The NPC Was Once Again Frightened By Me

Chapter 99: Calling joker seems too rusty


The live broadcast in front of him had already been cut off by the TV station when he broke out of the closet on the 81st. Sitting in front of the monitor, Su Li, his roommate, and his classmates looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

"What happened?" they asked.

At the same time as they asked questions, there were other netizens who faced a black screen in the live broadcast room. Some of them are still cursing No. 81's behavior of disregarding human life, some are still waiting for the final outcome of No. 91 with anticipation and fear, and some are on the darknet of the greenhouse, posting all their desires and malice on the anonymous board .

"This murderous No. 81 is really a lunatic! Kill him!"

"How long do you think number 91 will die? I bet 3 minutes!"

"I want to buy the video of No. 81 being executed at a high price in advance, and ask for high-definition and uncensored..."

"Damn it, our bitch brother is really handsome!"

However, after the No. 81 glass case was kicked away and the prisoners in it appeared in public, all these malice or prayers converged into the same question—

What happened in the Greenhouse Museum

What happened in the Garden of Eden

When we hear a gunshot thousands of kilometers away, it never occurs to us that we might be experiencing history. In the greenhouse, there are thousands of pairs of eyes facing the black screen, and those faces with similar doubts or anger, I don't know.

But they know fear, they know insecurity. These fears that they had put on the artificially divided inferior citizens returned to them at that moment in the same way that the wind gradually affected Qingping.

Something's out of control, something... out of control!

In the capital, after witnessing all this on the TV, the secretary held her teeth and tremblingly turned to the consul.

"Mr. Archon," she said, "things... seem to be getting out of hand."

"This, this is simply ridiculous!" As early as the moment he saw Lin Huai come out of the cabinet, Dr. Qiao stood up and rushed out of the room, "I have to find someone to talk to!"

After he left, the young general activated another system by pressing a few keys on his keyboard. What appeared in the system was the Eden studio, and the center of all shots was the man who came out of the glass cabinet.

He stood where he was, the tight-fitting straitjacket restraining his body. He looked down at the red-haired girl on the ground, indifferent to the rest of the world.

After a short death-like silence, more voices exploded on the Internet.

"How could he come out of the locker? Are there no effective security measures for a prisoner of this level?"

"My God, the potential rebellion hundreds of years ago, is it happening again?"

"Everyone don't need to be so nervous!" There was also a mouthpiece hoarse, "This is just a small accident, he only has one person, what can he do? He only has one person!"

Such remarks were quickly fermented on the Internet under the covert operation.

—Yeah, he's only one person, what can he do

— What's more, there are so many security guards in the museum!

Outside of the hustle and bustle of the rising tide, the venue at the center of the discussion and storm was just rightly silent.

"Monster..." someone murmured.

The young man called a monster shook his arm, and smashed open the remaining three glass cabinets holding the first three potential criminals with his bare hands—of course, he really didn't want to smash it with his hands, which would damage his own image and make his painting style worse. It was too Beidou Shenquan's method, but it was really difficult for him to use his own blood to completely cut through a wall without hurting the prisoners inside.

So he had to use the most traditional method, using the green skill [Simple Repair] to repair the locks of each glass cabinet...

Eva and Adam, who were released by him, were a little dazed. They looked at Lin Huai, as if they still couldn't understand how this kind of thing happened like this. And No. 13 seemed about to be frightened crazy by everything in front of her eyes. She came out of the cabinet, stumbled and climbed into the deep pit where No. 72 was, looked at the meat sauce inside, clutched her throat, and let out a desperate cry.

"It was all me, I killed him..." She hugged herself, sobbing constantly.

"Go and calm her down." Lin Huai mercilessly mentioned the red-haired girl sitting on the other side, and threw her in the direction of number 13.

... Obviously, he looked more like a criminal than the previous pleasant host.

"Forget it," he thought for a while, and then said, "It's too much of a hindrance for you to stay here."

Then, one in each hand, he knocked out four living would-be prisoners and threw them all into corners.


