The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 27: Kill a pig for money


That night, probably because he was so hungry, Yang Jiang couldn't fall asleep and kept moving.

Jiang Zhen was annoyed, he stepped forward a few steps and immediately stunned him, and then tied him up again.

Before Yang Jiang was able to break free from the rope he was tying up, it was because he didn't care when he was tying people, and later he deliberately gave him the opportunity to escape and planned to intimidate him. Now...

Jiang Zhen tied Yang Jiang firmly, and the knot was tied by the person who taught Yang Jiang to untie the rope, and he was afraid that he would not be able to untie it.

After doing all this, Jiang Zhen got out of the window and planned to wait for Zhao Jinge outside.

He left egg fried meat for Zhao Jinge, and he was waiting to feed Zhao Jinge.

As soon as he got out, Jiang Zhen saw a person standing motionless not far away, who was it if it wasn't Zhao Jinge? I don't know how long he has been standing outside.

Are you too shy to come to find yourself? Jiang Zhen laughed in his heart, and then pulled the person to the pond again, held Zhao Jinge's face and kissed him on the mouth: "I knew you would come to me again."

Zhao Jinge kept his face blank and did not speak, but at the same time he clearly felt a numbness spread from the place where Jiang Zhen kissed himself, and finally enveloped his whole body, making him not want to move.

No, he still has a place he wants to move... Feeling that something in his crotch is just about to move, Zhao Jinge just feels extremely ashamed and wants to plunge into the pond and drown himself.

He... so that's it

If his parents knew that he was dating someone in the middle of the night, still like this...

Zhao Jinge sat motionless next to Jiang Zhen, but his thoughts drifted away, and he didn't come back to his senses until he smelled the smell of meat.

"Come on, eat some fried meat with eggs." Jiang Zhen took a chopstick and stuffed the eggs into Zhao Jinge's mouth, and gave him another mouthful of rice.

Zhao Jinge ate slowly and put down another heart.

Jiang Zhen should be with him sincerely. In this case, it's okay for the two to get close, and they will get married in the future.

The next day, under the command of Jiang Zhen, all the furniture in Jiang Chengxiang's house was moved to his new house, along with a large iron pot and pots and pans from the Jiang family.

With just a little tidying up, this new house is ready to live...

Jiang Zhen drove Yang Jiang around his house with a waist knife, and then returned to Jiang's house for lunch with the villagers who helped with the work.

After eating, Jiang Zhen stretched out his hand towards Jiang Chengxiang: "Silver documents or something, are you ready?"

"This is the household registration document, money..." Jiang Chengxiang looked at Mrs. Jiang, and the money was collected by Mrs. Jiang.

"Here you are." Mrs. Jiang took out a bag of silver.

Jiang Zhen weighed the purse in his hand and said to Jiang Chengcai, "Bring me a rod and weigh it."

Jiang Chengcai had been standing far away. He didn't expect to be targeted by Jiang Zhen. He just felt unlucky, and he didn't dare to be disobedient, so he quickly brought a steel scale.

Many people in the countryside have scales at home, and these scales are somewhat inaccurate. The scales are still made of stone.

The Jiang family's scale, when weighing things, will weigh the things a little heavier than the actual weight. The result is the same. The bag of silver was weighed, and it was less than forty taels, only thirty-nine taels. .

Jiang Zhen looked at Mrs. Jiang calmly.

"There are only thirty-eight taels of silver in the family, and there's nothing more." Madam Jiang shivered. After seeing Jiang Zhen's sudden violent and hurtful behavior, the calmer his expression became, the more scared Madam Jiang became. She regretted her lack of jins and taels - she didn't want to give 40 taels of silver, so she only gave more than 37 taels. It was impossible to see. Who would have thought that Jiang Zhen would even take it. Weighed.

"Is there no money at home?" Jiang Zhen was still pleasant.

"Yeah, there's no money left at home." Mrs. Jiang could only answer with force.

"Okay, then I won't force you to take the money." Jiang Zhen smiled.

When Mrs. Jiang heard Jiang Zhen's words, her face suddenly became happy. Could this evil star really not intend to pursue it? Being able to save three taels of silver was a pleasant surprise to her.

Jiang Zhen put a bag of silver into the partner he had prepared for a long time, and suddenly walked towards the room.

