The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 24: Stockholm


Jiang Zhen was taking a nap.

He recently developed the habit of taking naps, and fell asleep not long after laying down, and it seemed that he slept soundly.

Noticing this, the heart that Yang Jiang had been holding on to a box that he had tied to a box, finally let go - he could breathe a sigh of relief at least.

All that happened before was just a nightmare for him, how could he be so unlucky to get into such a bad star

Yang Jiang couldn't be more afraid. Seeing that Jiang Zhen seemed to be sleeping soundly, he inevitably raised a glimmer of hope—he... Could he take this opportunity to escape

He really didn't want to stay with this person, he just wanted to run away and never come back.

As a yamen, Yang Jiang often dealt with the scumbags in the county town, and he also learned some skills from them, such as being able to untie ropes... Of course, he was very slow.

It took almost half an hour to fray his hands, Yang Jiang finally untied the ropes on his hands, and at this time, Jiang Zhen was still asleep.

As long as he can escape from this house, he can run away... Yang Jiang slowly stood up and moved slowly to the door...

At this moment, he suddenly felt a cold wind blowing past his ears, and then the cold light flashed, and a knife stabbed next to the hand he wanted to open the door, making a "bang" sound.

Looking at this sharp sharp knife, Yang Jiang trembled involuntarily. He slowly turned his head to look at the bed in the room, and sure enough, he saw that Jiang Zhen, who was sleeping on the bed, had opened his eyes. Looking at himself, he grinned and showed a smile, as if a demon had descended: "Want to escape?"

As soon as Yang Jiang's legs became weak, he fell directly to the ground, and the courage to escape that he had finally raised completely disappeared.

He didn't dare to run, he didn't dare to run again!

If he runs again, the man will definitely stick the knife into his head!

Jiang Zhen showed his flying knife stunt, yawned, and swayed up from the bed.

He looked lazy, but when he walked to Yang Jiang's side, he suddenly became violent, kicked Yang Jiang directly on the shoulder and kicked Yang Jiang to the ground without saying a word, and kicked several times in a row.

There are three reasons why Jiang Zhen never showed mercy when he beat Yang Jiang.

One of the reasons is that this Yang Jiang is not a good person. Once when Boss Jiang went to deliver something to Jiang Chengxiang, he saw that he was blackmailing the merchants, and he even beat and kicked a farmer who went to the city to sell eggs.

The second reason is that this person has a thick body and a lot of fat, and is resistant to beating... The medical conditions in ancient times were not good, and he beat the skinny old lady Jiang always afraid that she would accidentally kill someone, so there is no need to worry about beating this person. .

As for the third reason... After he beats this person too much, this person will definitely be afraid that he will not dare to trouble him in the future, but for the trouble of the rest of the Jiang family, this person will definitely look for it.

Jiang Zhen is very happy to make trouble for the Jiang family.

After leaving a lot of shoe prints on Yang Jiang's body, Jiang Zhen pulled out the knife on the door and patted Yang Jiang's head again: "Be good, you know?"

Yang Jiang nodded again and again.

Jiang Zhen had already slept enough, he found a suit of clothes to put on, and another clean suit, and then kicked Yang Jiang again: "Stand up and follow me out."

Yang Jiang's legs were so soft that he couldn't stand up a few times. Jiang Zhen frowned, picked him up, and went to the patio of Jiang's house.

The Jiang family was busy, and other people in the village did not dare to come and hang out in front of him. Now there is no one here... No, there are actually people.

"Come out!" Jiang Zhen shouted to a room.

There was no movement in the room, and no one came out. Jiang Zhen became impatient: "If I don't come out, I will kick the door!"

As soon as Jiang Zhen said this, someone came out of the room tremblingly, and called out with a pale face, "Big... Big Brother..."

The person hiding in the house is Jiang Xiaomei. She thought that as long as she didn't make a move, Jiang Zhen would definitely not be able to find her, but she was discovered by Jiang Zhen...

