The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 170: Extraordinary Ascension (Part 1)


The emperor's enthronement ceremony and the prime minister's inauguration ceremony were held together, and it was ... very simple.

Jiang Zhen didn't know how the emperors of Daqi got the throne. His own words... Now they don't have much money, so there is absolutely no need to make a big deal.

Of course, to be safe, that's for sure.

After Jiang Zhen defeated Dongyang, most of the people under his Huairou policy did not want to rebel, but lived with him safely, but there were still a group of people who were always resisting him.

Most of these people are descendants or subordinates of the oriental aristocrats who had the opportunity to receive education in the past, as well as relatives of the oriental people who were killed by Jiang Zhen's side in the war. They have already failed, but lurking around, always thinking Returning to the country…

These people can't become a big climate anymore, and in a few decades, they probably won't exist anymore, but now, Jiang Zhen still has to take a good defense, lest they come and make trouble.

The day before the inauguration ceremony, Jiang Zhen had a meal with his family, and then went back to the room with his arms around Zhao Jinge.

He is now in his forties, and the years of life have inevitably left a mark of wind and frost on his face, and even a few white hairs have appeared on his head, but because he has always been very careful about his body, he also pays attention to Due to the exercise, his figure is still very good, and he has no missing eight-pack abs.

On the other hand, Zhao Jinge, the eight-pack abs are about to become one.

In the past few years, Jiang Zhen has been fighting everywhere, but Zhao Jinge has taken some women and Shuang'er to sit in the rear to handle various government affairs... Even if he has not stopped exercising, the intensity of the exercise is not enough for him to maintain the muscles on his body. .

However, his appearance is better maintained than Jiang Zhen.

He sits in the back and doesn't need to travel in the wind and rain. Although the current conditions are not enough for him to enjoy all kinds of luxury, at least there is no shortage of food and clothing. Being in a high position for a long time has also made his temperament better and better...

Today's Zhao Jinge looks to be in his thirties at most.

Jiang Zhen just liked Zhao Jinge so much.

Zhao Jinge used to look good to him, but now he has cut his hair short and put on clothes that he had made by him, which are completely different from Daqi's robes, similar to modern military uniforms...

Every time Jiang Zhen saw Zhao Jinge's clothes buttons neatly buttoned up to handle government affairs, he wanted to rip off his clothes.

It's a pity that in the past few years, the two have been fighting, and the two have been together less often, and the number of times he ripped off Zhao Jinge's clothes is really not that many...

Of course, tonight, he will be able to pull it off as much as he likes.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Zhen ripped off Zhao Jinge's clothes, and then pressed it up...

Downstairs, Zhao Mingzhu, Zhao Chengyu, and Zhao Fugui and his wife were eating fruit after eating.

Zhao Mingzhu is now fifteen years old and has grown into a slim girl. Although she is a little tall and her skin is a little dark because she often exercises outside, she is definitely very beautiful. After all, whether it is Zhao Jinge or Jiang Zhen, the facial features are all good.

In contrast, Zhao Chengyu looks a little shabby... Of course, this is not to say that he is not good-looking, it is actually that he is currently drawing strips, so the whole person looks like a thin bamboo pole...

Probably because he was growing up, Zhao Chengyu didn't look thin, but now he is very able to eat. He ate more than Jiang Zhen when he was eating before. Now that he finished his meal, he was still holding a big apple and taking a big mouthful. While nibbling, seeing Zhao Mingzhu bring out a few cakes, she leaned over again...

"Chengyu, you can eat too much..." Zhao Mingzhu looked at her brother with emotion, and then found out with a bit of disappointment that her brother was already as tall as her!

She is already taller than many men, her brother's words... It is estimated that she will stand out from the crowd in the future.

"If you can eat well, you can eat well." Zhao Liushi said happily, and suddenly remembered the past: "Oh, when Brother Jin was so old with you, he couldn't eat enough all day, and your father, then He was starving all the time, and once I saw him grow a few more seeds from broad beans, and he ate them without boiling them…”

Zhao Liu's hair is gray now. Perhaps because of her age, she likes to recall the past very much, and she likes to talk about the past with Zhao Mingzhu and Zhao Chengyu.

Zhao Mingzhu and Zhao Chengyu also liked listening to those things. After listening to them, they couldn't help but feel fortunate.

Their luck is really good. Although they have been displaced for a few years, they have never been short of food and clothing... Their parents have always taken good care of them and gave them enough love.

Zhao Mingzhu thought of the hug Jiang Zhen gave him when he was eating before, and what Jiang Zhen said, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching: "Dad must have had too many hard times before, so he will fight like this! Then let us all Had a great time!"

Her father never avoided her when he did things, and would take her by his side to teach her personally. Her knowledge was undoubtedly very broad, and it was clear that the vast majority of people in this world had What is life like.

