The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 109: Brother Zhao Jin gave birth


"What are you doing here with your stomach hurt? You..." Jiang Zhen was anxious. Brother Zhao Jin was pregnant for more than nine months, and she might give birth at any time. At this time, her stomach hurts for a while... Shouldn't it be labor pains

"It doesn't hurt too much..." Zhao Jin said, then frowned: "But now it hurts more and more." He walked all the way, and it seemed to hurt more and more. stand up.

More and more pain? Jiang Zhen's hands were already trembling. Brother Zhao Jin had a big stomach now. He couldn't carry him, so he could only...

As soon as he picked up Zhao Jinge, Jiang Zhen hugged the princess and ran to the house.

Zhao Jinge's skeleton is tall and tall, not as light as those women's twins, but quite heavy. After pregnancy, the weight has increased by more than 20 pounds, and most people can't hold him.

But Jiang Zhenyang has been raising his body for more than a year, and now he not only has fighting skills, but also has physical strength and endurance... Holding Zhao Jinge, he can still run.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Jinge was stunned and forgot to think about the stomachache.

There are a lot of people working here, and a bunch of people are watching them right now!

"Take you home." Jiang Zhen said, holding Zhao Jinge and running faster.

"I'm fine..." Zhao Jinge wanted to say something, but seeing Jiang Zhen's anxious face, he hugged Jiang Zhen's neck and stopped talking.

These days, he found some women Shuang'er to help with the work in the brick kiln, and he became acquainted with the women and Shuang'er in the village. Because of this, he learned a lot of pregnancy and childbirth from these people.

According to what these women said, it would take some time for the first child to be born after labor pains, and he was in the brick kiln before, and it was only a little pain, so he would go to Jiang Zhen, wanting to find Jiang Zhen first , and then go home and have a baby.

As a result, Jiang Zhen was so anxious...

Wouldn't it be bad for him to be held by Jiang Zhen in this way

Zhao Jinge was a little happy in his heart, but the people around were really shocked by this scene.

"Boss Jiang, what's wrong? How can you run so fast?"

"He was holding Brother Zhao Jin... What happened to Brother Zhao Jin?"

"Is it about to give birth? Brother Zhao Jin seems to be in the month."

When the people on the pier saw this scene, they all talked a lot, and after reaching a conclusion, they couldn't help but sigh.

"The boss is so kind to Brother Zhao Jin."

"That's great too... My mother-in-law is always complaining that I'm not good to her now."

"Don't complain, I don't have a wife yet."

A group of young people were talking endlessly. Seeing this, He Chunsheng reprimanded: "Don't say anything, keep practicing!"

"Yes!" These people responded immediately.

At the end, He Chunsheng said again: "What the boss does, you'd better learn something, it will be good for you!"

It is because he learned Jiang Zhen that he is now living a comfortable life!

A long time ago, He Chunsheng liked a pungent girl in the village. Unlike his mother, that girl was not weak at all.

She is the eldest child in their family, and her younger brothers and sisters are all taught by her to be obedient.

He Chunsheng has always liked her very much, but his family is too poor, even if the girl's family is not rich, he can't afford to marry the girl.

However, after following Jiang Zhen to the capital, he was rich!

He didn't spend much money in the capital, and Jiang Zhen valued the extra rewards he gave him. In the end, he brought home a hundred and twenty taels of silver, enough for him to marry a wife!

He Chunsheng was very happy, and after returning to Hexi Village, he also specifically asked Jiang Zhen for advice on how to treat his daughter-in-law.

Then, according to Jiang Zhen's suggestion, he first went to talk to the girl, sent something, and after getting the girl's consent, he went to the door to propose a marriage. He was very sincere...

Although he spent a little money to buy gifts for his father-in-law and mother-in-law, it was really worth it. His father-in-law and mother-in-law were not satisfied with him.

When he got married, he handed over the remaining 80 taels of silver to his daughter-in-law 60 taels after deducting the various expenses of the marriage, and his daughter-in-law was not satisfied with him either, thinking of him everywhere.

Today, his gambler father is still locked up in the casino, his weak mother is coaxed by his daughter-in-law, and his younger brother Qiusheng is also looked after by his daughter-in-law... He is living a very pleasant life.

