The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 100: Miss Jiang ran away


Jiang Zhen has been in this world for less than a year, and he has not lived in Hexi Village for a long time, and even there are not too many good memories for him.

But even so, he still misses He Xicun very much.

After all, there is Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu's family there, and he is regarded as his home.

Before Jiang Zhen, it could be said that his heart was like an arrow, but when he really got close to He Xicun, his heart became a little heavier.

He would have this kind of mood for nothing else, just because... This time he went to the capital and came back from the capital, and his hands were dead.

Only one of his subordinates died, which was much better than the Zheng family's caravan, but people were dead after all.

That person... he took it out.

Jiang Zhen didn't want such an accident to happen, it had nothing to do with him, but he felt guilty after all.

"Boss, why are you unhappy?" Jiang Ming asked in confusion.

Jiang Zhen rubbed his brows and looked at the box next to him.

The deceased villager of Hexi Village, whose surname was Li and whose name was Li Yuan, was only eighteen years old. After the battle ended and the Zheng family's fleet docked, Jiang Zhen brought someone to bury him, and at the same time packed up his relics and put them in this box.

Later, the pension given by the Zheng family came down, and Jiang Zhen put it in. When he robbed the group of water bandits, he put in a lot of money.

Today, in addition to Li Yuan's relics, there are three hundred taels of silver in this box. Besides, Jiang Zhen also bought some things in the capital and put them in another box... These are all for Li Yuan's family.

Seeing Jiang Zhen doing this, his subordinates also gave some things, which were also put in the box. Now, both boxes are full.

"Boss, you have given a lot of money, Li Yuan and his parents won't blame you." Jiang Ming said. Even, not to mention Li Yuan's parents, it is his parents, and seeing so much money, I'm afraid I can't blame it.

"In the end there are no people." Jiang Zhen said. Jiang Zhen also knew that the pensions he had given him were already very large. When he first selected candidates, he specifically did not choose his only son... In this place where human life is worthless, and even human trafficking is common, it is estimated that no one will blame him. But he wasn't feeling well.

Jiang Ming and others fell silent when they heard the words.

Yes, after all people are gone.

The people who originally went to the capital with them were gone.

Although it is quite normal for people to die in the family these days, such as children, some people have given birth to six or seven, and only three or four can be raised, but that person died in front of them, and they felt a little uncomfortable.

The boat slowly approached He Xicun. When they got off the boat, the faces of the big guys were not very good-looking.

"Jiang Zhen! Brother Jin!" A voice suddenly sounded, Jiang Zhen raised his head and saw Zhao Fugui standing by the river.

This man, who has always been unreserved in laughter and always seemed very silent, was smiling at this moment, revealing a set of severely worn, somewhat black and yellow teeth.

However, he quickly closed his mouth and stopped laughing, only said: "You are finally back, it's good to be back, it's good to be back."

Since Zhao Fugui went to the capital with Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge, he liked to wander around the river in the village on the way to the county seat when he had nothing to do. Today, he came to wander around again.

Seeing Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge coming back from a distance, he could say that he was not happy, but the expressions of Jiang Zhen and the others made him "squeak" in his heart - the faces of these people are not good-looking, this time to the capital, I am afraid it will not go well.

However, it doesn't matter if it doesn't go well, as long as people come back well.

Zhao Fugui took a look and found that Jiang Zhen's condition looked good, and his son looked a little fatter, so he finally felt relieved.

Then, he saw something else, such as... Except for two boxes, all these people only took a small bag.

In fact, when Jiang Zhen went home, he also wanted to bring more things, but he had a lot of people, and he couldn't find a few small boats that could take them home, so how could he bring too many things

What's more... If he wants to bring something back, should he also ask his subordinates to bring it back

Glancing at the large and small bags, all of the men who were carrying the burdens, Jiang Zhen finally simply asked those men to put the things on the boat temporarily, and come back tomorrow to pick them up, of course he did the same.

As a result, those of them who went home only brought a small bag with money in it, and they didn't bring anything else, even less than what they brought out.

These days, who doesn't bring something to share with relatives and friends when they travel far away? Unless you have suffered outside, spent all your money, and really have nothing to bring home, you will not bring anything.

Zhao Fugui became more and more certain that Jiang Zhen's trip was not going well.

