The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 137: A box of silver


Qingyang Lane is located in the south of Hexing Mansion City. It is relatively close to the wharf. There are many people coming and going and many shops. It is not as quiet as the north side of Hexing Mansion. Here.

However, the houses here are quite large and the location is good, so the poor cannot live here.

When Zhao Jinge bought the house, after considering the location and the price, he settled his home here. Now, Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu have lived here for two months.

Zhao Fugui and his wife were somewhat unaccustomed to coming here from Hexi Village, who had lived since childhood.

When Zhao Jinge and Zhao Mingzhu were there before, this unaccustomedness can still be ignored, but a few days ago, Zhao Jinge took Zhao Mingzhu out, and also brought Li Shi and Ruoer,

"I don't know where they are now. Does Mingzhu miss me... Alas, if I knew I would go with Brother Jin." Zhao Liushi sighed. She missed her son. Of course, she misses her granddaughter more now.

Her son is also really planning to take Mingzhu out to sea to pick up Jiang Zhen. If Mingzhu has a headache at sea, what should he do

Zhao Liu thought so, and sighed again.

Since Zhao Fugui moved into this house, he started tossing the land in the house.

This house used to live in a small businessman. The small businessman's family was not very rich, and it was impossible to plant any precious flowers and plants in the yard, so two loquat trees, two peach trees, and impatiens roses were planted. Such a very common flower.

It is said that in summer, this place used to be very beautiful, but now...

Zhao Fugui thinks that being beautiful is useless, and planting flowers is definitely not as good as planting vegetables.

It costs money to buy vegetables in this city, and he has nothing to do all day long, so it is better to cultivate the land in the yard and grow some vegetables.

There is such a large area in this yard, and there is definitely enough food for their family to grow vegetables!

With such thoughts in mind, Zhao Fugui cultivated and turned the land every day, and now he has tossed the garden into a vegetable garden.

"What are you going to do? If you are sick, you have to worry about them." Zhao Fugui said, and then continued to catch bugs.

Zhao Liu also knew that her health was not very good, and she would definitely not be able to follow her when she went to sea, but she was not very happy when she heard Zhao Fugui say this. She glared at Zhao Fugui, who was only focusing on catching bugs and didn't talk to herself, and opened the door to go out. .

In the alley of Qingyang Lane, there are many children running around and playing, and some women, Shuang'er, who are about the same age as Zhao Liu's, are moving stools and sitting at the door, watching their children while doing something. Work, and chat with neighbors by the way.

The conversation between these women and Shuang'er is nothing but gossip about the East and the West, and the Zhao family is what they like to chat about most recently.

Since someone went to Zhao's house to say kiss to Zhao Jinge, and learned that Zhao Jinge was actually a twin, people who lived in Qingyang Lane mentioned Zhao's house, and they would say "tsk tsk" in private.

Before, they thought that the Zhao family was the old parents with their widower son and granddaughter, but it turned out that it was the old parents with their two sons and their granddaughter with the surname of Shuanger

"Then Mrs. Zhao Liu said that her family had found a son-in-law who came to the house, and also said that the son-in-law there is so good... It's too good to blow!"

"That is, her son-in-law is so capable, and will he be a door-to-door son-in-law?"

"She also said how gentle and considerate her son-in-law is to her son... If her son married a daughter-in-law, I would believe that he was so considerate, but she was a man!"

"That's still a man no one has ever seen before, and I don't know if he really exists."

At the beginning, the woman who wanted to tell her nephew's daughter to fill in the house for Zhao Jinge and a few women who were close to her secretly talked about the Zhao family.

Zhao Liu noticed these people and knew that most of what they said was not good, but she really couldn't do anything about them.

She had already explained it to them, saying that Jiang Zhen had a good relationship with her brother Jin, and that Jiang Zhen was a very good person, but obviously, no one believed it at all.

Thinking of this, Zhao Liushi felt sullen for a while.

In Hexi Village, you don't need her to say it, everyone knows how good Jiang Zhen is, but here...

Zhao Liushi took a deep breath and ignited her fighting spirit—one day, she will make these people envy her!

"From the Zhao family, I haven't seen your son and your granddaughter in the past few days. Where have they been?" asked another neighbor who didn't have a deep relationship with Zhao Liu's family, but his relationship was not bad.

