The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 162: to deliver military supplies


What else could Jiang Zhen mean

Naturally, he uses his own way to repay his own body.

These people bribed his subordinates, took action on his property, and even wanted to harm his family... Why can't he do the same

There are many more people in his hands than these people!

Jiang Zhen has always been revenge for revenge and kindness.

Liu Baitong owns a shipyard and has many craftsmen. Although the craftsmanship of these craftsmen is not as good as that of Wen's family, they are not bad. Relying on this shipyard, he can be regarded as the Hexing mansion of Wuzhongfu. One of the most powerful mariners.

As a result, on this day, dozens of shipbuilding craftsmen under his command disappeared overnight! Even the family members of these craftsmen also disappeared!

Liu Baitong was originally angry that Jin Zhen's escort had beaten his son, but when he heard such news, he couldn't sit still.

It's Jin Zhen Escort, definitely Jin Zhen Escort!

How would his ship be built without so many workers

"Come here, prepare a carriage!" Liu Baitong, he didn't do this alone to Jiang Zhen, what's more, Jiang Zhen didn't have an accident. If that's the case, why bother him

Liu Baitong planned to see Jiang Zhen, and everyone else also planned to see Jiang Zhen.

Many sea merchants and salt merchants went to the Jin Zhen Escort together to find Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge.

Jiang Zhen did not see them.

These people made him very unhappy, why did he want to see them

Jiang Zhen didn't see anyone, but let his men do more troublesome things.

He didn't kill or blatantly wound people, lest his subordinates be caught for committing crimes, but even so, he was already able to make those families restless.

When the servants in the family go out to buy vegetables, they will always encounter something. They are thrown into rotten leaves and rotten eggs. That is the most common!

Rats and stinky fish thrown into the house are nothing at all. A good lotus pond has somehow turned into a cesspool. This is the worst.

As for the house seems to be haunted, there is a ghost called Black Shadow in the middle of the night...

Liu Baitong hadn't slept well for a long time, and his eyes were flushed, but in the face of this situation, he couldn't do anything.

All this is seen by many people.

"This Jiang Zhen is really amazing!" Luo Tianci, who came to Jiangnan to do business, was full of emotion. He had long known that the Jin Zhen Escort Agency was developing well, but it was not until this moment that he understood how well it developed.

In this Hexing Mansion, there are really people from the Jin Zhen Escort Bureau everywhere.

Luo Tianci was very happy. The middle-aged man who came here with him was a little dignified at the moment: "This Jiang Zhen, don't be another Cheng Yongzhen!"

"He Cheng Yongzhen became the king of Ryukyu, and he was only asking for a ban on the sea. If it weren't for the short-sightedness of the old men in the court, why would they force people to be like this?" Luo Tianci said: "If they treat Cheng Yongzhen well, maybe At this moment, I can have another powerful navy in Daqi!"

"You can't say that." The middle-aged man said: "Cheng Yongzhen openly declared himself king. This is to slap the face of the court and not take the court seriously."

Luo Tianci knew that his friend had always been loyal and patriotic, so he didn't say more, but asked again, "Are you going to see that Jiang Zhen?"

The middle-aged man pondered for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Zhen was a little surprised when he received the invitation from Luo Tianci.

This Luo Tianci has been in Hexing Mansion for a while, and he has been selling and purchasing goods. He didn't expect to come to him at this moment.

Jiang Zhen and this Luo Tianci still had a little friendship, so they let people in.

Luo Tianci, who was once starved and thin by the water bandits, is now fat again, and he is still fat, so that when Jiang Zhen saw him, he thought of high blood sugar, high blood lipids and high blood pressure...

It wasn't just Luo Tianci who came, there was another middle-aged man, who looked at Jiang Zhen with a probing look, and then quickly took his gaze back.

"Chief Guard Jiang, we came here this time to cooperate with Chief Guard!" Seeing Jiang Zhen, Luo Tianci immediately smiled: "No, it's not cooperation, but wants to hire Jin Zhen Guard Bureau for us. deliver goods."

"What do you want to send?" Jiang Zhen asked.

"Food and grass." Luo Tianci said a word that surprised Jiang Zhen.

In Daqi, things like salt should be managed by the state, and things like grain should naturally be managed by the state. For example, they have never allowed the private sector to conduct large-scale grain trading.

"Who is Shopkeeper Luo?" Jiang Zhen asked.

"I'm just a businessman, this is the righteous master." Luo Tianci pointed to the middle-aged man beside him.

This Luo Tianci, he actually has a bit of identity, he was originally a son of an official family, but later his father was convicted, and he himself became a sinner.

But he had a good friend, the one next to him, who tried his best to save him, and introduced him to a prince who was eager for talents.

He followed the prince and started to do business. He also had some skills, and in the end, the business became bigger and bigger, and he won the attention of the prince!

Of course, even so, he was just an ordinary businessman, and things like grain buying and selling were not allowed to interfere, but his friend was different.

