The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 171: Extraordinary ascension (below)


After packing up, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge walked out together.

Jiang Zhen is wearing a military uniform today, and Zhao Jinge, he is also wearing a military uniform.

At first, Jiang Zhen's subordinates wanted to find a good embroiderer and embroider a dragon robe, but this was rejected by Jiang Zhen.

On the one hand, they have no money and no time to spend their time on it, on the other hand... it is the dragon robe, which is actually a big trouble.

Da Qi was still on the other side of the sea, eyeing them. If Brother Zhao Jin wears the dragon robe, maybe they will be angry!

As for Jiang Zhen, he himself had no intention of provoking a war, let alone attacking his compatriots.

As for Dongyang... Didn't he treat people as compatriots

Of course, there are actually some other reasons. For example, Jiang Zhen wants to cancel the traditional costumes of Dongyang and Daqi.

Traditional culture must be taken seriously, but at this stage, it is better to change clothes such as robes first.

Sometimes, in order to move faster, you have to drop some things, of course, when you stabilize, you can pick them up again.

Now, although the concept of his subordinates has changed a lot, if all the dragon robes and so on come... Maybe they all want to learn Daqi!

The laws he made in China are the real princes who break the law and the common people. However, in Daqi, the powerful people beat and killed several servants, and no one would care about them.

Therefore, some of his subordinates actually yearn for the life of Daqi officials.

What's more, he has been pushing for women to wear trousers. At this time, Zhao Jinge is wearing a dragon robe. Does Zhao Mingzhu have to wear complicated palace clothes

The popularity of those clothes is not beneficial to the current situation of China, and even the fabric alone will waste a lot!

In the end, the whole family wore military uniforms, and among them, Zhao Mingzhu wore the best military uniforms.

Jiang Zhen looked at his daughter and felt extremely proud.

How to ascend the throne, Jiang Zhen's subordinates are all at a loss. After all, most of them were born with mud legs. Because of this, some people think about following the rules of the East.

The man was scolded by Jiang Zhen.

Then Jiang Zhen came up with a set of procedures by himself.

In modern times, did he still see a lot of inauguration ceremonies...

The whole ceremony, Jiang Zhen made it very simple.

At this time, let alone TV, he didn't even have a camera, so he only had people paint a portrait of himself and Zhao Jinge, and at the same time he secretly made up his mind that when the situation stabilized, technology must be developed.

Technology is the primary productive force, this is not a lie!

The whole ceremony was ordinary to Jiang Zhen. He was not too excited, but the others were different. Many people were too excited, and most of them wept on the spot.

Seeing these people so excited, Jiang Zhen was inevitably infected, and finally sighed.

They won, but a lot of people died...

In the morning, Jiang Zhen held the enthronement ceremony, but in the afternoon, Jiang Zhen took his subordinates to the cemetery of the martyrs to worship the dead soldiers.

Among them, what upset Jiang Zhen the most was Wang Haisheng's death.

Wang Haisheng is not very capable, but he is the one who has been with him the longest. After arriving in Dongyang, he also arranged some tasks for him. As a result, he was attacked...

Fortunately, Wang Haisheng's two children have already grown up and are still very promising.

The two children were educated when they were in Hexi Village. Later, Wang Yuer followed Zhao Jinge and became Zhao Jinge's secretary, while Wang Daniu joined the army and is now a young general.

In the cemetery, people were quiet.

Jiang Zhen abandoned many old customs, but he never abandoned the worship of ancestors.

They will all remember where their roots are.

That night, Jiang Zhen and his group of founding fathers ate together. After eating, they went home early.

His current home, which used to be the imperial palace of the East, has been remodeled.

The original palace was very big, but they only lived in one of them... Of course, although the other palaces didn't live, Jiang Zhen also put it under his own name.

Not only that, but he also marked many nearby lands under his own name.

There is no objection to this. This country was originally conquered by Jiang Zhen. It is reasonable to say that "there is no king in the world". Now he only needs so much land, what is it

It's just that others don't take it seriously, but Jiang Zhen knows that he has definitely taken advantage of it.

A hundred years later, this will be the capital of China, and it must be worth every inch of land... He is giving money to his children and grandchildren.

People are all selfish, and he too, naturally hopes that his descendants can live a good life.

"Your Majesty, it's time to rest." After returning to his room, Jiang Zhen immediately grabbed Brother Zhao Jin.

"Didn't I do it all last night..." Brother Zhao Jin was a little helpless. He had been standing outside for a long time today, and now he was really tired. Why did Jiang Zhen still come

"Yesterday was yesterday, today is today, you ate yesterday, don't you want to eat today?" Jiang Zhen looked at Brother Zhao Jin seriously.

Zhao Jinge: "..."

Do Jiang Zhen's subordinates know that Jiang Zhen likes to talk so much? !

"Don't you mean that there are only exhausted cows and no ploughed land?" Jiang Zhen said again: "Don't worry, you don't need to do anything."

