The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 141: Come to the door to take a book break


Jiang Zhen felt that a man cheated, and it would be boring for his original partner to beat the mistress.

It can't be the little three who strengthened the man, right

Even if there is such a strange thing in the world... Then it should be an angry man to beat the mistress, why should the original match be beaten

Of course, there is no such thing as a mistress in this era. Men at this time can of course have three wives and four concubines.

As long as Jiang Zhen thought about this, his heart felt unhappy.

His Pearl has found a partner in the future. Is it possible that he has to endure that his husband has other women outside? Why

Jiang Zhen's thoughts are obviously difficult for others to understand. Wen Yingniang took the whip subconsciously, and the whole person was a little stunned. What did this person mean to let her beat Liao Qinghe

Liao Qinghe also looked at Jiang Zhen in amazement - is this person okay? !

Jiang Zhen saw that Wen Yingniang took the whip, and remembered one more thing, so he reminded: "Mrs. Liao, you should have read "The Law of the Great Qi", so be gentle."

In Daqi's law, it is not written how a wife should be punished for beating her husband, presumably because everyone thinks that a wife cannot beat her husband.

But even so, if you really want to break someone, Wen Yingniang will definitely have bad luck, bad luck.

The law at this time, it is impossible to think about women anyway.

Wen Yingniang had already raised the whip, but when she heard this, she did not move the whip, but kicked Liao Qinghe in the stomach.

"Ah!" Liao Qinghe screamed.

"Poison woman! Poison woman!" Liao's father and Liao's mother shouted angrily, "Hold that woman! Hold that woman for me!"

The servants and maids of the Liao family immediately went to stop Wen Yingniang when they heard the words of Liao's father and mother.

Fortunately, those servants did not dare to touch Wen Yingniang, and those maids...

Wen Yingniang is also a dowry with some confidants. Before she ran out on horseback, they couldn't keep up, but now they have come over. After coming over, they entangled with the other maids of the Liao family.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

Zheng Yi, who watched all this: "..."

At the beginning, he was worried that Jiang Zhen would offend Mrs. Liao, but he did not expect Jiang Zhen to do that in the end...

This is simply a stroke of genius!

Now he is not worried that Jiang Zhen will offend Mrs. Liao, but he is worried that Mrs. Liao will destroy that Liao Qinghe.

It is true that a wife wants to marry a virtuous person. When Liao Qinghe didn't keep his eyes open when he got married, if he married a tigress, he would be unlucky, and he would even be beaten...

Zheng Yi pondered that in the next few days, the people of Fucheng would probably discuss the affairs of the Liao family, and Liao Qinghe's face would definitely be lost.

Zheng Yi doesn't like Mrs. Liao. It is estimated that few men will like such a disobedient woman, but even so, he still wants to help Mrs. Liao.

He went to inquire, at least half of the best sea-going ships in Daqi were built by the Wen family!

"What's it like to make it like this? Go and tear apart the servants of the Liao family and bring back Mr. Jiang." Zheng Yi winked at the people he brought.

The people around Zheng Yi are all good people. After following him for a long time, they have grasped Zheng Yi's mind very accurately. After they went up, they were not in a hurry to bring Jiang Zhen back, but began to push the servants of the Liao family.

As a result, Liao Qinghe, who was finally pulled to a safe place by her family, was kicked by Wen Yingniang again.

"Qinghe, Xianggong..." Lu Luan was very worried and cried.

"Poison woman, I want Qinghe to divorce you!" Father Liao shouted angrily.

"You woman, don't even want to enter my Liao's house again!" Liao's mother had not spoken before, but at this time she couldn't help speaking.

Wen Yingniang heard these words and kicked Liao Qinghe again, suddenly feeling very boring.

Why is she here to show a joke

After she looked at the crowd, she happened to see that Lu Luan was being protected, Liao's father and Liao's mother, who stopped in front of her, lest she would be hurt.

What about her

Before she got married, she was also the treasure of the family, but now it's better that these people tore her face off and put her on the ground and trampled on it.

That Liao Qing has been with the women in the land of fireworks all these years, and she actually doesn't mind that he has other women.

If he told her that he wanted to have a child, she would probably agree to let him have a child with another woman, and choose a suitable woman to give him a child...

She is already married, and some things always have to be compromised.

