The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 130: Chaos at the seaside


In fact, Zhao Jinge also knows that it is best to stay by himself.

The daughter needs someone to take care of, Jin Zhen's bodyguard also needs to be taken care of, and there is a need for someone to watch over the Fucheng... It's okay if Jiang Zhen leaves, he can't follow along.

Although he didn't want to be separated from Jiang Zhen, Zhao Jinge gritted his teeth, but he agreed in the end, and said, "Jiang Zhen, you must be safe." If something happened to Jiang Zhen... Zhao Jinge was so excited that he didn't dare to think about this possibility at all.

Jiang Zhen nodded.

This time, he just went to see the situation. He didn't have to complete a certain task like before, so he must not put himself in danger.

After talking with Zhao Jinge, Jiang Zhen started to prepare.

He asked the cafeteria to prepare some jerky and fried rice as dry food, and asked Zheng Yi for a lot of alcohol and some medicinal herbs, and then he began to ask his subordinates for someone who was willing to go with him.

"Following me out this time is very dangerous, and you may lose your life outside, but if you perform well, when you come back, you will all be darts and rewards." Jiang Zhen didn't say where he was going. Speak up, but make the dangerous things very clear.

If you follow Jiang Zhen out, you may indeed encounter danger, but you may also get great opportunities...

"Boss, I'll go!" Wang Haisheng, He Chunsheng and other people who had been with Jiang Zhen for several days said almost immediately.

These people used to be honest and honest, but after going to the capital with Jiang Zhen, their horizons broadened, they experienced a lot of things, and their mentality changed.

They work safely and steadily in the Jin Zhen Escort Bureau, and they can make a lot of money, but as long as they are people, they will have ambitions. When I don’t have money, I think it’s good to earn one tael a month, but if I really make one or two, I want to make two taels, and if I earn two taels, I want to make five taels…

"I'm going too!" Others also said.

In the end, there were six or seven of the escorts around Jiang Zhen who wanted to go.

Of course, Jiang Zhen couldn't take all of these people. He left Wang Haisheng and He Chunsheng to help Zhao Jinge take care of Jin Zhen's escort, and then selected fifty strong people from the rest, including Jiang Minghe. Xia Sheng waited for some people who followed him to the capital.

He Chunsheng actually wanted to go, but thinking about his daughter-in-law with a big belly, and thinking that there were still many things to take care of at the security guard, he finally gave up the idea, and finally just helped Jiang Zhen and others pack up.

Some time ago, Jiang Zhen asked people to help him build some things such as iron hooks and knives. This time, he took them all out and distributed them to those who wanted to go with him. In addition, he He also taught his subordinates some ways to survive in the wild.

These were all learned by him in his previous life, and they were all very useful, but he couldn't learn much just by explaining it to his subordinates. If he wanted them to learn well, he had to teach them slowly in the next training.

And when these people learn it, the business of their escorts will definitely be bigger and bigger.

The night before departure, Jiang Zhen picked up those bamboo strips again.

He tied up the bamboo strips one by one, and then pasted them with white paper. Finally, he made a lantern that he didn't know whether it was a rabbit or a mouse. Then he painted the outside with bright colors and lit the lamp inside.

The lamp was hung in the room by Jiang Zhen, and then Zhao Mingzhu stared at the lamp excitedly for a long time. When Jiang Zhen kissed her and blocked her view, she slapped Jiang Zhen.

"Dad will make you a bigger one next year!" Jiang Zhencai won't be slapped away by his daughter, but instead kissed Zhao Mingzhu several times on the face, Zhao Mingzhu was kissed on the bed and laughed "giggling" I got up, and then just lay down and looked at the lights.

"This kid's temper is too good." Jiang Zhen couldn't help but sigh.

Zhao Jinge glanced at Jiang Zhen, then continued to lower his head to do needlework.

He sewed some rice grains, ginseng slices and the like onto an old single jacket of Jiang Zhen, and also instructed Jiang Zhen to wear this jacket under the jacket.

"I must be wearing it." Jiang Zhen kissed Brother Zhao Jin, and Brother Zhao Jin helped him hide the food. In addition, he would hide some weapons in his leggings.

The day Jiang Zhen set off happened to be the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Zhao Liu didn't know what Jiang Zhen was going to do. He only knew that Jiang Zhen was going to go out again, so he got up early in the morning, made dumplings with glutinous rice flour for Jiang Zhen to eat, and also burned a pot of glutinous rice to make rice balls, and let Jiang Zhen eat. Zhen took away the food.

"Mother, the glutinous rice balls you make look good." Jiang Zhen doesn't really like sweet and soft glutinous rice balls, but this is Zhao Liu's wish, and of course he will not refuse.

