The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 139: Moving and hitting people


There is a saying, "I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs run".

This is a bit strange to modern people, because modern people don't do this. Basically, they have eaten pork but have never seen a pig run.

However, in this era, many people have seen pig run, but have never eaten pork.

In the past in Hexi Village, those children cut pig grass to raise pigs every day, and saw their own pigs every day, but in the end the pigs were killed, and they couldn't actually eat a few pieces of meat.

Not to mention these salt households.

They can find time to catch some fish to eat, but pork...

The people in Hongjiang Salt Works wouldn't give them pork!

Zhu Erlin was considered a traitor to the party once, and the crime he committed was to be punished by the nine clans. As a result... he never even ate pork!

In contrast, the villagers in the small fishing villages that sell salted fish and kelp to outsiders, many of them eat pork instead of pork, and a few larger villages have raised pigs.

The huge sea boat stopped near the island, and then various things were carried to the island under the command of Jiang Zhen, and the first ones to be carried down were naturally the living creatures.

This year's pigs are not fat, and the pure meat is basically only 100 catties. Jiang Zhen asked for a little more this time, and the price he gave was good. Some people even sold him 60 to 70 catties of pigs at home. And pigs of this size are still very easy to catch.

After Zhu Erlin got on the boat, he carried a pig off the boat by himself.

The poor pig was carried by him on his back, barking hoarsely, looking very pitiful.

Jiang Zhen: "..."

These salt farmers on the island have no conditions to take a good bath. They are not cleaner than those pigs, and they don't dislike them at all, but Jiang Zhen is far away, and he made up his mind not to touch those pigs. pig.

If there is a smell on him, he won't let him hold his pearl!

Those pigs, chickens and ducks were imprisoned in the house by Zhu Erlin, and then he asked someone to kill a few more, and then began to cook the meat to eat.

Jiang Zhen still thought about these people very much. In addition to livestock, grain and medicinal materials, he also brought them some seasonings, including soy sauce. In the end, the big guy simply made braised pork.

Of course, their braised pork is not refined at all, they just chop a pig into small pieces, boil it in water, and add soy sauce.

But even so, the meat taste is still there, and it is very, very fragrant.

Zhu Erlin set up dozens of cauldrons and killed a total of twenty pigs to cook.

The aborigines on this island have always rejected these people who suddenly appeared on the island. If it weren't for the large number of Zhu Erlin and others, they would definitely not be able to beat them. It is estimated that they would try to drive Zhu Erlin and others out.

But at this moment, they were attracted by the smell of pork, and even their hostility was reduced.

A group of aboriginal people stared at this place for a long time from a distance, and finally a person came over, and then from Zhu Erlin and others, they exchanged some green vegetables and dried seafood for a pig.

Zhu Erlin accepted those vegetables and planned to keep them for dinner. As for the seafood, he gave them to Jiang Zhen.

The seafood was given to them, and they didn't want to eat it, but if Jiang Zhen took it, he should be able to sell it for money

These seafood can indeed be sold for money, even a lot of money... Jiang Zhen saw that he could have two or three hundred catties of all kinds of seafood, and only felt that he had made a lot of money.

Inside, there are sun-dried sea cucumber and abalone!

The Qingfeng Building in Fucheng is about to open, and it will be able to sell seafood there in the future.

On this day, those who were settled on the island by Jiang Zhen were all as happy as a festival.

They cooked a lot of white rice, and everyone was given a big bowl. They queued up with a bowl of white rice, and they also got a spoonful of braised pork with soup and meat.

That braised pork is really fragrant, especially delicious!

Fishermen and salt farmers who seldom eat meat or even never eat pork before, now feel that pork is extremely delicious, and some people even shed tears while eating white rice and pork.

A child who was only four or five years old took a bite of the meat and looked at his mother expectantly: "Mother, can I eat such delicious food again in the future?"

"Yes, definitely." The child's mother said.

