The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 112: Business is on track


Jiang Zhen's subordinates are all looking forward to the school, but it will take a while for the school to open.

The first batch of people to use this school were actually those accountants recruited by Jiang Zhen.

The next day, the twenty-two accountants were taken over to Hexi Village by Jiang Ming.

These people were still a little uneasy at first, for fear of being deceived, but after seeing the pier in Hexi Village, the uneasiness disappeared immediately.

Although this pier looks empty, it is really imposing, and it is all paved with blue bricks!

Not only that, the houses near the pier are all two-story buildings!

Although Zheng Baoning tried to avoid Song Li once, he was later "educated" by Song Li who came to his home.

He didn't completely believe what Song Li said, but he was still a little worried, but he felt that he should not have been deceived, but Song Li was afraid that Jiang Chengxiang had deceived him.

For example, the leader of the Jin Zhen Escort Bureau may be an ungrateful person, and it is entirely dependent on the wealth of his daughter-in-law's family to develop this matter...

Those who brought them here clearly admired Jiang Zhen very much. If Jiang Zhen was really as bad as Song Li said, could others be convinced of him

"You will live here in the future, and each of you can choose a room to live in." Jiang Ming led the way and brought the accountants to a row of south-facing two-story buildings.

These houses are not big, and they are all connected. The entrance to them is the stairs, and there is a room on each side of the stairs. From the stairs, the second floor is also a room on each side.

In such a house, those sailors all live in a room of four. Except for a few leading guards, they all live in a room of two, but because these people are scholars, there are not many people, so everyone can live in a room. separate room.

Seeing that it turned out to be a building, some people asked for a house on the second floor without hesitation, but some people felt that living upstairs was unsafe and preferred the ground floor.

Zheng Baoning chose the ground floor and lived upstairs and downstairs. He felt it was very troublesome, and the thatched hut was behind the ground floor house. If he chose the second floor, he would have to travel all the way to the hut at night in winter, which would be too troublesome. people.

They all brought bedding, Jiang Ming first asked them to choose a room to put things down, and then said: "Tomorrow someone will teach you something, you can study for seven or eight days, and then you can go home, and then, just go home. Going out with the boat."

"We got it!" These people nodded together when they heard the words, and then another asked, "What are we going to do when we eat? Where to eat?"

"When it's time for dinner, you can go there to eat, and each person will get a copy without spending money." Jiang Ming said again, and then pointed to a large house not far away.

That big house was named the cafeteria by Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen built a lot of stoves in it, and found some two women to cook. When the time came, the sailors on the dock and his men could go there to get meals, and then they could eat on the tables and chairs prepared there. You can also take it home to eat.

This... When they don't work on the ship, the owner also includes food and lodging? Zheng Baoning heard the words, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the others were also very satisfied.

Twenty taels of silver a month, and food and lodging, this kind of work is really good.

Moreover, these days when they learn to do things, it seems that they will be paid for their wages...

Zheng Baoning was more satisfied with his job.

At this moment, Zhao Jinge was dissatisfied with the work that Jiang Zhen arranged for him: "I can't do it, how can I teach people to read? I don't even know a few words, I..." Jiang Zhen actually asked him to teach Those accountants they found to settle accounts... How could he have that ability

A year ago, he couldn't read, but what about those people? There are even children in there!

Zhao Jinge is more confident now, but he doesn't think he can still be a gentleman.

"Brother Jin, you don't need to teach them how to read, you just need to teach them to count, and the number I taught you, you also teach them." Jiang Zhendao, he felt that Arabic numerals are really better than "one two three" Four" is much easier to use and faster to write. After these accountants have learned it, there is no need to write "sixty-nine" in the future when there are sixty-nine items. Just draw "69".

This can also be regarded as a feature of their escort bureau... Cough, some big companies at this time, don't they just use some special passwords to keep accounts

"I'm a twin..." Brother Zhao Jin was still very uneasy.

"Besides you, I'm the only one who understands this... Forget it, I'll be busy during the day and teach them at night." Jiang Zhen sighed.

