The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 119: The visit of the imperial emissary


Jiang Zhen was looking forward to the reward from the imperial court. Although this reward could not have a lot of money, it had a strong symbolic meaning.

These days, the emperor is the supreme existence in the eyes of the common people. He has been rewarded by the emperor. For those small businessmen and common people, the Jin Zhen Escort is definitely different.

It is the officials from all over Hexing Mansion... Knowing that he has registered in front of the emperor, after the ships of Jin Zhen's Escort Bureau pass by, I am afraid that they will not come up with various names to ask for money.

Jiang Zhen was very happy, but Zheng Yi said this, but asked again: "Jiang Zhen, why did you specifically explain that you couldn't bring Shen Anxin and Feng Jingyuan with you in your post this time?"

"I don't like those two people." Jiang Zhen said directly.

Needless to say, Feng Jingyuan, this person is not right, as for Shen Anxin, Jiang Zhen has already made up his mind that he will never contact this person again.

"I don't like it very much either." Zheng Yi said, "Feng Jingyuan is a very comfortable person to get along with, but he is asking for me. If something happens to me... He is definitely the fastest runner. As for Shen Anxin, I thought it was someone who could help me. Yes, the result..." Zheng Yi didn't know how to evaluate Shen Anxin, he originally thought about him being good, and in the future it would be okay to only do business with him, but...

Recently, many people in Zheng's house are saying that he is suffering from lovesickness, otherwise he will not be in a trance all day.

Glancing at Jiang Zhen, Zheng Yi pondered that Jiang Zhen might know something, so he didn't want to see Shen Anxin.

He has deliberately told Shen Anxin about Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge. If Shen Anxin can't think about it again... Zheng Yi wants to change his collaborator.

Neither of them continued on this topic, and at this time, the previous birthday banquet had already begun.

No matter what banquet you go to in this country, you will follow the ceremony, bring some money or something, in fact, it is to help the main family - after all, for most families, hosting a banquet will empty the family. .

However, for Zhao Liu's birthday banquet this time, Jiang Zhen did not charge any money.

You can eat for nothing without giving a courtesy, and it's all good wine and good food... When everyone faced Zhao Liu, there were more good things to say, boasting sentence by sentence and high hats Zhao Liu's mouth was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

At this time, Zhou Maohe, who had left Qingfenglou, came to Hexi Village with two guards.

He was going to Hexi Village to see the situation here.

Zhou Maohe hired a boat to come here, and when he came over, he saw a very, very imposing dock.

Even the pier in Hecheng County is much more broken than here, but it was just a businessman who built such a large pier...

Zhou Maohe has always disliked businessmen. These people speculated to drive up the price of goods as unkind, and they are so rich that they don't care about the life and death of the people. They are simply assholes in Daqi!

Seeing this spacious wharf at this moment, and thinking that it was all hard-earned money earned from the common people, Zhou Maohe's impression of Jiang Zhen's poorness was worse.

Today, Zhao Liu's birthday, many of Jiang Zhen's men have gone to Zhao's house, and there are many fewer people on the dock. These people still have things to do, but no one has time to take care of Zhou Maohe, and no one Talk to him.

Zhou Maohe looked around, and the more he saw the lively scene here, the more dissatisfied he became, and then walked towards the village.

At the same time, a person came to the Jiang family, who was the guard beside Shen Anxin, who also sent a letter to Jiang Chengxiang.

Jiang Chengxiang was excited when he read the letter: "Shen Shao has sent a letter, saying that the imperial envoy has come to Hexi Village!"

"It's really coming?" Jiang Chengcai was also a little happy, but soon became worried: "Can we really sue Jiang Zhen?"

"Of course it can, what can't it do?" Jiang Chengxiang said, but he was a little uneasy.

If it weren't for Shen Anxin's repeated assurances, he would never dare to sue Jiang Zhen, after all, Jiang Zhen is no longer the same.

Jin Zhen Escort Bureau now has two or three hundred light escorts, so many people... If you want to kill their family, it is as simple as crushing an ant...

"Can't we live a good life?" Jiang old man sighed. Jiang Zhen's attitude is also very obvious, as long as they don't look for his trouble, they won't come to them.

So as long as they stay safe, life can go on.

"Now, can I live a good life? Where did the good life come from?" Mrs. Jiang said without thinking. Their family can't eat enough and don't wear warm clothes, but Jiang Zhen can eat and drink spicy food. Just thinking about it makes her feel unbearable, and she can't sleep all night long!

She must make Jiang Zhen unlucky!

The Jiang family was worried in their hearts, but in the end they unified their opinions again and went to sue Jiang Zhen.

