The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 180: The extra husband in modern times (Part 1)


Zhao Jinge died the day after Jiang Zhen died.

After Jiang Zhen's sudden death, he sat for a day and then lost consciousness.

Zhao Jinge knew very well that he was dead, but to his surprise, he was alive again.

He was reincarnated, reincarnated in a completely unfamiliar world, and became a man named Zhao Qi'an.

The technology here is very advanced. It is estimated that China will become like this in the next few hundred years. However, what shocked Zhao Jinge the most is that there are no twins in this place, only men and women.

And now, he is a real man.

A long time ago, after the death of his brother, Zhao Jinge hoped that he could become a man, but after getting to know Jiang Zhen, his thoughts disappeared. After that, he never thought about being a man.

But now he is a real man, even if he is a man, he still doesn't know where Jiang Zhen is.

In the first few years, Zhao Jinge was very at a loss, and even felt that he didn't know where to go.

Jiang Zhen is not here, what can he do

In getting along with Jiang Zhen, Zhao Jinge has learned a lot and grown a lot. It is completely fine to be alone, but without Jiang Zhen, he feels that life has no meaning.

Why did he reincarnate

However, Zhao Jinge was only at a loss for the first few months, and during that time, it happened that he was just born, eating, sleeping, sleeping, and eating.

Brother Zhao Jin, who has raised three children and a grandson, played a baby well, and after a few months, he figured it out.

Although I don't know why I was reincarnated... but he was reincarnated, maybe Jiang Zhen was also reincarnated.

Therefore, he must have a good life, and then go to Jiang Zhen.

Even if he can't find Jiang Zhen... He will definitely take good care of his parents in this life.

However, if there is no Jiang Zhen, he will definitely not be married in this life.

That was Zhao Jinge's original idea, and later... He found that even if he found Jiang Zhen, he couldn't get married.

He was in a country where men and men could not marry.

When he knew this, Zhao Jinge was extremely depressed, but he didn't feel depressed for too long, Jiang Zhen didn't find it, and it was pointless to think about it.

Zhao Jinge, who has memories of his previous life, has learned a lot under the leadership of Jiang Zhen, and has also been in charge of a country, has been a supernatural power since he was a child.

His parents were in a small business. Under his guidance, this small business took advantage of the country's rapid economic development and became a big business.

Later, Zhao Jinge also discovered the Internet.

In the last life, when they were older, Jiang Zhen would tell him something and imagine the future. At that time, Jiang Zhen said that there would be a network connecting the world in the future, and at that time, everyone would buy everything online.

At that time, many people thought that Jiang Zhen was talking nonsense, but he believed Jiang Zhen.

Moreover, even if Jiang Zhen is really talking nonsense, as long as Jiang Zhen said it, he will keep it all in his heart.

This network will definitely develop better and better in the future!

Zhao Jinge has always believed Jiang Zhen's words, so he naturally recognized this point. It just so happened that his parents opened a supermarket or a chain supermarket in a big city.

When Zhao Jinge was sixteen, he persuaded his parents to set up a website with the name of their supermarket on the Internet, and then sell things online.

As long as someone in the same city orders something from their supermarket online, he will ask the clerk to help deliver it home, and then collect the money.

At first, everyone thought he was making a fool of himself. There are supermarkets everywhere, but a few people have computers... Who wants to buy things, can't go to the supermarket, but use a computer to buy them

However, it turns out that Zhao Jinge's decision was very correct.

At first, there were only a few people who would buy things from their supermarkets online. Later, more and more people used computers to buy things. These people were the first to get rich in this city.

This is a very good start, and then, Zhao Jinge thought of the online payment mentioned by Jiang Zhen...

Jiang Zhen said that in the future, people only need to bring their mobile phones when they go out, and they don't need to bring money.

Zhao Jinge suddenly had the idea of making online payments again.

In fact, if Jiang Zhen was by his side, Zhao Jinge would not necessarily be so adventurous, nor would he be so aggressive, but Jiang Zhen was not there.

He also wanted to find Jiang Zhen.