Jiang Xiaomei shrank her head and shivered, for fear of being beaten by Jiang Zhen, but Jiang Zhen didn't really hit her, but said, "You go to boil water!"

Jiang Xiaomei breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and hurriedly ran to boil the water.

Jiang Zhen tapped Yang Jiang's head with the back of the knife and made him squat in the corner, but he found the fish that he had exchanged for the hedgehog in the morning and packed it up.

Use a knife to scrape off the scales, dig out the intestines, and chop into pieces…

Seeing Jiang Zhen chopping fish with a knife, Yang Jiang couldn't help shrinking his neck, for fear that Jiang Zhen would come and chop himself after chopping the fish.

Jiang Xiaomei was also afraid. Even though the water in the pot had boiled, she dared not speak or move, and continued to add firewood to the stove.

Jiang Zhen was quite satisfied with the attitude of the two of them. He stood up and walked towards Yang Jiang, kicking him again habitually, and then said, "Get up and wash yourself!" Yang Jiang was caught by him before. Pissed his pants after being frightened, it made him feel sick just thinking about it.

"Yes!" Yang Jiang nodded again and again, and became afraid again. This guy asked him to clean up... What is it for? !

Yang Jiang usually eats and drinks well. Although he is not a fat man, he is also fat and bulky, but at this moment, he can't wait to shrink himself to the smallest size.

In a hurry, he went to the kitchen to get the hot water. He washed himself cleanly according to Jiang Zhen's request, and at the same time, the more he washed, the more desperate he became.

This evil star suddenly asked him to take a bath, mostly uneasy and kind... Could it be that he was doing it for the convenience of skinning

Yang Jiang was so frightened that when Jiang Zhen put on Jiang Chengxiang's clothes after he washed it, he actually felt a sense of happiness for the rest of his life.

Holding the clean clothes, Yang Jiang was a little flattered and put them on. Unconsciously, he felt a sense of gratitude.

Even if he wasn't tied up, Yang Jiang didn't dare to run anymore. After he took a shower and put on his clothes, he even obediently came to Jiang Zhen, letting him attack him with hot water and firewood in the yard. His own Jiang Zhen was a little puzzled.

"Go and wash your clothes!" Although Jiang Zhen was puzzled, he didn't take it too seriously, and said again.

Yang Jiang immediately washed the clothes he had changed. He seldom washed the clothes worn by the yamen. In the end, he washed several pots of muddy water. After washing, he clumsily dried the clothes.

"Come here, I'll tie you up!" Jiang Zhen said again after seeing that he had cleaned himself up.

Yang Jiang really came over and let Jiang Zhen tie him up without struggling at all.

Yang Jiang is really good, but it makes Jiang Zhen less annoying to him, and even said: "Don't worry, as long as you are good, I will not kill you."

As long as you are obedient, you don't have to die! Yang Jiang looked at Jiang Zhen and was very grateful.

Before Yang Jiang's idea, I was grateful that Jiang Zhen didn't find it, but this time I found it, and I felt like a ghost.

He can be regarded as beating or scolding this person, but this person is still looking at him gratefully, what's wrong

It seems that there is such a problem? What is it called... Stockholm Syndrome

Humans can be domesticated, and people who are abused may even develop feelings for the abuser... It seems that people who have been kidnapped have in turn helped the kidnappers before.

Jiang Zhen had only heard of this disease, but now... Looking at Yang Jiang's obedient performance, he suddenly realized that this person seemed to have this disease.

This guy is really rude! But this is a good thing for him. Yang Jiang doesn't hate him but appreciates him. It is estimated that he will work harder to trouble Jiang Chengxiang in the future.

Jiang Zhen whistled, and his mood became extraordinarily good. Of course, he did not relax his vigilance towards Yang Jiang because of this, nor did he change his attitude towards Yang Jiang.

