The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 135: Husband and wife reunited


Jiang Zhen opened the burden that Zhao Jinge gave him with anticipation.

He wrote a thick letter to Brother Zhao Jin. Although he did not think it was very good due to his lack of experience, he also wrote clearly what he missed for Brother Zhao Jin. What to send, will there be a love letter in it too

Jiang Zhen didn't see any love letters. The bag contained a bag, and the bag... was this a bag of flour

No, it's not just flour, there are other things in flour...

Jiang Zhen took out a gourd and a wooden box from the flour.

The gourd was huge and heavy. He thought it was wine at first. When he opened it, he found that it was filled with solidified lard. As for the wooden box...

Inside the wooden box is a box full of sun-dried sauce meat, and there is a letter on top of the sauce meat.

Jiang Zhen opened the letter that smelled of sauce and meat, and saw the words of Zhao Jinge.

This letter from Zhao Jinge is well written and there is nothing wrong at all. It is estimated that it was first drafted and then re-written. At the beginning of the letter, I miss him, and then there is no nasty remark, just say I am very good, everything is fine at home, and I also mentioned flour and pork in lard sauce: "You said that you don't have enough food, and you want to eat at home, so I will prepare some food for you."

Zheng Yi said that he couldn't bring too many things, so Zhao Jinge could only do his best to put as much food into his luggage as possible.

In fact, he originally wanted to bring rice to Jiang Zhen, but later found that more flour could be put in, so he replaced it with flour. In order not to take up space, he also put lard and sauce meat into the flour.

"Jiang Ming, bring me a piece of uncooked fish, it needs to be bigger." Jiang Zhen said.

"Yes, boss!" Jiang Ming quickly brought a rather large fish to Jiang Zhen, and then saw Jiang Zhen took out a piece of fat and thin sauce meat, cut a few pieces and stuffed it into the fish's stomach, and carefully The body of the fish was smeared with a little lard with a stick, and then the fish was roasted on the fire.

The grilled fish had to be brushed with oil before it was cooked. They didn't have oil before, so Jiang Zhen could only eat boiled fish, but now it's different.

Now he has a gourd of lard!

Jiang Zhen used to bake a lot of things before, and the skill of grilling fish was very good. When the fish was grilled, it was oily and smelled very fragrant.

Zhu Erlin couldn't help swallowing when he smelled it.

"Jiang Zhen, sell this fish to me!" Zhu Erlin said to Jiang Zhen.

He has obtained a lot of gold and silver, but he has been living in the very closed Hongjiang salt field, and has never been to Zhu Erlin outside. Although he knows that the gold and silver are good things, he does not know their value. Pulled out a piece of gold the size of a baby's fist to buy a fish.

"Not for sale." Jiang Zhen still did not sell it: "This is given to me by my daughter-in-law." Having said that, Jiang Zhen used a branch to catch a drop of oil that dripped from the grilled fish, and was about to drip into the fire. Then he put the branch in his mouth and tasted the long-lost smell of lard.

Almost two months after he came out, his stomach is short of oil and water again...

Jiang Zhen not only made the grilled fish, but also took out some flour and mixed it with water to make two dough cakes. Then, he grilled the fish and ate up the two dough cakes, leaving nothing for anyone else.

In the end, Zhu Erlin could only eat boiled fish with the smell of grilled fish with sauce meat.

After eating, Jiang Zhen only felt that his whole body was full of energy.

Although Zhao Jinge is not very romantic, the things he gave are really very affordable, and they were delivered to his heart!

"I want to eat rice." Zhu Erlin muttered, and suddenly looked at the person beside him: "You said, can we go and snatch the grain of the officers and soldiers?" The rice was fragrant, he really couldn't imagine , As for pork... Even if the Hongjiang salt farm raises pigs, the meat will not be eaten by the salt farmers. He hasn't tasted pork yet, so he can't miss it.

Zhu Erlin didn't say it. A few days later, he really went to grab a batch of grain and grass that the officers and soldiers later pressed.

Some of these grains were sent to the mountains for the old and the weak to eat, and the rest was so that they would no longer have to be jealous of Jiang Zhen's glutinous flour.

They are now envious of Jiang Zhen's lard and sauce meat.

That's definitely the sweetest thing in the world!

Up to now, the people in the Hongjiang salt field, whether they are salt households or common people, have basically defected to Jiang Zhen and Zhu Erlin in order to survive.

Those old and weak were placed on the mountain, and the rest of the young and strong were led by Jiang Zhen to play guerrilla warfare with those officers and soldiers.

These young adults are all born and raised here, and they are very familiar with the terrain here, so they can always avoid the pursuit of officers and soldiers, and they can always escape. Let's fight these "rebels" who have come and gone without a trace.

