The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 118: Court reward


Jiang Zhen didn't go to the county seat for several days.

The Qingfeng Building in the county town has long been on the right track, and he doesn't need to watch it, and the mansion is temporarily closed... That being the case, he stayed in Hexi Village and looked after the guards.

His escort bureau is going to recruit people again, and he can just check it out.

Before Jiang Zhen, he didn't even have a scholar, but now he can easily recruit scholars, but he mainly recruits escorts.

He recruits escorts, and he always looks for locals. Those who know their roots and have a family nearby. These days are not modern, and there is no ID card. Naturally, no one can find foreigners at ease.

Jiang Zhen is very busy, but as long as he can, he will take Zhao Mingzhu with him wherever he goes.

This is his first child, and it's only at an old age. He simply doesn't like this child.

Because of this, when Zhao Mingzhu, who had always been very energetic, suddenly became ill, Jiang Zhen became anxious.

Zhao Mingzhu is a good child. In the past, even if she was crying, as long as someone hugged her, she would be fine, but this time, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge took turns to hug her, and she still looked very uncomfortable.

Not only that, Jiang Zhen also found that she seemed to have a fever.

This kid has a fever!

In modern times, you can get a thermometer to take the temperature of the child and go to the hospital to check, but there is nothing here.

Not even Baidu, which is full of all kinds of unreliable information.

Jiang Zhen suddenly became anxious: "What should I do? Mingzhu seems to be very uncomfortable!"

Brother Zhao Jin is also a complete novice. When Jiang Zhen is anxious, he is even more anxious, and the two of them are anxious, so is Zhao Liu's naturally anxious.

Even Zhao Fugui, who had some old-fashioned looks these days, who had just returned from "inspecting" the situation in the fields in new clothes, rubbed his hands together and became uneasy: "This... this... The two children, Jin Hu and Jin Ge. , it wasn't like this when I was a kid!"

"It's not that there is none, it's just that you don't know." Zhao Liushi glanced at Zhao Fugui. The two children she gave birth also had uncomfortable experiences when they were young, but there was no money at that time. Boil it, and after a few days, it will be fine.

However, she doesn't remember what happened.

Moreover, in this Hexi Village, some children can survive after being sick, and some cannot survive... The more Zhao Liu thought about it, the more worried he became.

"Let's go to the county seat." Jiang Zhen said without hesitation, no matter what, he had to let the doctor see it first.

With his daughter in his arms, Jiang Zhen hurried to the county seat. After arriving at the county seat, he hurried to the medical clinic.

"Is this child sick? What are the symptoms? Vomiting or pulling? How many days have it been like this?" The doctor glanced at the child in Jiang Zhen's arms and asked again and again.

Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, asking, and knowing. For such a young child, it is impossible to measure the pulse, and he cannot speak, so he can only rely on his parents to describe it.

"Starting today, she was very noisy, and she still had a little fever." Jiang Zhen told all of Zhao Mingzhu's symptoms.

"It's only been a day, maybe it's too cold and noisy... Let's take a look at it first." The doctor said, he is not a doctor specializing in pediatrics, such a small child does not seem to have a big problem, so naturally he does not dare to give her a prescription at will. medicine.

"Doctor, but she has a fever." Jiang Zhen was worried about this at the moment.

The doctor touched Zhao Jinge's forehead with his hand and said, "It's nothing, it's not too hot, it doesn't matter if she can eat."

"She can eat things, but she eats less." Jiang Zhen said.

"Your child is sick, let me see." At this moment, an older woman suddenly came out of the room.

Jiang Zhen nodded without hesitation and asked the man to help him take a look.

The woman watched for a while, and then asked Jiang Zhen to open Zhao Mingzhu's mouth.

Jiang Zhen nodded, opened Zhao Mingzhu's mouth to show the man, and then heard the woman say: "It's nothing, just teeth, do something harder and let her grind her teeth. "

Teeth? Jiang Zhen took a closer look and found that Zhao Mingzhu's gums were a little red. When he found this, he immediately felt relieved.

