The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 175: Extraordinary remorse


Three years later.

The largest port in China, named Wangxiang Port.

When Jiang Zhen brought people to this place in Huaguo, they settled in the vicinity of Wangxiang Port and occupied a large piece of land here. At that time, they had just left Daqi, and many people missed their hometown very much. The port looks into the distance, and the place name of Wangxiang Port comes from this.

On this day, a group of Chinese soldiers suddenly came to the port of Wangxiang Port. They walked neatly without looking sideways. When they reached the place, they quickly stood still.

"Why are there soldiers coming to the port today?"

"Hey! Our soldiers in China look like spirits. I travel overseas all the year round, but I have never seen such spirited soldiers in other places!"

"Of course, you won't see such good soldiers in other places. These soldiers are all trained by our Prime Minister, but they are amazing!"

A group of people talked a lot, and looked at the group of soldiers with envy in their eyes. Among these people, there were also many Orientals.

In China, being a soldier is the most honorable thing! It's a pity that to be a soldier, you have to take an exam...

They must learn Chinese well! Even if you can't get into the army, you can find a better job.

Everyone was sighing, a big ship came from a distance and stopped at Wangxiang Port.

As soon as the ship stopped, the soldiers of the Chinese country greeted them, and this scene surprised the onlookers.

Who are these people? There were soldiers to pick them up

They were surprised when they saw some people appear from the bow of the ship.

The leader of those people was wearing Daqi's official uniform, and the people behind were wearing Daqi's military uniform.

Is that... an official of Daqi

Among the onlookers, many people used to live in Daqi. When they saw people wearing official uniforms, they subconsciously felt a little scared and couldn't help but take a step back.

But soon, they felt that their fear was a bit inexplicable.

They no longer live in Daqi, but in China. If so, why do they need to be afraid of Daqi officials

These people thought so, the initial fear disappeared completely, and there was still time to observe those Daqi officials and soldiers.

These officials and soldiers of Daqi seem to have absolutely no soldier spirit of their China! Also, I heard that there is chaos in Daqi now!

The onlookers thought of the various rumors related to Daqi, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to these Daqi officials and soldiers in front of them.

A total of three officials came to Daqi this time, and one of them was Zheng Yi.

Feeling the sympathetic eyes of the people around him, Zheng Yi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Da Qi suddenly became chaotic, which was something he had never thought about before.

Three years ago, some people rebelled in Hexi Mansion, and later, people in several places began to disobey the orders of the imperial court.

The sage sent people to exterminate the rebellious parties. At first, they stopped those rebellious parties, but later, because of the decrees of the sage, the generals who suppressed the rebellions were accelerated to destroy the rebellious parties. In the end, the rebels seized the opportunity. defeated the army.

That's all, the Rong people were also very restless, and they broke through the blockade of the Liaoning Iron Cavalry and went south.

The sage and the queen mother were helpless, and in the end they could only lead people to flee to Jiangnan and settle down in Jiangnan—the north was completely chaotic, but Jiangnan was fairly stable.

Zheng Yi was originally a rich man in Hexing Mansion, but after the Saint and the Queen Mother came to Hexing Mansion, and after the capital was established, he was made an official.

It is a good thing to be an official, but now that the wind and rain are swaying in Daqi, it is almost impossible to become an official at this time...

Zheng Yi didn't think at all that the rebels and the Rong people in the north would not fight over, while they were in the south...

There aren't many people here who can fight.

Zheng Yi has always had something to do. He will think more and think more deeply. After finding out that Daqi might have problems, he began to think about his own way out.

It was precisely because he wanted to figure out a way out that he took the initiative to take over the errand of recruiting security in China.

That's right, recruiting.

Before, the Sage regarded Huaguo as a thorn in the flesh. Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge, two traitors, actually declared themselves emperors overseas. He couldn't bear it.

But right now, his own country is about to be lost, which seems to be nothing

After discussing with some officials, the sage also came up with a solution, that is to recruit Huaguo and ask Huaguo to send troops to help them fight the soldiers going south. If Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge did it, he would admit it at that time. Brother Zhao Jin is the king of Hua, and he can be conferred by an imperial decree.

