The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 146: Wen Yingniang is pregnant


Wen Ming's appearance is not bad, and his temperament is also good. He used to accompany the young master of Wen's family to study when he was young. Although he has no fame, he still has some knowledge.

After marrying Wen Yingniang, he came out to make a toast and looked at ease, and many people in Hexing House had a good impression of him.

Zheng Yi also praised him a lot: "I think this Wen Ming is much better than that of Liao Qinghe, that is, he would marry Wen Yingniang and be willing to marry, which is really unexpected."

If it was him, it would be impossible to marry Wen Yingniang.

But... After taking a look at Jiang Zhen, and thinking that Jiang Zhen had done something similar to Wen Ming, Zheng Yi felt that Wen Ming was not bad.

Although Wen Yingniang has married someone, she is at least better-looking than Zhao Jinge, and her dowry is also rich.

"He likes Wen Yingniang." Jiang Zhendao glanced at Brother Zhao Jin.

Zhao Jinge was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he felt blessed and understood what Jiang Zhen meant.

Wen Ming only wanted to like Wen Yingniang, and Jiang Zhen... liked him.

Brother Zhao Jin was like eating honey, and the honey was sweet to his heart.

At this time, Jiang Zhen discussed with Zheng Yi about the Changhe Salt Works, and agreed to visit the former Hongjiang Salt Works and the current Changhe Salt Works tomorrow.

Zheng Yi wanted to help Mr. Yang handle the affairs of the salt field and let the salt field produce salt as soon as possible, but Jiang Zhen was going to build a wharf on the seaside land that Zheng Yi left him.

As a result, Jiang Zhen's money was not enough. Fortunately, he took on a big business - helping Changhe Salt Field to transport salt. After that, Qingfeng Tower in Fucheng will also open...

Wen Ming planned to stay at Wen's house, but Jiang Zhen didn't succeed in poaching people, but he didn't force it. The next day, he took Zhao Jinge and Zhao Mingzhu, and followed Zheng Yi to the beach by boat.

A few months ago, there was a large-scale killing by the sea, and many people died, but now, nothing can be seen here.

The bones of the deceased were eaten and rotted by animals, and finally became the fertilizer of the earth. Apart from making the trees more and more lush, they left no trace in this world.

When Zhao Jinge was there, Jiang Zhen didn't talk about the hardships at that time, but talked about some interesting things he encountered here. For example, someone went to the beach to find edible shells and was accidentally besieged by crabs, or they fell asleep at night. Falling asleep, it suddenly rained, so I had to jump up and find a place to hide from the rain...

Zhao Jinge didn't laugh, but he couldn't help his eyes a little sour, but he restrained and didn't show it.

Jiang Zhen said it easily, but he could hear how hard Jiang Zhen's life by the sea was before. It was still very cold at that time, Jiang Zhen and the others were soaked in the rain, I don't know how uncomfortable it was...

"Jiang Zhen, you said before that you have a new method for making salt, what is it?" Zheng Yi asked when he arrived at the Changhe Salt Field.

"Salt." Jiang Zhen said.

Jiang Zhen had been to the beach before and knew how to dry the salt, so he explained it in detail now.

In fact, boiled salt is more pure, but drying salt is really convenient. Moreover, the common people don’t really mind a little bit of impurities in the salt—the official salt sold by the imperial court in the past even deliberately mixed with sand.

However, if you want to dry the salt, you still need some technical support... Why did no one dry the salt before? Still don't have the right container

After Jiang Zhen talked about how to build a beach by the sea, he directly asked some people to try to dig out pieces of salt flats.

At this time, people worked hard and were very obedient, so five days later, the first batch of salt came out.

After staying in Jiangnan, Mr. Yang, who will be responsible for the management of the Changhe Salt Field in the future, looked a little excited when he saw the salt that was released, and then asked, "How do you think this salt should be sold?"

"Everyone needs to eat salt. It's better to have a lower price. This is also beneficial to the Queen Mother." Jiang Zhendao said that he hoped that the price of salt could be lowered.