By the sea, in a dilapidated fishing village.

This fishing village is not big. It was estimated that there were 20 or 30 families living in it before. But now, the villagers have long disappeared, and I don’t know if they were killed or run away. It was crowded and came to suppress the rebellion. officers and soldiers.

There are a lot of these officers and soldiers. Not everyone has a house to live in. Most of them can only sit in a random place outside the house.

Last night, they encountered several enemy attacks. The night before and the night before, people also attacked them and robbed them of their belongings. If you really think about it, they haven't slept well for more than ten days.

Those who betrayed the party probably because of the small number of people. They didn't fight them head-on, but attacked and harassed them all day long... They didn't actually die, but they were exhausted and had no energy at all.

At this moment, dirty and unshaven officers and soldiers were lying on the ground in a drowsy state. Those who didn't know it might think that they saw dead bodies all over the place.

Wang Xiaoqi is one of the officers and soldiers.

He is only 18 years old this year. He was recruited from above, and his family must have one, because his two older brothers were married and had children, so his parents let him serve as a soldier.

Being a soldier is not hard for Wang Xiaoqi. In the military camp before, although they had a lot of things to do, they were always not given enough food to eat, but in fact it was almost the same as when he was at home, but now...

Wang Xiaoqi rubbed his belly that was so hungry that he woke up smelling the smell of rice.

He was still sleepy, but hunger kept him from falling asleep, so he didn't sleep at all, took off his shoes, and used a pointy branch to puncture the blisters on his feet.

After squeezing out the water from the blisters, Wang Xiaoqi asked Wang Wu from the same village next to him: "Uncle Wu, how long are we going to stay here?"

"I don't know." Wang Wudao.

"Okay, why do we come here to kill? Kill a group of people?" Wang Xiaoqi asked again, he really didn't know what they came here for...

"Stinky boy, what nonsense are you talking about, we are here to suppress the rebellion!" Wang Wu glared at Wang Xiaoqi, but with his bloodshot eyes, it was not a deterrent at all.

"But..." Wang Xiaoqi frowned, the people above told them to kill ordinary people...

"Don't think about those who have or not, you should still think about how we will live in the future." Wang Wudao: "Those people are getting more and more powerful, and they have robbed us of our food. Killed by them, alas..."

Wang Xiaoqi shuddered at the thought of those elusive people who would come to make trouble when they rested.

He doesn't want to die yet...

Just as Wang Xiaoqi was thinking about this, there was a sudden shout of killing in the village.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Hurry up and kill the enemy!" They shouted with their hundreds of households, but before the big guy got up and rushed over, those enemies who suddenly ran and stole the rice they just cooked, It disappeared without a trace.

The food and grass have already been taken away by those people, and now there is no cooked rice...

The food they carried with them was about to run out, and if this continued, they might starve to death here... These officers and soldiers were all anxious.

"We're going to run out of food!"

"Sir, what are we fighting like this?"

"We're going back!"

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Wang Xiaoqi felt aggrieved the more he thought about it, and couldn't help but cry out, "Mom and Dad, I miss you..."

His words made the people around him quiet, and after that, the officers and soldiers started to cry together.

It has been almost two months since they came here to suppress the rebellion, and they have also been sleeping in the open for almost two months, which is really unbearable.

They want to go back, they want a good meal and a good night's sleep.

The officers and soldiers have lost their fighting spirit. As for the people in the Hongjiang Salt Works...

Those who murdered innocent people in Hongjiang Salt Works, Jiang Zhen has already killed a lot these days, as for the rest...

Those officers and soldiers would kill ordinary people to earn military merit, and those who saw the Hongjiang Salt Works naturally would not let them go... Those people in Hongjiang Salt Works who were very peaceful and did not make a mess of killing the people at will, were actually killed by the officers and soldiers in the end. Some of them came to join Jiang Zhen.

Not counting the old and weak, there were more than 3,000 adult men around Jiang Zhen.

It was at this time that Zheng Yi sent another letter, informing Jiang Zhen that he had already rented some sea boats and that he would personally bring people over to pick them up.

Zheng Yi also said that not only the old and the weak are going to leave the boat, but Jiang Zhen and others are also going to leave, because the imperial court has sent another commissioner to deal with the matter of the Hongjiang Salt Field.

According to the Queen Mother's intention, she intends to convict the Hongjiang Salt Works and all those involved in the Hongjiang Salt Works. After that, I will get a separate salt field here. The Queen Mother will hold the salt fields in her own hands.

The court has already planned to clean up this place thoroughly, so Jiang Zhen has no need to stay here.

He has indeed achieved his purpose and intends to leave.