After Zheng Yi knew about this, he secretly felt funny.

He knew Jiang Zhen's temperament. This man certainly did not care about the canonization of the imperial court, but the imperial court... He even thought that this was a gift to Jiang Zhen.

However, even though he thought so, he couldn't show anything on his face.

He has made up his mind to secretly send his child here, but this is something that no one else can know.

"Master Zheng, this country..." Qi Qing looked at the port in front of him, his eyes full of shock.

He was also one of the officials who came to recruit security this time.

It's just that Zheng Yi came to have a relationship with Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jingepan, but he came here to plead guilty.

Even if he wanted to take Jiang Zhen out of the nest at the beginning, it was the meaning of the sage, but he did it in the end.

Before he came, Qi Qing had already thought about a lot of what he had experienced in China, but he never thought that after coming here, he was first surprised by this port.

Qi Qing suddenly remembered what happened a long time ago. At that time, he went all the way south from the capital and stopped at the port of Hexi Village, and then saw a lot of novel things in that small port.

At that time, he felt that Jiang Zhen was very capable, but now...

Zheng Yi had things in his mind before, and didn't pay much attention to the surrounding situation. Now when Qi Qing said this, he observed the surroundings. Then he was surprised by the surrounding situation.

This port is actually extremely flat, as if... it was carved out of a whole piece of boulder!

No matter how good a craftsman is, he can still put together slates or bricks so neatly. What the hell is going on

Zheng Yi was very surprised, and continued to look...

In this port, he could see a little bit of the shadow of the port in Hexi Village.

If nothing else, the houses near the port are just like the houses in Hexi Village at the beginning. They look neat and tidy, without any aesthetic feeling.

However, although there is no beauty, those houses also surprised them.

These houses are surrounded by white walls, not to mention, they are all equipped with glazed windows!

In recent years, in Daqi, the prices of glazed mirrors and other glazed products have been reduced, but glazed windows are absolutely unaffordable. Glass windows!

Zheng Yi's eyes widened, but after taking a deep breath, he felt that it was normal.

Jiang Zhen has a lot of ideas. In the past, he was somewhat restricted in Daqi, but now it is different here.

"This port looks really... amazing." A gray-haired old man came out of the cabin. He also saw these in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

"Lord Zhou, let's go down." Zheng Yi said.

The last of the three officials who came to recruit security this time was Zhou Maohe, who had dealt with Jiang Zhen and captured Jiang Zhen.

Zhou Maohe's luck has been very good this time. Although he has experienced ups and downs, he has always stayed in the court. As he gets older, his reputation is getting better and better.

And this time to China, he took the initiative to come, and the sage agreed.

"Then Jiang Zhen does have some ability, but unfortunately he doesn't need to be on the right path." Zhou Maohe said: "He actually did such a rebellious thing, he is really ashamed of the ancestors!"

Thinking that Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge were actually building a country overseas, Zhou Maohe was very angry.

This man is truly unfaithful!

Zheng Yi smiled and didn't say anything. He never took Zhou Maohe seriously, but Qi Qing reminded him, "Master Zhou, be careful."

They are now on the territory of China, how can they disrespect the emperor and prime minister of China

Moreover, Qi Qing has regretted it, very, very regretful.

When the sage wanted to shake hands with Jiang, why didn't he persuade him

If Jiang Zhen hadn't left Daqi, the Liaoning Iron Cavalry would have no shortage of food and grass, and the Liaoning Iron Cavalry would have been able to stop the Rong people, and the Rong people would be stopped... Why should they flee to Jiangnan

Not only that, it was one of the reasons why the imperial court sent a large army to quell the rebellion, but it failed miserably in the end, and it was also due to lack of food and grass.

Over the years, every time Qi Qing thought about what happened in the past, he regretted it. Several times, he woke up from a dream and dreamed of that night.

It's just that time can't be turned back, things have been done, and it's useless to regret it again.

