The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 110: Business reopened


He Xicun has a saying, that is, the newly born child is full in the mother's womb, so it doesn't matter if the mother has no milk for the first two days.

But even so, everyone is still eager to feed the children.

Seeing that Brother Zhao Jin had given birth, Mrs. Zhao Liu immediately asked Mrs. Li to go to the nurse who had ordered milk to ask for milk. When it arrives, let her wipe it before milking." This is what Jiang Zhen explained long ago, and he doesn't know how he is so particular about being a man.

Li responded, and immediately took Ruo'er, a ceramic cup with a lid and a clean handkerchief, and went to ask someone for milk.

The two women who were nursing their children lived not far from Zhao's house, and they found one of them not long after.

"I still need to wipe it, it's really important." The woman said, she was a little disapproving, but she still carefully wiped her chest with a handkerchief, and then began to milk.

The Zhao family asked her for milk, but they gave her money. They also agreed to give her chicken and pig trotters to promote milk... For the money and food, not to mention just wiping her chest, she would go there every time. She is also happy to take a bath.

Now that the child eats less, as long as half a cup of milk is needed, Mrs. Li hurried back home, and when he heard that the milk was delivered, Jiang Zhen immediately offered to feed it himself.

This child, he watched her grow up little by little in Zhao Jinge's belly. He couldn't love it. Now he can't wait to take care of her food, clothing, housing and transportation.

A man who has lived for more than 30 years and finally became a father does not want to give his children to others to take care of.

"Let me feed you, you are a rough man." Zhao Liu said quickly, she has long been looking forward to holding her grandson, and she doesn't like this child very much. I wish she could take care of this child completely. .

"I'm coming." Jiang Zhen insisted.

Zhao Liu didn't dare to object, so he could only give Jiang Zhen the bowl and spoon.

The milk was brought back with a hot towel covering it, and it was still warm. Jiang Zhen scooped a little with a ceramic spoon, and then carefully fed it.

It's not easy to feed a baby, but Jiang Zhen still does it very seriously. The more he sees the child in his arms, the more he likes it, and he can't wait to kiss him a few times.

But no.

He has a beard. Although he has been shaved, he still has stubble. What if he accidentally stabs the child? This child is tender, touching her face is like touching nothing...

Jiang Zhen not only breastfeeds the child, he also insists on changing the diaper for the child.

He doesn't like this child now, and he doesn't feel relieved to give it to others, lest others treat her badly.

Let's just say that Zhao Liu... She actually wanted to tie up the child's legs! He absolutely disagreed.

Why tie up his daughter? How painful is that? ! How strong is her calf kicking, can't she kick her legs happily

If Jiang Zhen was a daughter-in-law, Zhao Liu's might still use the experience of someone who came before to "teach" Jiang Zhen, but Jiang Zhen is not. At this moment, the Zhao family is even completely in charge of Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen was unwilling to tie up the child, so Zhao Liushi didn't. She was still soft-hearted. After hearing Jiang Zhen say that the child would be uncomfortable, she even regretted it and said to Zhao Jinge secretly: "No It would be uncomfortable to think about it, knowing that your mother wouldn't tie you up in the first place... I heard it back then."

Zhao Jin-ge, who had no memory of what happened when he was a baby, was dazed.

But Jiang Zhen doesn't want to tie it up, so let's not tie it up...

The Zhao family went in and out, and they all threw themselves on the child, and the villagers, this time without Zhao Liu's showing off, had already begun to envy Zhao Jinge.

"Jiang Zhen is so kind to Brother Zhao Jin, and he doesn't want him to leave. After his stomach hurts, he took him home."

"Brother Zhao Jin has nothing to do, but Jiang Zhen's midwife, the doctor, invited me... I gave birth to it all by myself, and my mother-in-law took care of it a little."

"Yeah... He also spends money to buy milk for the child to drink. Usually, when the twins give birth to a child, they only give some rice soup."

Zhao Jinge doesn't have to think too much now, he knows that someone will envy him, and even he himself feels that he is too enviable.

However, he was also a little depressed.

Jiang Zhen has been holding the child, making him unable to take a good look at his child...

He also likes this kid very, very much.

This child was originally intended to be brought by Mrs. Zhao Liu and Mrs. Li, and would sleep with them at night. For this, she also packed out the firewood house where Brother Zhao Jin had used to give birth to the child, and planned to sleep with Mrs. Li at night. There.

However, Jiang Zhen did not agree.