Zhao Jinge and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the child is just teething, there is no need to worry too much. Jiang Zhen took Zhao's family to the grain store to buy some good flour for Zhao Mingzhu to eat, and some sugar before going back.

During this period, he also met people from the Zheng family.

In Hecheng County, it can be said that there are Zheng family members everywhere. Jiang Zhen hurried into the city and went directly to the medical clinic. Naturally, someone reported it to Zheng Yi, so Zheng Yi sent someone to ask.

Knowing that it was only a child with teeth, Zheng Yi couldn't help but feel a little funny, and put it aside, and then went to ask someone: "You said, Zhou Maohe disappeared?"

This Lord Zhou was coming to Jiangnan, and it was the news that Zheng Erye from the capital quickly sent the news, and in addition to this news, Zheng Erye also let Zheng Yi look at this Lord Zhou.

This Lord Zhou didn't know what was going on outside the court, and the officials he hated were not only Zheng Erye, so Zheng Yi was not very worried at first, but later found that Lord Zhou was too jealous of evil, so he temporarily gave up the mansion. The construction of Qingfeng Tower.

But don't let him start construction projects in the city, and this Lord Zhou will use it as a handle to attack his second uncle, or think that they are embezzling and accepting bribes...

Heaven and earth conscience, although their Zheng family got a lot of benefits from his second uncle, but his second uncle has always been an official.

Zheng Yi was afraid that the imperial envoy would find fault, and he has always been paying attention to him. As a result, someone told him that the imperial envoy had suddenly disappeared.

This... Wechat went to private visit

Zheng Yi pondered for a while and didn't come up with a result, so he only asked people to pay more attention to the news of the commissioned minister.

He admitted that he had done nothing wrong, and naturally he was not afraid of being investigated.

After Jiang Zhen took Zhao Mingzhu back to Hexi Village, he found something to bite Zhao Mingzhu.

It's just that it's cold now, Zhao Mingzhu wears a lot of clothes, and it's inconvenient for her to put something in her mouth to bite, so she's unhappy, and "humming" again, something too hard, Jiang Zhen is afraid that she will be hurt Own.

After thinking about it, Jiang Zhen simply washed his hands and gave Zhao Mingzhu a bite.

With Jiang Zhen's fingers to bite, Zhao Mingzhu really doesn't make a fuss.

She didn't have teeth yet, and she didn't have much strength, and Jiang Zhen's hands were full of calluses. It didn't hurt to be bitten by her like this, but her fingers were itchy.

When Jiang Xiaomei came to Jiang Zhen, she saw her big brother, who had changed a lot, was giving Zhao Mingzhu a bite to play with.

Looking at Zhao Mingzhu, she suddenly remembered when she was a child... His eldest brother would also take her at that time, and he was also good to her, but he didn't speak all the time. When she was a little older, she was not willing to follow him who was always silent.

"What's the matter with you?" Jiang Zhen asked.

Jiang Xiaomei lowered her head, a little embarrassed, but quickly raised her head and said, "I want to marry Zhang Bai."

"Zhang Bai?" Jiang Zhen was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he remembered that it was the son of the two father and son who had fired blue bricks he brought back.

He bought the father and son back with money, but in order to motivate them to burn more bricks, he gave them a reward.

The father and son saved the rewards he gave him, and found him not long ago, saying that they wanted to redeem themselves, and that they would continue to work for him, and he agreed.

However, he did not expect that Jiang Xiaomei would fall in love with Zhang Bo.

He remembered that Jiang Xiaomei seemed to be interested in Jiang Ming before? But he had too many things to do, so he didn't care about the development of things.

"Yeah, it's him." Jiang Xiaomei lowered her head.

She liked Jiang Ming before, but she would like it, just because Jiang Ming's conditions are good, and she has never had any contact with Jiang Ming, so it must be considered that you don't marry.

But these days she went to work in the brick kiln every day, and she and Zhang Bai saw each other.

Zhang Bai has the skill of making blue bricks, so he will definitely not be short of money in the future, and his job is better than Jiang Ming, who has to go out all day. After they get married, they can stay together forever.