That Jiang Zhen was not a vicious person, he only hoped that after he pleaded guilty, he could calm down and help Da Qi to deal with the Rong people.

Qi Qing thought so, but Zhou Maohe was different.

Zhou Maohe felt that Jiang Zhen should help Daqi as a matter of course!

At this moment, he was stopped by Qi Qing and couldn't say more, and he was still dissatisfied: "Master Qi, why are you so timid?"

"I'm not timid." Qi Qing said.

Zhou Maohe did not listen to him, but instead said to the people who came to greet Hua Guo: "Where's your prime minister? Why didn't you come?"

They are the messengers of Daqi, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jin, shouldn't they come to meet them in person

The person who came to greet the Daqi messenger was Wen Ming.

When Zhao Jinge left Hexing Mansion, he was looking for him. He was afraid that something would really happen in the end, so he left Hexing Mansion with Zhao Jinge.

At that time, he still thought that if it was all right, he would go back to Hexing Mansion to continue his life, but... Later, something really happened!

They even became fugitives!

After that, Wen Ming regretted it.

Of course, he didn't regret that he ran away with Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge, but he regretted that after he made money, he actually bought the land.

Those good lands ended up being cheap for the government in vain!

Wen Ming felt distressed as long as he thought about it, but then he saw that Daqi's maritime merchants were repeatedly suppressed, and he felt that he only lost a little money and it was nothing.

He survived anyway, even very well.

Now, he is the minister of the foreign trade department of Daqi, specializing in all kinds of business in Daqi. His wife is here, she can do whatever she wants, and she is his son, and now he is very promising!

In fact, Daqi's messenger didn't need him to pick him up at all. He came here because he thought he had some friendship with Zheng Yi, but in the end he was disliked.

After Daqi, I still don't know what it will be like, this Zhou Maohe, even dare to show off his power in their territory

However, after so many years, Wen Ming's self-restraint has been good enough. He glanced at Zhou Maohe, ignored him, and started talking to Zheng Yi: "Brother Zheng, long time no see."

"Long time no see." Zheng Yi said.

The two looked at each other and had a lot to talk about, but at this time, they felt that there was nothing to talk about.

Wen Ming smiled and finally said: "Brother Zheng, I will show you around and visit this Wangxiang Port."

"This port is called Wangxiang? Since Wangxiang, why not go back?" Zhou Maohe said immediately.

Wen Ming was speechless for a while.

They will miss their hometown, but go back

They will never go back.

Life in China is getting better and better, who would want to go back to Daqi

"This Wangxiang port is the largest port in our country. In fact, it is not only this one, but also two other ports," Wen Ming said, pointing to some buildings not far away, "Have you seen it? It's our country's Haiphong University, and the people who study there are all the elites of our country..."

Wen Ming introduced some places that can be seen from the port, such as Haiphong University and the shipyard.

After this chat, the familiar feeling finally came back, and Zheng Yi couldn't help but asked, "Master Wen, what is it that we are stepping on?"

After going ashore, Zheng Yi had already seen it, and the thing he was stepping on was really integrated!

Of course, there are cuts in some places.

But even if there are traces of cutting, the cut pieces are very huge. How did they put such huge slabs on the ground

Or, is this not actually a slate

But what is it if it's not a slate

"This is cement." Wen Ming said: "This cement was made by the scientific research institute and has many uses."

"Cement?" Zheng Yi pondered the name for a while, secretly surprised - this thing, shouldn't it be made of mud

He felt strange, but didn't say much, and at this time, Wen Ming had already taken them to a nearby guest house.

This guest house is specially used to entertain foreigners. Jiang Zhen also spent a lot of time on the decoration.

The urban tap water system is being studied, but it has not been installed yet, but he replaced it with water tanks and put several large water tanks on the top floor, but it allowed the building to be filled with water.

The house is covered with tiles, and the glass windows allow sunlight to enter the room, reflecting the whole room is very bright.

Once inside, they can still see simple furniture, and…

Why is there no toilet in the room? What are all those grotesque things

Zheng Yi and others were extremely surprised. At this time, the service staff of the guest house helped to explain.

