded every day. While following their companions in insulting No. 81, they secretly voted for Lin Huai. Others think more simply.

"No. 81 can't be eliminated so easily!" In the Wenxin group, the male high school student angrily suggested, "Wouldn't it be cheap for him to be dealt with like this! We want to let him stay until the end! Let him feel the torture and humiliation that lasted for a month!"


While this group of people brought votes, they also brought Lin Huai a solid amount of hatred. They even volunteered as tool people to participate in daily performances. Therefore, Lin Huai once told Fatty Wang sincerely: "They are really a group of good people."

And the third faction was once regarded as a faction with a strange mentality, but now it is growing stronger day by day. At first, they were divided into two categories, one was honest Yangou, there were men and women, and they had an extraordinary affection for Lin Huai just by looking at their faces. Later, Lin Huai uttered an earth-shattering statement, "I don't want anyone to like me because of my face. This kind of person has no connotation. I hope everyone can see my vicious inside and hate me because of it. Thank you everyone. After the declaration, a few of them lost their fans, and more people liked him more because of "Ah, my brother is really interesting and unpretentious". These people brought a small amount of positive reputation, which made Lin Huai wish to paint his face like a joker to get a better look, and hated them deeply.

The other category is mainly to watch the excitement. Most of them are people who eat melons, and they fell into the trap because of a few ghosts and short videos. While reaping happiness, they also had an extraordinary love and affection for this sharp-mouthed No. 81. What's more, they traveled thousands of miles by subway to the Capital Greenhouse Museum just to meet Lin Huai. They make up the vast majority of the many factions and continue to increase.

The latest category, however, is a little weirder. They are very envious of Lin Huai's way of life, awed by his courage to fight the world alone, and praise him everywhere as an idol... Most of them are rock youth, drama youth, art youth or students. They call themselves Bayi Sect, and their goal is to oppose everything Routine, against all rules and regulations. And Lin Huai is their Bayi leader...

Of course, this group of fans also gave Lin Huai a nickname: Brother Jian, and they called themselves Jianqi, the knight of Brother Jian.

Their slogan is also very simple.

"One vote for you, one vote for me, Brother Bitch will make his debut today!"

"The cheap brother flies slowly, and the cheap knight will always follow!"

In this vigorous atmosphere of universal celebration, the first Sunday of the Garden of Eden Exhibition, the vote day, finally arrived.

At this moment, Su Li is sitting in the dormitory, eating takeaway and looking at the computer.

After visiting the museum for two consecutive days, Zu Li finally couldn't bear the pain of going out early in the morning. He declined the invitations of two roommates, and stayed in the dormitory with the only roommate who was famous for being a nerd, sharing the wealthy dormitory life.

However, for some reason, his usually quiet otaku roommate hid behind the curtain today, laughing "Puff" from time to time. Su Li, who was reading the novel quietly, was a little annoyed. He took off his earphones and asked, "Chen Ke, what are you reading?"

"...Look at this." Chen Ke poked his head out from the curtain, motioning the other party to look at his display screen.

Su Li poked his head in curiously, only to see that the live broadcast room of the up host of the Greenhouse Capital Museum was on the screen.

The title of the video on it is "The First Ticketing Day of Eden Exhibition".