The boss said it right, treat his daughter-in-law well, and his daughter-in-law will treat him well... He put away the salted duck eggs distributed at noon today, and took them to his daughter-in-law to eat later.

Jiang Zhen didn't know He Chunsheng's thoughts. He was already in a panic at the moment, and he wished that he would grow Scud.

Probably because he was too anxious, he ran all the way to the house, until he put down Brother Zhao Jin in his arms, only to find that he was almost out of breath, and his hands were shaking a little.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Liushi saw the movement outside and ran out, and then looked at Brother Zhao Jin worriedly: "Did something happen to Brother Jin?"

"Mother, Brother Jin is about to give birth." Jiang Zhen said.

"I'm going to give birth? I'm going to set up the delivery room right away!" Zhao Liushi was also taken aback: "I was fine when I went out in the morning, how come I'm going to give birth all of a sudden? This... this... "

Zhao Liu's hands also trembled.

She didn't feel that way when she gave birth to a child, but now that Zhao Jinge wants to have a child, she is very scared and disturbed.

There are not many houses in the Zhao family, but there are vacant rooms, but the house is not facing south, and it has been used as a firewood house, which is a bit messy.

And that room, Zhao Liu's had already cleaned up, and moved Zhao Jinge's old bed, intending to use it as a delivery room.

Jiang Zhen also knew about this. He thought that when he gave birth to a child, he would probably make a whole house of blood, and it would be fine to give birth in a firewood room. After carrying Zhao Jinge back to a clean room, he could let Zhao Jinge rest better.

"Mother, I'll clean up with you..." Jiang Zhen subconsciously wanted to find something to do, but quickly rejected it: "Wait... I'm with Brother Jin, Brother Jin, how are you feeling now? ?"

"I don't feel anything, I shouldn't give birth so soon..." Zhao Jin said, seeing Jiang Zhen still in shock, he simply said: "Let's go to the delivery room together?"

Zhao Jinge behaved very calmly.

In fact, he also wanted to panic, but the two people around him were already so nervous, and he felt that if he became so nervous, the family might be in chaos...

Just thinking about it, Zhao Jinge saw Zhao Fugui running in from outside. He, who has always been silent and steady, was very chaotic at the moment.

"I heard that Jiang Zhen came back with Jin Ge'er? How is Jin Ge'er?" Zhao Fugui asked worriedly. He was relieved to see that Zhao Jin Ge was standing upright, and then began to gasp for breath.

He panted for a while, and finally calmed down, pretending that nothing happened, standing up straight and coughing lightly: "It's fine..."

It was also at this time that Wang Haisheng's voice sounded outside again: "Uncle Zhao, Uncle Zhao, you forgot to bring back the hoe in the field... huh... I can't catch up with you if you run too fast."

The Zhao family was flustered, but in the end they all calmed down and entered the delivery room together.

At this time, people set up the delivery room for those who are about to give birth. Generally, the layout is very sloppy. One is that there are no conditions, and the other is the older generation who are responsible for arranging the delivery room.

However, Zhao Liu's distressed his son, but he arranged Zhao Jinge's delivery room well.

The original dirty firewood house had already been swept clean at this time. The floor was covered with a layer of defective bricks from the brick kiln, and the walls were clean. There was no furniture in it, only one piece of furniture. The wooden bed was covered with thick straw.

This straw was carefully selected by Zhao Liu's and has been posted several times.

Zhao Liu looked around and said, "I'll go get a brazier to light a fire." It's not so cold today, but people who have children can't catch cold.

"I'm going to get the sheets." Jiang Zhen said.

"Sheets?" Zhao Liu was taken aback when he heard the words, but soon, he smiled and said, "Yes, yes, get some sheets, it's good."

The children born in Hexi Village are all born in straw piles. After they are born, they burn the straw, not to mention the use of sheets, even the beds, no one uses them.

There was once a young daughter-in-law who didn't understand, gave birth to a child in her own bed, and was forced by her mother-in-law to wash the sheets just after giving birth... Because she disliked her ignorance and soiled the quilt at home.

Zhao Liu's thinking is also habitual. Although he has tried his best to think about Zhao Jinge, he never thought of preparing bed sheets for Zhao Jinge.

However, although Zhao Liu's own was not prepared, Jiang Zhen said that she was going to take it, but she was very agreeable.