"If you want to marry him, get married, but wait until my mother's birthday banquet is over." Jiang Zhendao, that Zhang Bai had the impression that he was a young man who burned bricks all day and made himself dark. Other than that, it's quite honest and willing to do it.

In the past, he only built a brick kiln in Hexi Village, but it was not enough, so he went to a neighboring village to build a similar brick kiln and let Zhang Bai's father take care of it.

The two brick kilns are of the same scale, but Zhang Bai always burns more bricks... I heard that apart from eating and sleeping, he spends almost all of his time on the brick kiln.

Jiang Zhen has no opinion on this person. Jiang Xiaomei will marry if she wants to marry. He doesn't care. At this moment, he still intends to organize Zhao Liu's birthday party first.

When Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge got married, it was impossible to make the wedding banquet lively. After all, there were too few relatives and friends, but it is different now.

At this moment, Jiang Zhenguang has countless subordinates, and he can find a large group of people to celebrate Zhao Liu's birthday!

Jiang Zhen finally decided to hold Zhao Liu's birthday banquet.

On the day of Zhao Liu's birthday, the sun was very bright and there was no wind.

Here in Hexi Village, there is a saying, "Poverty is in debt, cold in the wind".

If a person is not in debt, he is not poor, and if there is no northwesterly wind, he is not too cold.

The sun was good and there was no wind. Although it was winter, it gave people the same feeling as spring.

"Look, as soon as you pass your birthday, God will give you a good face." Someone in Hexi Village praised Zhao Liushi.

Jiang Zhen planned to hold a birthday banquet, so early in the morning, those people in Hexi Village who had a good relationship with Zhao Liu came to help.

Zhao Liu was wearing new clothes and gold jewelry, and his face was full of smiles: "Oh, it's Jiang Zhen... You said that my old bones are almost in the coffin, and he has to spend a lot of money on it for me. Shou, really…”

Zhao Liu said this on his lips, and also told Zhao Jinge in private that he felt that it was too expensive to do so, but he was very happy, and his face was full of smiles.

Seeing that the tables were all set out and many guests came one after another, they were even more delighted to close their mouths.

She had never been so faceless in her life.

Zhao Liu was very happy, but at this moment, a middle-aged man with a blue face walked off a boat.

The middle-aged man was accompanied by two guards, and he looked like a wealthy businessman. After he came, he asked the people on the dock: "I heard there is a Jin Zhen Escort here?"

"Yeah." The person who moved the goods said: "There is a Jin Zhen Escort Bureau, do you want to find them? They rented the house over there to pick up the business." The person moving the goods said, and pointed to He pointed to a shop with a plaque of "Jin Zhen Escort Bureau" not far away.

"Oh..." The middle-aged man nodded and asked again, "I heard there is a Qingfeng Building here?"

In addition to coming to Jin Zhen Escort, this person wants to go to Qingfenglou to play? The person who moved the goods quickly said: "Yes, yes, you can find a boy on the street, spend two coins, and they will take you there! Tsk tsk, in the Qingfeng Building, food and play, I heard that all are Something that only exists in the palace, but it's a good place!"

"What?" The middle-aged man's expression changed. How can something that only exists in the palace be taken out for a group of merchants to enjoy

It really makes no sense!

Seeing that the middle-aged man's face was not good-looking, the transporter was taken aback: "This master..."

"It's okay." The middle-aged man waved his hand.

This middle-aged man was Zhou Maohe, an imperial envoy from the capital.

A few days ago, Zhou Maohe received a letter saying that there is a Jin Zhen Escort Bureau in Hecheng County, and the person in charge not only beat his parents, but also bribed the officials, leaving his parents nowhere to ask.

As soon as Zhou Maohe inquired, he also inquired about more things. For example, Hecheng County is the territory of the Zheng family. Another example is this Zheng family. They also got a Qingfeng Building with Jin Zhen Escort Bureau. Countless people already know about this place.

That Qingfenglou, a trip costs 10 taels of silver? So much money, enough for ordinary people to spend a year!