"How can this be done, then you are too tired!" Zhao Jin said, and then he gritted his teeth: "I'll teach!" Jiang Zhen has already worked hard, and he always has to help Jiang Zhen share some of the burden.

Jiang Zhen looked at Brother Zhao Jin and laughed lightly.

Although Zhao Jinge was full of unease, the next day, he still went to the place Jiang Zhen called the classroom.

Those accountants were still waiting for the Jin Zhen Security Bureau to pay them their wages, but they didn't dare to be disobedient. They all waited in the classroom early, and when they saw Brother Zhao Jin come in, they looked over together.

Zhao Jinge, who was already very nervous, was even more nervous now, and when he was nervous, he straightened his body subconsciously, his brows slightly wrinkled, and the whole person looked cold and serious.

Zheng Baoning and others didn't know Brother Zhao Jin, but they had seen Brother Zhao and Jiang Zhen standing together. They only regarded him as one of the leaders of the security guard, and they respected him very much. Seeing this situation, Brother Zhao finally relaxed a little: " My name is Zhao Jinge, next, I will teach you some secret codes of our Jin Zhen Escort Bureau, you will learn it well, and then you will be able to do things better in the future." Jiang Zhen taught him the numbers, and at this moment, he directly called them secret codes.

signal? Zheng Baoning and others were both surprised and delighted. They had just arrived, but they were willing to teach them the secret code...

The students sitting below were very happy, Zhao Jinge relaxed again, then took out a brush and wrote on the wall.

At this time, there was no blackboard and chalk, and he couldn't make these for a while. Jiang Zhen didn't bother, and only helped Zhao Jinge to paste paper on one of the walls. At this moment, Zhao Jinge was writing on these papers.

He wrote the numbers "one, two, three" and "123" to twenty on the wall. After writing, he began to teach these people to recognize the copy.

These people have some basics, and it is not difficult to learn this, but when they wrote down everything they wrote on the wall, Zhao Jinge wrote down the multiplication formula table and memorized it again: "One for one, one for one Two equals two... nine nine eighty one. You also have to write down this. After you write it down, you can count things quickly. For example, in the previous question, nine people each have eight taels of silver, and eight, nine, seventy-two. Results will be calculated soon.”

In Daqi, there is actually a table of multiplication formulas for a long time, but the order of memorization is different from that of Zhao Jinge. There are even many calculation methods, but most people do not know these things.

These days, the school basically only teaches literacy, but it does not teach you to count things. Those accountants know this, but for no reason, they will not teach others their own housekeeping skills.

Some of the people Jiang Zhen recruited had learned it, but most of them had not. Zheng Baoning only listened to his father chanting some words like 3721, but he never learned it thoroughly.

Because of this, everyone is studying very seriously at the moment, especially the "secret code" written by Zhao Jinge.

When Jiang Zhen came over to take a look, he found that Zhao Jinge was doing well. He glanced at Zhao Jinge quietly, and then went to see the big boat with his daughter in his arms.

In a few days, he has to go out again, and he has to accompany his daughter well these days.

Zheng Baoning and others came to class after eating porridge in the cafeteria in the morning. After two hours of study, when it was time to eat, Brother Zhao Jin let them eat.

"I don't know what to eat at noon... The porridge is so thick in the morning, it's really fragrant!" A man from a family not as good as Zheng Baoning said to Zheng Baoning. This man's family has never had money, and he can read because of him. Grandpa is literate, because he learned from his grandfather.

Zheng Baoning was already hungry, and he couldn't help thinking about his lunch. After smelling the fragrance, he swallowed subconsciously.

In modern times, even in the cafeteria, you can eat all kinds of meat, but the productivity is low these days, and meat is not so easy to get.

At the time, Jiang Zhen had few people, and he could get meat for them every day, but now he can't... It's not that he can't bear the money, it's just that if they eat meat every day, the pigs around here will be bought by them. , and then pork prices skyrocketed.

Therefore, on every Friday every month, he would give meat dishes to the people under his command, and the quantity was not large.