After taking a bite, Jiang Zhen felt Zhao Liu's intentions more clearly.

This dumpling is not filled with bean paste or sesame powder, but is actually filled with meat.

Zhao Liu probably knew that he didn't like sweet food, so he specially wrapped meat fillings in the dumplings, and such dumplings were quite delicious.

Jiang Zhen quickly finished the pot of glutinous rice balls, and at this time, Zhao Liu had already made dozens of rice balls - she planned to give one to Jiang Zhen and the people who followed Jiang Zhen, so that they would be hungry on the road. Time for a belly pad.

The rice ball is made of white glutinous rice on the outside, and the inside is wrapped with pickles, fried peanuts, and old fritters that are repeatedly fried until crispy. It tastes very fragrant and is easy to carry.

Jiang Zhen equipped each of his subordinates with a lot of things this time, but he did not let them wear uniform clothes—he wanted to go to see the situation in the Hongjiang Salt Field, and exercise his subordinates by the way, and did not want to be with Daqi The army is facing each other. In this case, of course, you can't wear uniform clothes that make people feel that something is wrong.

After taking the rice ball given by Zhao Liu, Jiang Zhen took his men to the boat and went to the beach.

Hongjiang Salt Works is located between Hexing Mansion and Wuzhong Mansion. It is quite far from Hecheng County, but it is not far from Hecheng County to the seaside. It is not as heavily guarded as the vicinity of Hongjiang Salt Works.

Fifty people sounds like a lot, but in fact, it is very easy to hide in the wild, especially in the woods. At this moment, the seaside, because of the existence of the Hongjiang salt field, has no one to live, it is almost like the wilderness.

Jiang Zhen took a compass and a simple map, bypassed the people in the Hongjiang salt field guarding the main road of the river, and led his men quietly into a forest, heading for the sea...

Jiang Zhen brought people to the beach, and at this time, Zhou Maohe was surrounded by people, but stayed in a cave near the Hongjiang Salt Field.

This cave is very big, a little damp, and sometimes centipedes and various small bugs crawl through it... This all looks terrifying, making Zhou Maohe's hair stand up, but the young men who are crowded in the cave are not at all. Don't care about these, one by one calmly.

"You'd better let me go. If something happens to me, the imperial court will not let you go..." Zhou Maohe said weakly to the men.

One of the men slapped on the stone wall of the cave, and when he let go, a very thick red-headed centipede fell off the wall - it had been flattened by someone's palm.

Zhou Maohe's breathing stagnated, and cold sweat broke out from his back.

Although Zhou Maohe was born in a poor family, he could afford the poor family of a scholar. He knew that it was impossible to be really poor. At least he had always been well-fed and had never been displaced since he was a child.

but now…

"If you yell again, I'll throw you out." The man who slapped a centipede to death with a slap said to Zhou Maohe.

Although the man spoke in dialect, Zhou Maohe still understood it. Thinking of the situation outside, he didn't dare to say anything.

In fact, Zhou Maohe's copying of the Hongjiang Salt Works, the news that Zheng Yi inquired about, and what people outside thought were somewhat different.

Zhou Maohe was not Jiang Zhen. Even though he saw the corruption of the Hongjiang Salt Works, he wanted to interrogate the people of the Hongjiang Salt Works well, and he would not directly lead people to copy the Hongjiang Salt Works.

At that time... he was actually forced to go to Liangshan.

After getting close to the Hongjiang Salt Works, he knew that the life of the people near the Hongjiang Salt Works was not very good. When he rescued the woman who fell into the water and met the salt farmers in front of him, he was even more angry at the Hongjiang Salt Works. .

Then, he took these people to the Hongjiang Salt Field to speak.

As a result, when they went, they saw an extremely unbearable scene.

In the Hongjiang Salt Field, a group of soldiers were having fun with the group of women, and there were even a few corpses thrown outside...

Zhou Maohe was immediately furious, and the group of salt farmers behind him broke out. Then, if these people didn't listen to Zhou Maohe's words, they rushed up and fought with the people in the Hongjiang Salt Field.

Zhou Maohe couldn't stop it, so he could only watch helplessly as they copied the Hongjiang Salt Works and killed many people in the Hongjiang Salt Works.

At that time, he was very dissatisfied with these salt farmers, but these salt farmers put a lot of criminal evidence in the Hongjiang Salt Works in front of him, and said that they were forced to be helpless. After writing a memorial, I contacted the officials nearby, saying that justice will be given to these salt farmers.

However, he failed to give these people justice, and those officials came to suppress the rebellion!

He was feeling a little sorry for these salt farmers, but he didn't think that at this time, these salt farmers had changed their faces.