The people sent by Shen Anxin told them the general appearance of the imperial envoy. Jiang Chengxiang hid the letter from Shen Anxin to him, put on the most worn clothes and went out, seeing Zhou Maohe from a distance, sure After realizing that he should be the imperial envoy, he stumbled and fell directly in front of Zhou Maohe.

"This little brother, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Maohe asked worriedly.

"I'm fine..." Jiang Chengxiang struggled to get up from the ground and smiled bitterly: "I'm just starving."

"Hungry?" Zhou Maohe's eyes flashed with sympathy, but at this time, Jiang Chengxiang, who had just got up, fell down again "exhausted".

Jiang Chengxiang was still very young, so he was able to make up his own performance and complain that Boss Jiang was bullying him. He was already prepared at this moment, and he naturally performed better. Zhou Maohe believed it almost immediately.

"Little brother, where is your home? Let me help you go back." Zhou Mao said peacefully.

Zhou Maohe finally followed Jiang Chengxiang to Jiang's house.

The Jiang family's house looks pretty good, but the people in the house are dirty and tattered, looking very pitiful. At this moment, Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Chengcai are still hugging their heads and crying...

"My son... so good, why did he hit you again?"

"It's not that he hit me, it's that the people under him don't like me..."

"Isn't that what he ordered? How could he do this... You are his brother, and he won't give you a way to survive?"

"Mother... he even hit you... "

Zhou Maohe came here this time because he wanted to find Jiang Zhen's parents in Hexi Village. He didn't expect to find this family when he came.

After listening for a while, he asked, "What do you have to do with that Jiang Zhen?"

"That Jiang Zhen is my son." Old lady Jiang cried.

Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that the Jiang family was found as soon as they arrived... Zhou Maohe immediately asked about the specific situation.

"Then Jiang Zhen is my eldest son. The day before he was born, his father went to join the army. I took him with a woman. Life was extremely difficult, and it was not good for him..." Mrs. Jiang pressed Looking at what Jiang Chengxiang had said to her, he cried and said: "He was born in a bad day, and he is withdrawn. I have always disliked him, but I have raised him, and I don't want him to treat me. Holding a grudge, resenting my partiality to his brother..."

"It's really outrageous!" Zhou Maohe's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

If a child does not speak out about his father's faults, it means that there is something wrong with being a parent. As a child, one should not disobey their parents. What about Jiang Zhen? Not only injured his parents and brothers, forced his parents to split his family, but also robbed his younger sister and did not support his parents...

This one by one thing is simply too numerous to list!

What's even more irritating is that the Jiang family wants to get justice, but there is no way to ask for help!

"Today, it was his mother-in-law's 50th birthday, and everyone in the village was invited except us. As a result, I went to dig wild vegetables before, but I was a little closer to Zhao's house, and was beaten by his men." Jiang Cheng Cai added, showing a red mark on his face.

Of course, he was not beaten by Jiang Zhen's men, but by Huang Min. He just mentioned that he wanted to try to do business again, and was beaten by Huang Min...

Zhou Maohe was already furious, he stood up abruptly, and walked towards the Zhao family's house.

The Zhao family's house built by the pier is very recognizable. Zhou Maohe arrived there after a while, and then found that there were many tables at the gate, with chicken, duck, fish and meat on the table, and many people were sitting there. Eat and drink, and then look inside... There is a golden Guanyin and other things on a table covered with red cloth.

All of this is simply extravagant!

His life was extravagant there, but he left his parents to suffer at home... Zhou Maohe immediately shouted, "Where is Jiang Zhen?"

"Who are you?" Jiang Zhen was greeting the guests outside, and when he saw Zhou Maohe, he immediately walked over and asked with a frown.

Seeing Jiang Zhen's appearance, Zhou Maohe was convinced of the Jiang family's words: "You are not filial to your parents, you are not a brother, you are simply unworthy!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Zhen frowned: "The Jiang family came to you?"

"You still know the Jiang family? Do you know that they are your parents and brothers?!" Zhou Maohe said angrily.

"Someone, throw him out to me." Jiang Zhen said without hesitation. This is Zhao Liu's birthday banquet, and he doesn't want to be destroyed by irrelevant people.

As soon as Jiang Zhen finished speaking, his subordinates grabbed Zhou Maohe and his guards and threw the three of them out.

"Stop!" Zhou Maohe was grabbed, his face darkened, he never thought that he would have such a disgraceful day.

However, how could Jiang Zhen's subordinates listen to him? Just threw him out.

After throwing the person away, Jiang Zhen returned to the room. In the back room, there was a separate seat, and only the Zhao family and Zheng Yi sat here.

"What's wrong?" Zheng Yi asked when he saw Jiang Zhen come in.

"It's nothing, I dealt with someone who came to make trouble." Jiang Zhendao, Jiang Chengxiang spoke badly about him outside, Zheng Baoning mentioned it to him, today this person, he thinks, should be similar to that Song Li.