It's also a coincidence that it's every Friday today.

Jiang Zhen bought a pig, removed the bones and cut it into small pieces and braised it, and everyone who went to eat would give a spoonful to each of them.

After Zheng Baoning served the rice, those people poured a spoonful of pork with soup into his rice bowl. In addition, he also got a bowl of boiled lettuce.

Even if this package is enough to eat and live, it can still eat so well... Zheng Baoning couldn't help being excited.

It happened that Jiang Ming also came to eat, and Zheng Baoning went up to talk: "Jiang Shi, Jiang Shi, will you eat so well every day from now on?"

"No, you can only eat meat every day and every Friday, but if you are willing to give money, the kitchen is also willing to make delicious food for you." Jiang Ming said.

Although I can't eat it every day, I can eat meat and fish every Friday, which makes Zheng Baoning very happy.

When he continued his studies in the afternoon, he was more motivated.

A few days later, these twenty-two accountants learned all the numbers taught by Zhao Jinge.

After Jiang Zhen learned about it, he specially gave them some simple arithmetic problems to do. Although they took a little time to do it, they did everything right.

And if you want to get up fast, you have to practice slowly.

Jiang Zhen was relieved, and then gave these people a day off: "Tomorrow morning, I will take you to the county seat, you can go home and stay for one night, and pick you up at the pier the next morning, and then you have to follow me. Go out for a walk."

"Yes, boss!" These accountants responded in unison, and like the people under Jiang Zhen's hands, they called him the boss.

After living on the dock for seven or eight days, they already knew about Jin Zhen's escort bureau. For example, Jiang Zhen is very capable, and everyone is convinced of him. For example, Zhao Jin, who taught them to read, is not only a double boy, but also Jiang Zhen's. young married woman.

When he first found out about this, Zheng Baoning was still thinking about Jiang Zhen's marriage to a wealthy family. Maybe it was true. After all, Zhao Jinge didn't look very good, but soon, he knew that was not the case.

There are many people from Hexi Village on the dock. According to what they said, the Zhao family was impoverished in the past. They even asked Zhao Jinge to go out as long-term workers to earn food rations. If it weren't for Jiang Zhen, their family would never be as good as it is now. Days passed.

"This Boss Jiang is really good."

"He said that in the future we can make more money when we do it, which should be true."

"Maybe I can still be a steward under him in the future!"

When Zheng Baoning and others returned to Hecheng County the next day, they all talked a lot and were full of hope for their future.

The same is true for Zheng Baoning.

Jiang Zhen advanced their wages by one or two silvers each, and his family finally didn't have to go hungry... Zheng Baoning was happy when Song Li stopped him.

"Zheng Baoning, do you really want your life for the sake of money? Or work for such an ungrateful person!" Song Li accused.

"Song Li, don't talk nonsense. Boss Jiang is not ungrateful at all. It is clearly Jiang Chengxiang who framed him." Zheng Baoning frowned and defended Jiang Zhen: "If it wasn't for the Jiang family who did too much..."

"Zheng Baoning, I didn't expect you to be such a person. For a few money, you will be indiscriminate!" Song Li looked at Zheng Baoning in disappointment: "You actually speak for such a person... You thought that such a person would be good to your opponent. You help him do things, maybe you will lose your life!"

"Song Li, don't talk nonsense." Zheng Baoning was annoyed.

The two quarreled and eventually broke up.

Of course, Zheng Baoning didn't listen to Song Li. The next day, he returned to Hexi Village. After another day, he left Hecheng County with the fleet.

Hecheng County is located in Hexing House, and Jiang Zhen's current business is basically all within the scope of Hexing House.

There are water bandits in Hexing Mansion, but they are all small stocks, and they dare not attack Jiang Zhen's fleet at all. Therefore, Jiang Zhen's fleet can be regarded as very safe.

Of course, in Hexing Mansion, there are also some places where Jiang Zhen's fleet will encounter danger, such as the Hongjiang Salt Field... However, no one will go there to do business, and Jiang Zhen will not accept it. Go there for business, so don't worry at all.