But Liao Qinghe should never, never raise a woman outside, and bring her to him after she is pregnant.

This Lu Luan knew at a glance that she was not a good friend. Now that she has not entered the door of the Liao family, she can let the Liao family protect her like this. In the future... will she still have a way to live

Thinking of this, Wen Yingniang couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"Mrs. Liao." Brother Zhao Jin also came over. He rushed into the crowd, called Wen Yingniang, and pushed away a maid who wanted to catch Wen Yingniang: "Mrs. Liao, are you alright?"

As soon as Wen Yingniang looked up, she saw Brother Zhao Jin.

She met Brother Zhao Jin once, and the reason why she was willing to help Brother Zhao Jin that time was because she felt that this person had the same disease as her.

When she first heard that the business of the Jin Zhen Escort was run by a pair of children, she paid attention to Zhao Jinge, and later found out that Zhao Jinge wanted to find a doctor to take care of her health and conceive a child just like her. With sympathy.

Of course, she sympathized with Brother Zhao Jin, but also sympathized with herself.

"I'm fine, why are you here?" Wen Yingniang asked.

"My home is here." Zhao Jinge pointed to his new house.

Wen Yingniang glanced at the house and suddenly said, "Don't you Jin Zhen Escort Bureau will take over the protector's business? I'll give you money, you protect me!"

"Ah?" Brother Zhao Jin was taken aback.

Wen Yingniang had already walked towards the Zhao family's house, and as she walked, she greeted her dowry and confidants and asked them to follow.

Wen Yingniang married from Southern Fujian to Hexing Mansion, and she brought more than 100 dowry people with her, and this was not counting the farmers on her dowry village.

But some of these people were sent to the shop by her to be shopkeepers, some were married, and some were helping her elsewhere. Right now, there were only a dozen or so of them following her.

The dozen or so people followed Wen Yingniang and hurriedly entered the door of Zhao's house, and one of them, a woman dressed as a woman in her thirties, said, "Those who have no conscience! Madam treats them so well, and they turned against Madam! "

Among the people who came to stop Wen Yingniang and protect Lu Luan, there were many maids around Wen Yingniang, and this was one of the reasons why Wen Yingniang and them were so angry.

"I'm just the wife of the Liao family, not the master of the Liao family. Naturally, they won't listen to me." Wen Yingniang said, her eyes almost bursting with fire, and at the same time she stepped up and quickly entered the door of the Zhao family.

Wen Yingniang just ran away, Liao Qinghe subconsciously wanted to chase, but at this moment, Lu Luan groaned in pain while clutching his stomach.

"Luan'er, Luan'er, are you alright?" Liao Qinghe looked at Lu Luan worriedly, and couldn't care less about Wen Yingniang.

At this time, Wen Yingniang had already entered Zhao's house, and then she couldn't help shaking her body.

"Madam." Several of her confidants cried out worriedly.

"I'm fine." Wen Yingniang said, she was just a little angry.

"You... go inside for a rest and drink some tea?" Brother Zhao Jin looked at Wen Yingniang with concern.

Wen Yingniang nodded and was about to go inside when she saw Jiang Zhen and Zheng Yi walking in from outside together.

Seeing Zheng Yi was nothing, but seeing Jiang Zhen, Wen Yingniang immediately frowned: "Why did this person come in?"

Zhao Jinge went out relatively late. When he went out, there was chaos outside. He didn't know that Jiang Zhen had stopped Wen Yingniang before. Seeing Wen Yingniang asking this, he said, "He is my husband, what's the matter?"

Not so much... Wen Yingniang was no longer angry with Jiang Zhen, and felt that this person was a bit strange.

Wen Yingniang was just hit, and she didn't have time to take care of Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge at the moment, so she said, "I want to find a place to rest."

Wen Yingniang was brought in, and the butler asked Zheng Yi and Jiang Zhen to drink the tea that Zheng Yi and Jiang Zhen had been drinking before, and then brought new tea.

Sitting on the chair and drinking a sip of tea, Wen Yingniang finally recovered her strength: "I'm sorry for letting you guys see a joke."

"Why is this a joke? Mrs. Liao is a hero in women's middle school." Zheng Yi praised, of course, somewhat insincere.

Wen Yingniang saw it, but didn't take it seriously.