"My brother Jin took Mingzhu and went to find Mingzhu's father." Zhao Liushi said.

"What on earth does Mingzhu's father do? Why hasn't he been seen for so long?" the man asked again. Speaking of which, there are so many gossips related to the Zhao family, which is actually related to the fact that the legendary son-in-law of the Zhao family never showed up.

That brother Zhao Jin has been showing his face all day long, but there is no one of his men... Normal people will definitely think that there is a problem here!

"Mingzhu's father, he went to do a big business. He has a large fleet, and it takes a long time to go out to do business." Zhao Liushi said. She didn't know about Jiang Zhen's trip to the Hongjiang Salt Field. What Zhao Jinge told her was that Jiang Zhen had received a big business and was going to travel far.

Returning the fleet... The man glanced at Zhao Liushi, and then looked at Zhao Fugui, who was growing vegetables in Zhao's yard.

This Zhao family is from the countryside, and the mud on their legs has not been washed clean. Even if they have some money, I am afraid it will not be much more than them... This Zhao Liu family actually said that there is a large fleet and go out to do business... I don't think so. I know it must be blowing.

She wanted to have a good talk with Zhao Liushi, but Zhao Liushi made all kinds of prevarications, and it was boring without a word of truth in her mouth.

The man snorted softly: "This man from your family is really capable, and he has a fleet!"

That person's tone was not complimenting, it was clearly meant to satirize others, Zhao Liushi knew that she might not believe what she said, so she wanted to explain: "I didn't lie to you, my family Jiang Zhen is amazing, Jin Zhen Do you know the escort bureau? He opened it, and he went to the capital the year before last."

These people have no impression of Jin Zhen Escort Bureau, nor do they think it is so powerful.

In Hecheng County, almost every household knows about the Jin Zhen Escort Bureau, but this is the Fucheng. People who do not go out to do business will not care about the outside Jin Zhen Escort Bureau at all. Even if they have heard of it, they think it is just a group of poor people gathered here. Let's be guards together.

That person didn't want to continue talking to Zhao Liushi, but went to a few people who had gossiped about Zhao Liushi before, and then said what Zhao Liushi just said.

"She's too good at bragging. If she said that her son's man was a bookkeeper in those big fleets, I would believe that her family had a big fleet... Her family is so powerful, what is her man? And also dig up the flowers in the garden to grow vegetables?"

"That's right... By the way, even if that Zhao Jinge's man went out to do business, it wouldn't make sense for Zhao Jinge to suddenly move here after his man went out! Do you think there is something else going on here?"

"Thinking about it carefully, what she said is not necessarily a lie... You said, is it possible that this brother Zhao Jin is someone else's outer room?"

"Who would want an outer room like this? But when you say this, I think of a possibility... This Zhao Jin has a mole on his eyebrows. I think he planned to treat himself as a man at the beginning. You said, he would Wouldn't it be to be a sailor, and finally catch up with a businessman and have a child?"

"It's really possible. There are no women on board. Those sailors can make do with men when they are in a hurry. He's a twin... and he's better than those stinky sailors..."

"So, that Zhao Jin-ge's man might be really capable?"

"But in that case, it's not a door-to-door son-in-law at all, right?"

While everyone was discussing, an eight or nine-year-old boy suddenly ran in from the alley, shouting, "Go and see! There are a lot of big boats coming from the pier, they are sea boats! Those boats are very big, and they are still on board There's a quirky ronin who shaved his hair!"

When the children in Qingyang Lane heard him say this, they were all excited: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, that boat is really big! I heard that someone came back from the sea and made a lot of money!" the boy said, calling a group of children to go to the pier to watch the fun.

There are also maritime merchants in Hexing House, but the ships rarely come to the house, and the children rarely see those very large ships.

Almost all of the children in Qingyang Lane ran out, but after a while, they came back hurrah again.

"Why did you come back and don't look at the big boat?" a woman asked her grandson.

"Grandma, a lot of people got off the boat and are coming towards us!" the boy said to his grandma.

"Those people are good-natured, what are they doing here?" The woman was puzzled. At this moment, she saw several carriages entering Qingyang Lane. Next to the carriages, there were many children.