Thinking about the straw, Jiang Zhen pulled out three sheets and brought them over. The two coarse sheets bought when the two of them first got married were placed under them, and a new sheet was placed on top. At the same time, he also took two Zhao Jinge put the pillow on it, and took a small quilt for Zhao Jinge to cover.

And when he did all this, the midwife had already come.

"Okay, okay, Jiang Zhen, you go out first." When Zhao Liu saw the midwife coming, he hurriedly faced Jiang Zhen and said that in places like the delivery room, men are generally not allowed to enter, and Jiang Zhen is not too long to stay here. Suitable.

Jiang Zhen didn't hear it, his eyes were all on Zhao Jinge who was already lying on the bed: "Brother Jin, what's wrong with you? Is it painful?" Zhao Jinge's brows furrowed, and it seemed to be very painful.

Brother Zhao Jin really hurt, but it didn't last long. After Jiang Zhen asked, he didn't feel the pain anymore. Seeing Jiang Zhen staring at him, he said, "I'm fine, you go out first."

"No, I'll accompany me here." Jiang Zhendao, although he lived alone in modern times, he would get together with his comrades from time to time. When we have a biological child, when we chat, we will inevitably talk about the child.

And one of his comrades-in-arms went to accompany the delivery when his wife gave birth, and he still remembered what the comrade-in-arms said at the time—"It hurts how much this woman has a child. As men, we still have to take care of it, even if we can't Whatever you do, cheer up with you..."

Even if he knew that men would not go into the delivery room at this time, Jiang Zhen still wanted to keep it, and said to Zhao Liu, "I'll just sit here, I won't cause you trouble, you can just think I don't exist." Jiang Zhen moved After getting a stool, he sat on the head of Zhao Jinge's bed and didn't move.

His comrade-in-arms who accompanied the delivery was said to have sat at the head of the bed from the beginning to the end. In the end, his legs were numb and he could hardly stand up.

"If a man stays in the delivery room, he will get bad luck..." the midwife said, before Jiang Zhen glared at him.

She didn't dare to speak any more. In the countryside, they are not as particular as the big families. Jiang Zhen can just stay if he wants to.

Although she has never seen a man who has been with the childbirth, some people have only two young couples, and the husband is also the one who sends hot water scissors in and out, and some give birth to children very quickly, and they will give birth after a good sleep. , my husband was still there at the time...

The midwife had no objection, and Zhao Liu naturally had no objection. Jiang Zhen just stayed, and it was at this time that Jiang Zhen remembered one thing: "Mother, let Wang Haisheng go to the county town and ask a doctor to come back. "

"What do you want the doctor to do?" Brother Zhao Jin was puzzled.

"Just in case." Jiang Zhendao, modern births are all in the hospital, even if there is a problem in the middle, other arrangements can be made immediately, such as resection, but there is nothing here... "Mother, let When the doctor comes over, bring some more medicine."

"Oh, good." Zhao Liu nodded, Jiang Zhen's attitude made her more and more nervous.

After Zhao Liu went out, he immediately found Wang Haisheng and asked Wang Haisheng to ask for a doctor.

Wang Haisheng is not clever, but he is very obedient. After Zhao Liu gave an order, he responded and ran out without delay. When someone asked him on the way, he just hurriedly said: "I'm going to ask a doctor. ."

When Jiang Zhenlai came out before, everyone in Hexi Village basically knew that Zhao Jinge was going to have a baby. Now that he heard that Wang Haisheng was going to hire a doctor, there were a lot of speculations.

"Wang Haisheng hurriedly asked the doctor to go. Could it be that the birth of a child was not smooth for Zhao Jinge?"

"Maybe... it's more difficult for twins to have children than for women."

"No wonder Jiang Zhen was so nervous before, I'm afraid it wasn't very good at the time..."

"Brother Zhao Jin was really unlucky, and it was difficult to give birth."

Everyone talked a lot, and they all sympathized with Zhao Jinge, but Zhao Jinge was still lying on the bed at this moment, and then endured the pain.

He had suffered a lot, and the pain didn't make him unbearable, but in the end it was a little uncomfortable, and the waist was even more uncomfortable...