"What are you doing?" Madam Jiang asked quickly.

Jiang Zhen had already responded to Mrs. Jiang's words with action. After he rushed in, he grabbed a pig and dragged the pig's ears out.

The pig let out bursts of screams, and the four trotters were fixed on the ground and refused to move, but they couldn't resist Jiang Zhen's strength and were dragged out by Jiang Zhen.

The Jiang family raised three pigs, and Jiang Zhen had long coveted these three pigs.

He didn't have the idea of fighting these three pigs before because he felt that he was not the boss of Jiang who was scolded by the Jiang family.

He can finally kill a pig and eat pork!

"What do you want to do? Stop it!" Madam Jiang cried out in panic when she saw Jiang Zhen dragging the pig.

"Little girl, go get a wooden bucket to pick up the pig's blood." Jiang Zhen ignored the old lady Jiang, but said to Jiang Xiaomei. Originally, he definitely didn't care about a little pig's blood, but he has never been allowed to eat meat recently. , but made him reluctant to waste pig blood.

Jiang Xiaomei was stunned and did not dare to move, but in the end, Butcher Jiang kicked her: "Hurry up and get the barrel!"

"Boil some water by the way." Jiang Zhen instructed again, then pressed the pig to the ground, stepped on it, and said to the villagers around him: "I want to kill pigs and sell pork. Don't go away... Of course, it's okay for you to go home and get the money."

Jiang Zhen's voice was calm, but the aura of his body and the struggling pig under his feet made him extraordinarily vicious.

People who originally wanted to leave are now afraid to leave. Of course, there are also people who obediently go back and get the money.

Jiang Zhen smiled and said to Jiang Chengxiang, "Go and move some benches."

This ancient pig did not have to eat feed, so it was often fed some grass. It was not bad for it to be able to eat leftovers. Therefore, the weight was very light. In the early days, it is estimated that if you pack up, you will be able to come out with 70 to 80 catties of pork.

Such a small pig, Jiang Zhen can naturally press it to death, but he can do it, other people in the village can't actually do it, seeing the pig under his feet keep struggling and bursting The screams just couldn't escape, and they all took a step back subconsciously.

After Jiang Chengxiang moved a few benches and put them together, Jiang Zhen picked up the pig and pressed it on the bench. At this time, Jiang Xiaomei, who had watched Jiang butcher kill pigs, had already put the wooden barrel on the bench. Under the pig's neck, ready to receive pig blood.

Jiang Zhen stabbed the knife into the pig's neck and cut the pig's throat with a twist of the hilt. The pig immediately lost his breath, twitched, and blood spurted out of its throat.

When doing this, he deliberately let go of his aura, and smiled deliberately. That smile was learned from a perverted killer. It was full of satisfaction and enjoyment. The butcher knife is creepy.

The people around were really scared. Butcher Jiang used to kill pigs like this. Everyone never felt scared when he saw him kill pigs, but for some reason, Jiang Zhen killed pigs there, but he made the hairs stand on their bodies, and they were very scared.

Jiang Zhen was in a good mood at the moment. When the pig's blood was released, he threw the pig on the ground and suddenly thought that if he had nothing to do for the time being, he could actually kill the pig...

Boss Jiang has the skill of killing pigs with one hand, and he inherited this skill from memory... I think it's very simple to kill pigs. He has even killed people, so it's not impossible to kill pigs.

And the next step... is to soak the pig in hot water for a while to scrape off the pig's hair. When the pig's hair is shaved off, it will be opened and gutted, and then the internal organs of the pig will be processed.

Those things were not very technical. Jiang Zhen used a piece of clam shell to scrape off the pig's hair, and then turned out all the intestines in the pig's stomach.

He was too lazy to wash the pig's intestines, so he only cut off the pig's heart, lungs, liver and stomach, and then took out the machete for killing pigs and divided the pig into two halves.

When killing pigs, Jiang Zhen was actually on alert, lest someone would take this opportunity to attack him, but obviously, he thought too much...

These people didn't dare to do anything to him at all, but they let him go safely and killed the pig.

The whole pig had been divided into two halves, and Jiang Zhen divided each half into three pieces: front legs, ribs, and hind legs.

What he did was what Butcher Jiang had done for many years, but his slashing was firm and firm, with a smile on his face, which made people tremble in their legs.

