The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 147: Rumors of Fucheng


Wen Yingniang didn't faint, but she almost fainted, and this shocked her.

She has always been in good health, but this time she almost fainted...

Wen Yingniang cherished her life so much that she couldn't care less about being angry with that Madam Zhang, but she quickly had someone help her to lie down in the wing where the female family members rested for a while, and urged her maidservants to find a doctor for her.

She just had a few days of comfort, but she didn't want to die.

While Zheng Yi prepared a garden for the female family to play and rest in Qingfenglou, he also raised a female doctor in this garden.

In Daqi, there have always been female doctors. After all, there are many problems with women, and it is not easy to go to male doctors. And Zheng Yi kept such a female doctor in the garden, in fact, to attract the families of the wealthy families in Hexing House.

After giving birth to a child, many women will have some unspeakable problems. They are embarrassed to find someone to see a doctor.

At the same time, there is a doctor here, which is also convenient to deal with some emergencies.

Zheng Yi was planning for the long-term, but he didn't want to use the female doctor on the first day of Qingfenglou's opening.

Those who satirized Wen Yingniang were a little worried at first when they saw Wen Yingniang's face turning pale, but later they saw that Wen Yingniang was in a state of excitement, with a group of people protecting her, but they couldn't help it. A little jealous.

This jealousy, they spoke again.

"I used to be able to beat people in the street, but now I just heard an angry remark, and I couldn't stand it and fainted... I don't know if she has been subjected to some sparring in the past few days."

"Or she just regretted it... She evacuated the Liao family, and she probably still wanted to ask Mr. Liao to beg her, but Mr. Liao just married someone else... She must not be sad?"

"So what if you have money, I don't know who will be cheaper in the end."

The maid next to Wen Yingniang glared at these people, but did not dare to quarrel with them, for fear of making Wen Yingniang angry again.

It was at this time that the female doctor in Qingfenglou came.

The female doctor was about forty years old, dressed in Tsing Yi and dressed very simply. She hurried in with her two teenage apprentices, and sat down beside Wen Yingniang, asking Wen Yingniang what was wrong, while giving Wen Yingniang her pulse.

"I've been sleepy all day these days and can't eat... Doctor, is this what I'm doing?" Wen Yingniang was very worried: "Should I be fine? I was in good health before..." Before leaving Liao's house Before, she went to the doctor to check her pulse every three to five days. She had always been in good health. Now, should she not suddenly become terminally ill

"Are you Mrs. Wen?" the doctor asked suddenly.

"Yes." Wen Yingniang said.

Then, she saw the doctor give her a surprised look, and asked, "Mrs. Wen, when did you come back to Sunflower Water?"

Wen Yingniang was so busy these days that she didn't even think about it, but she was stunned when she heard someone ask about it suddenly.

The maid next to Wen Yingniang said immediately, "Our wife came back to Sunflower Water, more than two months ago."

Wen Yingniang thought about it and found that it was indeed the case: "Could it have something to do with this? I thought it was because I was too tired to come here." Not very comfortable, and I didn't want to see a doctor in the first place.

"Congratulations to Mrs. Wen, Mrs. He Xiwen, Mrs. Wen is pregnant for two months!" The female doctor said with a smile.

Wen Yingniang was stunned.

She is pregnant? Can't she give birth

"Really?" The maid next to Wen Yingniang was also shocked, of course, more of joy.

"It's true, Mrs. Wen is pregnant." The female doctor said again, only feeling that she was lucky.

Who doesn't know that Wen Yingniang is rich? When she diagnosed such a good news, the Wen family will definitely give a generous reward.

She guessed right.

Before Wen Yingniang came back to her senses, the maid beside her had already rewarded the female doctor with money, and it was only fifty taels of silver.

When Wen Yingniang came back to her senses, she said again, "Reward!"

So, another five taels of silver.

The female doctor immediately smiled happily: "Mrs. Wen, the fetus is unstable in the first three months, you have to be careful, don't be tired or angry..."

Wen Yingniang nodded again and again and suddenly remembered something.