Having come to such an answer, Zhao Fugui was at a loss for what to ask, and only said, "Do you want me to help?" Should the box be lifted

"Dad, no need." Jiang Zhen said, he carried the two baggages he was carrying behind him, and then let Zhao Jinge get off the boat first.

His two luggages contained gold and silver, as well as two clothes for Zhao Liu's family, Zhao Fugui, which were a little bigger than others', but when he went out, he packed half a boat...

Zhao Jinge has been well taken care of by Jiang Zhen these days. Jiang Zhen asked him to get off the boat first, so he got off the boat first, got off the boat, and immediately walked towards Zhao Fugui: "Father."

"Nonsense." Zhao Fugui glared at his son: "Why did you let Jiang Zhen carry the burden without knowing how to help?"

This son of his is really getting worse and worse. How can he let a man carry two burdens and not take one thing himself

Although he would also help Zhao Liu's carry things, but... He was afraid that Jiang Zhen would dislike his son.

After Jiang Zhen paid for the car, he saw his father-in-law reprimanding his daughter-in-law, and immediately came over: "Father, brother Jin is not feeling well."

"There's nothing uncomfortable, I think he's very strong." Zhao Fugui glanced at his son and found that his son's neckline actually showed a circle of fur, and then said: "Jiang Zhen, don't give him anything good. It's okay to wear a padded jacket, why let him wear leather?" How can my son spend so much money...

It only took less than a month to return from the capital, and Zhao Jinge was only five months pregnant. His stomach has actually protruded a lot, but he couldn't tell because he was wearing thick clothes, which made Zhao Fugui think he was wearing too much.

Jiang Zhen was about to tell his father-in-law about Zhao Jinge's pregnancy. Zhao Fugui looked around and said in a low voice, "Also, why are you still taking a boat when you come back? It's going to cost a lot!" It's not many, and I'm still going back by boat. Isn't this a waste of money

Jiang Zhen knew that Zhao Fugui must have misunderstood, and immediately said: "Dad, we made a lot of money this time." With such a back and forth, waiting for the goods in his hands to be released, plus those ships and the house in the capital, his property can be With more than 200,000 taels of silver, he is definitely a big rich man. Many of them take a boat together, but they only need a few dozen taels, which really doesn't cost much...

Although these days, silver is not as valuable as in previous dynasties, and officials in the DPRK and China would charge tens of thousands of taels for a bribe, but 200,000 taels is already very, very much.

Zhao Fugui thought that Jiang Zhen had the energy to spend money in the past, and he didn't believe that Jiang Zhen, who didn't even bring back a piece of pork, would make money this time, but he still gave Jiang Zhen face: "Let's go back and talk about it. ."

Jiang Zhen nodded, and felt that it was better to go back and say it. At this moment, someone suddenly rushed over here: "Zhao Fugui, something happened, Mrs. Jiang ran to your house to make trouble!"

After the man shouted, he found that Jiang Zhen was there, and said, "Jiang Zhen, you're back! You'll be fine when you come back."

This person Jiang Zhen also knew, a person from He Xicun who had a good relationship with the Zhao family.

Now this person says that Mrs. Jiang ran to Zhao's house... What's going on

Jiang Zhen frowned, and was about to go home. After a few steps, he looked at He Chunsheng and the others: "You guys... Send your things to Li's house first."

Li Yuan is dead, and they should go to Li's house immediately after they come back, but something happened to Zhao Liu's side, and he had to rush there.

"Don't worry, boss, we will definitely get things done." He Chunsheng said immediately.

Nodding towards He Chunsheng, Jiang Zhen hurried to Zhao's house and asked the person who came out to report: "What's going on?"

"Jiang Chengcai was defrauded of money. In order to raise money, Mrs. Jiang told Jiang Xiaomei... a bad marriage. As a result, Jiang Xiaomei ran away, and the Jiang family went to Zhao's house." The man said.

Jiang Zhen frowned when he heard the words.

He doesn't like Mrs. Jiang, the butcher, nor Jiang Chengcai, Jiang Chengxiang, but he has no feelings for the two sisters-in-law and the nephew. As for Jiang Xiaomei... This is the only person in the Jiang family that he still likes.

Although this little sister Jiang is not diligent, so she won't help Boss Jiang, but she has never bullied Boss Jiang. If there is anything delicious, Mrs. Jiang will give it to her, and she will leave some for Boss Jiang.

