The Obsessive Shou Moves On

Author: 乔柚

Latest: Chapter 68

Status: Completed


Genres: Fantasy, Classical Romance, Yaoi

Tags: drama  fantasy  previous life  rebirth  romance  yaoi 

The first time I saw this, I had to go back to my previous life, and I loved the emperor to death. He was so devoted to the emperor that all his scheming was used to secure his favor. Never use the power of the queen to seek official employment for relatives, not to mention favoritism, can be said to be iron-faced and selfless, six relatives do not recognize. The outsiders are scared, the relatives hate, Yun Qingzhi does not care. But in the end, the only person he cared about was sent to the cold palace and imprisoned. In the end, he killed himself under the gilded floor on a snowy day. - In his new life, Yun Qingzhi put away his exotic claws and teeth, picked up his broken glass heart, dealt with the world smoothly, escorted his family and decided to be a queen of power who did not need to be a bully, but also arrogant, and no one could shake his position. The man who had once abandoned him as if he were his own foot, and who had been praised by countless courtiers for his virtue and benevolence, suddenly changed his nature and became cold and stern, paranoid and brutal. When his subordinates contradicted Yun Qingzhi, he beat them; when the court concubine provoked Yun Qingzhi, he punished them; when the villain framed Yun Qingzhi, he killed them. If someone is close to Yun Qingxie, he will be cynical beyond words. Soon, everyone knows that the Queen of the clouds is the scales of the Son of Heaven, not allowed to see, not allowed to touch, and not allowed to hurt. Yun Qingzhi immortal male speechless: so you like I do not love you, said ah. 


In his previous life, Yun Qingci loved the Emperor more than life and death. When he was alive, he made soup and clothes for him, and in politics, he helped monitor his officials, even his family.

He was solely dedicated to the emperor, and all his scheming strategies were used to gain favour. He never borrowed his power as the Lord Empress to seek employment for his relatives, and he did not show favoritism. He can be said to be strictly impartial and incorruptible, not even recognizing his own family.

Outsiders were terrified of him, and relatives hated him, but Yun Qingci didn’t care. However, in the end, he was thrown into the cold palace by the only person he cared about and his whole family imprisoned.

Finally, he committed suicide on that snowy day, and fell down that gilded tower.

Reincarnated, Yun Qingci retracted his claws, picked up the glass pieces of his heart, and conducted himself evasively in society. Acting as an escort to the Emperor for his relatives, he decided to become a proud Lord Empress that doesn’t need to be treasured or can have his status shaken.

Unexpectedly, the emperor who abandoned him like a shoe, praised by countless courtiers for both his virtue and kindness, suddenly changed his temper. He became cold and harsh, paranoid and cruel.

The servants who confronted Yun Qingci, he would beat them. The imperial concubines that provoked Yun Qingci, he would punish them. A small person who framed Yun Qingci, he would kill him. When someone tries to approach Yun Qingci, he would become jealous to the extreme.

Soon everyone knew that Empress Yun was the emperor’s inverse scale. He was not allowed to be looked at, touched, or even hurt.

Yun Qingci fairy man is speechless: So you like me not loving you, why didn’t you say that sooner.

【日更,文案有改动,梗没变】 前世的云清辞爱天子欲生欲死,生活上为他煲汤做衣,政治上为他监视群臣,连自己母家都无一例外。 他一心扑在天子身上,所有的心机谋略皆用来固宠。从不借君后势力为亲族谋官求职,更不偏袒相护,可以说是铁面无私,六亲不认。 外人胆寒,亲族痛恨,云清辞皆不在乎。到头来却被他唯一在乎的人打入冷宫,满门下狱。 终在雪日自戕于鎏金楼下。 - 重活一世,云清辞收起外放的爪牙,捡起碎成渣的玻璃心,圆滑处世,为亲族保驾护航,决定做一个不需要恃宠,也一样骄矜,且无人能撼动分毫地位的权后。 未料曾经那个对他弃如敝履,被无数臣子赞美德行兼备、宅心仁厚的天子,却突然转了性子,变得冷厉肃杀,偏执残暴。 下人顶撞云清辞,他打;宫妃挑衅云清辞,他罚;小人构陷云清辞,他杀。有人亲近云清辞,他便嫉恨的无以复加。 很快,所有人都知道,云后是天子的逆鳞,不许看,不许碰,更不许伤。 云清辞仙男无语:原来你就喜欢我不爱你,早说啊。 

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