She obviously can give birth, but she has not had children for so many years. Is this... Could it be that Liao Qinghe can't give birth

There is no problem with Liao Qinghe, and she can still find flowers and ask willows everywhere, so she always thought it was her own problem. Could it be... is it really Liao Qinghe's problem

Wen Yingniang hated Liao Qinghe for a while, but soon, the hatred dissipated again.

She was thinking of Wen Ming.

Wen Ming said that his body was injured and he was in trouble with his son. At first, she thought that this person had become a eunuch, but on the wedding night, she knew she was wrong, and then she thought it was because of something. Injuries that do not come out, or eating poison.

Now it seems... these are all wrong, that person is actually lying to her.

Being deceived, Wen Yingniang was not angry at all.

At this moment, she really wants to live a good life with Wen Ming, this person is absolutely sincere to her.

When Wen Yingniang was looking for the doctor, Zhao Jinge kept watching, unavoidably happy for Wen Yingniang.

Seeing that the female doctor was all right, he immediately greeted him: "This doctor, can you help me take a look?" When he was pregnant with Zhao Mingzhu, he didn't realize that he was pregnant, and even went to fight... This matter made him He is very uneasy, and now he is particularly willing to let others show him more.

The female doctor immediately gave Zhao Jinge a pulse.

"This lady, you are also pregnant!" The female doctor said in surprise.

Although Zhao Jinge asked this female doctor to take his pulse, he didn't have much confidence, and he didn't think he would get pregnant. After all, Jiang Zhen was always careful when he did that.

Unexpectedly, he was pregnant

"It's been almost two months." The female doctor looked at Brother Zhao Jin.

Brother Zhao Jin also gave her 5 taels of silver, which was a little distressing... Usually, if you ask a doctor for a pulse, if you don't prescribe medicine, you will never get 5 taels of silver.

But even so, he was very happy!

"We are really destined." Wen Yingniang grabbed Brother Zhao Jin's hand and cried suddenly.

When Wen Yingniang cried with joy, Wen Ming just found out about her pregnancy, and then froze.

He paused and turned his stiff neck to look at the maid: "So, Yingniang, is she okay?"

"Master, Madam is fine, but I just got pregnant, so I should have a good rest."

"It's fine..." Wen Ming took a deep breath, but he wasn't as anxious as before: "Go back and take good care of Madam!"

As soon as he heard the words, Jiang Zhen came over: "What happened?"

"It's a happy event... Mr. Jiang, can you let me in this garden?" Wen Ming couldn't contain his excitement.

"Let someone inform you and you can go in." Jiang Zhendao, let the people in this garden go in and take a look and give a notice.

In fact, it was nothing to bump into the female relatives. There was such a rule before, and I was afraid that some men would be disrespectful to the female relatives after entering.

Someone went in immediately to report, but at this time, Wen Ming suddenly looked at Jiang Zhen: "Master Jiang, you built a wharf by the sea a few days ago? Can you let me in?"

The reason for rejecting Jiang Zhen before was not because Wen Ming didn't want to leave the Wen family, but because he felt it was unnecessary.

The family wealth he has now is enough for him to spend all his life. If so, why bother to go to sea and use his life to make money? He has no children.

It is very hard to be a sea merchant, and life at sea is not good at all. It will take a few months to go out... Naturally, he is not willing to do business with Jiang Zhen.

With that skill, he might as well spend more time with Wen Yingniang.

But now, Wen Yingniang is pregnant.

Wen Yingniang's belly is his child, and he always has to think about his own child.

"Of course." Jiang Zhen agreed without hesitation, and it was not surprising that Wen Minghui would choose to do this.

He used to think that being a parent doesn't need to leave too many things for the child, it will only spoil the child, but when he has a child, he doesn't think so.

Especially since Zhao Mingzhu is a daughter, it worries him even more.

Jiang Zhen and Wen Ming said a few words, and then they were told that they could enter the garden. As a result, they had just walked a few steps inside, but someone else ran out in a hurry.

This time, it was Shuang'er Ruo'er next to Zhao Jinge who ran out.

"Ruo'er, what's wrong?" Jiang Zhen frowned a little worried.