Jiang Zhen used Boss Jiang's body. He also remembered these kindnesses to Boss Jiang. He didn't repay Jiang Xiaomei before. First, he had no ability at the time. Second, it was because Jiang's family treated Jiang Xiaomei. Not particularly bad.

He remembered that when Mrs. Jiang boiled an egg, she would give one to Sister Jiang.

Jiang Xiaomei is different from him. She definitely doesn't want to break up with her parents. The butcher Jiang is also good to her... In such a situation, he doesn't need to do much. When Jiang Xiaomei gets married in the future, he will give her She tapped the bottom of the box, and stared at her husband's family a little more, and that was enough.

Jiang Zhen always thought that Mrs. Jiang, the butcher of Jiang, would find a good marriage for Jiang Xiaomei no matter what.

Jiang Zhen was in a hurry, but when he saw that Zhao Jinge looked even more anxious, he was also worried: "Brother Jin, run slowly, be careful..." She is still pregnant with a child in her belly!

Zhao Jinge didn't slow down, Jiang Zhen trembled when he saw him running, so he could only guard him carefully.

Seeing this, Zhao Fugui felt more and more that his son was disrespectful.

If Jiang Zhen doesn't like him so much in the future... what can he do

At this time, the Zhao family was already in chaos.

Mrs. Jiang took Jiang Chengcai, Jiang Butcher, and some members of the Jiang family to block Zhao Liu's Sun Xiaoshan at the door of Zhao's house. When she looked at Zhao Liu's family, she looked extremely vicious.

Madam Jiang is in a very bad mood at this moment. Their Jiang family is now in a big trouble!

The matter of the Jiang family had to start a month ago.

A month ago, Jiang Chengcai suddenly came home and said that there was a big business to do, and it was asking for money. At that time, Mrs. Jiang listened carefully to his introduction to the business, but Butcher Jiang did not believe it and was unwilling to do so. give money.

After that, Jiang Chengcai was clamoring for money almost every day, but even if he cried, made trouble and hanged himself, butcher Jiang insisted that he had no money, and would not take out a coin or two.

In fact, in the end, Butcher Jiang was a little persuaded by Jiang Chengcai, and felt that it was really a good business. The main reason he was able to hold on to not giving money was because he had no money on hand.

People of his age can't sell things like "big business".

Jiang Chengcai had been making trouble for many days, but it finally subsided. Butcher Jiang only thought that he had given up on that big business, and persuaded him to do some other small business—for example, when he was going to the market, he went to sell food or something.

If you make some steamed buns, steamed buns and cakes and sell them, even if you can't sell them, you can eat them at home, but you can't lose a few dollars.

But Jiang Chengcai scoffed at such a business.

After that, Jiang Chengcai spent time at home doing nothing every day, just like before.

Butcher Jiang had become accustomed to this and didn't take it seriously, but he didn't want to be like this. After ten days or so, Jiang Chengcai became more and more restless. Five days ago, after he came back from outside, he broke down and cried. up.

But it turned out that Butcher Jiang refused to give money all the time, and Jiang Chengcai was reluctant to do that business, and finally borrowed money to invest in that so-called business!

He borrowed one hundred and twenty taels of silver, and with the thirty taels of silver in his hand, he collected one hundred and fifty taels for those people.

As a result, those who were said to have spent more than ten days to go out to buy a batch of precious medicinal materials and returned, never came back.

Jiang Chengcai waited for a few more days, and finally couldn't sit still, so he went to those people's homes to find someone, only to find that the building was already empty.

The big mansion in the county town where those people lived was actually rented by them!

The pharmacy they took him to said they didn't know those people at all!

The identities of those people are all lies!

Jiang Chengcai suddenly collapsed, he was actually cheated out of one hundred and fifty taels of silver!

Of the one hundred and twenty taels of silver, he still borrowed the money!

Although Liu Heitou, the person who gave the money for profit, has been accepted by Jiang Zhen, but in Hecheng County, there are not only Liu Heitou who do this kind of "business", and others are not more merciful than Liu Heitou.

Jiang Chengcai agreed to borrow 122 taels of silver, and repay them in a month, and then repay them 132 taels... But now, where is he going to take out these 132 taels of silver? Come

If he can't come up with it, the profits will be rolled over, and the money will be more and more owed, and in the future...

As soon as Jiang Chengcai was in a hurry, he went home and cried.