Could such a place be a good place

This Zheng family, they don't know what they are doing!

Zhou Maohe had always had an opinion on Mr. Zheng who had been thinking about pleasing the Queen Mother all day. Now that he heard about it, he immediately decided to come and take a look.

He came here by hiding his identity, and at this moment, he planned to go to Qingfenglou to have a look.

That place that everyone praises, maybe the people inside are doing disgusting deeds!

The Qingfeng Building in Hecheng County also has a threshold.

If you want to go in, you must first put 22 taels of silver at the door. After entering, all expenses except for the exchange of chips will be deducted from the 20 taels of silver, and in the end, more money will be refunded.

This is nothing to the people who come to Qingfenglou. Who comes here without twenty taels of silver

However, Zhou Maohe was shocked when he heard the words: "Twenty taels of silver?" He was born in a poor family, and his family has never been wealthy. He has to be very careful when he eats meat on weekdays. I brought a little more money, but not as much as twenty taels.

This man actually asked him twenty taels of silver!

"Master, if you don't bring any money, you can come again next time." The person at the door smiled at Zhou Maohe.

Although Zhou Maohe seemed to have no money, Zheng Yi explained that even if they were in ragged clothes, they had to greet them with a smile, so they had an excellent attitude.

However, their behavior of asking for money and their attitude made Zhou Maohe feel more and more that there was a ghost in this Qingfenglou.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Zhou Maohe took out twenty taels of silver and walked inside... Because he couldn't get any more money, his two guards were left outside.

Qingfenglou is very luxurious. Although Zhou Maohe lived a poor life, he still had eyesight. The more he looked at it, the more angry he became, and after a while, he was taken into the hall.

That hall is where people play cards.

In the middle of the hall, some arc-shaped tables were placed in a circle, and inside, Liu Qianqian and Zhao Lingxi were sitting there.

It was still early, and there was no one in Qingfeng Building, so they were idle, and only let others go to deal cards to the guests who came to the door and play with them-the two of them, now they are the signboards of Qingfeng Building, To let them go to the dealer to deal cards, it depends on their mood.

"This job is really good, but when I get older, I can't do it." Liu Qianqian said.

"What are you afraid of? When we are old, we have already saved a sum of money!" Zhao Lingxi said. The Qingfenglou didn't pay them much, only two taels of silver a month, but they took all the reward money given by the guests!

The guests here are all generous, and they don’t give coins for rewards, they are basically silver!

But it didn't take long for them to save a lot of money. Speaking of which, they don't get off the field easily now, because they found that this would raise their value and get more rewards.

"You're right... At that time, I'll set up a female household and find a child to raise." Liu Qianqian said.

"You're not married anymore?" Zhao Lingxi looked at Liu Qianqian puzzledly. Before, Liu Qianqian wanted to get married...

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth..." Liu Qianqian said: "When I was in the flower building, I was given medicine, and there would be no children at all." This is why she wanted to be a concubine before. But she never thought about the reason for getting married. She couldn't even give birth. If she got married in a serious way, how could she live well then

Being a concubine is different. She is so good-looking that she can fascinate men, and then she tells her mistress in private that she can't have a baby... For the sake of her no threat, the mistress will definitely let her Stay well in the backyard.

Zhao Lingxi was stunned when she heard the words, but she didn't comfort her in the end, she only said: "Then save money well, I don't think I can get married, it's not possible, we will be partners in the future."

The two of them were talking with a heavy heart. At this time, they suddenly heard someone shouting loudly: "It's really getting worse! The world is getting worse! The two women are not at home to care for their husbands and children, but they came out to hang out with a group of men... This is It's insulting to Sven!"

The two looked at it together, only to realize that it was said by a middle-aged man.

"Where is this old pedant from?" Liu Qianqian couldn't help frowning.

"This place is both a casino and a brothel! What a Zheng family! To do such a thing!" Zhou Maohe was already furious.

In this Qingfeng Building, there are actually some women dressed in men's clothes making fun of men!

Such a dirty place, what is the name of "Qingfenglou"? !