The child smiled happily: "It's good... Mother, let's save some for Dad to eat. Dad must be very hungry when he comes back from fishing."

The child was thinking about leaving some meat for his father, but the child's mother suddenly burst into tears.

Her man is gone and killed.

Fortunately, they can live.

Holding the child, the daughter wiped away her tears. They had been terrified before, but now, they finally felt a new lease of life.

Zhu Erlin was eating the meat, and the expression on his face was intoxicated.

This is the legendary pork!

"You can buy a pig for a dollar or two outside, and you can eat it every day in the future." Jiang Zhen glanced at him and said. He had been eating and drinking well a few days ago, and now he naturally dislikes those pork that is cooked casually.

In front of Jiang Zhen was the braised pork cooked by Mr. Li with the best pork belly. After many complicated procedures, the taste was definitely much better than that of Zhu Erlin and others.

Zhu Erlin knew that he couldn't keep too much money, so he gave the vast majority of the money to Jiang Zhen and Zheng Yi, but even so, he still had a lot of money in his hand, even if he and his subordinates ate pork every day. Enough to eat till old.

Discovering this, Zhu Erlin was immediately excited.

"What are we going to do in the future?" After Zhu Erlin was excited, he asked Jiang Zhen, if he continued to stay on this island, even if he had money, he would have nowhere to spend it...

"This time I will take some people back first. As for you, it will take some time to arrange." Jiang Zhendao.

Jiang Zhen didn't have the ability to bring more than 10,000 people back to settle down at one time. This time he only planned to take a few hundred people who he brought and rescued with his own hands.

Those people had followed him for a long time, trusted him very much, and were very obedient. He planned to take them to Fucheng and place them on the mountain that Zhao Jinge bought.

There is a huge shortage of manpower there, and when these people go, there should be enough manpower.

The seaboat that Jiang Zhen rented stayed on the island for two days.

During this period, Jiang Zhen helped the people on the island build pigsties, and also let people exchange food, chickens and ducks for seafood, pearls and corals from the aborigines on the island.

These things are worthless in the eyes of the aborigines, and the merchants who come and go do not look down on such small things, but to Jiang Zhen, no matter how small the legs of mosquitoes are, they are still meat.

He brought a lot of medicinal materials to Zhu Erlin and others. Those things are not cheap, but they cost him a lot of money, and now he can earn a little bit.

When Jiang Zhen left, he took nearly a thousand people with him. Some of them were the ones he rescued, and some of them were sick and no longer fit to live on that island. The latter was brought by Dr. Hu to Jiang Zhen.

Dr. Hu is good at treating trauma. After learning Jiang Zhen's skill in suturing wounds, he has become a master of trauma... Of course, he can also cure other diseases.

It's just that there are too many patients, he can't cure them at all, and the environment here is not suitable for recuperation... In the end, he simply asked Jiang Zhen to take the patients away and take them to Fucheng to slowly treat them.

Several of these patients were very ill and died before Dafucheng, and they had to throw their bodies into the sea in the end.

Their family had expected it and accepted it well. Jiang Zhen felt a little uncomfortable watching the bodies being thrown into the sea.

However, he soon realized that he was a little too hypocritical.

There were countless people who died in the Hongjiang Salt Field before, but only a few died now, which is really nothing.

Even at this time, the medical conditions were too poor.

Jiang Zhen recalled what happened when Zhao Jinge gave birth to a child before... Zhao Jinge was lucky to be able to have nothing at all. What about in the future

This is a place where appendicitis can be fatal!

Jiang Zhen has something in his heart, but Zhao Jinge is not satisfied with everything now.

Zhao Liu was even more satisfied. She has now become the most respectable old lady in Qingyang Lane, and the people of Qingyang Lane finally know what the Jin Zhen Escort is.

There are big families and big businessmen in this city. If they want to find someone to deliver the goods, they are all looking for the Jin Zhen Escort!