"Master! Madam, he is pregnant!" Ruo'er said in surprise when she saw Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen was also shocked.

In addition to being surprised, Jiang Zhen and Wen Ming were more happy, but some people were different.

They just feel angry.

Mrs. Zhang and the others had just ridiculed Wen Yingniang, when they heard that Wen Yingniang's face would be so ugly because she was pregnant.

Wen Yingniang only had a child in her late thirties. It is normal for her body to feel uncomfortable. It's just... How could Wen Yingniang be pregnant

Like Wen Yingniang, these people thought of Liao Qinghe almost immediately.

Since Wen Yingniang was able to conceive a child, she had never had a child before, and most likely it was Liao Qinghe who had a problem... As for now, there is a woman in the Liao family who is pregnant with a child, such a random woman, she still doesn't know what's in her stomach Boy, who is it

No wonder that Liao Qinghe has had many women in the past ten years, but not a single child. It turns out that he has a problem...

Those who were with Madam Zhang looked at Madam Zhang sympathetically at this moment.

At this moment, Mrs. Zhang hated her husband who arbitrarily engaged her daughter, but what she hated more was the Liao family. Of course, she also hated Wen Yingniang.

While gnashing her teeth in pain, Mrs. Zhang suddenly saw Wen Yingniang walking out of the room.

People feel refreshed at happy events. Although Wen Yingniang is still tired, she feels much better.

She was surrounded by the maids beside her and walked outside, and saw Mrs. Zhang as well.

"Mrs. Zhang kept calling others' hens that don't lay eggs, but she doesn't know that this hen that doesn't lay eggs will be your daughter's turn in the future!" Wen Yingniang laughed.

Mrs. Zhang's face turned dark, but not far away, Wen Ming laughed lightly - his young lady is so cute.

Jiang Zhen didn't smile. He took a few steps forward and came to Zhao Jinge: "Brother Jin, how are you feeling? Are you uncomfortable?"

"No, I'm fine." Brother Zhao Jin was fine immediately, he was fine, and he wasn't uncomfortable at all.

Jiang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Zhao Jinge said, but he didn't want to stay here any longer: "Let's go back first." Who knows if someone will bump into Zhao Jinge here? I heard that someone was targeting Wen Yingniang before

Wen Ming also said at this time: "Let's go back first." As he said, Wen Ming also asked those maids to surround Wen Yingniang, lest others hurt her.

They left quickly, Madam Zhang watched them leave, and then walked out without saying a word.

Women who are less than three months pregnant usually don't make it public, but the news that Wen Yingniang was pregnant quickly spread.

At the same time, the wind direction of Hexing Mansion also changed completely.

That Wen Yingniang was able to give birth, it means that what cannot be born is actually...

For a while, when the people from Hexing House mentioned the Liao family, their tone changed. When they mentioned Liao Qinghe, they would exchange a knowing look with each other, and then shook their heads and sighed.

Even those who didn't like Wen Yingniang in the past now sympathize with Wen Yingniang, and of course, they also sympathize with Liao Qinghe.

"Then Wen Yingniang is really unlucky. She married the wrong person and suffered so much."

"If the Liao family doesn't break up, then Wen Yingniang, no one else will know about it. I didn't expect it..."

"Yeah, Liao Qinghe's luck is really bad."

"Tell me, whose child is Liao Qing and the woman who brought them back?"

Father Liao went out and made a calligraphy and painting in person.

When the servants were asked to be calligraphy and painting, the money they got back was always very small. The calligraphy and painting that he wanted to be this time was one of his favorites, so he took the calligraphy and painting and went to the pawnshop in person.

However, the pawnshop could not give him the price he wanted.

Father Liao didn't want to be, but he was anxious to wait for the money, and in the end he had no choice but to be.

As a calligraphy and painting, he was walking back when Father Liao ran into a friend of his and said hello immediately.

Then, Father Liao noticed his friend's expression, which was strange for some reason.

"How did you make this look?" Father Liao couldn't help asking.

"You..." The man hesitated before he finally gritted his teeth: "Wen Yingniang is pregnant, did you know?"

Father Liao suddenly opened his eyes.