The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 172: Extraordinary Clam Beads (Part 1)


Jiang Zhen's stall is so big now, and in Daqi, people are naturally installed.

It was with the help of these people that he was able to get a lot of victims to China, and also got some news from the Daqi Dynasty.

For example, the people in the Daqi court just felt that Zhao Jinge didn't really ascend to the throne, and it wasn't really a rebellion, so they didn't come to attack them.

For the emperor of Daqi, face may be the most important thing. If he is a bit more high-profile... Even if Daqi is very unstable at the moment, maybe the emperor of Daqi will still send troops to attack him.

After that, he would still make a fortune in silence.

Jiang Zhen brought back many victims from Daqi, and at the same time gathered many craftsmen to form a scientific research institute.

In this era, the European side has already begun to study the steam engine, and he cannot fall behind.

Jiang Zhen suggested some research directions to those craftsmen, and then let them toss them on their own. As for himself, he put his efforts on basic education.

Of course, now he no longer needs to do everything by himself, so although he has done a lot of things, he still stays with Zhao Jinge every day, and then gets along with Zhao Jinge day and night.

The two are obviously old couples, but they are getting along like a newlyweds when others see them.

Dealing with official duties during the day, sleeping with Zhao Jinge in his arms at night... Jiang Zhen felt that such a life was particularly comfortable.

Zhao Jinge felt very comfortable at first, but after a while, he felt that it would not work like this all the time.

One day when he got up and sat by the bed, he suddenly found that his stomach was full of fat.

He is fat!

Although he lacked exercise a few years ago, at least he didn't gain weight, but recently...

He said he wanted to exercise, but he didn't. Not only that, but he ate a lot.

In this way, it is no wonder that he is not fat!

Zhao Jinge thought that he must exercise more, and Jiang Zhen also agreed with this.

When people get older, it is easy to get high blood lipids, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. There are no instruments these days, and such problems cannot be detected, so they can only be prevented in advance.

"Brother Jin, don't worry, just go to exercise with me tomorrow morning." Jiang Zhen said to Brother Zhao Jin.

Brother Zhao Jin nodded and said again: "You can't make trouble with me today, lest I won't get up tomorrow."

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore." Jiang Zhendao, he is so old, he can't stand it every day...

Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge went to bed early that day, and the next day, they got up early again.

Then, Jiang Zhen took Zhao Jinge and went to exercise.

Around their residence, the two ran slowly.

In order to accommodate Zhao Jinge, Jiang Zhen ran very slowly, and thought about other exercise methods by the way. He and Zhao Jinge are not too young. It is better not to run when exercising in the future. Otherwise, he will hurt his knees.

"Brother Jin, how do you feel?" Jiang Zhen looked at Brother Zhao Jin.

"It's okay." Zhao Jinge said, although he has less exercise, but running like this is really nothing.

The two ended up running a full circle around the Imperial Palace in Toyo.

"Let's run one lap today, and in a few days, you can try running two laps." Jiang Zhen said to Zhao Jinge.

"Yeah." Brother Zhao Jin nodded, thinking that it must be added to three or four laps in the future, otherwise the fat on his stomach will not go away.

After running and eating, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge started working together.

What they had today was no different than usual, until...

When Zhao Jinge went to the toilet, he suddenly found blood on his pants!

He didn't feel anything wrong, how could there be blood on his pants

Jiang Zhen pays great attention to his body. Under his influence, Brother Zhao Jin also pays great attention to his health. When he saw this, he was taken aback - he must have something wrong, right

Without even thinking about it, Zhao Jinge found Jiang Zhen: "Jiang Zhen, find me a doctor."

"What's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable there?" Jiang Zhen was also worried.

"I'm bleeding." Zhao Jin said, after saying this, he only felt that his stomach was uncomfortable.

Jiang Zhen immediately asked Zhao Jinge to lie down and rest, and then called the doctor again.

Jiang Zhen now has several doctors with excellent medical skills. He called one over and asked him to take the pulse of Brother Zhao Jin. Seeing that he had almost gotten his pulse, he immediately asked, "Brother Jin, what's wrong with him? You came to check your pulse a month ago, wasn't it still fine?"

He had seen the situation of Zhao Jinge just now, and he was bleeding!

The two of them didn't bleed when they did it the day before yesterday, but now it's bleeding suddenly... Jiang Zhen's hands couldn't help shaking.

"Lord Prime Minister," the doctor looked at Jiang Zhen with some admiration, "Your Majesty... He is pregnant. It's only two months old, and it's not stable. It's because of fetal gas."

Jiang Zhen's eyes widened in shock.

