The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 14: Eat loach together


The sky was completely dark, and it was very close, but Jiang Zhen still couldn't see Zhao Jinge's appearance, but even so, he was still very happy.

Growing up so big, Jiang Zhen finally felt the feeling of being in love. He reached out and grabbed Brother Zhao Jin's hand more like a hairy boy. As a result, he didn't catch Brother Zhao Jin's hand, but touched a still hot bowl.

"Do you have something to do?" Jiang Zhen asked, "Do you want to give people something to eat? I'll accompany you."

"It's for you." Zhao Jinge handed Jiang Zhen the bowl in his hand.

Jiang Zhen sent something to Zhao Jinge. On the one hand, he was repaying his kindness, and on the other hand, he fell in love with Zhao Jinge, but he never thought that he could get Zhao Jinge in return. After all, he only gave five eggs and some chicken from the beginning to the end. .

"For me? What is this?" Jiang Zhen asked.

"It's a loach. I caught it when I was turning the ground." Zhao Jinge was a little embarrassed. Because something like a loach can be caught everywhere, it is worthless in a farmhouse, and its value is definitely not comparable to eggs and chicken.

Jiang Zhen felt extremely happy, but also a little guilty. He got the eggs and chickens with no effort at all. In his opinion, it was really nothing. The loach that Zhao Jinge gave him was slowly catching one by one. , I am afraid that Zhao Jinge spent a lot of effort.

Thinking about it this way, he has done too little for Zhao Jinge.

"Don't dislike it." Zhao Jinge said again when he saw that Jiang Zhen didn't speak.

"I don't dislike it, I'm happy." Jiang Zhen wanted to hug the person in front of him, but felt that it was a bit frustrating. In the end, he just grabbed Zhao Jinge's other hand: "Let's eat together."

"I'm going back." Zhao Jinge was taken aback. In the darkness, his sense of touch was magnified indefinitely. Although he just held his hand, because all his attention was on his hand, he always felt that his hand was getting bigger and bigger. It was getting hotter and the body started to sweat involuntarily.

"Let's eat together." Jiang Zhen took the person and went to the thatched hut not far away.

Jiang Zhen found a lot of good things in Zhao Laosan's house, including a few pieces of candles. He found a piece of light, and blocked the candle light with a stone near the candle, and then looked at Zhao Jinge.

The candlelight was very dim, but Jiang Zhen could already see clearly the appearance of Brother Zhao Jin, and the bowl of loach in Brother Zhao Jin's hand.

Zhao Jinge looks very much to his taste, but he is actually very rustic, and the bowl of loach in his hand is not at all condescending, but Jiang Zhen still likes it more and more.

Even though he has experienced life and death several times, it was hard to accept that he suddenly crossed into this world for a while, and the feeling of dying was even more painful. It was Zhao Jinge who saved him.

It's been a few days since he passed by, and Jiang Zhen has no sense of identity with other people, so Zhao Jinge is different to him.

It can be said that in this world, the only person he accepts now is Zhao Jinge alone.

Jiang Zhen grabbed Zhao Jinge's hand with his left hand, but quickly let go, took a mulberry branch from the side and broke it in two to make a pair of simple chopsticks, then sat down again, and then held Zhao Jinge's hand again.

When Zhao Jinge was suddenly let go, his heart tightened, but now that he was holding hands, he felt as if his hands were about to burn, and even started to worry involuntarily—he worked all day, and his hands were covered with calluses. It's not smaller than Jiang Zhen's at all, will Jiang Zhen dislike it

Jiang Zhen didn't think too much about it at all. He squeezed a few hands of Zhao Jinge to take advantage of it, then took a loach with chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth, and then took another one with chopsticks and put it next to Zhao Jinge's mouth.

This loach was only boiled with salt, and the taste was not good, but Jiang Zhen has never been a picky person, and since it was specially caught by Zhao Jinge for him to eat, he thought it was extremely delicious, but Zhao Jinge opened his mouth to eat it After the loach, he couldn't help but blushed.

I had known that he just told his mother not to let go of the oil...

"It's delicious." Jiang Zhen said, the loach also has a big bone in the middle. He ate the meat on the top and spat out the bones in three or two times, then ate another one, and gave another one to Zhao Jinge.

"You eat it, I don't have to..." Zhao Jinge quickly refused, he gave Jiang Zhen this loach, and he couldn't eat half of it himself.