This waiter is from an Oriental, but now, she doesn't look like an Oriental at all, and her mouth is pure Daqi mandarin: "This is the flush toilet, it is for toilet use, and this is for washing, this is the For bathing, as long as the switch is turned on, cold water will come out, if you order hot water, we will deliver it immediately."

She said with a smile, showing everything to Zheng Yi and others.

Zheng Yi was amazed, as were Zhou Maohe and Qi Qing.

This country of China is really different from Daqi!

They walked around the room and were amazed, and at this time, the service staff brought some printed paper and a book.

"What is this?" Zheng Yi asked again.

"This is the newspaper of the past few days, and there is a book that introduces the country of China, which can let you know about the country of China." The service staff said.

"Newspaper?" Zheng Yi took a look, and at first glance, he saw the news related to the royal family.

In the news, it was said that His Majesty's third son was officially enrolled this year and entered preschool.

There are a lot of compliments in it, but not annoying, he read it happily, and then he saw what happened in a certain place mentioned above, and what the local government did.

All of them are clear and clear. After turning over a few pages, I also saw some very interesting stories published at the back.

Although all of this was written in colloquialism, using Chinese characters that lacked arms and legs, Zheng Yi was fascinated by it.

However, he looked fascinated, and the other two did not.

Qi Qing's brows furrowed, only to feel that Jiang Zhen changed Da Qi's text into this pair of missing arms and legs, which is really a bit out of character.

Zhou Maohe was even more angry.

He had long known that the people here had changed the words, but he didn't know that they had changed the words to look like this... This Jiang Zhen is simply doing something wrong!

"It's really unreasonable, how unreasonable!" Zhou Maohe was so angry that he couldn't say anything completely.

The waiter's expression froze, and Zheng Yi felt that she should have wanted to hit someone.

However, probably because she thought hitting someone was bad, she didn't do anything, she just said stiffly: "You guys should have nothing else to do, I'll go first."

The waiter left, and on this floor, only the people who came together were left.

Zhou Maohe was still talking, feeling that Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge didn't know etiquette and it was too much to not come to greet them, but Zheng Yi didn't bother to listen any more and went back to his room directly.

Zhou Maohe could only hold Qi Qing to speak.

Qi Qing was also dissatisfied with some of Jiang Zhen's actions, but after looking at the newspaper in front of him and thinking about it for a long time, he felt that although Jiang Zhen changed the words incorrectly, this newspaper still has merit.

This Jiang Zhen is very capable, if he had persuaded the saint...

Qi Qing couldn't help but feel remorse again. The scene where the soldiers of the Liaoning Iron Cavalry lacked food and was so skinny that they still had to participate in the battle made him reluctant to think about it.

He was wrong, really wrong.

If only I had known that...

Covering his chest, Qi Qing smiled bitterly.

But Zhou Maohe firmly felt that he was right.

If the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die. In his opinion, at the time of Jiang Zhen, there should be no resistance!

Qi Qing and others rested in the guest house for a day, and the next day, they got into the carriage and went to the capital of China.

At this time, all the things they did had already been put in front of Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen and Zheng Yi have always been in contact. He knew exactly why Zheng Yi came here this time, and he didn't have to try to figure out Zheng Yi's thoughts, but looked at the various reactions of Zhou Maohe and Qi Qing.

After reading it, Jiang Zhen chuckled lightly.

Different ideas, sometimes it is really difficult to communicate.

"What did you ask those people to do?" Brother Zhao Jin frowned.

He was very vengeful. Zhou Maohe and Qi Qing had hurt Jiang Zhen. He wanted to kill them all with one stick, but he didn't want to see them at all.

"Find them to show off." Jiang Zhen said.

Brother Zhao Jin was a little puzzled, but Jiang Zhen took his hand: "When the time comes, I will scare you."

When Zhao Jinge saw Jiang Zhen's appearance, he knew that he had probably figured out something novel again, and immediately smiled: "Okay, I'll wait."

The lives of Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge did not change because of the imminent arrival of Daqi's messenger.