"I'll rub it for you." Hearing that Zhao Jinge said that his waist was uncomfortable, Jiang Zhen immediately said, he let Zhao Jinge lie on his side, and rubbed Zhao Jinge's waist.

The midwife was hurriedly invited over. She thought she was about to give birth here, but looking at Zhao Jinge like this...

"He wouldn't have just started hurting, would he?" the midwife couldn't help saying.

"Half an hour ago, it started to hurt." Jiang Zhen has already asked Zhao Jinge about the specific situation, and said quickly.

"It's not uncommon for people to have a baby for the first time. It's not uncommon to have pain for two days at first." The midwife said, "Brother Zhao Jin sees that he won't give birth in a while... Should I go home first?" I was cooking, and someone called me halfway through it. I thought it was about to give birth, but...

"What if he is going to give birth when you go back?" Jiang Zhen couldn't help frowning, and after a little thought, he took two taels of silver to the midwife: "Please wait here for a while."

This countryman can basically get dozens of pennies for helping people deliver babies, plus some eggs and the like, and this is only 2 taels of silver!

The midwife didn't want to go back at the moment, and decided that even if Brother Zhao Jin had to give birth tomorrow, she would watch him all night!

Speaking of which... With Jiang Zhen's generosity, if she helped Zhao Jinge deliver a son, she would probably get a large reward.

The midwife didn't say she was leaving, and Zhao Jinge was resting on the bed, feeling that his stomach didn't hurt as much as before.

After lying down for more than half an hour, he couldn't lie down, and he was about to get out of bed and move around.

"Brother Jin..." Jiang Zhen couldn't understand what happened to Brother Zhao Jin, why was Brother Zhao Jin looking... still so energetic.

"I'm a little hungry," Zhao Jin said.

Jiang Zhen was silent for a while, and finally said: "I asked my mother to make something delicious. We have eaten enough and have the strength to regenerate."

There were many people from Hexi Village outside the Zhao family. Everyone was guessing how Zhao Jinge gave birth to a child, when they saw the smoke rising from the Zhao family.

This... Zhao family still has time to cook

At the same time, Wang Haisheng, who rocked the boat to the county seat, hurriedly brought an old doctor onto the boat.

"Did that family have a very dangerous birth?" the old doctor asked worriedly.

"I don't know either." Wang Haisheng said.

"Hey, hurry up and row the boat, I'll take care of the medicine I brought." The old doctor said, this man hurried to find him, and asked him to bring more medicine, he thought, maybe the person who gave birth was not excellent…

He brought several kinds of medicines to hang his life with, and now he will sort them out in advance, so that they can be used quickly by others.

Wang Haisheng nodded and rowed at the fastest speed.

When Sun Xiaoshan gave birth to him, it was dangerous, but he didn't even talk about a doctor at that time, and he couldn't even afford his birth mother. In the end, he delivered Sun Xiaoshan himself.

It is more difficult for these two children to have children than for women to have children.

Many people are worried about Zhao Jinge, but Zhao Jinge thinks that he is fine at the moment.

He was just giving birth to a child, and he was able to make so many people care about him... He was already satisfied, and even felt that he could endure the pain.

Zhao Liu was already a little panicked, and he couldn't cook properly at all. In the end, the food was cooked by Li and Jiang Xiaomei.

Speaking of which, Jiang Xiaomei is actually a little confused at the moment... She loves money in the first place, but after she was almost sold by the Jiang family, she loves money even more.

Originally, Jiang Zhen didn't intend to let her do any work. Anyway, he could afford a woman and marry her in a few days. However, after hearing that Zhao Jinge's brick kiln could make bricks for people, Jiang Xiaomei didn't care. Don't hesitate to go, these days do a lot of bricks every day to exchange money.

She was not diligent at first, after all, she didn't want to become like her big brother, but now she can make money playing in the mud... Xiaomei Jiang is simply devoted to the brick kiln.

After such a few months, she actually earned twenty taels of silver. If things go on like this, will she be able to save a private house of ten or twenty taels

She was originally working as a brick there today. Later, she hurried back when she heard that Brother Zhao Jin was about to give birth. On the way, she was told that Brother Zhao Jin had a difficult labor. She was really anxious.

As a result, after entering the house... Zhao Jinge hadn't given birth yet...