Butcher Jiang and Mrs. Jiang were so angry that they scolded the people who cheated money, and Butcher Jiang beat Jiang Chengcai, but after the beating, the matter still had to be resolved.

No matter how bad Jiang Chengcai is, he is also their son. They are definitely going to save Jiang Chengcai... Of course, at this time, they can't afford not to save them. Those who give money for profit can't get money from Jiang Chengcai. Will definitely come to them for money.

They... can't they just sell the land

They sold the land last time, and now they are selling it again... They are about to change from the rich in Hexi Village to the poor in Hexi Village!

Butcher Jiang and Mrs. Jiang were reluctant to sell the land, at least they had to find a way to sell less land. After thinking about it, they finally thought of one thing.

Isn't this little girl Jiang talking about others

Jiang Xiaomei is already 16 years old. Someone has come to kiss her, but she has not yet made a decision... But if she is to be a good family now... Maybe she can get forty or fifty taels of silver or more

In this way, you can sell a few acres less land!

As soon as Mrs. Jiang and Butcher Jiang discussed it, they all felt that this was feasible, but... Those people who had a good family background and could afford forty or fifty taels of dowry, why did they marry Jiang Xiaomei

With such a betrothal gift, even the daughter of a scholar can marry!

Moreover, there are so many families that women want to marry, and those women are more cherished by some families. Even if they receive the dowry, they can still give it to the dowry. Compared with them, Jiang Xiaomei really has no advantage at all.

For ordinary people, it is not bad to give 20 taels of betrothal gifts. If the wife's family gives more dowries, or the man really likes the woman too much, they will be willing to give a little more. Forty or fifty taels, most people are unwilling to give.

The parents of the girl's family really want this amount of betrothal gifts. That is not to marry their daughter, but to sell her daughter. Back then, Zhao Liu's parents planned to sell her for forty taels of silver to someone who could be her father. man.

Because of this, Jiang Xiaomei, who wants so many dowry gifts, can't possibly marry a better family, especially... Jiang Butcher and his wife are eager to ask for money.

Jiang Xiaomei was frightened and just hoped that no one would buy her, but sometimes it just happened by coincidence.

There was a family in the county town who had married a daughter-in-law and never had children, so they wanted to take another concubine for their son, and they were willing to give fifty taels of silver.

In fact, this family is not that rich. It is even worse than the previous Jiang family. They say that they are concubines for their son. In fact, there is only one son in the family, and they want to marry another woman and go back to help. Live... Therefore, they have requirements, requiring that the woman be able to bear and support, and be able to work.

The family's reputation is really not very good. I heard that the daughter-in-law before their son was actually pregnant with a child. Later, the husband beat the child and lost the child. After that, she couldn't get pregnant... Such a family, Or be a concubine, most people are of course reluctant to marry their daughter, so they will buy fifty taels of silver.

It's not that Butcher Jiang and Mrs. Jiang didn't know about those things, but they agreed, and Xiaomei Jiang refused, and they even told Xiaomei Jiang.

"The man hit the daughter-in-law in front of him, but he doesn't necessarily hit you."

"Although you are a concubine, the older one can't give birth. When you give birth to a child, everything in the family will be yours in the future, isn't it good?"

"Little sister, what do you want to marry? You're going to be blessed to be able to marry someone like that!"

Jiang's family said so, but it's definitely not the case... Jiang Xiaomei asked casually, and found more news.

For example, although the family lived in the county town and opened a small shop selling sauces, they couldn't make much money. The women in the family had to get up early in the morning and spend the night weaving cloth and selling them for money.

For another example, the son of that family beat his daughter-in-law very badly, and the one in front was about to be beaten to death.

When she married, she was not only a concubine, but also worked non-stop... Just thinking about it, Jiang Xiaomei was not happy, but after the family came to the door, they fell in love with Jiang Xiaomei at a glance, and they agreed to pay the money today. Befriend someone - since you are a concubine, there is no need for marriage.

Butcher Jiang and Mrs. Jiang had settled on Jiang Xiaomei, and they waited to get the money. As a result... Today, they can't find Jiang Xiaomei.

In the end, they also found the Zhao family.

"Sister Zhao Liu, hurry up and hand over my daughter! If you don't hand over another person, I'll be welcome!" Mrs. Jiang said.

Zhao Liushi was a little frightened: "I really don't know where Jiang Xiaomei is."