Their days went on as usual.

Zhao Jinge helps Jiang Zhen handle various government affairs that should be handled by the Prime Minister as usual, and also worries about Zhao Mingzhu's marriage every day as usual.

Zhao Jinge was very worried that Zhao Mingzhu would not get married, but he was afraid of putting pressure on Zhao Mingzhu, so he did not tell Zhao Mingzhu, only said it in front of Jiang Zhen.

"Our daughter, even if she doesn't get married, she can have a good life all her life. Maybe she gets married, but she has a bad life, so why should she get married?" Jiang Zhen said. He doesn't intend to take care of his children's marriages. He's already that old. Should he take care of him when looking for a partner

That's too useless!

Zhao Jinge thought about it too.

China is already very good, men are not allowed to take concubines, and women can still work, but even so, everyone still tacitly agrees that women should do the work at home, and women should bring children when they have children. .

If his Pearl was wronged...

Zhao Jinge immediately decided not to rush his daughter again.

Two days later, the envoy of Daqi came to the capital of China.

After two days, Zheng Yi and the three had already learned a lot about China. As a result, the more they understood, the more surprised they became.

Don't say anything else, just say that they came all the way by carriage...

In Daqi, the roads outside the city are basically dirt roads, while the roads in the city are paved with stones, but they are also bumpy, but in China, the roads are smooth and clean!

They didn't feel bumpy at all!

Also, the flat rice fields, the smiling people, the happy children playing along the way...

I heard that this Chinese country has not collected taxes from farmers for several years!

Originally, it was only five or six years after the establishment of Huaguo. They thought it was still a mess here, but what happened? It has already settled down here.

The people of Daqi and the former Orientals lived together, and nothing happened!

Qi Qing was amazed, and Zheng Yi couldn't help but admire him, but Zheng Yi knew that behind the peace of this faction was actually bloody.

As far as he knew, two years ago, a group of Japanese pirates who had been burning, killing and looting in Daqi for a long time and gradually growing wanted to take back their land from Jiang Zhen's hands, but they were all killed by Jiang Zhen.

Moreover, although Huaguo has only been established for five or six years, Jiang Zhen has been operating here for ten years before.

Of course, Jiang Zhen was able to do this mainly because the country of China was not very big.

Jiang Zhen has always been in business, and he makes money from this, and the tax he collects in business can already maintain the operation of the country. Since this is the case, naturally there is no need to toss the people who farm the land.

Zhou Maohe couldn't help criticizing Jiang Zhen at first, but later, he was silent, but when they came to the capital of China and found that Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge still didn't come to greet them, he became angry again .

But it's no use getting angry.

"Your Majesty and the Prime Minister are now in the scientific research institute, please come over." The person who came to greet him was Wang Haisheng's son, Wang Daniu. He was smiling and didn't care about Zhou Maohe's ugly face.

This is not to be afraid of Zhou Maohe, but to ignore Zhou Maohe.

Zhou Maohe felt this and became even more angry. As a result, Wang Daniu had already turned around and left.

No, he has actually changed his name, not Wang Daniu, but Wang Zhenhua.

Throughout China, there are many people with the same name as him.

In the past, in the village, when you shouted "Da Niu", several people would respond. Now in China, when you shout "Zhenhua", several people will respond...

Although Zhou Maohe was reluctant, he still followed Wang Daniu to the scientific research institute.

The scientific research institute occupies a very, very large area. After they entered the door in a carriage, the carriage went forward for a long way before finally stopping beside a fence.

Zheng Yi and the others got off the carriage and were led in through the gate of the fence, but just as they entered, a loud bang suddenly shocked them.

Where did the loud noise come from? what is the problem

Zheng Yi was so frightened that his heart beat faster. He looked forward and saw the smoke billowing in the distance.

Is this a cannon

Zheng Yi was thinking so, when he heard another loud noise, and then another artillery blasted in front of them.

The earth was trembling, and the heat wave was rushing towards them, making them unable to help but have to back away, and even had the urge to turn around and run, and when the smoke cleared, they could see where the artillery exploded and a big pit appeared. .

