The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 155: means of running


Jiang Zhen interrogated Changlong's people, and after learning that someone was looking for trouble for him, he began to be on guard, but he really didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, something happened on the chicken farm.

"Are you all right?" Jiang Zhen frowned and asked, "What happened to those chickens? How could they die?"

"Boss, it's okay, as for those chickens, they should have been poisoned to death!" The humane who came to report was a little furious: "How dare you attack the chickens of our Jin Zhen Escort Bureau! Those people are really impatient!"

Someone poisoned their own chicken

Jiang Zhen was speechless when he heard the words.

He had already guessed that someone should do something to himself and make trouble for himself, but... Poison the chickens on the chicken farm... That's how they made trouble for him

With such a little loss, Jiang Zhen has completely ignored it now.

However, even if he didn't care about this loss, he would go to see if something happened to the chicken farm.

Jiang Zhen asked Chimelong to tie up a few people who were working in the line, and then went to the chicken farm.

There are no mountains around Hexing Mansion, and the only few mountains are still together, and the chicken farm is not far from the barren mountain where Jiang Zhen is now staying.

Jiang Zhen came to the mountain after a while.

The people responsible for raising chickens in the chicken farm were people from Hexi Village, and there were also people who Jiang Zhen brought back from the Hongjiang Salt Works. Most of them were elderly women. They were already terrified by now. Wipe away tears.

"Sorry! Such a good chicken is actually dead."

"Those bastards that poison chickens should not die!"

"What about these chickens?"

These old people love the chickens in the chicken farm very much. Occasionally, when a few chickens get sick, they will find them to raise them alone and serve them carefully. Now that all the chickens are dead, they are also very special. reluctantly.

The same goes for those women, of course.

Zhao Jinge will buy a certain number of chickens for them to raise every once in a while. He did not stipulate how much they had to raise and how much to feed, but maybe he promised that if the survival rate of chickens exceeds 90%, the more chickens they feed will be their reward.

That is to say, if there are 100 chickens, if they raise 91 chickens, the remaining one will be theirs.

If they feed ninety-two, they can get two!

At the beginning, it is basically impossible to do it. When you have more experience and experience, it is not difficult to do this, so... Among these chickens, there are also theirs!

These people were very sad, but Jiang Zhen brought people along to investigate on the mountain.

So many chickens all died at one time. This is definitely not caused by chicken plague. Someone must have poisoned them. Maybe the source of the poison is still there.

Jiang Zhen is not worried about keeping the source of the poison, so naturally he must first find the source of the poison, so as not to harm other animals and even people.

"Where did you get the water these chickens drink?" Jiang Zhen asked.

"It's a nearby waterhole." The humane who was in charge of managing the chicken farm.

"Where's the water people drink?" Jiang Zhen asked again.

"Everyone lives at the foot of the mountain, and the water they drink is from a well." The man said quickly.

Zhao Jinge kept telling them that they must clean themselves and the chickens and ducks. They usually pay attention to it. Although the clothes are washed in the river outside, the water they eat is drawn from the well.

"Take me to the water pool on the mountain." Jiang Zhen said.

The water pool on the mountain is not big, but because it is rainy here, there is basically always water in it.

There was no pollution these days, and the chicken farmers would dig out the silt again. The water was quite clear, but now, dead frogs are floating in the clear water.

The person who started it didn't mean to cover up at all... Of course, in this day and age, there is no need to cover up... For example, at this moment, Jiang Zhen didn't expect the government to help him find people.

"The water in this pool is poisonous. You should dispose of the water and clean up the pool." Jiang Zhen looked at the pool and said immediately.

"I'll get someone to do it right away." The person in charge of the chicken farm was taken aback and said quickly. Although they thought that the chickens were poisoned to death before, they really didn't know that there was poison in this pool of water!

This water must be disposed of as soon as possible!

Jiang Zhen asked people to deal with this pool of water, and then asked everyone to call everyone together to ask if anyone saw a suspicious person yesterday.

Some people really saw a suspicious person, but they just thought that person was here to steal chickens, and after driving them away, they didn't care anymore.

"Chief dart, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect..." The one who let go of the suspicious person was an old man. He was full of guilt and tears, and he was already blaming himself.

For him, one accidentally let so many chickens die... He already had the thought of apology with death.

"It's okay, I already know who did it, and I will let them pay compensation." Jiang Zhen comforted the old man. This time, this matter has little to do with these old people, and he really doesn't blame them.

"Chief dart, you are really amazing." The old man said, but he didn't look like he was going to die with guilt as he did at the beginning.

"Well, don't worry, but you still have to be careful in the future." Jiang Zhen said.

The old man nodded happily, and said, "I don't have much ability anyway... I'll be here at night from now on... I still remember what that person looked like, and I'll help you catch him."

Jiang Zhen didn't pay too much attention to the old man's words. He got on his horse and was about to return to the city. At this moment, someone came to him on horseback.

"Boss, something happened over there in the palace."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Zhen's heart skipped a beat and asked quickly. Thinking that those people last night actually wanted to do something to Zhao Mingzhu, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Boss, someone is making trouble in our shop in the city, saying that he ate chicken bought from our shop. His father died, and now he is shouting that the chicken in our shop has chicken plague." Jiang Zhen's subordinate said in a low voice.

This issue? Jiang Zhen frowned slightly, then said, "Go!"

He urged the horse to leave, took a few steps, then turned around and instructed: "Burn all the dead chickens for me, I can't keep one."

After Zhao Jinge started raising more chickens, he opened a shop in Fucheng.

He mainly used this shop to sell eggs, duck eggs, and also chickens and ducks. It has always been very lively. Now, people in Fucheng basically know the existence of this shop, and they like to come to this shop when they want to buy chickens and eggs. Sometimes During the festivals, there may not even be enough to sell here.

The business of this shop has always been good, but there has never been a queue to buy things before, but now, the outside of the shop is crowded with people, and everyone is pointing at the shop.

In the middle of the crowd, there lay a person covered with a white cloth, or a corpse, and beside the person, there were two adult men crying.

"Father, you died so miserably!"

"Dad, how did you meet such a black-hearted businessman? They can actually sell chickens with chicken plague!"

"Father! My miserable father!"

The two grown men were crying non-stop, and when the people around them saw it, they started talking and pointing at the shop opened by Zhao Jinge.

Originally, at this time, there were always many people who came to buy chickens and eggs, but now, everyone gathered around to watch the excitement, but no one came to buy things.

Although I don't know if what these people say is true or not, it's always right to be careful...

"This store was originally a pit, and it kept selling sick and dead chickens!"

"Everyone, don't buy anything in this store!"

"Last time I came to buy eggs, I was still short of two pounds."

"I heard that the chickens in their chicken farms are all dead!"

In the crowd, someone else started talking.

All the chickens in their chicken farm died of illness? Everyone in Hexing Mansion was shocked.

At this time, the men who were crying about their father shouted again: "My father is gone, you have to kill for your life!"

"We're going to sue the officials! You must die!"

These people were discussing, and in the distance, the sound of horse hooves sounded.