Luo Tianci gave a brief introduction. He didn't say the specific identities of the middle-aged people around him, but he did reveal a little bit, and he made it very clear about the purpose of their coming to Jiangnan this time.

This time, they came to buy military rations for the Liaodong Iron Cavalry.

In the previous dynasties, the imperial court had always collected food for tax collection, but it was easy for people to take advantage of the loopholes in its implementation. When it came to Daqi, some people changed it.

Now Daqi collects taxes and collects money.

As a result, many things are much more convenient, but there are also some places that become troublesome.

For example, military rations are difficult to handle.

The Liaodong Iron Cavalry is one of the most elite troops in Daqi. Every year, the imperial court sends them one or two million taels of military salaries, and sometimes more.

The middle-aged man in front of him came to Jiangnan because he wanted to buy food and grass for the Liaodong Iron Cavalry.

"It's going to be transported by water now, and it costs a lot under the layers of the checkpoint, so we hope to be able to go by sea." Luo Tianci said.

"Shipping?" Jiang Zhen raised his eyebrows in surprise. This court has a maritime ban.

"Mr. Jiang, the ban on the sea is actually a fake. You think about it very clearly." Luo Tianci said, of course, there are other reasons for them to dare to do this.

The Liaodong iron cavalry is very strong, so they don't really care about some regulations in the court.

"I have to think about this." Jiang Zhen said.

After Jiang Zhen sent Luo Tianci away, he asked Zheng Yi about Liaodong. In the end, he agreed.

Now, the Rong people in the north are eyeing Daqi, and they are all blocked by the Liaodong iron cavalry. The Liaodong iron cavalry is short of food and grass, and he should always help if he can.

What's more, after catching some shipbuilding craftsmen, he will undoubtedly own more and more ships in the next time.

That's right, those shipbuilding craftsmen were directly captured by Jiang Zhen.

He has always been looking for ways to dig shipbuilding craftsmen, but he didn't dig much. This time, when his anger came, he simply grabbed it!

And at this moment, all those craftsmen were sent to the sea by him.

These craftsmen were very frightened at first, but soon they became accustomed to living under Jiang Zhen's hands. However, the status of the craftsmen at this time was not as high as that of the craftsmen at this time, and Jiang Zhen treated them very well. relation.

These craftsmen are in other places, and they are no different from their servants. Many people also signed a contract of selling themselves, but under Jiang Zhen's hands, it is different.

Technicians need to be treated well. Jiang Zhen has always thought this way, and they are naturally very good to those craftsmen. After these craftsmen found that the life under Jiang Zhen's hands was very good, they would feel at ease to do things for Jiang Zhen.

Even after Jiang Zhen gave some incentives, their enthusiasm for shipbuilding became stronger and stronger.

This year, Cheng Yongzhen, a maritime businessman, became king in Ryukyu.

This year, Jiang Zhen encountered some troubles, but soon, the troubles were resolved.

This year, Jiang Zhen took over the job of transporting grain and grass for the Liaodong Iron Cavalry.

It was also from this year that Jiang Zhen no longer went to sea with the ship, and paid more and more attention to the management of his opponents.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

In the past three years, a lot of things have happened, and the most embarrassing thing for Jiang Zhen is the matter of Haishang Cheng Yongzhen.

Although Cheng Yongzhen became the king in Ryukyu, he actually had no intentions. He left Ryukyu because the local officials wanted to take away his fleet, and some people even murdered him.

He still yearns for the court, and the court has seized this weakness of his.

The empress dowager sent officials to Fujian Nanfu to discuss with Cheng Yongzhen in person, and sent Cheng Yongzhen’s arrested family members and relatives to Ryukyu, and then made peace to Cheng Yongzhen and agreed to Cheng Yongzhen’s many demands.

Cheng Yongzhen agreed to Zhao'an, and brought dozens of subordinates to Minnan Mansion with the official. After getting off the boat and entering the sedan chair, he was carried directly into the prison.

When Jiang Zhen heard the news, his brows furrowed tightly.

Since he had met the merchants from Europa, the merchants from Europa appeared more and more near Daqi.

There is no doubt that some places have entered the era of great navigation.

Daqi could have a share of the pie, but they arrested Cheng Yongzhen.

Not only that, they caught Cheng Yongzhen, but they failed to capture Cheng Yongzhen's subordinates, and they also caused some trouble.

Japanese pirates.

Japanese pirates appeared in the coastal area, and the so-called Japanese pirates were actually Cheng Yongzhen's old division.

At the beginning, Cheng Yongzhen broke up many pirates, so that his fleet became bigger and stronger. He even had 100,000 people working for him. Now that he is gone, his men will naturally be in chaos. pirates, and became pirates.

Among them, there are many Dongyang ronin. Those Dongyang ronin were employed by the sea merchants in Daqi before, but now they are running around.