Jiang Xiaomei quickly helped Li to make a fire, picking vegetables while making the fire, while Ruo'er set up another pot outside to boil water.

To give birth to a child, you need a lot of hot water. If you can, burn more.

This meal was very rich, and Jiang Zhen not only did not persuade Zhao Jinge to eat less, but instead asked him to eat more.

It's just that I ate less and more meals more than half a year ago, and Zhao Jinge's appetite has been much smaller, and now he has lost the courage to eat at the beginning.

In the past, he could eat four big bowls of rice in one breath, but now he can only eat one big bowl.

When Zhao Jinge was eating, two hours had passed since his first labor pains. While they were eating, the door of the house was suddenly pushed open, and Wang Haisheng came with the old doctor.

"Where's the maternity? Where is the maternity?" The old doctor, carrying a medicine box, asked breathlessly as soon as he entered the door. At the same time, he also saw the scene of the big guy sitting at the table eating in the room, and frowned immediately: "Are you eating? Why are you still in the mood to eat at this time and don't care about the mother?"

When the doctor saw that these people didn't take maternity seriously, he couldn't help but get angry, and he didn't like these people at all.

Brother Zhao Jin also noticed this, and stood up: "I haven't given birth yet..." After saying this, his stomach suddenly started to hurt violently.

Covering his stomach, Brother Zhao Jin bent down in pain, and at the same time, Jiang Zhen helped him massage his waist: "Brother Jin, does it hurt?"

Brother Zhao Jin nodded, this time, he was so hurt that he didn't want to speak.

Just as he was in such pain, a stream of water suddenly appeared under him.

"The amniotic fluid is broken, send it to the delivery room!" The midwife said quickly, hearing this, Jiang Zhen grabbed Brother Zhao Jin and carried him into the delivery room.

The old doctor looked at Wang Haisheng helplessly: "Didn't you say you're in a hurry?!" He just thought that the family didn't pay attention to maternity, but now it seems that this is not important? This is clearly too important.

The child was not born, and there was nothing to do, so I brought him the doctor... This child is not looking for a midwife, what is the doctor looking for? !

"I don't know either." Wang Haisheng was also a little helpless.

The doctor didn't leave in the end. Zhao Fugui had already heard what Jiang Zhen did to his midwife, and he hurriedly gave two taels of silver. Seeing this, the doctor's face looked good.

After Zhao Jinge entered the delivery room, the midwife and Zhao Liu were tossing him. As for Jiang Zhen, he sat beside Zhao Jinge's head and held Zhao Jinge's hand, comforting Zhao Jinge all the time.

"Don't be afraid, I will always be with you."

"Don't worry, it's alright."

"Brother Jin, come on."

"What do you mean by cheering? I haven't read it before." Zhao Jinge asked suddenly.

Jiang Zhen has already learned from the memory of Boss Jiang the mortality rate of children born in this ancient times. At this moment, his mind is confused, and he can't explain it to Zhao Jinge at all, so he didn't answer, but asked: "Do you hurt? pain?"

"It doesn't hurt as much as before, it's like having diarrhea now," Zhao Jin said.

"I've already seen the head, stop talking, use force!" the midwife said, "It's a waste of time to talk and shout pain at this time, try hard to give birth to the child first... um... the child's head comes out... um... already born …”

As soon as Zhao Jinge exerted force, he felt lighter, and then heard that his child had been born.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, and Jiang Zhen also breathed a long sigh of relief.

It's good to have already given birth... His brother Jin is really powerful, and the birth is really fast.

When the child's head came out, you don't have to worry about anything else, and the whole body naturally slipped out. The midwife picked up the child and said regretfully, "It's a girl..."

"Is it a girl?" Jiang Zhen was a little surprised. He subconsciously thought that he and Zhao Jinge would have a son, or they would be twins. He didn't expect to have a daughter in the end.

However, according to chromosomes, men have X in their bodies, and it is possible to give birth to XX in the end.

Wait, twins should have different chromosomes than men? I don't know what Zhao Jinge's chromosomes are like...

Jiang Zhen thought about it and then stopped thinking about it. The world itself is unscientific, so don't pursue it.

"You don't like your daughter?" Brother Zhao Jin was still very energetic after giving birth, so he immediately asked.