At this time, people used salt in many places. In the absence of a refrigerator, the only way to preserve meat was to pickle it, but salt was too expensive.

It is impossible to make salt at this time as cheap as it is in modern times, but six or seven cents per pound can actually make a lot of money.

The queen mother also hopes to win the hearts of the people by stabilizing the price of salt. After thinking about it for a while, Mr. Yang plans to sell cheap official salt while those salt merchants are suppressed.

The matter of the salt field was not something Jiang Zhen could intervene, nor was he interested in intervening. After confirming that there was no problem with the salt drying, he took the boat sent by the Wen family and went to the island where Zhu Erlin and others were housed.

Zhu Erlin and others had lived on the island for a long time. Although they did not lack food and drink, they were always a little uneasy. When they saw Jiang Zhen coming again, they almost cried with joy.

Then they got the good news - they could go back.

Even if they were under the control of the Hongjiang Saltworks before, the lives of these people were very bad, but after all, they have lived there for generations. Compared with this small island, they are more accustomed to the life there, and naturally they are looking forward to going back.

Jiang Zhen took everyone back several times this time.

The place Jiang Zhen chose to build the wharf was the cliffside village where he had visited and saved some people. The terrain here is very suitable for building a wharf.

Tens of thousands of people simply built their own residences nearby, and then started to build the wharf. Although they did not sign any agreements, they almost tacitly agreed that they would work with Jiang Zhen and work extra hard.

And Jiang Zhen didn't treat them badly, not only would they feed them, but also give them pork.

When Jiang Zhen was building his own wharf, the people of Hexing Mansion were not happy.

In the past, the price of salt had been rising all the way, and it was impossible to buy it even if you wanted to buy it. But recently, the price of salt has dropped.

The best salt is only five or six cents a pound!

In the past, even private salt would not be so cheap!

When the people of Hexing Mansion first discovered this, they were going crazy. Many people even bought more than ten kilograms of salt at a time, and they all ran out of salt in the shop.

But even so, the next day, there was still salt for sale in the store, especially the Zheng family's store. They didn't allow others to buy more. They only allowed one pound to buy each time, and they could always come up with a lot of salt.

The people of Hexing House had been talking about Wen Yingniang before, but now they were all talking about the price of salt—the matter of divorce from other people's wives and childbirth, how could it be important to eat and drink at home

Now that the price of salt has dropped, instead of staring at Wen Yingniang, they might as well find a way to buy more salt, cured meat, vegetables, and eggs.

The people of Hexing House are all happy, and those rich and powerful people in Hexing House are also full of expectations at the moment.

The Qingfeng Building in Hexing Mansion is about to open.

Thanks to Zhou Maohe's blessing, the people in Hexing Mansion had long known the existence of Qingfeng Building, and they had long been looking forward to Qingfeng Building. Later, after Qingfeng Wine came out, everyone became more curious about this Qingfeng Building.

And now, Qingfenglou has finally opened.

People in Hexing House who knew about the existence of Qingfeng Tower wanted to see it after learning about it. As for things like the drop in salt prices...

For many people, it means that the monthly expenses at home are less than a few taels of silver, and this amount of money is not enough for them to drink flower wine as a reward.

When Qingfeng Building opened, Jiang Zhen certainly couldn't not show up, so he returned to Hexing House a day earlier.

He stayed at the beach for a long time, supervising other people's work on the "construction site" every day, and made himself a shade black, so that after wearing delicate clothes, the whole person looked out of harmony.

Zhao Jinge was running back and forth between Fucheng and the seaside these days, but he actually basked in the sun all day long, but he was very careful. He had been wearing a hat to block the sun, but it wasn't much darker, and his skin even looked whiter and tenderer.

"Brother Jin, you look more and more handsome." Jiang Zhen touched Zhao Jinge's face, a little surprised.

"Really?" Zhao Jinge looked at Jiang Zhen happily.

"What's going on?" Jiang Zhen asked again.