He was too lazy to pay attention to such a person, so he just ignored him.

Jiang Zhen didn't take this matter to heart at all, but Zhou Maohe was already trembling with anger, he straightened his clothes, went to the pier, and said to the boatman who brought him: "Go to Fucheng, I will Go to Fucheng!"

"My lord, the city is too far away..."

"You send me over, I'll give you a tael of silver!" Zhou Mao said peacefully.

"Master, you are almost seated!" The boatman was overjoyed.

Zhou Maohe calmed down a little now, but he felt a little distressed for the silver. It should not take a tael of silver to go to Hexing Mansion from here...

Zhou Maohe left He Xicun, and Jiang Chengxiang and Jiang Chengcai watched him leave.

"Is this person really an imperial envoy?" Jiang Chengcai couldn't help asking.

Jiang Chengxiang's expression is also a little tangled, this person... can really help them

Zheng Yi didn't know that Zhou Maohe, who had been staring at him, suddenly came to Hecheng County and left again.

He asked his subordinates to inquire about this person, but there were only a few of his subordinates who knew Zhou Maohe. It actually appeared in Hecheng County, and even went to Hexi Village.

Of course, Shen Anxin knew that this Zhou Maohe was originally attracted by him.

Thinking of what Zheng Yi said to himself when he saw Zheng Yi a few days ago, Shen Anxin's face turned pale.

Jiang Zhen's daughter is just a tooth, Jiang Zhen cares so much, what about him

Also, was that matter arranged by Zhao Jinge? Did Jiang Zhen suddenly not come to the county seat these days, was he dragged by him

Did Jiang Zhen and Zheng Yi know something? Why did Zheng Yi tell him that

"Master, it's time to eat." Shen Anxin's servant came in from outside and said to Shen Anxin.

"I don't want to eat it, you pour it for me." Shen Anxin said, he has no appetite at all, he is feeling uncomfortable at the moment, has a headache and chest tightness, and just wants to stay quietly one by one.

"Master, your health is important, why don't you eat something?" Shen Anxin's servant was worried. When he found out that Jiang Zhen had a concubine, his young master fell ill and changed a lot. What happened this time

"I'll let you out!" Shen Anxin grabbed the inkstone at hand and threw it out.

The servant next to Shen Anxin did not dare to persuade him any more, and left in a hurry.

Zhao Liu's birthday banquet was very decent.

After eating, Jiang Zhen had the rest of the dishes on the table packed and taken away, and then asked his subordinates to clean up the tables, chairs, tableware, and chopsticks. After a while, he cleaned up his house.

He was holding a banquet at his own house, and he didn't have to work at all... Zhao Liushi was very emotional, and then hugged the Jin Guanyin and returned to the room happily.

After a while, she came out of the room again, and then found Brother Zhao Jin: "Brother Jin, you put this Guanyin in the room, just put it on your bed, and look at it later!" She wanted to add more How many grandchildren!

"Mother..." Zhao Jinge felt a little helpless.

Zhao Liu thought for a while, and then thought it was inappropriate: "Wait, let's forget it, if someone comes to grab such a large piece of gold..."

"Mother, why don't you dig a hole and bury it." Seeing Zhao Liu's worried look, Jiang Zhen gave Zhao Liu an idea.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is a Bodhisattva, how can it be buried?!" Zhao Liushi immediately retorted, and after thinking about it, he said: "Forget it, let's put it on your bedside, no one should dare to come to our house to snatch something. ."

Jiang Zhen: "..."

On the bedsides of Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge, there was just one more golden Guanyin for sending a child. Zhao Mingzhu saw it and wanted it all. If she didn't give it to her, she looked at Jiang Zhen eagerly, and Jiang Zhen's heart melted.

"That Bodhisattva is heavier than you, be careful to hit you." Jiang Zhen thought about it, found a few gold bricks and silver bricks, washed them and gave them to Zhao Mingzhu: "Come, let's play this, Dad will teach you to build blocks. "

Zhao Jinge: "..."

After Zhao Liu's birthday banquet, Jiang Zhen went to the county town the next day.

Jiang Zhen made an appointment with Zheng Yi to meet at Qingfeng Tower. He went earlier, but just after he went, he heard someone from Qingfeng Tower tell him something, saying that someone came to make trouble yesterday, but he was scolded by the guests.

After Jiang Zhen listened to a few words, he became clear about the ins and outs: "It is estimated that some old pedant got in by mistake."

"Yeah, he's just an old pedant who made Miss Liu and Young Master Zhao angry." The little servant was a little indignant.

Jiang Zhen looked at his angry look, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Liu Qianqian and Zhao Lingxi, in this Qingfenglou, are quite a fish in water, and there are a group of fans...