It is really precious for her to have the life she has now.

"Yeah," Zhao Liushi laughed, "We've all had a good life!" More than a good life... She never dared to think about this kind of life before.

She grew up in a small village, a village woman who didn't know a single character, and now she wants to be the empress dowager.

Zhao Liu still has an unreal feeling at this moment.

After being taken away from Hexing House by Zhao Jinge, and later learning that they were fugitives, Zhao Liushi and Zhao Fugui were very afraid. During that time, Zhao Liushi fell ill because of fear.

Fortunately, they quickly settled down in Toyo.

When they first settled in Dongyang, they lacked a lot of things, and their life was similar to when they were in Hexi Village.

Their family lived in a house made of mud again, and a group of people started to reclaim the land... As a result, because of this, the hearts of Zhao Liushi and Zhao Fugui were settled down again.

It's nothing to be a fugitive, they can still farm the land, and they won't starve to death... Zhao Liushi and Zhao Fugui finally planted the land with great interest.

Zhao Liushi and Zhao Fugui planted the land for a year, and then more and more people under Jiang Zhen's hands moved into a big house. Later, Jiang Zhen also went out frequently.

They knew that Jiang Zhen was doing something big, but at first, they thought that Jiang Zhen was just grabbing territory with those Orientals, and the result...

Jiang Zhen actually robbed all the territory of the Orientals, not only that, but also to found the country!

In the future, this place will not be Toyo, but Huaguo!

Every time I think back on all this, Zhao Liu finds it amazing.

"This thing is delicious, sister, would you like to send some to Dad?" At this time, Zhao Chengyu had already eaten most of the plate of cakes.

"Zhao Chengyu, you are not afraid that your stomach will burst." Zhao Mingzhu was a little helpless, and added: "Also, if you go to deliver food to Dad at this time, he will definitely ignore it."

"Why?" Zhao Chengyu was a little puzzled, and then reacted suddenly, showing a somewhat embarrassed expression.

He is so stupid, his father must have "important things" to do now! When he was young, didn't his father often use this reason to kick him out of the room

The relationship between his parents has always been good.

They almost beat Dongyang two years ago. Since then, some generals have been unwilling to guard their wives, but their father has never had any bad thoughts.

This is really good.

Zhao Chengyu is currently studying at school. He has a friend's father who secretly raised a woman outside. His parents have a good relationship, and his friends don't know how much they envy him...

Both Zhao Chengyu and Zhao Mingzhu were very happy. They wished that Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge had a better relationship. Zhao Fugui and his wife felt a little embarrassed when they saw the tacit expressions of the two children.

People of their generation would never let their children see anything! What about Jiang Zhen? Sometimes I kiss Brother Zhao Jin at home without avoiding the child!

However, they also think this is good enough...

There are still a lot of things to do tomorrow. Zhao Fugui and his wife went to bed soon, and Zhao Mingzhu and Zhao Chengyu also went to bed early.

But Jiang Zhen slept very late this night.

Busy preparing for the enthronement, he went out to sweep the rebels again. He hadn't done anything with Zhao Jinge for a month, and of course he had to find a way to make it up for himself.

Early the next morning, Jiang Zhen woke up, still in good spirits.

Many men can't do it when they are forty years old, but he has been exercising, and he is still very good!

Jiang Zhen was very energetic, but Zhao Jinge couldn't get up.

Although his figure is not out of shape, he has been lacking in exercise all these years.

"It's time to get up, my majesty." Jiang Zhen kissed Zhao Jinge on the mouth, thinking that after today, Zhao Jinge is the emperor, and suddenly felt a little emotional.

Overwhelming the emperor or something, I really think it's great.

"You..." When Zhao Jinge heard Jiang Zhen's name, his face flushed. He always thought he would be an empress, but he did not expect to be an emperor... Jiang Zhen called him His Majesty, can he... Can he call Empress Jiang Zhen

Well, he just thought about it.

Jiang Zhen proposed that they had studied the constitutional monarchy that they had researched for several months. The power of the emperor was not much, at least not as powerful as that of the prime minister. In fact, he was no better than Jiang Zhen.

Of course, he didn't care about that.

Jiang Zhen has always been loyal to him, and his sons and daughters have grown up, and he is already satisfied.

"Brother Jin, I don't give much rights to the royal family, but this is for the benefit of our descendants." Jiang Zhen kissed Brother Zhao Jin again, and then explained.

He knows where the future is headed.

When a centralized emperor, maybe he will be overthrown at some point, but if the royal family is just a symbol, it can be preserved forever.

When he is alive, if he gets more land and property for himself, he doesn't have to worry about the future of his children and grandchildren...

Of course, the most important thing is to educate children well, just say Zhao Mingzhu and Zhao Chengyu, he believes that they will be able to make their own way!