"I'm taking tonics." Zhao Jinge said a little embarrassedly. When he went to the pharmacy and found that he was not pregnant with a child, he asked the doctor to prescribe some medicines to replenish his body. It got better, and later I opened some more to eat. I ate and ate like this, but the child didn't get pregnant, but his complexion got better and better.

"It's okay to eat a little tonic, but don't take it randomly." Jiang Zhendao, after asking Zhao Jinge that he was eating Ejiao red dates or something, he was relieved.

These things, after all, will not eat people bad.

Zhao Jinge's skin was much smoother. Jiang Zhen couldn't help but touched it again and again. After returning home, he directly knocked him down, so that Zhao Jinge almost couldn't get up the next day.

Of course, he still got up in the end, but when he arrived at Qingfenglou, he was somewhat out of spirits and couldn't help but yawned.

This is a bit unsightly, Zhao Jinge was feeling embarrassed when suddenly seeing him opposite, Wen Yingniang also yawned greatly.

After Wen Yingniang got married, she did not go back to Fujian Province.

The Wen family is not entirely her parents' family. Although his father is the head of the Wen family, there are many elders of the Wen family.

Wen's father and Wen's mother felt sorry for their daughter, but those people didn't like Wen Yingniang, the humiliated married daughter who was thrown into Hexing Mansion.

When Wen Yingniang was not divorced before, the side branches of the Wen family used her to make fun of Wen's father and mother, and now Wen Yingniang has been divorced...

It was also for the sake of his daughter that Wen's father and mother let Wen Yingniang stay in Hexing Mansion, and even Wen Ming also stayed.

Of course, after this matter fades away, Wen Yingniang can go back.

However, Wen Yingniang didn't plan to go back. It wasn't because she liked Hexing Mansion so much, but because she didn't want to cause trouble to her parents.

Anyway, Hexing Mansion and Minnan Mansion are not far away, so she can go back to see her parents during the festivals in the future.

"Brother Zhao Jin, long time no see." Seeing Brother Zhao Jin, Wen Yingniang greeted him. After she got married, she wanted to find brother Zhao Jin, but brother Zhao Jin was too busy, and it happened that she also had a lot of things to deal with, and the two never met.

"Mrs. Wen." Brother Zhao Jin saw Wen Yingniang smiling, and it was a little strange - it was less than two months after they got married, and it was the time of their wedding. Wen Yingniang should be very happy and energetic, why is she watching the whole person now so tired

"You haven't slept well?" Wen Yingniang asked. She could not help yawning when she saw Brother Zhao Jin yawning just now.

"I didn't sleep well... You..." Brother Zhao Jin frowned and looked at Wen Yingniang.

"I haven't slept enough all day these days." Wen Yingniang said: "Probably finally relaxed, I have nothing to worry about, I just want to sleep all day... I don't know what's going on, and the more I sleep, the more tired I get."

"If you sleep too much, you will be tired." Zhao Jinge nodded in agreement: "It will still hurt." When he was in confinement, he lay in bed all day, and he always felt uncomfortable.

"Yes." Wen Yingniang nodded in agreement, and yawned again.

Wen Yingniang slowed down, only to be considered a little more energetic, and then asked, "Brother Zhao Jin, how do you and Jiang Zhen get along?"

"Ah?" Brother Zhao Jin was a little puzzled.

"Wen Ming follows me all day and sleeps together. I'm not used to it." Wen Yingniang said, her face couldn't help turning a little red.

At first, she felt that she and Wen Ming were just mutual benefit, but recently, she has noticed something else.

It was obvious that he liked her a little bit.

It's just... In some places, she's not quite used to it.

In the past at Liao's house, there were many rules. Although Liao Qinghe would come to sleep in her room, but only seven or eight times a month, if she came, Liao's father and mother would accuse Liao Qinghe of indulging in women's sex.

But Wen Ming is the opposite. Wen Ming doesn't do anything these days, he follows her almost all day, and rests with her every day at night...

She felt that she had been sleepy, which must have been disturbed by Wen Ming.

Hmm... Suddenly there are many people around her who are robbing her of the quilt. She must be not used to it.

"He doesn't sleep with you, who does he sleep with?" Brother Zhao Jin was a little puzzled. He had never been clear about the fact that big families were sleeping in separate rooms.