"How could you not know that someone saw her coming towards you!" Mrs. Jiang looked at Zhao Liu angrily: "Besides you, who else would hide my daughter?"

"I really don't know... Okay, why would I hide your daughter?" Zhao Liushi only felt wronged. I heard that Jiang's family told Jiang Xiaomei about such a marriage. She was a little pitiful for Jiang Xiaomei, and she still talked to others. After saying a few words, she definitely did not hide Jiang Xiaomei.

Jiang Zhen was not there, so she didn't dare to offend people.

"Didn't you still say that we are not good to Jiang Xiaomei? Who are you if not?" Mrs. Jiang hated Zhao Liu for a long time, and now she went up and gave Zhao Liu a slap: "You are this person. It's not a good thing, you kidnapped my son and wanted to get my daughter, you just don't want me to live a good life, don't you?"

"Jiang's family, how did you beat someone?" The village chief Jiang Ping came in a hurry and was taken aback.

"What's wrong with my beating? This stinky mother-in-law wants to hurt me! Why can't I beat her?" Old lady Jiang cried: "My daughter is missing, most of whom were kidnapped by her, village chief, you have to call the shots for me. what!"

"There is no evidence, how could she be abducted by her?" Jiang Ping said, but his words were quickly drowned out in the various voices of the Jiang family who came with Mrs. Jiang.

"Someone saw Jiang Xiaomei coming. It wasn't her who hid it, but who hid it?"

"Zhao Liu, hurry up and hand over Jiang Xiaomei, you will be fine if you hand over Jiang Xiaomei."

"Or let's do a search."

The days of the Zhao family are getting better and better, and more and more people are jealous in the village. Now Jiang Zhen has been out for more than four months, and he doesn't know when he will come back, or he may not even come back... These people want to come to the Jiang family to take advantage .

And when Mrs. Jiang heard this, she had another idea: "Zhao Liu, you lose money! You hid my daughter and ruined my daughter's marriage, you have to lose money to me!"

"This...why make me lose money." Zhao Liushi said while covering her face, Sun Xiaoshan tried to protect her, but she was already shivering.

"I won't leave if you don't lose money!" Mrs. Jiang said again. At first, she actually didn't want to make Zhao Liu lose money, but now, the more she thinks about it, the more she thinks it's a good idea, and her eyes light up.

"Nonsense! Jiang's family, your daughter is not a child, she ran away by herself, why should Zhao Liu lose money?" Jiang Ping said, and at this time, some people in the village came.

These people are close to the Zhao family or don't like the Jiang family, so it is natural to blame the old lady Jiang at this time.

"From the Jiang family, it doesn't count if you sell your daughter, you're still here to blackmail!"

"You of the Jiang family are too much."

"Why do you say that the Zhao Liu family is Tibetan?"

"I really want money and want to go crazy!"

The number of these people is much more than the ones brought by Mrs. Jiang. When Mrs. Jiang saw these people, she knew that she was asking for money from the Zhao family, and it was estimated that it would not be possible.

At most, she could only bring Jiang Xiaomei back.

At this time, someone came with Jiang Xiaomei with red eyes: "Little girl, she is hiding in the woods by the river and crying..."

Jiang Xiaomei was not in the Zhao family at all, and the place where she was found was far away from the Zhao family.

The eyes of the villagers looking at Mrs. Jiang suddenly changed. Even the people who came with her were all embarrassed. They heard Mrs. Jiang said a lot and decided that Jiang Xiaomei would come only when she was in the Zhao family. As a result... Jiang Xiaomei Not at all

Mrs. Jiang was stared at by so many people, and she couldn't hold her face for a while, and suddenly scolded Zhao Liushi: "Zhao Liushi, don't be complacent, even if your family is better now, the money will be me in the end. Son's!"

"Brother Zhao Jin of your family is unborn. In the future, if my son wants to inherit the family, he will definitely take a concubine."

"You just take care of my grandson!"

"You are talking nonsense!" Zhao Liu was not very angry when he was beaten before, but at this time he was really angry.

"Where am I talking nonsense? I'm telling the truth! The matchmaker has said it, your son can't be born!" Mrs. Jiang said.

Then, without knowing who it was, he suddenly shouted, "Jiang Zhen is back!"

Jiang Zhen is back? ! Madam Jiang shivered, and could not wait to turn around and run away.

However, Jiang Zhen pushed aside the crowd and had already entered.