Zhao Jinge felt that he had to stand at a high place, so that Jiang Zhen could see him, and if he wanted to stand at a high place, he naturally had to make more money.

Zhao Jinge went abroad and came back. At the same time, he officially established his own company.

The Internet has developed rapidly. At the beginning of 2000 years, when Zhao Jinge was selling things online, few people bought it, but ten years later, he relied on this website and became one of the top richest people in this country.

This is something Zhao Jinge himself never thought of.

But he has adapted to this status very well... He has been an emperor for decades, and now he is a rich man, what is it

Zhao Jinge is not complacent or complacent because he is rich. After all, he has not found Jiang Zhen yet.

He left a lot of information on the Internet. There is a subsidiary named after Jin Zhen. When he is engaged in activities, he often brings things that he and Jiang Zhen have figured out before. He also specially developed a game, using the background of Huaguo. .

Although he gritted his teeth and changed all the twins to women in order to pass the review and make them better accepted by the people here, the Huaguo inside, the Huaguo in Hexi Village, Hecheng County, is exactly the same as the world he once lived in. , there is also Jiang Zhen, Zhao Jinge, Jin Zhen Escort Bureau, Zhao Mingzhu and Zhao Chengyu...

He did a lot of things, but unfortunately, he still didn't find Jiang Zhen.

Is it because Jiang Zhen didn't see the message he left, or... Jiang Zhen didn't reincarnate in this world at all

Thinking of the latter, Zhao Jinge's heart twitched, and his face became a little ugly.

"Mr. Zhao, are you okay?" Lin Ruicheng, Zhao Jinge's assistant, looked at his boss worriedly.

"It's alright, let's drive." Zhao Jinge said, he had just finished a business deal with someone and planned to go home.

His home is a little far from the company, and on the way, Zhao Jinge took his mobile phone to watch the news.

Although he is not an artist, but because of his high net worth, he is also a well-known celebrity on the Internet, and he is also a famous diamond king. At this moment, there is a lot of news related to him.

However, he just glanced at it casually, and stopped paying attention to these, but subconsciously, searched for "Jiang Zhen" again.

There is a well-known academician named Jiang Zhen. Besides, most of the news is related to the characters in the games they developed.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Jinge let go of the phone and looked at other news.

Just now, there was news that just came out. This morning, a group of thugs suddenly slashed people in the street. Just as the people were panicking and fled in all directions, a young man suddenly shot and knocked down seven or eight thugs in one go.

It's just that a thug had a child in his hand at the time, and the man was slashed to save the child. Later, the thugs took out bows and crossbows...

Now, all the thugs have been arrested by the police, but the person who saved the life was seriously injured and his life or death is unknown.

There were only a few pictures in the news, Zhao Jinge glanced at it, and stopped looking at it, but closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Soon after, Zhao Jinge returned to his residence.

He is a person with a strong sense of family. Now he is famous, but he still lives with his parents. When he opened the door, he saw that his parents and his sister were waiting for him to eat together.

Zhao Jinge came out of the closet with his parents when he was twelve or thirteen years old.

In the social environment at that time, most people didn't even know what homosexuality was, and he didn't think about how to tell his parents that he would be with a man in the future.

At this moment, he saw a report about transgender people, and then he took this report and went to tell his parents, saying that he always thought he was a woman.

His parents were taken aback and couldn't believe that their proud son, who had always been their proud son, would have such a method, but the child has always been very well-behaved and so young... What they thought at first was to educate their son well.

As a result, Zhao Jinge showed that he cared more about this matter than they did. He was very, very painful, and he didn't eat or drink for several days...

The son can't eat or drink and lie still, what else can they do

Parents who love their children will always bow their heads to their children. Zhao’s father and Zhao’s mother feel sorry for their son. Finally, they can only admit this matter and plan to make more money so that their son can undergo sex reassignment surgery in the future…

Later, Mother Zhao gave birth to another daughter, Zhao Xinan.

Ever since Zhao Jinge threw a big thunder on Zhao's father and Zhao's mother, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother have been very worried, worried that one day, his son will suddenly propose to have sex reassignment surgery, but Zhao Jinge has never meant this, his various This kind of performance is actually very masculine. At least, he has no interest in skirts and cosmetics.