Anyway, he and Jiang Zhen have always slept together.

Wen Yingniang thought about Zhao Jinge's words, and the more she thought about it, the more reasonable she felt.

Yes, if Wen Ming doesn't sleep with her, who will he sleep with

Wen Yingniang and Zhao Jinge whispered as they walked, and finally stopped in a garden in Qingfenglou specially reserved for female relatives.

It was still early, and there was no one in the garden, so the two found a pavilion hidden in the bushes and sat down, and let the waiters guard around.

It's just that they only said a few words, and suddenly several women came towards them.

"Isn't this Mrs. Wen? Why is she looking so bad?" said the first person.

Wen Yingniang and Zhao Jinge frowned.

The place where the two of them stayed was very quiet, and this group of people came here, no doubt, to find fault on purpose.

"My face is so ugly, I'm afraid the man I'm looking for is not good."

"I heard that she recruited a servant of her own family... She can't get married, so she can only pick up a piece of junk!"

"Maybe she is sad because Young Master Liao is about to get married. In a few days, Young Master Liao's marriage will be done."

These people are talking with each other, and when they look at Wen Yingniang, their eyes are full of schadenfreude.

"Madam, the one in yellow is Zhang Juren's wife, and her daughter is going to marry into the Liao family." The maid next to Wen Yingniang suddenly said loudly.

"Madam, the Liao family is now living as a calligraphy and painting, and I don't know if Miss Zhang's dowry is enough for them."

"Silver is second, it would be funny if the Liao family made a concubine eldest son!"

The maid next to Wen Yingniang said something to me, and only made the lady's face look ugly.

Zhang's family is also a big family. Although Mrs. Zhang's husband is only a gentleman, his father-in-law is an official in the court.

The marriage with the Liao family was decided by Zhang Juren. Mrs. Zhang was always dissatisfied, and she was reluctant to let her daughter suffer grievances, so it took two months to get married.

However, no matter how dissatisfied, her daughter is going to marry that Liao Qinghe, and Mrs. Zhang is always on the side of the Liao family. That's why, after seeing Mrs. Wen, she couldn't help but come to Mrs. Wen's trouble. Come on—it's fine for Wen Yingniang to leave the Liao's house, and she evacuated the Liao's house, really hateful!

Mrs. Zhang came to make fun of Wen Yingniang, but she was ridiculed, and her face changed suddenly, but she still said: "Mrs. Wen, you are not doing well yourself, so you come to curse others, it is really inappropriate!"

"Who do you think is having a bad time?" Wen Yingniang snorted coldly.

"Could it be that Mrs. Wen still thinks she is doing well? Oh, it's just a hen that doesn't lay eggs. What will happen in the future?" Mrs. Zhang said.

Mrs. Zhang Zhang can be considered to have hit Wen Yingniang's sore spot. Wen Yingniang's temper is not good, and now she is even more angry, and she even wants to beat people!

She stood up abruptly from the stool, but suddenly felt dizzy, and the scenery in front of her all turned black and white.

Covering her forehead, she frowned uncomfortably.

"Madam!" The maid next to Wen Yingniang quickly supported her, and someone jumped up quickly and went to find the doctor.

Their masters have explained that they must protect Wen Yingniang and serve Wen Yingniang, and must not be negligent at all!

Wen Ming and Jiang Zhen and Zheng Yi were staying together, and they were talking when someone suddenly came to report: "Master, Master is not well, Madam, she is not feeling well, her face is pale, and she almost fainted."

"What?" Wen Ming was taken aback, thinking that Wen Yingniang had been uncomfortable these days, he suddenly became worried, stood up and walked away, asking, "What's going on?"

"It's all because of that Madam Zhang!" The maid said immediately.

Wen Ming's face suddenly turned dark, and his pace quickened.

Men are not allowed to enter the courtyard where Qingfenglou is reserved for the female relatives. Wenming was stopped when he reached the door. He was trying to get in, but another maid came out: "Master! Madam, she is pregnant!"