Zhao Jinge: "..."

Even if he doesn't need to do anything, Jiang Zhen understands that he can't sleep, and now... he actually just wants to sleep.

Zhao Jinge just wanted to sleep, but after a round, the sleepiness was gone.

Therefore, Jiang Zhen took the opportunity to come again.

The spring night is short and the day is high, and since then the king will not go to court early.

Zhao Jinge woke up late the next day. Fortunately, he was actually an emperor by name, so he didn't need to go to court in the morning, but Jiang Zhen, the prime minister, had a lot of things to do, and he had already left now.

After stretching, Zhao Jinge decided to continue sleeping.

Brother Zhao Jin didn't wake up until noon, but as soon as he left the door, one of their guards looked over excitedly: "Your Majesty, you are finally awake!"

"Is something wrong?" Zhao Jinge asked.

"The Prime Minister said, if you wake up, go to him," said the guard. Jiang Zhen explained it to him when he went out, and he waited eagerly for Zhao Jinge to wake up, and finally waited all morning...

"You go and arrange it, I'll go right away." Brother Zhao Jin said, Jiang Zhen was looking for him, I'm afraid something happened... Brother Zhao Jin regretted his previous behavior of staying in bed.

"No, no, the Prime Minister has explained that I can't disturb you to sleep. When you wake up, you can go after dinner." The guard said again.

Although he said so, Zhao Jinge was a little worried. After dinner, he hurriedly went to Jiang Zhen.


"You came to me because of this?" Zhao Jinge looked at Jiang Zhen speechlessly. Jiang Zhen asked him to help him with the prime minister's job...

"You are more familiar with these..." Jiang Zhen felt a little guilty.

He was not the emperor before, in order to avoid such things as personality cult, and as a result... the work of the prime minister, he was a bit unable to do it.

He can only help Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Jinge glanced at Jiang Zhen helplessly, and began to read the documents as appointed.

Jiang Zhen smiled when he saw him like this, and then began to read the documents.

Although he hired Zhao Jinge to help him work, he still has a lot of things to do himself. If nothing else, he needs to check the law.

Fortunately, everything is moving in a positive direction.

Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge established Huaguo in Dongyang. No doubt, Daqi officials and the royal family were very angry, but they did not have the ability to stop it.

A few years ago, because of Cheng Yongzhen and Jiang Zhen's affairs, the Daqi court, who used to turn a blind eye to Haishang, suddenly began to take action against Haishang.

Maybe the people above just want those sea merchants to stop doing business in the sea, but they ordered them to go down layer by layer...

Many local officials simply took the opportunity to make money - copying those maritime merchants, wouldn't they be able to make a lot of money

After such a tossing, there are inevitably some maritime merchants who chose the same path as Cheng Yongzhen and Jiang Zhen.

The sea area of Daqi is very large, and there are many islands in it. Those sea merchants are entrenched on each island, and finally they are all defined as pirates and pirates.

These people dragged Daqi's navy, so that they had no time to trouble Jiang Zhen. Even knowing that Jiang Zhen was making waves in the East, they could only find a way to recruit security.

But how could Jiang Zhen accept recruiting? Those people were directly scolded by him.

Later, on the north side of Daqi, there was also a problem.

Liaoning iron cavalry is very powerful, but they have always been short of food and grass. Before Jiang Zhen helped them, they had enough food and clothing for several years, but now, who would buy food and grass for them and send them food and grass

The imperial court collects food and grass by itself, and it must be exploited by officials at various levels. The money allocated is only half of it, thank God, how about looking for someone else? Jiang Zhen's fate is vivid in his mind. Which businessman would be willing

If there is insufficient food and grass, the combat effectiveness of the Liaoning Iron Cavalry will naturally decline, and the Rong people will become rampant.

To the north, the Rong people were very restless, and there were pirates running rampant in the sea. That's okay. Not long ago, there was a flood in Daqi, and countless people were displaced.

Natural disasters have always existed. Basically every few years in Daqi, a natural disaster will occur, and this was not a big deal in the past.

What does it matter if those people starve to death? Even if someone rebels, it's enough to suppress it... Of course, the court still has to do disaster relief.

But things are different now.

Now the court has no money.

There was no way to relieve the disaster, and there was no way to send troops to control the victims... In the end, the very hungry victims gathered together and robbed what they saw, causing a state capital to be completely chaotic and rushed into the city.

Every dynasty has a long history and will always be changed. Daqi can still hold on now, but in the future, I don't know what will happen...

Jiang Zhen admitted that he had no ability to be the person who changed the dynasty, but he knew that there must be someone in Daqi who had this ability.

However, although he has no ability to change the dynasty, he can take this opportunity to get more people from Daqi.

He is very short of people now, and he is short of everyone.

He is already the Prime Minister of China, and of course he wants to develop his country!

After Jiang Zhen took office as prime minister, the first order he issued was to go to Daqi to save people and bring the victims to China.