The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 151: Playing with sand by the sea


Businessmen can always smell the taste of profit and arrive in the shortest time.

The pier in Yabian Village was unknown three years ago, but in the past two years, many businessmen in Hexing House have known about such a place, and some people even specially arranged for people to wait here. When they got the news that Jiang Zhen and Wen Ming had returned from overseas, they rushed here immediately.

This rare thing from overseas, if you can buy it first, it may be several times the profit when you change it, who doesn't rush to it

Jiang Zhen said he wanted to spend time with his family, but the next day, he was busy handling the goods.

The things I got back this time are the most precious to Jiang Zhen are potatoes and peppers.

That's right, he got some potatoes and peppers from the Europa people this time, but the amount was very small. It would take a few years to plant them on a large scale.

To Jiang Zhen, these two things are the most precious, but to others it is by no means the same.

These merchants are all here for Liulijing and Liuli, and they also like all kinds of gems.

As soon as Jiang Zhen and Wen Ming came back, they sold half of the mirrors and colored glass. This was because they knew that the people Zheng Yi brought were definitely not low-ranking people, but now, they would not sell the rest of the things at once. All are sold.

In business, you must always learn to sell.

After more and more businessmen came to the beach, Jiang Zhen and Wen Ming didn't show up, but let their subordinates sell the relatively worthless things they brought.

It is July now, which should be September when converted into the Gregorian calendar. The weather has not cooled down yet, but the seaside is not too hot. Generally speaking, it is very comfortable.

Jiang Zhen took a child in one hand and went to play at his "private beach".

In fact, he wanted to take Brother Zhao Jin along with him, but unfortunately, Brother Zhao Jin still had to deal with the Jin Zhen Escort Bureau, and he couldn't play with them, so he didn't force it.

On the private beach of the Zhao family, some vines growing on the sand were planted, and a large pavilion was built. The tide was high at this time, and the sea water could even wash under the pavilion occasionally.

Jiang Zhen looked at the situation, and simply took off his coat and trousers, then lay down under the gazebo wearing shorts, and let the two children play beside him.

Zhao Mingzhu was carrying a small bucket and digging sand with a small shovel, but Zhao Chengyu looked at Jiang Zhen curiously, then grabbed the bulge in Jiang Zhen's chest, and smashed his mouth a few times.

Jiang Zhen: "..."

His son was nursed by a wet nurse. It hasn't been long since weaning. This is... Want to breastfeed

"Dad, you dig with me." Zhao Mingzhu got tired of digging by herself for a while, and wanted Jiang Zhen to accompany her.

Jiang Zhen didn't want to move at all at this moment: "Mingzhu, you dig it yourself... How about you dig more sand, Mingzhu, and then bury your father?"

As Jiang Zhen spoke, he grabbed a handful of sand and put it on his stomach.

Zhao Jinge loves his two children very much, and he is willing to accompany them when he is free, as does Zhao Fugui of Zhao Liu's family, but they can never let their daughter bury themselves without image like Jiang Zhen.

Therefore, Zhao Mingzhu felt that all this was very novel now. She dug up the sand and giggled to bury Jiang Zhen.

Zhao Chengyu quickly learned everything from his sister. Seeing her doing this, he, like her sister, began to shovel sand on Jiang Zhen.

The three of them were having a good time when some noises suddenly came from not far away.

"There's a pavilion here!"

"Let's go to the pavilion for a rest."

"There is someone in the pavilion!"

Jiang Zhen frowned when he heard those voices.

He built a wall on both sides of this beach. Although the wall is not high, he can tell others that they can't come in casually, but now, there are still people who come in casually.

Zhao Mingzhu had piled a lot of sand on his body. In order to prevent them from falling off his body, Jiang Zhen couldn't stand up casually, so he turned his head to look, and saw several seventeen or eighteen-year-old boys and girls walking over together.

There are no such guests in the Zhao family. Even if there are, Zhao Jinge wouldn't know that he was playing at the beach with his children and let people over, so these people definitely came in over the wall.

Looking at their clothes, if they want to be rich or expensive, they don't know which young master or lady they are. They don't stay at the pier, they came to this secluded place, and even if they came, they even climbed other people's walls.

Jiang Zhen saw those people, and those people also saw Jiang Zhen lying in the sand with a tanned face and the two dirty children beside Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen used to take Zhao Mingzhu wherever he went, and Zhao Jinge continued his habit.