Because of Jiang Zhen's explanation, these women who work in Qingfenglou actually don't talk much with their guests.

You know, Jiang Zhen said from the very beginning that if they hooked up with guests and wanted to find another job, he would immediately let them go... What let go, isn't this just to chase people away

These women are also big-hearted, but they really don't dare to have anything with their guests without a set goal.

Even if there is a goal... They also plan to find one - two boats, but it will capsize!

Of course, most of them don't want to find a target anymore.

It is definitely better to have money yourself than to follow someone and then ask for money from others to spend.

Therefore, no one really made fun of the guests at the moment, but in Zhou Maohe's opinion, it was wrong for this woman to stay in such a place.

"You look down on this place so much, what are you doing here?" Liu Qianqian said angrily, she just opened her scar, and she was angry!

"That's right, come to a place like this, and you're still staring at us. You're like this... tsk tsk." Zhao Lingxi helped.

Liu Qianqian and Zhao Lingxi are definitely the two most popular people here. Who doesn't like them among the men in the hall at the moment

Seeing that they were angry, those men immediately looked at Zhou Maohe and denounced them one after another.

Liu Qianqian and Zhao Lingxi were told that they could not offend the guests, and they dared not say a swear word, but these people were different. They had the same thoughts that they showed in front of Liu Qianqian and Zhao Lingxi, facing Zhou Maohe, That's not polite at all.

Most of the people who come here are businessmen, this is swearing...

"Shame on gentleness! Shame on gentleness!" Zhou Maohe became more and more angry.

He has a neat tongue and can quote scriptures in the courtroom, making people speechless, but when a scholar encounters a soldier, he can't make sense.

The businessmen present were very loud, and they scolded people very smoothly in their dialects. Everyone still couldn't understand Zhou Maohe's words...

Zhou Maohe was finally told that he could only escape from here, but as soon as he left, he ran into a servant.

"Master, please come outside." The servant of Qingfenglou said to Zhou Maohe. At first glance, this person is here to find fault, and he must be sent away quickly.

Zhou Maohe didn't have the face to stay any longer, he flicked his sleeves and walked out.

He walked fast, and after walking for a while, he heard someone shouting from behind: "Master, don't you want your money?"

Zhou Maohe paused, gritted his teeth, and walked back: "Silver?"

"You didn't spend any money in our Qingfeng Building, except for a tael of silver to enter the door, the rest will be returned to you." The doorman said with a smile.

This little servant is respectful, but Zhou Maohe feels insulted and underestimated, but that silver...

Taking the silver, Zhou Maohe turned around and left.

At this moment, Zheng Yi was holding a heavy Guanyin to send his son, and then gave it to Zhao Liu.

"It's so heavy!" Zhao Liu's eyes lit up while holding the Goddess of Mercy, and hurriedly called someone to bring a table over, so that the Goddess of Mercy could be placed on it for others to see.

The tacky Jin Guanyin was finally placed on a table covered with red cloth. Seeing that Zhao Liu kept telling people that this was given to her by Mr. Zheng, Mr. Zheng touched his nose and felt a little helpless.

In his life, he has given such a tacky gift once, and it has been widely publicized...

In the end, Master Zheng didn't want to stay outside anymore, and finally took Jiang Zhen to the inside: "Jiang Zhen, I have good news for you."

"What?" Jiang Zhen asked curiously.

"It's what you came up with, that method of suturing the wound has been tried before, and if it works, the emperor gave it a reward!" Zheng Yi said: "This is the news from my second uncle. As for the angel, it is estimated that he will be on his way now. ."

If Zheng Yi didn't say it, Jiang Zhen almost forgot about it. He was a little surprised to hear it now: "What is the award?"

"I heard that it's just a little money... My second uncle didn't go into details." Zheng Yi was a little embarrassed, Jiang Zhen was just a commoner, so it was impossible to give him too many rewards: "However, with this reward, your status in the future will never end. It's the same."

Jiang Zhen nodded, Zheng Yi was right, with such a reward, his business would indeed be much better.