This time, they only stayed outside for more than ten days.

Life on the boat was somewhat uncomfortable for Zheng Baoning and others, but it was much easier and safer than they thought at first... These people finally felt completely at ease, and regarded themselves as gold. A member of the shock dart board.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than two months since the Zhao family moved to their new home, and Zhao Mingzhu has been six months old and can sit up.

Many children like to be hugged, but Zhao Mingzhu really likes to play by herself. Right now, she is sitting in a big wooden basin, holding a rattle and shaking it.

Zhao Liushi and Ruo'er watched her beside her, and while watching, they talked to the people who came to Zhao's house.

"My Pearl is very smart, but she is very clever. When Jiang Zhen goes out to do business, he can recognize him every time!"

"But it's also because Jiang Zhen is close to her... I was worried that Jiang Zhen didn't like her daughter before, but I didn't expect that on the contrary, Jiang Zhen likes Mingzhu very much... As long as he is at home, he can't wait to hold Mingzhu all day long. good."

"My brother Jin is getting more and more promising..."

In the past, when Zhao Liu was showing off like this, there were people who were jealous, but now, everyone is only envious.

The Zhao family is far better than them, and it's hard for them to be jealous.

Moreover, unknowingly, Zhao Jinge, who they once thought would never be able to marry and would be alone for life, was so promising that he could still do business.

This Jiang Zhen took a fancy to Zhao Jinge at the beginning, and there is a reason for it. It was He Qiusheng... How could he have the ability to manage a brick kiln, and how could he have the ability to convince all the accountants on the dock

I heard that this Zhao Jinge, the settlement is fast!

Zhao Liu was talking about Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge here, and Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge came in together from the outside.

In the past three months, they have been very busy. Jiang Zhen often only rests at home for a day or two, and then has to go out for another ten days. They have no chance to be with Zhao Jinge, and this is related to the silk business.

The common people in Hecheng County and all nearby counties can grow mulberries and raise silkworms, and silkworms are divided into two types: spring silkworms and summer silkworms.

In May, the spring silkworms formed cocoons, and recently, the cocoons of summer silkworms were also listed... Small businessmen would go to various villages to buy cocoons, and when they bought the cocoons, wouldn't they ask Jiang Zhen to help them deliver the goods

As a result, Jiang Zhen's fleet was almost empty for a moment. Because he was in contact with silkworm cocoons all day, Jiang Zhen felt that his body was full of the smell of cocoons.

However, being so busy is also beneficial.

After Jiang Zhen ran outside for three months, more and more people knew about Jin Zhen's escort bureau, and more and more business was accepted.

In the future, the business within the scope of Hexing Mansion will not need him to follow, and the business further away will not be accepted for the time being.

Jiang Zhen came back yesterday. After he came back, he slept for six hours in a row. He was in good spirits and missed his daughter.

"Mother." As soon as Jiang Zhen entered the door, he called out to Zhao Liushi, and at the same time hurriedly walked to his daughter: "Daddy's precious pearl, come and give Daddy a hug!"

Jiang Zhen hugged his chubby daughter, and then Zhao Mingzhu kicked his legs in his arms.

"My good daughter, these legs are really strong!" Jiang Zhen smiled and kissed Zhao Mingzhu.

The people who talked to Zhao Liushi saw that Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge were back, and they said goodbye to Zhao Liushi. When they left, they couldn't help but glance at Jiang Zhen.

I heard that Jiang Zhen's subordinates also love his daughter-in-law as much as he does. Their daughters, it is best to marry Jiang Zhen's subordinates!

The death of Li Yuan once made the people of He Xicun a little scared, and felt that it was dangerous to do things with Jiang Zhen, but after a few months, they were relieved.

Their Hexing Mansion is very peaceful, and it is actually very safe to follow Jiang Zhen. Not only that, but also make a lot of money!