His movements are still going on. After freeing the three living people, he also opened the doors of the other two glass cabinets that had been executed. The host who witnessed all his actions was almost scared out of his wits. He struggled to maintain his position among several blood threads and tried to climb away, but when he raised his hand, he accidentally touched one of the blood threads.

—The moment he touched the bloodshot, his wrist was cut open by the extremely sharp red thread. He screamed, almost unable to sustain himself, and was almost cut into pieces—

But at the next moment, all the bloodshot eyes around him were evacuated!

Before the joy of the rest of his life flooded into his heart, he had already seen No. 81 walking towards him condescendingly, wearing a restraint uniform. This pale, frail, black-haired, black-eyed young man whom he was still teasing ten minutes ago was, in his opinion, a deadly demon.

However, he didn't dare to move or speak until the man asked him: "How tall and what is your weight?"

He subconsciously reported the correct number. Then, he heard the other party's voice: "Barely able to wear it, take off your clothes."


He didn't dare to delay, and took off his underwear and shirt as quickly as possible, and even the mask and belt were quickly taken off by him. The black-haired monster stood beside him, looking at him with downcast eyes, seemed to be in a good mood, and tapped his toes faintly.

If he had some understanding of the music of the ancient earth period, then he could know that what the other party was humming was Piaf's "Life of Roses".

Then, the beat stopped.

The host raised his head tremblingly, only to hear the person say impatiently: "I didn't let you lose weight."

Host: "Oh."

Then, he watched the man pick up the clothes, a black shirt, a purple suit jacket, a pair of crisp suit pants and a silver mask. The man gestured the clothes to himself, as if to confirm the size of the clothes. Then, he picked up a sharp piece of metal from the ground next to him, and with the other hand, he followed the ends of the hair to the back of his head, brushing away the hair, From below the neck, he cut the restraint suit on his body along the suture line.


There was some commotion in the auditorium.

They could not tell whether their agitation came from fear or excitement. They couldn't keep their eyes from being pinned on each other, even though the person at center stage didn't even give them a glance. The monster on the stage looked like he was standing in the fitting room alone, with a casual posture, as if there was no one around. It was a very casual and flowing posture, and the black striped cloth on a white background was flowing from his neck like this. , is separated along the gap, and then hangs down a little bit along the sides.

However, at the moment when the other party's collarbone was exposed, a terrible conjecture arose in the host's heart.

The appearance of that devil on the stage is so that there is no one else around. He took off his straitjacket like no one else was around, and he didn't even glance at the people staring at him from the stands. On the contrary, he knocked out the other four potential prisoners and threw them into the corner. .

—Even if this is just casual, it is too exaggerated.

—does this mean, does it mean—a terrible conjecture sprouts in his heart—

—Does this mean that, in his eyes, the audience who dare not speak have become piles of corpses

A person will not take off his clothes in public, even if he is a devil, he may not like to show his body in front of people's eyes, but it is different in the sea of corpses and blood, because...

In the field, except for him, there are all dead objects.

— futuristic, urgent, dead.

Crazy, really crazy! The experienced host confirmed that he had indeed made the most correct judgment, but the extreme fear had prevented him from moving. The devil's clothes had been peeled off to reveal half of his shoulders, but a strange voice came from the studio's stereo.

"Lin Huai."

The voice that was transmitted through hacking into the network contained a bit of disguised coldness, more of helplessness. The monster called Lin Huai said "Huh?" He tilted his head and thought about something, suddenly smiled, and looked up in the direction of the monitor.

"It's you," he said.

There was silence for a while, as if considering words. After a long time, Lin Huai smiled softly again: "Now you see what you want to see? Are you afraid? Do you think I'm scary?"

The voice over there said: " think too much, I just remind you not to take off your clothes in front of so many people, even if they are all NPCs, it's still indecent."

The host vaguely felt that the voice was a little familiar, but the faces of the curator, Dr. Lucier and others present were terrified after hearing the voice.

"Admiral, the admiral and that potential prisoner?! They actually know each other?!"

At that moment, Dr. Lucier seemed to feel the sound of his world view for many years collapsing suddenly.

No wonder, no wonder, no wonder when he was about to execute No. 81, so much resistance suddenly fell from the sky!