It turned out that when these salt farmers met Zhou Maohe, they originally planned to go to the Hongjiang Salt Field to rescue their relatives who had been kidnapped. After meeting Zhou Maohe, they thought that Zhou Maohe might be able to help them. Take Zhou Maohe to the Hongjiang Salt Field.

As a result, Zhou Maohe couldn't help them at all.

As soon as the army of the imperial court came, they had no choice but to die... Seeing that Zhou Maohe was planning to have a good talk with the people in the imperial court, these people just thought he was crazy and ran away with him - there was an imperial envoy in hand. On, they can also be a little safer.

These few days, they have been hiding, worrying all day, Zhou Maohe is still talking about making them not against the court, and they are getting more and more impatient with Zhou Maohe.

"Second brother Zhu, what are we going to do next?" A boy of only fourteen or fifteen years old looked at the man who slapped a centipede to death.

This man's name was Zhu Erlin. Although his family was a Yan householder, he was originally a face. His father still managed dozens of Yan households. It was also because of this that Zhu Erlin knew a few words.

But even so, in the eyes of some people, they can be abused at will.

On the day that Zhu Erlin's eldest brother Zhu Daqiang got married, the new daughter-in-law was snatched away, and it took several days before she was released. Therefore, when his eldest nephew was just born, he fell to his death because he couldn't figure out whose seed it was.

When Zhu Erlin was seventeen or eighteen years old, he secretly fell in love with a pair of children born in Yanto, but the pair "disappeared".

And this time, he finally couldn't take it anymore, but it was because of two things.

One is that the food distributed from above is getting less and less. In the end, many elderly people are unwilling to eat and starve to death, including his parents. Second, as the New Year is approaching, the people from Hongjiang Salt Works plan to find some women. When Shuang'er went back to Lele, many people were forcibly taken away.

They have endured for a long time, and finally they can't bear it anymore. In the end, they simply stopped cooking the salt. Instead, the big guy went to the beach to pick up some crabs and clams, cooked them with the rest of the food, and after eating them all, He just brought his weapons and planned to fight to the death with the people from the Hongjiang Salt Works.

As for the results...

The Hongjiang Salt Field was copied by them, and they had to hide in the east.

"Let's hide first, we must not be discovered." Zhu Erlin said. In fact, he didn't know what to do next. In this case, it's better to hide first.

Anyway, they copied out a lot of food, so there is no need to worry about starvation.

Hearing what Zhu Erlin said, the salt households who followed him nodded one after another, and then began to discuss how to hide: "Brother Zhu, do we want to hide in another place?"

"What are we going to do next?"

"Staying here all the time, the child can't stand it..."

When these salt farmers went to trouble the Hongjiang Salt Works, they didn't take the old and the weak with them, but later they went back to the village and brought all the old and the weak. In a drier cave.

"Let's go south." Zhu Erlin said.

At this time, Jiang Zhen came to the village where he used to buy seafood.

Back then, the village was very poor and dilapidated, but there were still many people living there, but now...

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Jiang Zhen's expression became extremely ugly.

"Boss..." Jiang Ming called out to Jiang Zhen tremblingly.

Although he had fought with water bandits before, and many people died at that time, but those people were all grown men, but in this place, there were children who had their heads beheaded...

Jiang Ming, who has been living in such a peaceful village as Hexi Village, can't stand it.

Among the people Jiang Zhen brought, those who had never followed Jiang Zhen to the capital before, couldn't help but vomit now.

These corpses showed signs of being bitten and devoured by animals. Most people would definitely be unbearable when they saw them.

"Go and dig a few pits and bury people." Jiang Zhen said.

"Yes, boss." Jiang Ming responded and led someone to dig a hole.

They don't know the people here, and it is difficult to erect monuments for these people, but they must be buried in peace anyway.

Jiang Zhen and others were digging a hole in silence when a voice suddenly sounded: "Who are you?"

The people in He Xicun were startled by the sound, and some even turned pale with fright. They thought it was a ghost. Jiang Zhen was very calm. came out.

The situation here looked so miserable that Jiang Zhen never noticed that there was still a living person hiding in that room.

He was startled at first, but after seeing the man's clothes, he felt relieved and saw the man's appearance again... This is not because when he came here to buy seafood before, he sold him a lot of salt. The young man who fished kelp

The young man's lips were white and his eyes were flushed red. When he looked at Jiang Zhen and the others, he was full of alertness, and his fists were clenched tightly.

"Do you remember me? I once came to buy seafood from you." Jiang Zhen said to the man, "I want to dig a hole and bury the people here."

The man stared at Jiang Zhen for a while, then slowly sat down on the ground, and finally burst into tears.