Daqi also has artillery, and Zheng Yi has seen many artillery, but it is the first time he has seen such a powerful artillery.

This... Jiang Zhen is going to give them a slap in the face

It is not surprising that Jiang Zhen would do this.

Zheng Yi thought it was a little funny, but he turned to look at Zhou Maohe and Qi Qing, and found that Zhou Maohe had been frightened. As for Qi Qing, the remorse on his face was even greater than before.

If Daqi had such powerful artillery, they wouldn't have to be afraid of those soldiers, let alone those who betrayed the party.

However, now these artillery pieces are not in Da Qi's hands, but in Jiang Zhen's hands. If Jiang Zhen wanted to be detrimental to Da Qi... Zhou Maohe and Qi Qing's expressions changed a bit.

"Several, you have to go inside." Wang Zhenhua said again.

Wang Zhenhua led the three people to continue walking inside, bypassing the place where the artillery was being tested, and finally came to a green grass.

The grass here is very lush, there should be no dangerous things, but there are some connected iron houses placed together not far away, and there are people going in and out of those iron houses, and they don't know what they are doing.

Zheng Yi and others were surprised when they saw some people standing on a high platform not far away, and the people surrounded by them were Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge

They walked there, and just got close to the high platform, they suddenly heard a strange sound.

They looked at it subconsciously, and then they saw smoke coming from the head of the section in front of the section of the iron house.

How is this going? Zheng Yi and others were very strange. At this moment, many of the connected iron houses suddenly moved.

This... what the hell is this

There is no horse in front of it at all, so why did the iron house move

Is this what Jiang Zhen has come up with? Zheng Yi pondered.

What kind of magic trick did Jiang Zhen use? Zhou Maohe and Qi Qing felt a little cold under the sun.

Jiang Zhen stood on the high platform, glanced at them, and then set his eyes on the train.

After three years of hard work, the steam engine was finally made, and he also made a train.

The craftsmen of Huaguo are very smart, and he gave the research direction, and the results came out very fast.

Jiang Zhen made a long, circular rail here.

The train was actually a little smaller than the real train. It drove on the rails and drove forward. It was slow at first, but then it got faster. It didn't take long for it to make a circle.

After a lap, it slowly stopped.

It stopped slowly, but the heartbeats of Zheng Yi and others did not stop.

They could see very clearly that these iron houses were moving without being pulled by cattle or pushed, and there was nothing under them except some wheels.

How did Jiang Zhen get it out? Why did he come up with such a thing

Is this... a shock to Da Qi

Qi Qing looked at Jiang Zhen and walked towards Jiang Zhen first, but he was stopped before he got close.

"Jiang Zhen, what happened at the beginning was my fault, and today I'm here to take the blame!" Qi Qing said, kneeling on the ground.

Jiang Zhen stood on the high platform and looked down at Qi Qing condescendingly.

When he left Daqi, he knew that Qi Qing would regret it.

At that time, thinking that Qi Qing would regret it, he felt very happy, and always wanted to show Qi Qing a good look in person, but now that Qi Qing is kneeling there, he suddenly feels that this is no longer necessary.

However, Jiang Zhen didn't care about Qi Qing anymore, but Brother Zhao Jin did.

Going down from the high platform, Zhao Jinge walked towards Qi Qing: "Since it's a guilt, how can there be no thorns? Come on, find some thorns for Lord Qi."

"Yes!" Someone responded, and soon after, they brought the thorns that Brother Zhao Jin had already prepared.

The twigs were brought, and Zhao Jinge asked them to tie the twigs to Qi Qing's back.

Seeing that he is a lot of age, he still makes trouble for others like this, Jiang Zhen thinks it is very interesting, and he also thinks that he is very cute.

However, others obviously don't think so.

"You are deceiving people too much!" Zhou Maohe said loudly, looking at Brother Zhao Jin angrily.

However, Zhao Jinge ignored him like Wang Zhenhua before, and ignored him at all.