That's all for the Zhao Liu family. Why does his daughter sleep with that Li family? Although Mrs. Li looked clean, she didn't take a bath every day. What if there was something dirty on her body

But if only Zhao Liu was alone, it would definitely be too much to take care of the children.

In the end, Jiang Zhen simply made a decision: "The child sleeps with me and Brother Jin at night!"

After one of his comrades-in-arms got married, the elderly on both sides couldn't help. In the end, the young couple also brought up their children, so he didn't believe that he couldn't.

Jiang Zhen actually had no experience with children, so he was in a hurry. The first night the child woke up every two hours to eat, which made him a little overwhelmed.

However, he is young and in good health... As Zhao Liu, it must be difficult to fall asleep after being woken up by a child, but he is different, he can continue to sleep with his eyes closed.

Then, because he was very alert, the child would wake up immediately when he moved.

Often, before the child can cry, he picks up the writhing child, and when someone hugs and shakes it for a few times, the child stops crying.

On the first night after giving birth, Brother Zhao Jin slept exceptionally well. The next day when Mrs. Zhao Liu asked about what happened last night, he was still a little dazed.

Zhao Liushi gave his son a complicated look, feeling a little jealous of his son.

At this time, Jiang Zhen rubbed his arms with a grin.

Yesterday, I ran all the way with Zhao Jinge in my arms. Later, I rubbed Zhao Jinge's waist and hugged the child again. His arm was a little strained... Fortunately, it wasn't a big deal.

Jiang Zhen didn't like his daughter. After Zhao Jin gave birth, he stayed at home for three consecutive days.

But after three days, whether it is Jiang Zhen or Zhao Jinge, they have already started to take care of the children.

Originally, Zhao Liu's wholeheartedly wanted Zhao Jinge to have a good confinement and not let him touch anything, but Zhao Jinge couldn't lie down. He was forced to get out of bed except to go to the toilet, so he simply put his mind on the child. , Jiang Zhen did not stop him from taking care of the child, so he quickly learned how to feed and change diapers for the child.

Of course, they are not too tired to take care of the children. After all, there are many people at home who can help. If nothing else, they do not need to wash the children's diapers at all, and they also do not need to touch their hands in other housework.

After staying at home for three whole days, Jiang Zhen said goodbye to his precious daughter and went out.

There are many things outside waiting for him to take care of.

Fortunately, his "work" is very close to home, and he is still the boss, so he can go home at any time.

After Jiang Zhen left, Zhao Liushi and Zhao Fugui were finally able to hold their granddaughter.

It's not easy... Before Jiang Zhen was here, they didn't have a chance to hold the child!

"This kid is so handsome!"

"Looks smart."

"It must be a blessing in the future."

Zhao Liushi and Zhao Fugui were each praising the child. After a long time of praise, Zhao Fugui suddenly said, "This child... What's the name?"

They... don't seem to have named the child yet

After Jiang Zhen returned home that night, Zhao Liu reminded him, only to realize that he hadn't named the child yet.

In fact, he had thought of some names before, but they were all for boys. Now that they are replaced by a little princess, those names can no longer be used.

It's just, what kind of name should his daughter be

"Shu, Zhen, Wan, Hui, Fen... These words have good meanings." Zhao Jinge chose some words.

Jiang Zhen glanced at them, but rejected them all.

This is ancient times. Many girls didn't have a serious name. They were just shouting at random. It would be good to have a name. A name like "Shufen" is full of expectations of parents, but he passed through.

He really didn't want to give his daughter such a name.

His daughter's name should be different and unique.

"What's the name?" Zhao Jinge asked.

"I'll think about it again..." Jiang Zhen said.

Jiang Zhen thought about it for more than ten days and couldn't come up with it. At this time, Zhao Jinge was impatient and lay on the bed all day. Although he was forced to lie in bed by Zhao Liushi most of the time, he didn't eat. What, he will come to the table to eat by himself.

Zhao Liu thinks this is not good, but Jiang Zhen thinks it doesn't matter. He also took hot water to wipe Zhao Jinge's body, and insisted on giving his daughter a bath.

People in Hexi Village felt that children who were not full moons could not take a bath, but Jiang Zhen felt distressed when he saw his daughter twisting and twisting uncomfortably... Moreover, after he bathed the child, the child did sleep more peacefully.

Jiang Zhen had never thought of his daughter's name, but the construction of the wharf had been completed. Not only that, Jiang Zhen's house was almost finished.