Because of this, Zhao's father and mother later felt that he was talking nonsense when he was young, but Zhao Jinge quickly said that he was mistaken, he was not a woman at heart, he was actually a homosexual and liked men.

With the previous things to pave the way, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother accepted this very quickly... The son just likes men, which is definitely much better than the son's sex change!

Later, when Zhao Jinge became more and more powerful, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother would not interfere with his emotional life. Of course, it was unavoidable to say a few words.

Their sons are in their early thirties, and they don't even have a partner...

No, this is no company, this is clearly never in love... Zhao's father and Zhao's mother even think that their son is not gay at all, but asexual - since her daughter grew up, they have been popularized by her daughter a lot. A mess of knowledge.

"Brother, you're back!" Seeing Brother Zhao Jin, Zhao Xinan jumped up immediately.

Zhao Xinan is sixteen this year and is in high school, and the person she admires most is her brother Zhao Qi'an.

"Well." Brother Zhao Jin smiled at his sister. He also liked his sister very much. For this sister, he was a daughter... No, he was raised as a granddaughter.

"Brother, there is a dish you like today, come and eat it!" Zhao Xinan said again, she was very hungry, and after greeting, she hurriedly sat down at the table.

Brother Zhao Jin smiled and sat down too, and on the table in front of him was Jiang Zhen's favorite dish.

The Zhao family is used to talking with the family when they are eating, and Zhao Jinge thought of the news he saw before about the thugs beating people, and said: "Mom and dad, and peace of mind, be careful, you must bring bodyguards when you go out in the future to avoid accidents. ."

"Brother, I will!" Zhao Xinan nodded again and again, and said again: "Those thugs are really abhorrent! Fortunately, someone is brave... That person's skills are really good, it is said that he is a veteran... I hope he will be okay."

Brother Zhao Jin nodded, he appreciated such behavior.

After chatting about this matter, Zhao Jinge didn't take it too seriously, and at night, he posted on Weibo of "Zhao Jinge" as usual.

His current name is Zhao Qi'an, and it is impossible for him to use Zhao Jinge's name again, but since he has a computer, all his screen names are called Zhao Jinge.

And his Weibo was only applied for the convenience of Jiang Zhen to find himself. This is a small account, he doesn't follow others, and he doesn't have many fans. The only Weibo he posted...

"Jiang Zhen, I miss you very much, and I also miss Mingzhu, Chengyu."

Zhao Jinge went to this Weibo, just to see if anyone would contact him, however, still no.

He sighed and swiped the popular Weibo, and then saw that many people were reposting today's video of the brave man saving lives. It is said that it was captured by the dash cam of a nearby car.

Zhao Jinge clicked on the video.

The video is blurry and the faces are not clear, but all the fights were filmed.

It was nothing but...

That man's movements looked too familiar!

Without thinking about it, Zhao Jinge called his assistant: "Lin Ruicheng, help me find someone."

That man's fighting movements were very similar to Jiang Zhen's fighting movements... Although Zhao Jinge felt that his investigation this time was mostly unsuccessful, he still asked people to investigate.

Of course, this can't be checked in a while, but this night, Brother Zhao Jin still can't sleep.

Jiang Zhen... where is he

After tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep, Zhao Jinge simply went online and read the news again.

There is some information about that person on the Internet, but because of privacy concerns, the person's real name has not been exposed. Zhao Jinge searched for a long time, but found nothing.

I was really stunned. If that person was Jiang Zhen, why wouldn't he come to him

Putting down the phone, Zhao Jinge lay back on the bed.

Although he felt that he was stunned, when he saw Lin Ruicheng in the company the next day, Zhao Jinge asked immediately, "Lin Ruicheng, I asked you to check it last night, did you find it?"

"Mr. Zhao, I've already checked." Lin Ruicheng said: "That person used to serve in the special forces, and many of his circumstances are kept secret, and he only knows that his name is Jiang Zhen..."

Brother Zhao Jin's eyes widened suddenly, and his whole body trembled.