Zhao Jinge is pregnant? !

After Zhao Jinge gave birth to Zhao Chengyu, Jiang Zhen always used an unsafe "in vitro" for contraception, and after several years, Zhao Jinge didn't get pregnant again. Gradually, he was too lazy to use contraception.

Brother Zhao Jin is still not pregnant.

In this way, he no longer thinks about contraception.

They also did not have any more children.

Jiang Zhen thought that they could no longer give birth, but now, Zhao Jinge is actually pregnant? !

Zhao Jinge was twenty-seven years old when Zhao Mingzhu was born. Now Zhao Mingzhu is sixteen, and Zhao Jinge is forty-three years old. He is definitely old. Can his body handle being pregnant at such an old age

Jiang Zhen still likes children very much, but he is worried about Zhao Jinge.

If giving birth to a child would harm Zhao Jinge's body, he would rather not have a child, but... I can't have an abortion these days!

Jiang Zhen was surprised, as was Zhao Jinge.

He is a lot of age, and he is pregnant

The two looked at each other, and finally asked the doctor together.

Jiang Zhen: "Doctor, brother Jin, is he all right?"

Brother Zhao Jin: "Doctor, is the child okay?"

"Your Majesty is very healthy, but the fetus is a little unstable, so take some anti-abortion pills first." The doctor said that if you can conceive at such an age in his forties, His Majesty is still very healthy, but he is old...

The doctor said a lot of precautions, and the most important one is that Zhao Jinge must lie down to protect the fetus from today.

The doctor said so, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge naturally obeyed. On this day, Jiang Zhen even wrapped Zhao Jinge with a quilt, and then went back with Zhao Jinge.

At the same time, the news of Zhao Jinge's pregnancy spread throughout the upper classes of China.

"Your Majesty is pregnant? How could Your Majesty be pregnant?" A young general was stunned when he heard this. After a while, he came back to his senses: "By the way... Your Majesty is a twin..."

If he hadn't suddenly heard about His Majesty's pregnancy, he would have forgotten that His Majesty is actually a twin...

"Great joy! This is a great joy!"

"The Prime Minister is really young..."

"I don't know if we will have an extra little prince or an extra little princess."

Everyone was talking and was very happy, but when Zhao Jinge returned home, he became embarrassed.

The first two children have grown up, and he is actually pregnant again, the old mussel gives birth to beads, this... this...

Brother Zhao Jin was really embarrassed.

However, his embarrassment soon turned into worry.

This child, I don't know if I can keep it...

Zhao Jinge drank the contraceptive pill and hoped that he would get better soon, but he didn't expect that something else would happen before he got better.

He started to vomit, and he vomited very badly.

When he was pregnant with Zhao Mingzhu, he just couldn't see the meat, but this time, he vomited whatever he ate, and even threw up when he drank.

After all, he was getting old, and it was extremely difficult to conceive this child. It didn't take long for the whole person's complexion to deteriorate.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Zhen was worried that he would not be able to do it, and in the end he simply took all the work home to do it.

Brother Zhao Jin is the emperor. Although Hua Guo does not like the servants, there are still cooks, gardeners, nanny guards in their family, but despite these people, Jiang Zhen still tries his best to take care of Brother Zhao Jin himself.

For example, at this moment, he was washing Zhao Jinge's hair in person.

"Brother Jin, fortunately your hair is short now." Jiang Zhen said to Brother Zhao Jin, who was lying on the bed with only a head exposed beside the bed.

If Zhao Jinge still has long hair, it will be troublesome to wash and not easy to dry...

"Yeah." Zhao Jinge responded and smiled at Jiang Zhen.

He is actually very uncomfortable now, but Jiang Zhen has been with him all the time, so he doesn't feel uncomfortable anymore...

Zhao Mingzhu came to Jiang Zhen with some documents. Seeing this scene, he deliberately slowed down and couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Her father is so good, when she finds her husband in the future, she will definitely be very picky... But, there are only a few men like his father in this world

Even though her father has made the women Shuang'er work, and the status of the women's Shuang'er in China has improved a lot, in the end, they still have to take on more housework at home.

When Zhao Jinge was in the early stage of pregnancy, his physical condition was very bad, but as time passed, his body slowly recovered.

It's just that his body recovered a little, but some other problems occurred. For example, his feet were always swollen, and for example, there were some spots on his face.

Zhao Jinge himself felt that he was very ugly like this, but Jiang Zhen's mind was still entirely on him. I heard that there was a pair of children who made courtesies to Jiang Zhen in private, and was also dismissed by Jiang Zhen.

How lucky I am to meet Jiang Zhen in my life!