The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 25: A secret kiss


Jiang Zhen's experience in the special forces in the past life has taught him one thing, that is, he can always fall asleep quickly, and he can always wake up immediately after a movement.

Even if he needs to, he can quickly enter a deep sleep... Even if he hasn't slept for a few days, he will wake up after a short sleep and be in good spirits again.

Relying on this ability, he used to complete a lot of tasks very well, and now he woke up the first time when the window was knocked.

It was Yang Jiang, who was thrown into the corner by him, hungry and cold and sleeping very uncomfortable. At this moment, he had no intention of waking up.

Getting up from the bed, Jiang Zhen quickly came to the window and opened it.

Zhao Jinge tapped the window three times and was about to knock again when he saw the window was opened. The sky was so dark that he couldn't see the face of the person on the other side, but he could tell it was Jiang Zhen through the familiar sound of breathing.

"You..." Brother Zhao Jin wanted to ask if Jiang Zhen was okay, but before he could ask, Jiang Zhen reached out and covered his mouth.

His mouth was covered by Jiang Zhen's rough hands, Zhao Jinge blushed, but for a while he forgot to speak.

"Shh..." Jiang Zhen told Brother Zhao Jin to stay silent, and then he touched Brother Zhao Jin's face, then propped himself up against the window, and quietly turned to the outside of the window.

Jiang Laosan's house is at the far east of Jiang's house. Going out from the east-facing window is a small mulberry field. On the other side of the mulberry field, another family in the village lives. The master was helping to build the house, and the mistress had already slept with the child.

After Jiang Zhen jumped out of the window, he pulled Zhao Jinge into the mulberry field and walked north.

The gate of Jiang's house faces south, and there is a river not far from the gate, while Jiang's house is half a mile north, and there is a pond. There is not much here in Hexi Village, just a lot of rivers and water.

The pond behind Jiang's house is not big and not deep. Water chestnuts and water chestnuts are planted in it. There are many trees around, and some of the roots of some trees are still half rooted in the pond.

Jiang Zhen pulled Zhao Jinge and got into a small grove composed of several trees.

During the day, it is the favorite place for children in the village to play, but at night there is nothing but frogs croaking.

"I'm very happy that you came to me." Jiang Zhen grabbed Zhao Jinge's hand and couldn't help pinching and pinching.

He didn't think his actions were wrong, but he knew very well that, in the eyes of the villagers, he should not have done anything to his parents.

The culture of this place is similar to that of ancient China. Many people have this kind of thinking. They feel that children are the property of their parents. Therefore, even if the parents treat the children badly, the children can only suffer, and even have to be filial.

Compared with the filial piety stories that are publicized like "burying the child and honoring the mother", Boss Jiang is doing fairly well, at least he was raised, right

No matter how much people in the village sympathized with him before, as soon as something happened during the day, I'm afraid everyone will keep a distance from him... Jiang Zhen doesn't care what others think of him, but he is a little afraid that Brother Zhao Jin will hate him.

Fortunately, Brother Zhao Jin did not.

Jiang Zhen was very happy, but Zhao Jinge was full of guilt at the moment: "I... I'm sorry."

He was worried about his parents, worried that the villagers would exclude his family, and worried that the yamen would hate his family. Before Jiang Zhen confronted the villagers, he did not dare to come forward, and only dared to come to see Jiang Zhen at night... Zhao Jinge felt extremely ashamed.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Zhen couldn't help laughing when he heard Zhao Jinge's apology. He and Zhao Jinge really want to talk about it, but they are only in an ambiguous period. Just pulled a small hand, he can't let Zhao Jinge's family have an accident because of him, right

He is not afraid of being pushed out and revenge, but it is impossible for Zhao Jinge and his parents to not care, and now he has no ability to protect them at all.

Zhao Jinge didn't feel relieved because of Jiang Zhen's words, but felt even more guilty. Jiang Zhen's expression was obvious enough a few days ago. Although he was embarrassed to respond that he didn't say anything to Jiang Zhen before, they actually had a tacit understanding, but now that Jiang Zhen is in trouble, he can't advance and retreat with Jiang Zhen...

"I'm going to discuss with my parents, we can move out..." Zhao Jinge suddenly came up with a solution.

However, before he could finish speaking, something blocked his mouth... This time, it was not his hands, but Jiang Zhen's mouth!

Zhao Jinge was stunned, the whole person trembled slightly, and the trembling became more and more severe.