Although Yang Jiang was released by Jiang Zhen, he didn't dare to run away and stayed where he was. Every time Jiang Zhen stabbed down, his head couldn't help shrinking. He was very fortunate for a while. He was glad that he didn't provoke Jiang Zhen. Leaving Jiang's house completely.

"Twenty coppers per pound of pork, do you want it?" Jiang Zhen looked at the villagers he had left behind.

Jiang Zhen was like that, as if they would cut them if they didn't go forward to buy it, but they didn't dare to go forward to buy it first.

In the end, it was the village chief Jiang Ping who gritted his teeth and stepped forward with the imposing manner of giving up on me: "I'll buy five pounds."

"Okay." Jiang Zhen chopped off the pig's front legs, took out the big bones from the meat, and then went down with a knife, and estimated that he chopped five catties of meat, and weighed it with a scale: "Four and a half catties, ninety wen !"

In the county seat, there is a butcher who sells pork every day. He sells pork at a higher price during festivals, and usually at a cheaper price.

Today is a normal day. When you go to buy pork, you can usually buy a pound for 17 or 8 wen. Therefore, when Jiang Zhen started selling it for 20 wen a pound, the villagers felt it was expensive, and they were forced to buy it. , even more reluctantly.

The result... When Jiang Zhen was selling pork, he even took out the bones of the meat, that is to say, what he was selling was pure pork!

After Jiang Ping, others stepped forward to buy meat, and the reluctance in their hearts disappeared without a trace.

Butcher Jiang watched this scene with a dark face. The pig was so big, he wanted to buy better silkworm seeds, but...

Jiang Zhen sold most of the pork after a while. Because he didn't say anything to allow the people around him to leave, those who bought pork didn't dare to leave.

"I don't want to sell it anymore." Jiang Zhen suddenly said, the rest was only a dozen catties of meat and bone viscera. He didn't want to sell them any more, but put them all in a big wooden barrel, waiting to take them home. eat by yourself.

Of course, he didn't want intestines.

He Xicun has always eaten pig intestines. In ancient times, when there was a lack of food and clothing, no one was willing to throw away the oily pig intestines, but it was very troublesome to clean, so Jiang Zhen didn't want it.

After packing up what he wanted, Jiang Zhen looked at Butcher Jiang again: "This pig didn't sell for two taels of silver, I also want the chicken that lays eggs at home, and the food I want, send it to me as soon as possible. ."

In addition to forty taels of silver, Jiang Zhen also asked for five stones of grain.

Five stone is six hundred catties. These days, people rarely have the opportunity to eat fat and protein, and they have to do physical work. The appetite is very large. It is absolutely no problem for an adult to eat two or three catties of grain a day. With 600 catties of grain, Jiang Zhen will continue for a long time So you don't have to worry about starving.

"It's spring, where did the family get five stone grains for you?" Jiang Butcher was busy collecting money before, and he forgot about this.

If there are no special circumstances in the countryside, after paying the full tax, they are unwilling to sell the newly harvested grain, but they will sell the old grain at home when there is enough food at home.

The Jiang family has a lot of land. After the grain is collected every year, the grain of the previous year will be sold. Therefore, Jiang Zhen is very clear that the Jiang family will definitely get five stones of grain.

But at this moment, he is really too lazy to chatter with Butcher Jiang...

Taking the big knife for chopping meat, he went directly to the granary covered by the Jiang family's house. After a few knives, Jiang Zhen directly split the granary: "Are you sure there is no food I want in it?"

After doing this, Jiang Zhen didn't say much, and walked to his new home with the wooden barrel containing the pork. By the way, I took away all the guys that Butcher Jiang used to kill pigs and chop meat.

The price of the heavy bone cutter is not cheap, and Mrs. Jiang, the butcher of Jiang, will inevitably feel distressed again.

But no matter how distressed they were, they didn't dare to ask for the knife back, and even sent Wushi grain and the chicken that could lay eggs almost every day to Jiang Zhen.

With the lessons learned, this time they did not dare to be short, lest Jiang Zhen go back and snatch their remaining two little pigs.

Jiang Zhen was very satisfied with this, and he didn't find fault again after receiving the things - after several days of tossing, he didn't want to continue tossing anymore.

Finally separated the family, and then, he will be able to live his own life...