The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 169: The text is over


Jiang Zhen naturally didn't like Dongyang. When he was in Daqi, he didn't like to hire Dongyang people to work for him like other maritime merchants.

However, he wouldn't kill for no reason... Of course, it is necessary for them to learn the language of Daqi.

When he first arrived in Dongyang, Jiang Zhen had a slightly chaotic life, but then Cheng Yongzhen's old army came to seek refuge, and his fleet that was going to transport food and grass to the Liaodong Iron Cavalry was also chased back by him, and he returned the original The food that was going to be sent to Liaodong was brought back, and Jiang Zhen's life was settled down.

Then, Jiang Zhen took this opportunity to compile two textbooks together with Zhao Jinge and several accountants under his command. These two textbooks are Chinese textbooks in simplified Chinese characters and mathematics textbooks.

The text of Daqi is traditional Chinese.

After Jiang Zhen came to Daqi, he learned traditional Chinese characters. He also had to admit that traditional Chinese characters had their own unique beauty, but also, traditional Chinese characters had a disadvantage—it was too difficult to learn.

In some countries with very simple characters, many people can learn the characters of their country without going to school, but this is something that no one can do in Daqi. After all, the characters are really hard to learn.

Over the years, Jiang Zhen has always asked his subordinates to read and learn to read, but his subordinates are all very general, and they don't know many words without speaking.

It is definitely not easy for people who have never learned Chinese characters before to learn so many commonly used characters.

In modern times, the invention of simplified characters and pinyin was to popularize education faster, so that those who had never read books before could learn to write faster... Now, Jiang Zhen will naturally move them. come over.

And this is really beneficial. After using simplified characters, everyone's learning speed is accelerated, and the existence of pinyin allows everyone to unify their accents.

Of course, given that Jiang Zhen has forgotten a lot of things, he can't completely copy it... But it doesn't really matter, does it

Jiang Zhen let his subordinates learn these things, and naturally he also let those oriental people learn them, especially their children.

In the school built by Jiang Zhen, in the morning, the teacher will teach the children cultural lessons, and in the afternoon, they will take the older children to do some work, such as binding books, farming and so on...

Reading is free, and if they want to keep reading, of course they have to work.

Those Dongyang people did not think that Jiang Zhen was using child labor, but they were very grateful to Jiang Zhen. After all, Jiang Zhen did this so that their children had the opportunity to receive education. However, Jiang Zhen did this for selfishness. .

These schools have a rule that in school, Mandarin must be spoken... that is, the official language of Daqi.

When Jiang Zhen was in elementary school, his elementary school had such a rule.

Where he lives, the dialect is actually very distinctive, but because of such a rule, many children of the same age as him can't speak the dialect very well, and some even don't speak it at all.

The Dongyang people he took in were all the people at the bottom of Dongyang, who did not know the language of Dongyang. Jiang Zhen let them learn the language of Daqi, and let their children learn the language of Daqi from an early age... In the future, these people are estimated to be completely Forget the oriental language and script.

Invading a country, in fact, the most ruthless, is to destroy the civilization of this country.

And when the Orientals here have completely forgotten their civilization, can they still be regarded as Orientals

Of course, they can't be regarded as Daqi people... After all, Jiang Zhen used to teach these people, many of them are modern knowledge.

Not only that, but he also made a lot of changes in customs.

For example, in Daqi, a man can have three wives and four concubines, but here, Jiang Zhen directly stipulated that every man can only have one wife.

If Jiang Zhen was in Daqi, if he wanted people to do this, he would definitely be scolded to death, but here, no one objected at all.

Although some of his subordinates are literate, they are not serious scholars, so they cannot insist on some inexplicable etiquette, not to mention... They lack women and children.

Whether it's Jiang Zhen's subordinates or Cheng Yongzhen's old department who came over to take refuge, the vast majority of them are men!

So a large group of people, all playing bachelors! At this time, Jiang Zhen said that everyone can only marry one wife, and they naturally agreed with both hands and feet.

Everyone can only have one wife, how wonderful it is! Otherwise, those women are going to marry Jiang Zhen, He Chunsheng, etc., wouldn't they be able to marry a daughter-in-law

Should a person only have one daughter-in-law

Jiang Zhen's order, his subordinates did not object at all, and those Oriental people naturally did not object.

They are all poor, and they are basically the bottom of the East. Many people can't marry a wife... In this case, if you can only marry one, you can only marry one, what does it matter

This was the first order Jiang Zhen issued. Not long after, Jiang Zhen said that women and Shuang'er also have to work, and children, whether they are girls or little Shuang'er, must go to school.

No one objected to this.

They are particularly short of people now. Those men have to participate in training to patrol and defend their territory in turn, and they have to go to sea to do business, which is really not enough. At this time, it is really okay to let women and twins also do things, right

Didn't you see that Zhao Jinge was still in charge of so many people

As for the children reading together, there is nothing more.