There should be more people in the family in the future, but it won't be too much. When Jiang Zhen built the house, he didn't build it too big, he only built a yard with one entrance.

However, although he only built a one-entry yard, because of the good planning and two floors, there are a lot of rooms.

The small houses facing east and west on both sides of the courtyard wall are not included. As the main building, there are five large houses facing south, and these five large houses also have two floors.

Jiang Zhen divided the dining room and living room, and behind the dining room, a large kitchen was also built.

The easternmost house and the upper floor were used by Jiang Zhen for Zhao Liushi and Zhao Fugui, and the second room in the east was for him and Zhao Jinge. At that time, they sleep upstairs, and the downstairs can be used to receive some guests, and they will be active here during the day.

As for the west side, there are quite a few empty houses there, and in the future, we can make arrangements when the children are older.

The house was built, but it was empty inside, and all the furniture had to be added. For this reason, Jiang Zhen went to the county town and asked a carpenter to customize some furniture.

Before he knew it, the child was a month old, and Jiang Zhen, he had written down countless sheets of paper, and had not yet come up with a suitable name.

He's not very good at naming people... well, he's never actually given names to people.

"Have you made up your mind about the name of Nannan?" Brother Zhao Jin asked again.

Jiang Zhen froze.

Why does he feel that all the names in this world are not worthy of his daughter

"Or... it's called Mingzhu?" Zhao Jinge asked, "I saw a word today, it's called "Pearl Pearl..." Even in confinement, Zhao Jinge read some books, and even read to his daughter.

"Okay, let's call it Mingzhu." Jiang Zhen made a decision, "This name has a good meaning, but it's easy to remember!" He really couldn't think of a name, so he should listen to Zhao Jinge.

Jiang Zhen's eldest daughter has since been named Zhao Mingzhu.

When the moon in his palm was full, Jiang Zhen sent something to his subordinates to celebrate.

At first, he actually wanted to hold a full moon wine, but later he found that the Zhao family had no relatives, and all he could invite were his own subordinates, so he simply did not order the wine - sending something to his subordinates is better than inviting them to have a drink Affordable.

Jiang Zhen is very happy that the child is full moon, but Zhao Jinge is the happiest.

He can finally go out!

I can finally take a shower!

Although under Jiang Zhen's insistence, he was able to wipe his body this month, but he has been unable to take a bath comfortably. He always feels that he is smelly. Jiang Zhen does not dislike him, and he takes his child to sleep with him every night. The bed, he really admired it.

Early this morning, Brother Zhao Jin went to take a shower.

Jiang Zhen handed over the training of his subordinates to Wang Haisheng and He Chunsheng, and planned to stay at home all day. At this time, he was responsible for delivering hot water to Zhao Jinge.

"Really, I wasn't allowed to do anything before, but when the day comes, there will be no taboos all of a sudden..." Jiang Zhen couldn't help complaining. Zhao Liu's family treated Zhao Jinge very strictly before, but he didn't expect that all the bans would be lifted at once...

Jiang Zhen was talking outside, but Zhao Jinge didn't listen much.

He suddenly discovered a somewhat terrifying thing, that is, his stomach, which was actually spent, was loose.

Even if it was spent, he didn't really care, but all the hard flesh on his stomach was gone...

Zhao Jinge secretly made up his mind that he must go out tomorrow to exercise and train his firm and firm abdomen.

After Zhao Jinge washed it, there was a fragrance of saponin on his body, which made Jiang Zhen, who had not tasted the taste of "meat" for several months, couldn't help but want to move.

However, Jiang Zhen quickly suppressed his desire.

Zhao Jinge's body has not fully recovered, so he can't toss Zhao Jinge.

This night, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge still took Zhao Mingzhu and slept very pure. In the evening, they were woken up several times by Zhao Mingzhu unsurprisingly.

Zhao Mingzhu is still young and has to eat several times a night, but the breast milk from others is not easy to store - now the weather has warmed up, if it is not refrigerated, the breast milk will deteriorate in a few hours, but there is no refrigerator at this time. Can be refrigerated.

As for asking someone to express breastmilk at night... that's inappropriate and too troublesome.

In the end, Jiang Zhen came up with a method—boiling.

At eight or nine in the evening, Mrs. Li and Mrs. Zhao Liu would go out to bring back a lot of fresh milk.

Then, they will boil a pot of water in a pot, put a piece of wood underneath to let it burn slowly, and then put the quilt containing the milk in the boiled water... In this way, the breast milk has been kept at a high temperature, and it will not burn. Bacteria grow.