"No, I like it, I quite like it." Jiang Zhendao, who doesn't like a sweet little girl? He really liked the daughter brought by his comrade-in-arms.

"Give me a hug." Jiang Zhen stretched out his hand towards the midwife, and after holding the fluffy child in his arms, he was reluctant to let it go.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but just as he hugged the child, the child in his arms opened his eyes.

"This child is well-bred in my mother's belly. It opened its eyes when it was born." The midwife said, thinking of the unfinished meal just now, she couldn't help but ponder.

This Zhao family's food is really good.

But it is also strange, Zhao Jinge eats so well every day, and the child in his belly is not too fat.

At this time, weighing the child's weight is not just famous. We weigh it together with clothes. Zhao Jinge, the child, weighed six pounds and three taels.

These days, people in the countryside can't eat too much good food with a child. The child is born with five or six pounds, and most of them are only five pounds. This child is not small, but it is not too big.

"This child is not big. This is why I feel bad for being a mother. Before Zhao Dahu's daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, the child weighed eight pounds and almost couldn't give birth." The midwife praised the child again and again.

Jiang Zhen was also happy when he heard what she said, and gave her another two taels of silver: "Trouble!"

"No trouble, no trouble." The midwife was happy to bloom. Brother Zhao Jin gave birth so fast that she didn't use her much. As a result, she got forty taels of silver for a meal of meat at Zhao's house... Such a "trouble", She can't wait to have it every day.

It would be nice if Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge had more than one, preferably one per year.

The midwife left with a few words of emotion. Seeing that Brother Zhao Jin was all right, Jiang Zhen came out with the child again, and then gave the doctor two taels of silver, and asked Wang Haisheng to send the doctor back.

The old man was speechless.

This mother is so strong and gives birth so fast, what is the purpose of letting him come for a run

However, if he can get four taels of silver in such a trip, he is not at a loss.

There were already a lot of people gathered near Zhao's house. When they saw the midwife coming out of Zhao's house, someone went up and asked, "How is Brother Zhao Jin? I heard it's not going well?"

"Who did you listen to? How can it go wrong? I've never seen it so smooth." The midwife said, and left happily.

After a while, the doctor was born with Wang Hai.

"Brother Wang, didn't you mean that the birth went well? Why did you still hire a doctor?" Someone asked.

"Our boss is just to prepare." Wang Haisheng said.

If there is nothing at all, just ask the doctor... This Jiang Zhen really values Brother Zhao Jin.

The person who asked the question and the people around couldn't help but feel emotional.

After Zhu Shufen had a difficult childbirth and gave birth to a sick child, Jiang Chengxiang was always very unhappy. He was quite happy when he heard that Zhao Jinge's delivery was not going well... In the end, it was just a misunderstanding by everyone.

Jiang Chengxiang was depressed in his heart, but after glaring at the Zhao family's house, he could only leave quietly.

The midwife and the doctor have left, but the Jiang family is still busy.

Brother Zhao Jin gave birth very quickly, and he didn't feel relieved after giving birth. He felt that he would have no problem getting out of bed immediately, but Jiang Zhen did not allow him to move. After cleaning his body, he took him out of the delivery room and brought him back. A room where two people sleep.

Then, Jiang Zhen put the child next to him again.

Seeing two people, one big and one small, lying on the bed, the heart that Jiang Zhen had been holding was finally released.

God still treats him favorably, and Zhao Jinge's production finally went well this time.

Everything is fine with Brother Zhao Jin, as long as he takes good care of him, he will be fine, but the child is a little troublesome.

Women can breastfeed by themselves, but twins cannot. They have no milk. In the past, it was because of this that babies born to twins from poor families were always more likely to die.

Fortunately, Jiang Zhen had money. He had already found two women who were still breastfeeding their children in advance, and gave them some money. In the future, Ruo’er or Mrs. Li would go over to let them express their milk every day, and then Take it home for the kids to eat.

In fact, at the beginning, Jiang Zhen planned to give milk or goat milk to his children, but after much deliberation, he finally gave up.

Even if he has never raised a child, he knows that the milk powder for the child is not pure cow's milk or goat's milk. Add something

Ordinary milk powder, but not for newborn babies.

Also, aren't many people allergic to milk or something? He really didn't dare to directly feed milk to his newborn child...