She has seen a lot of people like Zheng Yi. Most of the men are more obvious than Zheng Yi, and even someone pointed at her nose and scolded her as a shrew...

She is also not good-tempered, and often whips those people with whips... By the way, the one who accused Zhao Jinge in the pharmacy last time seems to have been whipped by her.

"Mrs. Liao, what kind of protection method do you want to let the Jin Zhen Escort Bureau protect you?" Jiang Zhen asked.

Although Wen Yingniang said that before, she didn't actually think about what to do next, and when Jiang Zhen asked about it, she couldn't help but be taken aback.

Jiang Zhen said again at this time: "By the way, Mrs. Liao, you are still a member of the Liao family. You can't stay outside for a long time." They can protect Mrs. Liao, but if the Liao family goes to sue them for a woman from a good family who kidnapped them …

In the end, it will only be Jin Zhen's escort.

Wen Yingniang was in a bad mood at first, but now she heard Jiang Zhen say this, and she immediately became angry: "I can't stay outside for a long time? Then what do you think I should do? Go back to see their family caressing me and me?"

"Of course you don't have to go back. If you don't want to go back, there are two ways now." Jiang Zhen said: "Either you hire us to protect you and go back to your mother's house, or you can just divorce."

Zheng Yi just picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea when he suddenly heard such a sentence and almost spit the tea out of his mouth.

Although he held back in the end and didn't spray it out, it choked in his throat, causing him to let out an earth-shattering cough.

This Jiang Zhen... actually persuaded people to separate

Wen Yingniang couldn't react.

Brother Zhao Jin is really a bit strange!

"What are your plans?" Jiang Zhen asked again.

Wen Yingniang originally wanted to say go back to her mother's house, but the words came to her lips, but she changed it: "Heli!"

After she got married, she encountered a lot of things, but she never thought about getting married before, after all... She had never seen anyone get married, and no one had told her about it.

Although she is far away from home, she has returned home over the years and complained to her parents about Liao Qinghe, but even if they love her parents, they will only persuade her to be gentle and live with Liao Qinghe well, but she has never I won't talk to her about... Reunion.

She is not too young, and it is impossible for her to remarry after the divorce. After that, how will she live

Can she find a better man than Liao Qing

"Very good." Jiang Zhen nodded: "You should be quite rich. I believe that even if you get divorced, your life will not be too bad."

If this Mrs. Liao is very poor, he will not agree with the other party's divorce. After all, the life may be even more difficult, but looking at Zheng Yi's attitude towards this Mrs. Liao, I know that this Mrs. Liao must have some background. In this case, he and Li It's not bad either.

Wen Yingniang was shocked and suddenly found out... It seems to be the case!

She has so much dowry, even if she is divorced, she can live well, why should she stay at Liao's house? But it's the Liao family... If she takes the dowry away, the Liao family... don't know how they will live!

As for the separation, there is no place to bury the dead, and no one will worship them in the future...

She could totally adopt a child, couldn't she

If it were those women who had been raised by three obediences and four virtues, they would never have thought of this, but Wen Yingniang's parents were both businessmen, and she quickly came to deviance, but she quickly figured it out.

It's just that this combination is not easy to do.

Jiang Zhen had heard of Heli, but he didn't know the so-called Heli. It was just that some men wanted to divorce their wives and were afraid of being gossiped, so they used it to cover up. If the Liao family disagreed, Wen Yingniang would not agree. Possibly inseparable.

It's a break book, maybe it's easy to get.

It's just that she is going to be divorced, and she has to watch others marry into the Liao family... Wen Yingniang was still a little unwilling.

No, there's nothing to be unwilling to do, she's already lost her face, and it's nothing to lose a little bit!

"You find some people to protect me, I'll go to Liao's house now to leave the book!" Wen Yingniang said. It can't be too late. Now that the Liao family is angry, it's easy to break the book. If it's too late, they might not be willing to give her a break!

Moreover, that Lu Luan lived in, this is to spend her money to raise a baby, why

Thinking that her jewelry, gold and silver were still in Liao's house, Wen Yingniang couldn't sit still, so she stood up and left.

"Brother Jin, you accompany Mrs. Liao." Jiang Zhendao, he is a man after all, it is not easy to come forward.

Brother Zhao Jin responded and followed him with someone, but Jiang Zhen looked at Zheng Yi at this time: "Master Zheng, what is the origin of this Mrs. Liao?"