Although it has been boiled, it will lose some nutrients, but it is better than allowing bacteria to multiply in it.

Large pieces of wood burn very slowly, and a piece of wood can keep the water in the pot at a high temperature for several hours. Therefore, after Jiang Zhen took milk from the pot for Jiang Mingzhu to eat at night, he only needed to add wood once in the middle.

And at four or five in the morning, fresh milk will be available again.

That night, Jiang Zhen got up again to get milk a few times, and was relieved to find that his daughter was eating more and more.

Also... I'm a little too fat. When I was born, my chin was pointed. Now I have a double chin. The whole face is like a pear, with a small top and a big bottom.

However, this chubby little face is really good-looking, and there is nothing more beautiful!

After breastfeeding, Jiang Zhen couldn't help kissing his daughter on both sides of the face, completely forgetting that he had always thought such a fat child was ugly.

When Jiang Zhen went out the next day, he brought Zhao Jinge and Zhao Mingzhu with him.

Only Zhao Jinge and Zhao Mingzhu were lifted after the full moon. Before, Zhao Liu's family never let Zhao Mingzhu go out, for fear that she would get sick from the wind, but after the full moon, she did not stop her, but Jiang Zhen wanted to take Zhao Mingzhu out. Still a little hesitant: "You're going to train your subordinates, forget about taking Brother Jin, what are you going to do with Mingzhu?"

"Let Mingzhu also go to see the training." Jiang Zhendao, girls and Shuang'er these days, want to live like a man, but he is reluctant to let his daughter be wronged in the future.

So he must increase his daughter's knowledge from a young age, and train her more so that she won't be bullied by scumbags in the future!

If it wasn't for the fact that his daughter was too young, Jiang Zhen would have made a training plan for her...

A girl, what kind of training do you watch? Zhao Liushi was a little puzzled, but Jiang Zhen had already gone out with his daughter in his arms, and not long after, he arrived at the place where his subordinates were training.

Today, Jiang Zhen has more than 100 subordinates, and the skills of these 100 people are still well practiced, and Jiang Zhen has also decided that when this place is completely completed, the Jin Zhen Escort Bureau can officially start operations.

For this reason, he specially asked Liu Qianqian and Zhao Lingxi to embroider several flags with the word "Zhen" - the embroidery skills of these two people are not even worse than the embroidery girl he was looking for in Fucheng.

At the same time, when he spends money like running water to support his men and those sailors these days, those women and twins have actually helped him make a lot of money by weaving cloth to make clothes.

Zhao Mingzhu is a full moon, but her neck hasn't grown yet, so she can only hug her sideways. When Jiang Zhen hugged her, he was careful, and when he looked at her, his eyes inevitably softened.

Jiang Zhen like this made his subordinates somewhat unaccustomed, but thinking about how he treated Brother Zhao Jin before, everyone quickly got used to it.

Aren't you just being nice to your daughter? Actually nothing...

Now who doesn't know that Jiang Zhen is very good to Zhao Jinge and his daughter

Zhao Mingzhu is too young, Jiang Zhen can only take her for a walk outside for a while every day, most of the time, she still stays at home, but Zhao Jinge spends more time outside.

Jiang Zhen didn't let Zhao Jinge do too strenuous exercise, but he didn't forbid him to do some low-intensity restorative training, so after another month, Zhao Jinge's body had returned to before production.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Jiang Zhen can finally hug Zhao Jinge again!

For convenience, Jiang Zhen also specially asked a carpenter to order a small bed that is higher than the big bed and put her in the house. When Zhao Mingzhu fell asleep, she put her in the small bed to facilitate himself and Zhao Jinge to do things...

I haven't done it for a few months, whether it's Zhao Jinge or Jiang Zhen, they are all excited, especially Jiang Zhen, the first time he disarmed and surrendered...

But soon, his little brother regained his energy. This time, he really fought three hundred rounds of Zhao Jinge.

After Zhao Jinge's body recovered, Jiang Zhen's life became "colorful" again. At the same time, Jin Zhen's escort bureau also opened again.

Jiang Zhen first contacted the businesses he had worked with last time, and then greeted the Zheng family, and soon received some business.

Jiang Zhen had been reluctant to leave his daughter before, but at this time, he had to leave. This time, Zhao Jinge was not with him.

Zhao Mingzhu probably slept with them all the time. Because of their care, she was very close to them. If the two of them left together, she would definitely be uncomfortable, so Zhao Jinge stayed.