Jiang Zhen asked Zheng Yi this time because he wanted to find a few large ships from the shipyard, as well as workers who could build ships. If possible, he also wanted some.

Wang Haisheng said at the beginning that he could build boats, but he could only build small boats. In fact, he didn't know anything about building big boats. In Hecheng County, there were no people who could build big boats.

"I can contact you and let you customize a big boat, but this worker is not easy to find. Those craftsmen are all held by the sea merchants." Zheng Yi said.

In fact, Daqi has a sea ban, which stipulates that Pianjia cannot enter the sea.

It's just that maritime merchants are too profitable, so this regulation has always been useless. In Jiangnan, the number of maritime merchants has always been large.

Hexing Mansion is actually quite good, and a little further south, there are more maritime merchants there.

The reason why Hexing Mansion is like this is because there is a Hongjiang salt field here, which occupies a large area of the sea and blocks a large area of the sea.

"That's fine." Jiang Zhen agreed. It's okay to not be able to build ships by himself for the time being. Take your time, he can always get workers.

After Jiang Zhen and Zheng Yi negotiated, they went home.

At this time, Zhou Maohe was looking for people in the Fucheng of Hexing Mansion.

Although he is an imperial envoy, he does not have many people with him. The Zheng family has deep roots in Hecheng County, so he can only think about it from a long-term perspective...

Zhou Maohe was not loved by most officials in the DPRK, but there were still officials who highly respected him, and many scholars regarded him as an idol, admired his character, and wanted to imitate him.

He also has many people he can talk to, and many of them are in Jiangnan.

"Sichen the hen, the chaos in the country, it's okay for the court to be controlled by those two. There are still many officials in the court who follow his lead. How will His Majesty be in charge of the government in the future?"

"One of the items needed in the palace, the surnamed Zheng intends to hand it over to the merchant to prepare, I don't know what it is!"

"Those pairs were even given official titles to businessmen, they are simply forgetting their ancestors!"

"This Zheng family is still covering the sky in Hecheng County..."

"Then Jiang Zhen is really hateful! He doesn't even care about his own parents!"

Zhou Maohe found some like-minded people. After talking about it, he became more and more angry. At this moment, he didn't want to deal with Jiang Zhen alone. Even the Zheng family was also recorded by him.

Zhou Mao and few people around him can use it, but his status as an imperial envoy is real.

As long as he is willing, he can naturally mobilize many people.

If it was in Hecheng County, the magistrate of Hecheng County pushed three and four, and he might not be able to call a few people, but now he has come to the prefecture.

The Zheng family was in Hexing Mansion, and there were people who were not very good at dealing with them.

These people have no life-and-death feud with the Zheng family. Well, it is absolutely impossible to sue the Zheng family or do anything else with the Zheng family, but if someone wants to deal with the Zheng family, they don't mind adding fuel to the flames.

So, Zhou Maohe walked around the palace city and found a lot of people.

He took people to see the officials of the city, and after changing into the imperial envoy's clothes, it was the imperial envoy's pomp and circumstance.

Zhou Maohe did not delay, found all the people, and went straight to Hecheng County.

"You said that Zhou Maohe appeared in Fucheng?" Zheng Yi asked, looking at the servants of the Zheng family in front of him.

"Yes, young master." The servant said, "I heard from the Hu family that Lord Zhou seemed to be looking for someone, and he seemed to be doing something."

Zheng Yi nodded, and was about to send someone to stare at Zhou Maohe when someone else came.

"Master Zheng, Master Hu has sent someone here."

Zheng Yi's wife's surname is Hu, and the master of the Hu family referred to by the servants of the Zheng family is the uncle of Zheng Yi's wife.

The Hu family and the Zheng family have always had business contacts and have an excellent relationship, but the Zheng family has always stayed in Hecheng County, while the Hu family has always been in Fucheng.

"Call someone in." Zheng Yi said, he has always been careful, but at this time, he already felt something was wrong.

Soon, someone ran in from outside: "Master Zheng, my master asked me to come and talk to you!" The visitor was panting, and after a few breaths, he said, "Then the imperial envoy seems to be dealing with the Zheng family. After looking for someone in Fucheng, they went straight to Hecheng County!"

"He's coming to Hecheng County?" Zheng Yi frowned.

"I'm afraid it's already halfway there now," the man said.

Then why did Zhou Maohe suddenly come to Hecheng County? His Zheng family has no reason to arrest him!

Zheng Yi frowned, a little confused about what Zhou Maohe was going to do, but at this time, Zhou Maohe had brought people to Hexi Village.

Zhou Maohe really couldn't catch Zheng Yi's handle, but he found a breakthrough, and that was Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen committed the crime of unfilial piety!

First catch Jiang Zhen, and then deal with Zheng Yi, it's okay to think about it!