"Her family is a sea merchant in southern Fujian." Zheng Yi said, "Alas, although Mrs. Liao has a bad temper, Liao Qinghe really doesn't know what to do. The Liao family is so poor, he doesn't need to coax his wife well. , I'm still so tossing... Now it's alright, he's going to run away, let's see what he will do in the future!"

If he was Liao Qinghe, he would definitely provide his wife.

Don't say that the daughter of a merchant has a low status... Those maritime merchants are very capable, and they can even rely on bribing officials to influence some decisions in the DPRK!

If Liao Qinghe was a little nicer to his wife, and the Wen family helped him to clear things up, maybe he would have been named in the gold list long ago, so why is he still a leader now

As for the child... After coaxing Wen Yingniang, maybe Liao Qing doesn't need to mention it to herself, Wen Yingniang will take the initiative to find a room for him to give birth to a child because of guilt!

Of course, he is not Liao Qinghe. If he really was Liao Qinghe, he would find a way to live a good life on his own.

Zheng Yi told everything about the Wen family, and then said, "I contacted all the sea merchants from Hexing House, but the sea merchants in our Hexing House are not as good as the sea merchants in Minnan House! When Daqi first founded the country, didn't he organize a fleet to go to the Western Ocean? Those shipbuilding craftsmen at that time were later divided up by the maritime merchants of Southern Fujian."

Zheng Yi had a way to buy a boat. Originally, he asked Zhao Jinge and Mrs. Liao to contact him, but he wanted Jiang Zhen to have a good relationship with the maritime merchants in the southern Fujian province.

When Jiang Zhen and Zheng Yi were talking about Wen Yingniang, Wen Yingniang went back to Liao's house.

The Liao family lives in an ancestral house that has been passed down for many generations, but it has been repaired in recent years, and it is very beautiful.

Seeing Wen Yingniang coming, the servants of the Liao family immediately rushed to Liao Qinghe's house: "Madam is here! Madam is back!"

Not long after the Liao family returned home, they were asking the doctor to diagnose and treat Lu Luan. When they heard this, Liao's father and Liao's mother were immediately furious: "She still has the face to come back!"

Liao Qinghe's face also became ugly.

No matter how much trouble Wen Yingniang made in the past, she never touched him, but this time, she actually beat him in public.

Her body was still aching, which made Liao Qinghe more and more disgusted with Wen Yingniang—the shy and beautiful girl who used to be, somehow, has become what she is now!

I knew so...

"Qinghe, you must take good care of this woman, and don't let her climb on top of us!" Mother Liao said.

"Our Liao family actually married such a woman, it's really unfortunate for the family!" Father Liao also said.

As they were talking, Wen Yingniang, with her confidant, Zhao Jinge and a few people from Jin Zhen's escort bureau, broke in like that.

"Yingniang, what are you doing?!" Liao Qinghe said angrily, Wen Yingniang actually broke in with outsiders, what did she want

"Someone, throw that woman out for me!" Wen Yingniang pointed at Lu Luan who was lying on the bed.

The people around Wen Yingniang were about to go up, but were stopped by the Liao family.

"Wen Yingniang, can you stop making trouble!" Liao Qinghe said.

"If you tell me not to make trouble, I will stop making trouble?" Wen Yingniang sneered: "I'll just throw the words here today! In the future, this Liao family will have her without me, and I without her!"

"Don't hurry up?" Wen Yingniang said again: "Whoever dares to stop them, they will throw them out for me!"

Lu Luan was still lying down at the moment, and besides the servants of the Liao family, there was also Liao's father and mother Liao.

Hearing Wen Yingniang's words, Jiang Ming, who came with him, immediately grabbed his father Liao and wanted to pull him away.

"Stop!" Liao Qinghe became anxious when he saw that Jiang Ming actually went to pull his father.

"Presumptuous!" Father Liao was also furious: "Qinghe, divorce this woman! We must divorce her! I can't let her lose the face of my Liao family again!"

"Hug me? You dare!" Wen Yingniang's eyebrows stood upright.

"Of course we dare!" Liao Qinghe was furious. His concession would only make Wen Yingniang gain an inch, so he wouldn't give in! "Come on! Bring a pen and paper! I want to write a letter of divorce!"