Although Jiang Zhen's salary was much less because he didn't go to a place as far away as the capital at this time, ordinary bodyguards also had 22 taels of salary a month. Those who followed Jiang Zhen to the capital could still get a month's salary. Three taels of silver, not counting the bonus here... How many of them country people could find such a good job before

Not to mention those escorts, they are the women who helped Jiang Zhen build a brick kiln to make bricks, and many of them have already earned several taels of silver!

Most of the men in this village can no longer work for Jiang Zhen after Jiang Zhen's pier is built, but the women in the village can still make money. Because of this, the women in Hexi Village now have a lot of backs.

Jiang Zhen didn't know about these things, but if he knew, he would be happy to hear it.

"Mother, just now, Mrs. Li said it's ready for dinner." After kissing her daughter again, Jiang Zhen said to Mrs. Zhao Liu.

"Then let's go." Zhao Liu hurriedly stood up.

Everyone went to the place to eat together, and then saw that Mrs. Li had already set the dishes on the Eight Immortals table, and when she saw them coming, she hurriedly filled them with food, and then took Ruo'er to the back to eat, and They ate together, and Jiang Xiaomei.

When Jiang Zhen moved to a new house, Jiang Xiaomei also lived here. As a result, Jiang Zhen only gave her a room by the wall to sleep, and did not let her live in the main building.

Jiang Zhen is willing to help Jiang Xiaomei and give her a dowry, but he doesn't treat her as a family, and doesn't like her living in front of him.

Jiang Xiaomei is a person who is very good at looking at people's faces. Seeing this, she will not go to Jiang Zhen, and eat with Li Shiruo'er.

She doesn't care much about being treated like this by Jiang Zhen. After all, her life in Zhao's family is much better than her life in Jiang's family. If nothing else, just eat... Jiang Zhen said, The three of them can keep some of the dishes they cook at home. If the Zhao family eats meat every day, they can also eat meat every day.

For example, today, when Mr. Li killed a chicken, they also had chicken to eat.

Li Shi and others have already started eating, but Jiang Zhen hasn't eaten yet. He is feeding Zhao Mingzhu porridge.

It was probably because she had been fed with a spoon since she grew up eating milk. Zhao Mingzhu did not reject eating porridge at all, and even liked it very much. However, Jiang Zhen did not dare to give her more food. inside, let her sit inside and continue playing.

Jiang Zhen has a lot of money now, but there are no servants at home, only Li Shi and Ruo'er are helping to cook and clean, so the pomp of the meal can't be too big.

The only meat dish on the table today is chicken, but Mr. Li made several other vegetarian dishes. Each of these dishes tasted very good. Jiang Zhen ate two large bowls of rice in one go, while Zhao Jinge ate the same as him. many.

Seeing that Brother Zhao Jin was eating a lot, Zhao Liu looked expectantly: "Brother Jin, are you pregnant again?"

"No... Mother, you think too much." Zhao Jinge blushed.

"Why not, the two children don't need to be breastfeeding, they will soon be able to conceive again." Zhao Liushi said again.

"That's not so fast." Zhao Jin said, it's only half a year since he gave birth...

Of course, he will be certain that he is not pregnant, and there are other reasons.

One is that Jiang Zhen is so busy that he has no chance to make out with Jiang Zhen, the other is because Jiang Zhen... After he gave birth to Zhao Mingzhu, Jiang Zhen would pull out every time before the end...

How could he conceive a child like this

He was very puzzled about this. He asked Jiang Zhen why he did this. Jiang Zhen said that having children one after another was not good for him, so he would not pursue it any further.

However, he really wanted to have another child...

Thinking about this matter, Zhao Jinge was very enthusiastic this night, which made Jiang Zhen also excited. In the end, the two accidentally woke Zhao Mingzhu up and made her cry with a "wow".

Jiang Zhen: "..."

Jiang Zhen really wanted to coax his daughter, but at this time the arrow was on the string and had to send... After the end, Jiang Zhen had time to hug his daughter who was already aggrieved.