"It's nothing." Lin Huai smiled lightly, "Anyway, they are going to die soon."

As he said that, he whistled, waved the metal piece in his hand, and nailed it to the forehead of a guard who was about to draw his gun.

"...Forget it, you can have night vision, I'll pull a light for you."

The next moment, the lights in the entire studio dimmed.

When the hall turned from pitch black to bright again, the monster on the stage who was originally wearing a restraint had turned into a handsome young man in a suit. He was wearing a tall dark purple velvet suit with a black lace shirt inside, and there was also a silver mask on that face.

"Speaking of which, the purple suit always reminds me of a lot of things." He picked up the microphone that belonged to the host, and said to the audience, "Sometimes it's a clown. Things get dyed green, sometimes it's Kogoro Mori—the friend in the back with the tranquilizer gun pointed at me, put the gun down, unless you want your brains blown."

When Lin Huai was giving a speech, Lu Xiaotian and Fatty Wang who escaped from the cabinet were also led by Zhao Jingtian to the road leading to the backstage of the studio.

They met each other on the road. On the way, they heard about Lin Huai's feat of coming out in public. And their goal is actually the same - that is, to rescue Lin Huai.

"God knows what those perverts will do to Brother Lin!" Lu Xiaotian said angrily, "Brother Lin is no better than a group of them alone, let's go there quickly, otherwise Brother Lin will be tortured into scum by one by one!"

Zhao Jingtian did not speak. Ever since he was released from the closet, he has displayed his triple Zhao Ritian essence. When he could fight, he never said a word. Lu Xiaotian babbled for a long time, seeing Zhao Jingtian's silence, he became angry again: "Why don't you talk!"

"It's because you talk too much."

"Stop arguing, I don't know what's going on with Brother Lin." The closer they got to the studio, the more ominous the fat man felt. After the smell of blood poured into his nose, he became more and more desperate: "It seems that brother Lin is in danger..."

"I don't allow you to say that!" Lu Xiaotian was anxious, "Brother Lin is such a kind person, he must be living a good life!"

"Little brother, your filter is a bit heavy..."

While a few people were talking trash, they finally entered the studio through the small door. When the last small door was pushed open, Lu Xiaotian said to the fat man with red eyes: "We will definitely defeat this group of evil villains!" , to avenge Brother Lin..."

The next second, they heard a sinister laugh.

"—Recently, I found something that matches purple better, do you want to know what it is?" That crazy and sinister voice said, "That's right, snap your fingers."

Lu Xiaotian: "... why do I feel that this voice is familiar."

Fatty: " sounds like you're enjoying yourself."

Zhao Jingtian: "..."

"There are 512 people here, if I'm not mistaken." The voice said unhurriedly, "So let's play a new game, and the rules of the game are very simple."

"—Among the 512 people, only 16 people can survive, and only 16 people can leave the studio." He said, "When the first finger snapped, the game also started. One hour after the finger snapped, I Will start killing at random, reduce the number to 256, and then snap my fingers a second time. An hour after the second snap, I will continue killing, reducing the number to 128, and ring a third time Snap your fingers. By analogy, until there are only 16 people left. Of course, the rules of the game are very flexible, as long as I snap my fingers, the final number of people left is half of the number of people left after I snapped my fingers last time. As for whether those people were killed by me, I don't care."

"Next, the first snap will sound. Please get ready," the voice continued. "Three, two, one—"

The crisp first snap of fingers sounded.

"I will go out next time." The owner of the voice said, "I will not interfere with your internal activities..."

After saying this, he chuckled twice, mentioned the four people beside him, and walked out through another small door that was opened.

"...Brother Zhao." Fatty Wang's trembling voice sounded from behind the door, "Shall we go save him?"

"How do I feel, Lin Ge is more like a villain than them..." Lu Xiaotian cried sadly, "I didn't know, I thought he was the examiner for this scene..."

For some reason, they always felt that the person inside the door was carrying four potential prisoners, pushed open the door, and walked outside with a ringing sound, but no one dared to stop him—

It seems to be the scariest!