The driver of the carriage wanted to come here because he was afraid of hurting the child, so he did not dare to drive the carriage quickly.

The carriage also moved forward slowly, allowing people to clearly see the appearance of the carriages.

The carriages are exquisitely carved and magnificent, and if they were not very rich, they would definitely not be able to afford it!

"Grandma, I saw Uncle Zhao in the carriage." A child suddenly shouted.

Zhao's uncle? In their alley, the new family was named Zhao. Is Brother Zhao Jin on this carriage? how is this possible? !

If you don't believe it, those carriages stopped right in front of Zhao's house.

Zhao Liu also saw these carriages, and was wondering who was coming, when he saw the carriage stop at the door of his house, and then Jiang Ming jumped out of the carriage.

"Old lady!" Jiang Ming shouted towards Zhao Liushi.

When Zhao Liu saw Jiang Ming, he was very pleasantly surprised: "It's Jiang Ming! Could it be... Jiang Zhen is back?"

"Mother." Jiang Zhen called out and got off the carriage, holding Zhao Mingzhu in his arms.

I haven't seen each other for some days, Zhao Mingzhu is not so close to him, and he is working hard to cultivate his relationship with his daughter.

"Mother." Brother Zhao Jin also came down. His face was full of smiles and ruddy at the moment. Compared with the previous days, he seemed to be a different person.

"You are back! It's good to be back, it's good to be back!" Zhao Liushi was very happy.

"Mother, let's go first, and move things in by the way." Jiang Zhendao, holding Zhao Mingzhu and walking inside, took two steps, stopped again, and then greeted the people outside: "You guys move everything first. Come in, I ordered something to eat in the restaurant, and when you move in, the food should be delivered, and then everyone will have a good meal."

"Yes, boss!" Jiang Ming and the others said in unison, and they were immediately full of energy.

God knows how much they want to eat delicious food!

Those who followed, there were those who Jiang Zhen took out, and there were also those who Zheng Yi sent to help. The big guys worked together and quickly moved all the heavy boxes into the Zhao family's house.

"Where are so many boxes?" Zhao Liu was a little confused.

"Someone will come to pick up these boxes later. Put them in the yard first. It's spacious here." Jiang Zhendao said that the boxes contained all the gold and silver given by Zhu Erlin. With so much gold and silver, it was impossible for him to have them all The person who put it next to him had already contacted the ticket number of Hexing Mansion, and asked someone to count the gold and silver.

"The old man's dishes are going to be crushed." Zhao Liu felt a little distressed about those dishes.

"Mother, the box is full of silver." Jiang Zhen leaned over and whispered.

The box is actually filled with silver? Zhao Liu's eyes suddenly widened.

At this time, how could she care about Zhao Fugui's growing vegetables

That dish was originally planted by Zhao Fugui when he had nothing to do. It was not worth a coin or two in total. If it was crushed, it would be crushed.

Zhao Liu jumped up, and then greeted Jiang Ming and others to put the boxes one by one in the yard.

Looking at the boxes, she was very excited.

Zhao Fugui doesn't have time to take care of his vegetable field anymore.

His precious granddaughter came back, how could he have time to take care of those dishes? If it is crushed, it will be crushed. In fact, it is nothing. He can just turn over the ground again tomorrow, otherwise... He will have nothing to do except catch bugs.

Many carriages stopped at the door of Zhao's house, carrying down countless boxes, which filled Zhao's yard.

Outside the Zhao family, the women who thought that Zhao Liu was just bragging were all stunned.

Could it be that what Zhao Liu said was true

Could it be that their family is actually very rich and has been hiding it all the time

It took half an hour for all the boxes to be moved into Zhao's house, and then those who were sent by Zheng Yi to help left, leaving only the Jin Zhen Escort to guard the Zhao's yard.

It was at this time that the food Jiang Zhen ordered in the restaurant was delivered.

Jiang Zhen made a lot of money by going out this time, and he was extra generous when ordering food at the restaurant, and he ordered ten tables at a time for a good table.

Every table is filled with chicken, duck, and fish. There are so many dishes that ten strong men can't finish it. If there are ten tables, it will definitely be enough for Jiang Zhen's men to have a round belly.