In the past three years, Zhao Jinge took two children with him wherever he went. When raising these two children, he was not very spoiled, so these two children were a bit rough.

Because they were in his own home at the moment, Jiang Zhen had them wear short-sleeved shorts, and they were playing with sand, which made them look even rougher.

The few teenagers and girls who came over frowned when they saw this situation.

They walked along the beach for a long time, and they were a little hot from the sun. They wanted to rest in the pavilion, but there was someone in the pavilion...

"Hey, you guys go to play elsewhere, let's rest here!"

"Come on, go away quickly and take the things away." Another person pointed to the things on the reclining chair under the gazebo.

"This is my place, you should go." Jiang Zhen said.

"It's your honor that we took a fancy to your place. If you know each other, go quickly." A girl said, and in a blink of an eye, she suddenly found that there were still clothes and pants on the reclining chair.

Her eyes widened suddenly, looking at Jiang Zhen who was buried in the sand, but judging from her exposed shoulders, she was definitely not wearing a shirt and said angrily, "You don't even wear clothes! How disgusting!?"

"You'd better get out of here quickly." Jiang Zhen's brows furrowed, his voice cold.

These teenagers and girls have been held by others since they were young. Now Jiang Zhen wants to drive them away, they are naturally unhappy: "Why let us go? You should go!"

"That's right!" Another said, "Are you a servant here or a villager nearby? Do you know who we are?"

They were talking when one of the teenagers suddenly exclaimed: "Mirror!"

Hearing the boy's voice, the people present looked over together, and found that there was a palm-sized mirror on the sand beside the reclining chair.

They asked Wen Yingniang for a long time, but Wen Yingniang refused to give them the mirror. At this moment, the mirror was placed on the sand.

These teenagers and girls are all from Wen's family.

Before Wen Yingniang, she still wanted to go back to Fujian, but after she had a child, she gave up the idea.

She was recruited and gave birth to a child surnamed Wen, and Wen Ming had a lot of face in Wen's house... Under such circumstances, if she took her family back, she might be considered by her brother to be robbing the family's wealth. .

After all... After she was recruited, her children could be on the family tree.

She didn't mean to hear about the wealth of the family, so she might as well not go back, and the two children would not be on the family tree of the Wen family.

It's just that although Wen Yingniang has tried her best to avoid suspicion, after seeing Wen Ming leaving the Wen family, the business has grown bigger and bigger, and some people in the Wen family can't sit still.

Even Wen Yingniang's brothers were quite critical of Wen Yingniang's abduction of Wen Ming to establish her own business, not to mention others.

On the Wen family's side, I hope Wen Yingniang and Wen Ming can go back. It's best to bring the fleet and property here, and then put these into the Wen family.

Wen Yingniang was naturally unwilling to do this.

She is not greedy for the Wen family's property, even if the Wen family wants her to return the dowry that she had given her, she has nothing to say, but Wen Ming risked the money to go to sea and trade for their children, but she is no matter what. No matter what, I don't want to give it to Wen's family.

Wen Yingniang refused to go back. In the end, a cousin of Wen Yingniang brought some juniors of the Wen family over, and the young girls in front of her were the juniors of the Wen family.

They came this time to persuade Wen Yingniang and Wen Ming to go back. At the same time, this cousin of Wen Yingniang was a little careful, thinking that if Wen Yingniang didn't want to go back, she would go to lobby Wen Ming. So that Wen Ming could be his son-in-law.

In fact, Wen Yingniang has no ability, this Wen Ming is a golden Bodhisattva!

Not long after these people came here, they met Wen Ming coming back from overseas, and they knew that Wen Ming had brought back some mirrors, so they asked Wen Yingniang to ask for it, but at this time, Wen Yingniang already knew their relationship Careful thinking, naturally refused to give.

These teenagers and girls were disgraced by Wen Yingniang, so they walked out of Wen's house and walked along the beach.

The Wen family's house is not far from the Zhao family's house, so why didn't they just come to the Zhao family? As for the previous fence, they still regarded it as the fence of the Wen family.

After a young girl saw the mirror, she grabbed it and held it in her hand, then frowned and looked at Jiang Zhen: "Who are you? How can you have a mirror? Did you steal it?"

These people have just come to Hexing Mansion. They only know that Wen Ming brought back a lot of mirrors from the sea, but they don't know Jiang Zhen's existence, nor do they know Jiang Zhen.