Zhou Maohe hated others ignoring him. He wanted to say something, but a guard walked over and covered his mouth.

He was suddenly unable to speak.

Zhou Maohe had always felt that what he had to do this time was very simple. He felt that in order to gain the approval of the imperial court, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge would definitely accept the imperial court's will, and then help the imperial court to quell the rebellion, but now it seems...

Zhou Maohe suddenly panicked.

Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge didn't say anything to them. Zhao Jinge watched Qi Qing put the vitex on his back and left.

Zheng Yi and the three were not sent back until an hour later, and after returning, Qi Qing, who was not young and kneeling for a long time, became ill, and Zhou Maohe was also ill, so he was angry.

Huaguo sent a doctor over, but Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge never saw them again.

"What do they mean?" Zhou Mao asked.

What else could it mean? That is to say, I don't want to help Da Qi.

If he was Jiang Zhen, he would definitely not let the people under him help others in life and death.

What's more, even if you help, you may not be able to save Da Qi.

However, he couldn't talk to Zhou Maohe like that, so he just showed a wry smile and didn't speak.

Zhou Maohe was even more angry.

Zheng Yi comforted him, and after returning to his room, he read the newspaper again.

Another day later, Zheng Yi saw Jiang Zhen.

"I didn't expect to meet again, it would be like this." Seeing Jiang Zhen, Zheng Yi was a little emotional.

"Yeah..." Jiang Zhen also said, after more than ten years, all this has really changed a lot. He said that Zheng Yi, the handsome young man at the time, has now become a middle-aged man with a little fat.

"Huaguo is developing very well." Zheng Yi said again.

"So, do you want to come?" Jiang Zhen asked: "What I lack most now is people, but when you come to China, you must abide by the laws of China."

"Show me." Zheng Yi said.

Jiang Zhen had already prepared, and gave Zheng Yi a few thick books.

It was printed in traditional Chinese characters. Zheng Yi seemed to have no problems. After watching it for a while, he said, "I want to study it carefully." It is necessary to know something about China.

"Okay." Jiang Zhen said.

The laws of China, in some places, will make the privileged class of Daqi uncomfortable and uncomfortable, but Daqi is in frequent wars at the moment, and staying there may lose his life at any time...

He believes that Zheng Yi will definitely choose to come to China, and I am afraid that some other people will choose to come to China.

Of course, Huaguo didn't accept everyone. Zhou Maohe was not welcome. If he wanted to stay, he had to reform his mind first.

Zheng Yi and others stayed in China for a month, and they found nothing, and they could only return in disappointment.

A few months later, the Zheng family came to Huaguo, along with the Hu family and some other families.

Yes, Master Zheng Er also came.

It was at this time that Jiang Zhen realized that the last reliance of the Daqi royal family, a general soldier on the Jiangnan side, actually established himself as the king, and did not obey orders!

Today's Daqi is completely chaotic, because the current emperor of Daqi likes to blame generals for defeating battles is useless.

From the beginning of the siege against the rebels to the present, he has cut down not only 100 generals, but also 80 generals, so it is no wonder that the chief soldier wants to rebel.

Up to now, Daqi is basically unable to keep it, and Master Zheng Er will naturally find another way out.

Of course, he didn't really want to leave, but Zheng Yi wanted to leave. He was left alone and had no choice but to die. Of course, it was better to follow Huaguo.

After the first group of people came, one after another, some people from Daqi came to China.

When they got here, they had to abide by the laws of China. Many people were dissatisfied with this, but people had to bow their heads under the roof. Slowly, they got used to it.

Also, it's actually pretty good here, there are a lot of novelties.

Spacious roads are no longer the rarest thing, and trains that can move without horses and can carry a lot of goods are everyone’s favorite.

The first railway in China was from the capital to Wangxiang Port. With such a railway, it will only take one day to travel between the two places, and the transportation of goods will be much simpler and easier.

At this time, the train will make a rumbling sound, and the feeling of sitting in the car is actually very bad, but people still love it.

The first train left in front of Jiang Zhen.

It went forward with a roar.

And China will surely develop.