And this Jin Zhen escort bureau has been taken care of by Zhao Liu's son a few days ago.

Although Zhao Liu's son is not very good-looking, he is very capable. No wonder Jiang Zhen, who is about to be blown to the sky by Zhao Liu's, is willing to join their family.

Well, although the people in Qingyang Lane confirmed that the Zhao family is very powerful, they still felt that some of Zhao Liu's words were exaggerated.

How can there be a man who is so capable, and still loves his daughter-in-law so much

Jiang Zhen didn't know the thoughts of the people in Qingyang Lane. As soon as he came back this time, he went outside the city.

Zhao Jinge bought a lot of land for raising chickens and ducks to build a brick kiln. Jiang Zhen had already built many houses with defective bricks that were fired, and now it can be used to house the people he brought back.

Although those houses were built for chickens and ducks to live in, it is not impossible for people to live...

"Master Jiang, you are such a good person!"

"The house is so bright, so nice."

"There's still a fire in the house! It's the first time I've lived in such a nice house!"

"The bricks of this house are a little red, so beautiful!"

Those who live in the chicken coop and duck coop are all very excited.

The floor of this chicken coop and duck coop is paved with bricks. It looks very high-grade. Not to mention, the stove was originally dug in the middle of the house to keep the chickens and ducks warm. It can also allow these people to boil water for cooking. Perfect for them.

After Jiang Zhen settled these people and invited a doctor to see them, he took Zhao Jinge back home and was about to move.

They moved, but there weren't many things to move. After all, the house he bought had all the furniture in it, and even the house was equipped with servants—Zheng Yi knew that his family had no servants, so he Prepare some for him.

"Mother, there's nothing missing there. These things are useless and don't need to be brought." Seeing that Zhao Liu's plan to bring the quilt and even some furniture to the new home, Jiang Zhen hurriedly stopped it.

"Then what about these things? These are all new." Zhao Liu said, those quilts were made by someone she hired. Don't you want them? She can't bear it!

"In the future, Jiang Ming and the others will live here and give it to them." Jiang Zhen said. Zhao Liu's aesthetics was the same as that of all the old country ladies at this time, who liked big red and green.

The quilt he and Zhao Jinge built was red and festive... He actually didn't care what he covered, but he went to see his new home, where everything looked very expensive, so it was the housekeeper who prepared it for them. The quilts are also very delicate. Under such circumstances, they really don't need to bring the ordinary quilts that Zhao Liushi bought.

"They also have quilts..." Zhao Liu was a little confused.

"Mother, when we arrive at the new home, we all use new things, so don't worry about it." Jiang Zhendao.

After listening to Jiang Zhen, Zhao Liu's family gave up taking these things away.

Holding a small bag with his own jewelry, Zhao Liu carefully got on the carriage.

Jiang Zhen once brought back a horse from the capital, but Zhao Liu, she had never ridden a carriage before, and she was a little scared when she got on the carriage, for fear that the horse pulling the carriage in front of her would suddenly go crazy and throw herself out.

"Zhao's family, where are you going?" Zhao Liushi breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he got into the carriage, when she heard someone ask, it was a neighbor in Qingyang Lane who asked her.

The actions of those neighbors in the past still gave Zhao Liu's heart a pimple. Although she still talks to them and enjoys their popularity these days, she didn't even tell them that she was going to move.

"I'm going to move, and I won't live here in the future." Zhao Liu poked his head out of the carriage window and said to the man.

"You don't live here anymore? Where do you want to live?" The man was surprised when he heard Zhao Liu's words.

"Of course we're going to live in a new house. We just haven't cleaned up our new house. We'll just live for a few days." Zhao Liushi said lightly, but when she put down the curtain, she felt distressed: "Oh, it's so good. How come you can't live here anymore?"

Before she went to her new home, Zhao Liu thought her house was fine, but when she saw her new home...