Jiang Zhen actually kissed him, how could Jiang Zhen kiss him? !

This can only be done after getting married, this... Even if you are married, you don't have to kiss!

"Are you alright?" Jiang Zhen patted Brother Zhao Jin worriedly. The kiss he just kissed could be said to be pure. He didn't even stick out his tongue, so he touched his mouth to mouth. As a result, Brother Zhao Jin was too stiff. Said, still shaking like this...

That's all it's like to kiss on the mouth. In the future, Zhao Jin, the bridal chamber, can't faint

At this time, Zhao Jinge finally came back to his senses and restrained his involuntary trembling. He has never been close to anyone since he grew up, he was really frightened...

Also, Jiang Zhen agreed to move out like this

"Brother Jin, you don't need to move. But we can't let others know about our relationship for the time being." Jiang Zhen patted Zhao Jinge on the shoulder. This is the ancient times when xenophobia was very serious. If you move to another place, the situation may be worse. ... What's more, Zhao Jinge's parents have lived here for most of their lives, and they are definitely not willing to leave.

He is a big man, and he can't let his daughter-in-law drag his family with him to wander around and suffer... Of course, if he can have a few hundred taels of silver, he will definitely take people away immediately.

"What?" Brother Zhao Jin was still a little dazed because he was kissed.

"I beat the Jiang family and the yamen today, and they will definitely retaliate. I can fight against them alone, and I'm not afraid of them. If you are with me..." Jiang Zhen held Zhao Jinge's hand and kept touching it. : "When the time comes, I will be concerned about you and our parents. If you are tied up, you will not be so comfortable."

When Jiang Zhen said the previous sentence, Zhao Jinge listened very seriously and agreed. As a result... Jiang Zhen's mouth moved, and the sentence "our parents" came out.

Brother Zhao Jin was stunned again.

"So it's better not to let people know about our relationship for the time being, but don't worry, in a few days, I'll make sure they don't dare to bully the people around me." Jiang Zhen said again, he can't guarantee that he will be sure in the future. He can make a lot of money and do big things, but he has no problem with gathering a few subordinates and being a bully in the countryside that no one dares to bully.

Brother Zhao Jin didn't move, and he didn't know if he heard Jiang Zhen's words clearly.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhen held Zhao Jinge's face and kissed him on the mouth again. He felt that he needed a few more kisses to let Zhao Jinge get used to it. Do you not move like a log

Jiang Zhen took Zhao Jinge and said a lot of words before letting Zhao Jinge, who was obviously a little dizzy, go back. We meet every day."

The broken house of Jiang's house and Zhao's house are half a mile away, which is almost 250 meters in conversion. It is no problem for him to climb Zhao Jinge's window every day at such a distance.

Brother Zhao Jin didn't speak. He was so dizzy now that he couldn't even understand his own thoughts.

Jiang Zhen didn't say anything to him, and even teased him. He should be angry, but in fact, he was not only not angry, but a little happy.

It seemed a little shameless for him to think that way... but he was just happy.

Zhao Jinge walked slowly, until he was about to get to his house, and then he suddenly woke up. He and Jiang Zhen... will hide in the future, so that no one can see them together.

He didn't want to do this privately, but when he thought about his parents, he knew that it was the only way.

There are many Jiang family members, and there are many relatives. They can't do anything about Jiang Zhen, and they may not even dare to touch him, but his parents... His father's health has been getting worse and worse in recent years, and his mother's health has never been better. If they Because something happened to his relationship with Jiang Zhen, he definitely couldn't forgive himself.

Zhao Jinge went back to his room and lay down a little disappointed.

He always slept on his back, but this day he didn't fall asleep all night.

Of course, Zhao Jinge was not the only one who didn't fall asleep that night. In fact, the Jiang family basically didn't sleep except Jiang Zhen and Jiang Yuanwen, who was only two years old.

Jiang Chengxiang and Jiang Butcher were busy building a house for Jiang Zhen. Jiang Chengcai and Huang Min were distressed for their money. As for Mrs. Jiang, she scolded Jiang Zhen all night at the place where the house was built.

When Zishi arrived, all the people in the village who helped build the house went home to sleep, but the Jiang family gathered together to discuss for a long time, but nothing could be reached.

Jiang Chengxiang's house was occupied by Jiang Zhen. In the end, he could only make do with the village chief Jiang Ping's house for half the night. As soon as it was bright, he went to the county town with Jiang Ping.