After coaxing his daughter to sleep, Jiang Zhen hugged Zhao Jinge in his arms: "Brother Jin, why are you so enthusiastic today? Did you miss me?" It was very late when he came back yesterday, and he was very tired. I got Brother Zhao Jin to do it...

"I want to give birth to a younger brother for Mingzhu." Zhao Jinge said.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? Let's wait until the Pearl is older." Jiang Zhen said, he actually thinks one is enough, but it is unlikely that only one will be born. After all, there was no effective contraceptive method in ancient times.

With the method he is using now, the probability of unintended pregnancy is quite high, and it is not safe at all.

So, he thought about when the accident happened and when it was reborn.

After sticking with Zhao Jinge for a while, Jiang Zhen grabbed him again: "Come, let's do it again, maybe you will be pregnant!" Without Zhao Jinge to accompany him, his life outside was really sad. Back, of course, to take a good comfort.

However, in the future, he can rest at home, just waiting to collect the money, even if he wants to go out... He can also bring Zhao Jinge and Zhao Mingzhu with him.

Jiang Zhen suddenly looked forward to his future life.

In the past three months, Jiang Zhen's escort bureau made a net profit of more than 500 taels, and the brick kiln also earned more than 500 taels, adding up to a thousand taels.

As a result, Jiang Zhen was thinking about buying a few more big ships, and after he was satisfied, he talked to Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Jinge also knows that if you want to make more money, you must invest. Naturally, he will not object. He even said that the brick kiln can be expanded, but it is better to build it in another village.

"Alright." Jiang Zhen nodded, and said that he would not go out with the fleet in the future.

"Is it okay if you don't go with me?"

"No problem." Jiang Zhen said with a smile: "There are already some people who can use it. Among the twenty or so accounts, a few are doing really well."

"Is there that Zheng Baoning in there?" Zhao Jinge asked, "He learns things quickly and works hard."

"Yes, he did a very good job this trip, I even rewarded him." Jiang Zhen said.

Jiang Zhen is very satisfied with Zheng Baoning, and Zheng Baoning also thinks that Jiang Zhen is a rare good owner.

He had only been with Jiang Zhen for three months, and Jiang Zhen actually raised his wages!

After returning from this trip, Jiang Zhen gave him two taels of silver and a duck as a reward, and asked him to run a line alone with Wang Haisheng in the future.

After being on his own, his monthly salary will be mentioned five taels of silver, and if he does a good job, there will be bonuses.

Five taels of silver a month!

Zheng Baoning couldn't be too happy. His mother, a younger brother and two younger sisters were also very happy. His mother cooked the duck on the first day, and bought another chicken to cook the next day.

At this moment, Song Li came again.

After the two had quarreled, Zheng Baoning had been very busy and hadn't seen Song Li for a long time, but when he saw him again, he forgot his unhappiness at the beginning, and even greeted Song Li for dinner.

However, Song Li came to persuade him not to do things for Jiang Zhen...

Zheng Baoning drove Song Li out without hesitation, and didn't want to pay attention to this person anymore.

There were a total of twenty-two people who went to the Jin Zhen Escort Bureau. Now, they are all very satisfied with this errand.

Although they have to stay on the boat most of the time, they eat well while on the boat, and all of them are fat!

Why is Song Li's face so big? I want him to quit his job!

Zheng Baoning's good mood was taken away by Song Li, and Song Li was also very angry at this moment. How could this Zheng Baoning and other people who went to Jin Zhen's guard station not know good hearts

On Jiang Zhen's side, everything was on the right track, and at this time, Zheng Yi, who had been in the capital for more than half a year, finally returned to Hecheng County.

After he became an imperial merchant, he stayed in the capital for a long time, but he couldn't stay in the capital forever. After all, he was responsible for delivering silk to the household, and the best silk was all in the south of the Yangtze River.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than a year since he left Hecheng County... Zheng Yi looked at the pier in Hecheng County and couldn't help feeling a little emotional, and also thought of Jiang Zhen.

After Jiang Zhen came back, it is said that he stayed in Hexi Village and didn't run out, and he didn't know what happened now.