Fortunately, Jiang Zhen didn't go very far, and it won't take long for him to come back. When he comes back, the furniture in the new house should be almost done, and they can just move.

"Brother Jin, I'm leaving." On the pier, Jiang Zhen said goodbye to Brother Zhao Jin, kissed his daughter again, and then got on the boat without looking back.

It was not until the big boat started that Jiang Zhen appeared at the stern and waved at Zhao Jinge.

Obviously Jiang Zhen hadn't really left yet, but Zhao Jinge missed him a little... Watching Jiang Zhen leave by boat, Zhao Jinge took a deep breath, carried the child back home, and then handed the child to Zhao Liushi.

Before Jiang Zhen left, he handed over everything here to him, so he would definitely not be able to accompany the child all the time in the days to come.

Zhao Jinge has been learning to read characters with Jiang Zhenxue for a year. Even if he is pregnant and has a child, he has never thrown it away. Although he can’t say that he knows all the characters, he can basically recognize the commonly used characters. Personally, it's not difficult for him at all.

What's more, most people have followed Jiang Zhen out now, and what he mainly has to manage is actually nothing more than a brick kiln.

Because of Jiang Zhen's reward policy, the brick kiln produced a lot of bricks. This time Jiang Zhen went out with a large boat of bricks and planned to take them to Fucheng and sell them. Things like blue bricks were never worrying about in Fucheng. selling.

But even so, there are still a lot of bricks left here...

Zhao Jinge went to the county town with the bricks for the sample, and found Yang Jiang and several other people Jiang Zhen knew, such as the manager of the casino. After a few days, someone came to their newly built wharf by boat. Bricks are coming.

At the same time, there was a newly built wharf in Hexi Village, and there was also the sale of blue bricks, which gradually spread.

There is only a small brick kiln here in Hecheng County, and there are not many bricks produced there. Because of this, when the news of bricks being sold here spreads, more and more people come to buy them, and Zhao Jinge is also very busy. Feet do not touch the ground.

"Brother Jin, you've been running out all day, and you've tanned." Zhao Liu looked at his son, who was getting darker and darker, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Before going to the capital, Jiang Zhen and his subordinates were all black, but because Zhao Jinge stayed in the cabin most of the time, it was not black at all, and he wrote it in vain. After he came back, he stayed at home and became even whiter. .

As a result, before Zhao Liushi was happy that his son was getting whiter and whiter, Zhao Jinge was black again...

"Mother, it's okay." Zhao Jinge said, if he didn't run out, he would think about Jiang Zhen all day long. Instead, he might as well continue to run out.

However, when he went out the next day, Zhao Jinge still put on a straw hat to shade the sun - now that it is summer again, the sun is indeed a bit bright.

When Jiang Zhen went out this time, he originally only planned to stay outside for ten days. However, the plans were not always changing as fast.

He now has a lot more men than before, and he also has a fleet. In addition, when he was selling goods in Fucheng a few months ago, he also knew some people. In the end, he actually picked it up from Fucheng. A few big deals.

If there are many people under him, even if he receives a few big business, it will not affect his return home, and he can let his people help with the delivery.

Most of these people don't even know the word, so how can he rest assured to let them go out alone to deliver the darts

Jiang Zhen had made a lot of preparations before, but at this time, he found that his preparations were not enough.

Because of the sudden big business, Jiang Zhen finally stayed outside for about 20 days before finally returning to Hecheng County.

He can't wait to go home to see his daughter immediately, but according to the agreement, he must first send the ship's goods and merchants to the county seat.

The fleet slowly approached the dock in Hecheng County.

There are many ships at the dock, so Jiang Zhen's fleet will have to wait for a while to find a place to dock, and it is this waiting that makes Jiang Zhen more and more impatient.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Jiang Zhen said to He Chunsheng: "Find me a boat, I'll go back first, you can watch it here, and let the merchants unload the goods first after landing, and I will delay the follow-up. will come to deal with…”

Jiang Zhen stopped halfway through his words.

He saw a man in a straw hat on the bank raised his hand towards him. After he looked over, the man put down his hand and took off the straw hat... Who is this man if he is not Zhao Jinge

"Boss, are you in such a hurry to go back?"

"The boss must be thinking of his daughter-in-law!"

"Do you miss your daughter too?"

Jiang Zhen's men said with a smile, and at this moment, Jiang Zhen, who was being talked about by them, suddenly jumped into the river.