He was going to get money from Zhu Shufen, and he was going to go to the yamen with Jiang Ping to separate Jiang Zhen's household registration from Jiang's family, and transfer the land that had been promised to Jiang Zhen to Jiang Zhen.

From now on, Jiang Zhen has nothing to do with the Jiang family.

He wanted to make Jiang Zhen obedient and continue to work obediently for the family, but what happened? After making a fuss, he lost his wife and broke up the army, and actually let Jiang Zhen take the money and distribute it from the house.

Sitting on the boat and looking at Hecheng County in the morning light, Jiang Chengxiang felt extremely bitter, but even so, when he got there, he had to get off the boat and limped to work.

The wound on his leg hurt with every step he took, but his heart hurt even more.

That night, Jiang Zhen slept well, and after he woke up in the morning, he ate the leftovers and fish from last night in a good mood.

Yang Jiang sat beside Jiang Zhen, watching Jiang Zhen eating there and swallowing continuously.

He has a good family, and he has never been hungry since he grew up, but now... After eating the flatbread and fritters yesterday morning, he hasn't eaten anything until now, and he's already starved!

Jiang Zhen knew that he must be hungry, but ignored him. This Yang Jiang had good strength, so it would be better to starve him a few times to make him lose his strength.

After eating and drinking, Jiang Zhen remembered Zhao Jin, who had just kissed twice last night. After thinking about it, Jiang Zhen said to Yang Jiang, "If you don't run away, I won't tie you, how?"

"I will not escape!" Yang Jiang said.

"Forgive you, I don't dare... If you dare to escape, I will give you a gelding." Jiang Zhen said: "I am quite good at gelding pigs. It's easier to geld when people's balls are outside." Pig testicles are not completely exposed like humans.

Yang Jiang shook, tightened his legs, and quickly said, "Don't let me loose, I think it's good to be tied."

"This can't be done, I want to take you out, it's not good to keep you tied up." Jiang Zhendao, holding a knife, slashed towards Yang Jiang with a knife.

Yang Jiang let out an "ah", only to realize that he was completely uninjured, the knife only cut the rope on his hand. The feeling of happiness for the rest of his life after the disaster once again made Yang Jiang's feelings for Jiang Zhen change a little bit.

"Go!" Jiang Zhen kicked Yang Jiang's leg, but he didn't notice Yang Jiang's mood changes at all. Of course, even if he noticed, he wouldn't care.

Jiang Zhen took Yang Jiang to see his house under construction, only to find that the walls of his house were almost two meters high.

This house is just a few square rooms, there is no apartment type at all, but the foundation is very solid, and it looks very solid.

It has already come to ancient times, and Jiang Zhen is no longer picky, so he is quite satisfied with this house, so he said to the butcher Jiang who was watching him on guard: "When the house is built, what are the ingredients for the iron pot? All of them will be furnished for me, and the beds, furniture, etc. in Jiang Chengxiang's house will also be brought here for me."

The villagers of Hexi Village basically have iron pots in their homes. If the household conditions are good, they can have two large iron pots. Usually one is used for cooking and the other is used for cooking. In ordinary households, there is only one iron pot. Cook first before cooking.

The Jiang family has two iron pots, which is also one of the important properties of the Jiang family. Jiang Zhen asked for one directly, and also asked for all the furniture in Jiang Chengxiang's house.

"You..." Butcher Jiang was very unhappy, but when he saw the knife in Jiang Zhen's hand, he didn't dare to say anything.

Mrs. Jiang scolded Huan before, but now that she really saw Jiang Zhen, she also didn't dare to do anything, she could only glared at Jiang Zhen with her hair that could no longer be pierced.

"What are you staring at, why don't you hurry up to work?" Yang Jiang was no longer tied up, but he didn't dare to move beside Jiang Zhen. As soon as he raised his head to meet Mrs. Jiang's dissatisfied gaze, he couldn't help it. roared, it looked terrible.

Mrs. Jiang didn't understand why the official who was brought back by her younger son came to yell at her, but she didn't dare to be rude to her family, but she didn't dare to refute it when she was scolded.

As for the rest of the village... They looked at Jiang Zhen in awe, but the yamen actually listened to Jiang Zhen's words in turn. How fierce is Jiang Zhen

Those who didn't see the appearance of Jiang Butcher and Jiang Chengxiang being stabbed by Jiang Zhen yesterday are also afraid now, and even in your sentence and my sentence, the image of Jiang Zhen is portrayed more and more fiercely.