Most of the people who came to Dongyang with Jiang Zhen were poor people. When they were young, men and women played together. Now, what does it matter when everyone goes to study together

Jiang Zhen's daughter went to study with her!

Jiang Zhen was actually very fortunate, fortunate that the people who followed him here were all born in poverty, so they were very easy to train.

Many concepts are changing subtly.

Under Jiang Zhen's deliberate guidance, many things in this place where he is located are slowly moving closer to the modern age, and many concepts are slowly taking root in people's subconscious.

When a woman moved out of the house because she was dissatisfied with her husband's love of beating people, Jiang Zhen said that she could get divorced and find someone else to marry.

The woman divorced without hesitation, and she really found someone else to marry.

Most men don't realize that there is a problem... Many of them can't marry a daughter-in-law, and even wish for more of this.

However, Jiang Zhen knew that this was actually changing.

If they were still in Daqi, it would be too difficult to make such a change. At least the entire Daqi class system must be completely dismantled several times, but here, it is much simpler.

They are all desperadoes who have left their hometowns. It is good to be alive, and many things don't matter.

Jiang Zhen began to intervene in the war between the Dongyang Royal Family and the Mufu Palace very early. He made a lot of money by selling things to the two parties, but he never got involved in the war.

Accumulating grain and becoming king slowly is also suitable for his current situation.

But when the Dongyang royal family and Mufu were almost fighting, they discovered his existence and began to fear him, and even wanted to drive him away, he did it without hesitation.

The Dongyang people he took in at first have long been loyal to him, while the Dongyang people in other places... can follow Jiang Zhen to eat, and they will not resist when Jiang Zhen doesn't want to kill them.

Jiang Zhen brought in a lot of craftsmen from Daqi. He has the best weapons and a strictly trained army. With such an army, he wants to clean up the imperial family and Mufu of the East Ocean, but it is not what a difficult thing.

If these two parties can unite, maybe they will be able to fight Jiang Zhen, but the key is that the royal family and Mufu have been fighting for so many years, and the two sides have deep hatred, so how can they still cooperate

Dongyang is not big, Jiang Zhen spent two years sweeping Dongyang.

War always kills people, and this time is no exception.

Some of Jiang Zhen's men died, but more of them were from the East.

Most of the aristocrats in Dongyang were killed, their property was taken over by Jiang Zhen, and their land was distributed to the people of Dongyang by Jiang Zhen. At the same time, he began to promote himself in the place he occupied. Get it out of school.

Jiang Zhen is not a very powerful person. In some aspects, such as handling tedious affairs, he is not even comparable to Zhao Jinge.

He can't manage too many people, and he can't manage too much land. Fortunately, Dongyang is not very big, and there are not too many people here.

Moreover, Jiang Zhen also discovered that... there are some talented people among the rough people under his hands.

Of course, he was still missing.

However, even if there is a shortage of people to run the country, he can still be stabilized if he has an army, and in a few years, there will be talents.

In the eighth year that Jiang Zhen came to Dongyang, he established a state in Dongyang and established the state of China.

It was his own thought.

When Jiang Zhen first proposed to build a country, his subordinates were very supportive. They wanted Jiang Zhen to be the emperor, and he wanted to be a prince and an uncle. They also wanted to build a big mansion and start enjoying life. He even found more oriental women to serve him.

But these were all rejected by Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen directly made a constitutional monarchy.

The king does not have much power, it is more of a symbolic meaning. The power is in the hands of the president and the parliament. If the title is a title, it is just an honor, but nothing else, let alone privilege.

At first, everyone didn't understand why Jiang Zhen did this, but later they found out that they joined the parliament and could get a lot of rights, and they didn't even have to worry about being directly bestowed by the emperor with great power, so they felt that this was actually better.

Of course, it's not very good not to have more wives... But after a long time, you will get used to it.

After Jiang Zhen got the constitutional monarchy, he did not become the emperor himself, but asked Zhao Jinge to become the emperor.

However, he became prime minister.

On the day before taking office, Jiang Zhen hugged Zhao Mingzhu, who had grown up and he had not hugged for several years: "Dad's Mingzhu, you will never be bullied in the future!"

The author has something to say: In fact, as mentioned in the article, Cheng Yongzhen, who has been working as a background board, has a prototype...

In history, there was a maritime merchant who had more than 100,000 people under his command. He also occupied a place in Japan to do business and made a lot of money. Well, he also resisted the imperial army there, and then he accepted the recruitment and went back happily. I was directly sent to the Dharma field by a sedan chair (there seems to be another way of saying this)... If you are interested, you can Baidu "Wang Zhi"~

Afterwards, there are extra episodes, some who have ascended the throne, some husbands’ daily life, and the original Jiang Boss is reborn, and suddenly found that he is a big figure in history 233333333, the extra episode may be a bit long~