The restaurant called a lot of porters and sent dishes to Zhao's house with bamboo baskets.

With so many dishes, the Zhao family couldn't put them in the house at all, and finally they just put them on the boxes outside the house.

Roasted chicken and sauced duck, braised pork and steamed fish, the boxes were filled with all kinds of food, those who followed Jiang Zhen outside for a month without food, their eyes turned green when they smelled the smell.

Before all the dishes were delivered, they devoured them.

Jiang Ming grabbed some food and sat on the threshold of Zhao's house, eating while guarding the door of Zhao's house, while he was nibbling on chicken legs, a woman in her fifties or sixties came to him: "Young man, what are you doing? what?"

"I'm from the Jin Zhen Escort Bureau." Jiang Ming thought that this person should be a neighbor of the Zhao family, and smiled at the person.

"Jin Zhen Escort? Are you people under Zhao Jinge's man?" the man asked again.

"Yeah." Jiang Ming responded, then stuffed a large piece of meat into his mouth and chewed it quickly.

The man originally wanted to ask something else, but was surprised by Jiang Ming's food, so he changed his question: "Why are you eating in such a hurry, don't the Jin Zhen Security Bureau give you food?" Why are these people one by one? All like the reincarnation of a starving ghost

"Yeah, we didn't have anything to eat before! If I eat fish every day, I will vomit." Jiang Ming said.

The people around Jiang Ming also nodded: "That's it! Sigh, the boss didn't see it clearly when he ordered food in the restaurant. There is even steamed fish in the table... Who wants to eat this stuff now?"

"Did you go to sea?" the woman asked again, eating fish every day... Is that at sea

"Yes, I went to sea." Jiang Ming nodded.

The woman glanced at Jiang Ming, and then looked at the Zhao family's house with complex eyes.

What Zhao Liu said was actually true!

The people who had gathered to discuss the Zhao family had embarrassed expressions now.

Especially the person who wanted to marry his nephew's daughter to Brother Zhao Jin, but was rejected, was even more ruined at the moment.

Before, she had the best relationship with Zhao Liushi. Zhao Liushi also promised to help her young son find an errand. As a result... the gossip about the Zhao family was basically picked up by her, and she couldn't introduce it. After that, I became a little angry and angry, so I said bad things about the Zhao family everywhere.

And this, Zhao Liushi should know, these days are not willing to talk to her.

This Zhao family is so rich. If she had known earlier, she would never have had a falling out with Zhao Liushi. Now it is good, she is afraid that she will never be able to benefit from Zhao Liushi again.

This man regrets it, and so do the others.

If they didn't gossip about the Zhao family before and had a good relationship with the Zhao Liu family, they would probably be able to get a little light now, but they pushed out the Zhao Liu family together...

These people thought about a lot of things, and those children were relatively simple. They ran around at the door of Zhao's house, looking at the tall men of Zhao's house curiously, and looked at their food greedily.

"Come." Jiang Ming greeted the children and gave them a few plates of fish and chopsticks that they didn't want to eat: "This is for you, be careful, don't get caught by the fishbone."

None of these children who were running around were particularly young, and there was a lot of fish in Hexing Mansion. They had basically eaten fish, and now they picked up the chopsticks and ate them quickly.

This steamed fish is really delicious. They have never eaten such delicious fish before!

"That group of little bastards! Alas, those people are really willing to eat a plate of fish for dozens of cents for a group of children." An old man in Qingyang Lane sighed. , I want fifty or sixty cents a piece!

Outside, Jiang Zhen's men were gobbling their food, and inside the house, Jiang Zhen was the same.

Jiang Zhen, who used to love chicken wings more, doesn't eat chicken wings anymore, but eats a chicken leg in two or three times.

After eating some meat, Jiang Zhen's eating speed slowed down, and he told Zhao Liushi and Zhao Fugui about the money he made this time: "This time I made a lot of money, about a few hundred thousand taels."

Zhao Fugui directly threw the bowl in his hand, and Zhao Liu was stunned: "How much did you earn? Dozens of taels?"

"Hundreds of thousands of taels." Jiang Zhen said.

This time, Zhao Liu also accidentally dropped the bowl.