"Can we all leave?" Zhu Erlin was stunned when he heard Jiang Zhen say that they could leave.

He had always known that he had done something rebellious, and he thought he was going to live in hiding for the rest of his life or be killed by officers and soldiers, but now, what did Jiang Zhen say

Jiang Zhen said they can leave too? Can you live elsewhere

"Yes, you can go too." Jiang Zhen said: "Of course, you have to give money."

"Give it! I'll give you money! Hahahahaha!" Zhu Erlin agreed without hesitation. Compared with his life, what's the point of giving some money

The money was stolen from them.

Jiang Zhen and Zhu Erlin negotiated the price, and after most of the money pit Zhu Erlin had obtained, he suddenly remembered that someone had been forgotten by him.

That imperial envoy, he has to go and communicate with him.

We haven't seen each other for a while, Zhou Mao and this imperial commissioner look more like savages.

For the old and weak, because of the poor living conditions on the mountain, many people are sick, but Zhou Maohe is still very energetic, and when he sees Jiang Zhen, he can even reprimand: "Jiang Zhen, are you planning to become a chaotic party? If not, why are you hanging around with them all day and throwing me here?!"

"Master Zhou, I am helpless," Jiang Zhen said. "Master Zhou, for you, this is actually the safest place... You copied the Hongjiang Salt Field, and I don't know how many people outside want to kill you!"

Zhou Maohe was stunned.

After a while, he looked at Jiang Zhen again: "You didn't come here just to save me, right?"

"How come? I'm here to save Lord Zhou." Jiang Zhen's heart jumped, and he was a little worried about what Lord Zhou would see this week.

Zhou Maohe waved his hand and sighed: "You don't have to lie to me, I know you are a good person."

Jiang Zhen estimated that he was not here to save him, but to save the people by the sea.

Thinking that the people around him were very grateful to Jiang Zhen, who kept saying that Jiang Zhen was their savior, and heard that Jiang Zhen dissuaded Zhu Erlin from fighting head-on with the officers and soldiers, Zhou Maohe became more and more sure of his guess.

This man was willing to kill the water bandits to save people, but this time he came to save the people at the seaside... Although he looked ferocious, he was actually a good person.

Jiang Zhen, who was issued a good person card: "..."

Under the persistent harassment led by Zhu Erlin, almost all the officers and soldiers have retreated. Now the area where the Hongjiang Salt Field is located is much safer than before.

It was raining lightly today and the weather was not good, but in a long queue, everyone was smiling.

The drizzle fell from the air and fell on Jiang Zhen's face. Water droplets condensed on his hair. He wiped it with his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't come in vain this time.

He saved a lot of people, got a lot of people, and got a lot of money... With people and money, his life in the future will definitely get better and better.

"Jiang Zhen, you won't lie to me, will you?" Zhu Erlin also wiped the water droplets from his face and asked a little uneasily.

"What do you have to deceive me?" Jiang Zhen asked.

Zhu Erlin opened his mouth and suddenly realized that Jiang Zhen really didn't need to lie to him.

If Jiang Zhen wanted to be detrimental to them, he would definitely have the ability to cause them to quarrel, and to force them to reveal where their money was hidden, but Jiang Zhen didn't do that at all, but kept trying to support the old and the weak.

"What can we do in the future?" Zhu Erlin asked again.

"If you are willing, you can join the Jin Zhen Escort Bureau." Jiang Zhen said.

"Really?" Zhu Erlin looked at Jiang Zhen excitedly.

Jiang Zhen nodded.

Zhu Erlin wiped the water droplets off his face again, but this time he wiped off not all the cool water droplets condensed after the spring rain fell on his face, there were even warm tears inside.

The troops that Jiang Zhen and Zhu Erlin brought were huge, with tens of thousands of people.

Such a huge team moved slowly and finally came to the seaside.

There are more than ten huge sea boats parked there. From a distance, you can see many small boats parked by the sea, and some people are moving by the sea.

Jiang Zhen didn't go there rashly, but let Jiang Ming take a look at the situation first.

After Jiang Ming went there, he came back soon. When he came back, he was followed by a man wearing a huge bamboo hat and a thick cloak.

It's not raining heavily today, but the man wrapped himself so tightly that no one could see his appearance.

"Who is that?" Zhu Erlin was a little curious.

Jiang Zhen's heart was beating rapidly.

That is…

The man in the big hat raised his head after approaching, and let Jiang Zhen and others see his appearance clearly, who was it if it wasn't Zhao Jinge

"Brother Jin!" Jiang Zhen shouted and rushed towards Brother Zhao Jin, wanting to give him a hug.

But Zhao Jinge avoided: "You be careful..."

When he spoke, his chest moved, and then a small face poked out of the scorpion.