"What do we share between you and me? We'll eat together in the future." Jiang Zhendao, as soon as he finished speaking, felt his hand trembling slightly.

Aware that Zhao Jinge wanted to leave, Jiang Zhen directly suppressed the other party: "Let's go after eating!"

Zhao Jinge really wanted to leave, but he was crushed by Jiang Zhen. He was worried about hurting the other party and overturning the bowl of loach, but he didn't dare to struggle: "Let me go!" Dumb, don't you dare to say a word to someone? How did it become like this

If the two of them were seen like this, the villagers' spittle on the nails could drown them!

Brother Zhao Jin knew very well that he and Jiang Zhen were wrong, but he didn't know why, but he was not very angry.

In the past, he never understood why those glib and thick-skinned men could always find their daughter-in-law quickly, but now he vaguely understood.

"I let you go, you can't go, or I'll chase you to your house." Jiang Zhendao, he actually wanted to kiss, but unfortunately Zhao Jinge was too shy. held back.

However, pressing down on him, at this moment, he already regards Brother Zhao Jin as his own person. Of course, it is no problem for him to be the person of Brother Zhao Jin.

In this ancient times, even the wealthy people did not live as comfortably as modern people, but if he could find someone who would accompany him for the rest of his life, Jiang Zhen felt that it would not be bad to live in this ancient times.

Anyway, he has been in the army for a long time, and he has no Internet addiction at all, and he doesn't feel that he can't live without high-tech products such as mobile phones.

Brother Zhao Jin didn't dare to leave, and then Jiang Zhen ate up a bowl of loach with him.

After eating all, Jiang Zhen still didn't want to leave, and Zhao Jinge didn't say a word. The two sat silently for a while, until the candle was finally lit and suddenly extinguished.

"I'm leaving." Zhao Jinge stood up with an empty bowl.

"I also went back." Jiang Zhen said: "I will go to the place where we chop wood together at noon tomorrow to find you."

Zhao Jinge nodded, and thought that Jiang Zhen might not be able to see it, so he said again: "Okay."

After the two agreed, Zhao Jinge took another look at Jiang Zhen's dark figure before walking to Zhao's house, but Jiang Zhen waited for him to leave, picked up the pig-killing knife from the side and walked home, feeling in a good mood. Extraordinarily good.

Not only did he date someone today, but he also dated tomorrow, how wonderful!

However... Jiang Zhen looked at the big knife in his hand, and suddenly felt that his image was a little wrong.

He can't always meet Zhao Jinge with such a big knife in the future, but he really needs a weapon that can deter others...

After thinking about it, Jiang Zhen went to the bamboo forest in the village again in the dark.

He chopped down two bamboos with a knife, and he carried the bamboos and went home.

The next day, Jiang Zhen still got up very early, and he didn't do any work after getting up. He just sat in the yard and started to deal with the two bamboos he got back last night.

He chose the thinner one and cut it off, made a section that was about the same height as himself, and sharpened one end to make the same weapon.

With such a sharpened bamboo in his hand, it means that the opponent is holding a knife, so don’t be afraid. After all, the knife is short and the bamboo pole is long. The sharpened place can also poke holes in others.

Of course, the most important thing is that going out with such a bamboo pole is not easy to attract strange eyes, and it is much lighter than a knife.

Once one bamboo pole was done, Jiang Zhen began tossing another bamboo pole.

He specially cut the bamboo pole very thick. First, he cut off two large bamboo tubes, and then found wood to make two plugs. Then he started to use the remaining bamboo to make other things.

Jiang Zhen made two pairs of bamboo chopsticks, and made two cups with the smaller bamboo tube above. When he wanted to make something else, he found that he didn't seem to be able to make other things, so he could only cut a few more. The bamboo tube is put away for future use.

After finishing this, Jiang Zhen drank porridge to rest, and by noon, Mrs. Jiang had prepared the two eggs and two bowls of rice he wanted.

The dishes eaten in this place have no oil or water at all. Let alone two bowls of rice, Jiang Zhen can eat one more bowl, but he only ate one bowl this time, and the other bowl was all packed. After entering a bamboo tube, he ate only one egg and put the other one away.

After doing this, he went to the kitchen to fill a bamboo tube with hot water, and Jiang Zhen went out for a date.