Jiang Zhen has already planned to make a big fight, so he will no longer keep a low profile. The house he asked Zheng Yi to find is very expensive.

This house is a typical garden in the south of the Yangtze River. There are various houses with carved beams and painted buildings, as well as small rivers, water, rockeries and trees. There are scenery everywhere. Even if Zhao Liu has never seen the world, he knows that it must be very expensive, very expensive.

What made Zhao Liushi even more uneasy were the servants who respectfully stood on both sides of the road to greet them.

She used to have Li Shi and Ruo'er to help her with things, but when they got along, there was no obvious difference between them. Now it's different.

A row of twenty or thirty servants, led by a housekeeper about the same age as Zhao Liu's, greeted Zhao Liu's neatly, which really left Zhao Liu's hands and feet a little out of place.

The same goes for Zhao Fugui, but Zhao Jinge and Jiang Zhen are much better.

Jiang Zhen has a lot of knowledge, which is really nothing to him. As for Brother Zhao Jin, he can get used to it, but it all depends on those noble ladies who talk business with him.

Those noble ladies were accompanied by a lot of maids, and there were many rules. If they saw them a lot, he would not be surprised.

Zhao Liu's performance in her new home was not much better than when Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

However, under Jiang Zhen's comfort, she finally calmed down.

After entering the new house, Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liushi became the old man and old lady, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge became the old man and wife, and Zhao Mingzhu became the eldest lady.

Not only that, but next to each of them, there are also two people who serve them.

The servants of Zhao Fugui and Jiang Zhen were all seventeen or eighteen-year-old servants, the servants of Zhao Liu were two women over half a hundred years old, and the servants of Brother Zhao were Ruoer and another He Ruo. The twins are about the same age.

In fact, there should be maids around the big guys, but Zhao Liu's family did not allow Zhao Fugui to use maids, and she refused to use maids. Where she and Zhao Fugui lived, only young servants and older women were left. people.

Brother Zhao Jin... He wasn't happy for Jiang Zhen to use a maid, so he and Jiang Zhen had only the servant and Shuang'er beside him.

Among the servants sent by Zheng Yi, those were not particularly outstanding, but at least the very young maids were finally arranged in the kitchen. Of course, if there were guests, they would still have to come out to support the scene.

When Zheng Yi came to congratulate Jiang Zhen on his new house, they were released.

"How does it feel to be served by a maid?" Zheng Yi glanced at the maids and asked Jiang Zhen with a smile—this guy Jiang Zhen had never used maids before.

"They usually work in the kitchen." Jiang Zhen said calmly.

Zheng Yi: "..."

"Brother Zhao Jin is even more ruthless than Mrs. Liao..." Zheng Yi couldn't help saying.

"Mrs. Liao?" Jiang Zhen looked at Zheng Yi puzzled. He heard Zhao Jinge mention Mrs. Liao who helped him, but he didn't understand why Zheng Yi suddenly mentioned it.

"I deliberately found this house near Liao's house. You can ask Zhao Jinge to find a chance to get in touch with Mrs. Liao." Zheng Yi said.

Okay, why should Zhao Jinge go get in touch with a woman? Jiang Zhen was about to continue to ask, when a loud noise suddenly came from outside the house, and a woman was screaming for help.

Hearing the woman's mournful cry, Jiang Zhen frowned and walked out. Zheng Yi immediately followed after seeing this, and he was still a little puzzled: "What's going on outside? The people living on this street are full of heads and faces. People, it is reasonable to say that even if there is something wrong, there will be no such a big movement."

The two soon came to the door, and as soon as Zheng Yi came out, he saw a servant he brought looking out.

"What happened outside?" Zheng Yi asked.

"Master, it's Mrs. Liao who is beating someone!" The servant turned around and said immediately, and as soon as he finished speaking, everyone saw a group of people dressed as maids running towards a young woman to protect a young woman. run and cry.