After tying Yang Jiang up, Jiang Zhen asked Jiang Xiaomei to set the fire, and he started to cook fish.

Today he has no chance to give the fish to Zhao Jinge, so he can only make it himself...

"Little sister, do you remember? I used to make fish at home, and I always had to eat a fish head." Jiang Zhen suddenly said: "In the end, you guys have finished eating, and there is some fish soup left. I took the mixed rice and just thought about it. Eat, the second child even stole the food and fed it to the cat, I can only starve... Oh, in this family, I'm really not as good as a cat."

Boss Jiang really has no status at all in this family. Even if his younger siblings can't eat well, they will definitely be full. What about him? He often could only watch his younger siblings eat, picking up the grains of rice they dropped on the ground to eat.

He lived without any dignity, because no one had given him even a little dignity since he was a child.

Jiang Xiaomei shrank her head and didn't dare to speak. She didn't remember what Jiang Boss said, but such a thing, after so many years, there are not 100 but 80.

Mrs. Jiang hated Boss Jiang very much, so they all despised him, and she actually despised this eldest brother before.

"That's my father and mother, so I'll endure everything, but I died once a few days ago, but I've decided not to bear it anymore." Jiang Zhen sneered: "From now on, I'll make a clean break with this family."

Jiang Xiaomei shrank her head again, but Yang Jiang remembered what Jiang Chengxiang had said about Boss Jiang before.

According to Jiang Chengxiang, his eldest brother is stupid and stupid, and he can't even marry a daughter-in-law, but according to what he saw today... It is clear that the old man of the Jiang family is too partial, so he will force Boss Jiang into that. .

That damn Jiang Chengxiang, after driving his eldest brother crazy, even pushed himself into the fire pit! Yang Jiang hated Jiang Chengxiang even more, but Jiang Zhen took a piece of fish and ate it with satisfaction—he said these words to Yang Jiang.

That night, Jiang Zhen ate half a fish and two bowls of rice, and took the overcooked rice and the remaining fish back to his room.

The house he wanted must not be built for a while, so he brought Yang Jiang, who was tied up, back to his room, and made up his mind to keep this person for a few more days.

Jiang Zhen didn't feed Yang Jiang. He slept in bed at night, and Yang Jiang was thrown into the corner by him, but Yang Jiang was not at all dissatisfied.

If Jiang Zhen didn't kill him, he would already be grateful to Dade! Now he hates Jiang Chengxiang for being too slow to save him quickly!

If Jiang Chengxiang, who was working at night, knew what Yang Jiang was thinking, he would definitely feel very aggrieved, but he was busy all the time and did not dare to delay at all!

Jiang Zhen said that he would not let people go until the house was built. The people of Hexi Village have been working very hard to build the house this afternoon.

When building a house here, we first dig several trenches, beat them with stones and mud as the foundation, then erect two wooden boards, fill the middle of the two wooden boards with mud and keep beating, just like this, a mud wall is formed. .

Although the wall made in this way is made of mud, because it is very compact, this kind of wall is very strong, and it will not be damaged for hundreds of years. It is warm in winter and cool in summer when living inside.

It's actually a lot of work to hit the earth wall, but the whole village is working together, and the speed is not slow. At this moment, the house has already taken shape.

Zhao Jinge stared at the walls erected not far from his house and the busy people for a long time. After making sure that his parents were asleep and no one noticed him, he turned around and disappeared into the dark night.

He was going to find Jiang Zhen to see if Jiang Zhen needed help.

Because of today's events, people in the village said that Jiang Zhen was not easy to mess with, and they all thought that Jiang Zhen was a lunatic, but he felt that Jiang Zhen was not a bad person.

If Jiang Zhen is really a bad person, how could he have something to eat and give him half of it? He was also pushed too hard by the Jiang family.

It didn't take long for Zhao Jinge to arrive near Jiang's house. He circled around the house and finally knocked on the window of the third Jiang's house.