The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 29: The county accepts a younger brother


Brother Zhao Jin still climbed out of the window.

The windows in this country are quite large, and it is actually quite easy to climb, but Zhao Jinge is probably the first time to do this kind of thing, and he is very unskilled in climbing.

Jiang Zhen wanted to go up to help, such as helping his waist and pinching his butt, but he was afraid that if he really did something, Zhao Jinge would go back and ignore him, so he could only bear it.

When Brother Zhao Jin climbed out of the window, Jiang Zhen took him to his home.

The fire he had built before was not completely extinguished. Jiang Zhen put a straw into it to start the fire, and then put mulberry sticks in it. When the fire became more vigorous, he also smoked a few lit mulberry sticks and put them in the mud stove. , intend to heat the porridge in the pot.

Jiang Zhen was busy over there, and Zhao Jinge looked at him and felt guilty again. Jiang Zhen will have to live alone in the future, but he can't help much, and he has to ask a man from Jiang Zhen to cook for his pair...

Zhao Jinge wanted to go up to help, but Jiang Zhen had already done the work himself.

"Come, have a bowl of porridge." Jiang Zhen handed the pork liver porridge boiled with meat and bone broth to Brother Zhao Jin.

Zhao Jinge took a look and found that there were a lot of pig livers in the porridge: "You don't have to keep feeding me..."

"I just like to eat it for you." Jiang Zhen said, it had been two hours since he had dinner, and he was hungry again, so he filled a small bowl, ate with Zhao Jinge, took a bite and glanced at Zhao Jinge.

The room was quiet, only the sound of the two of them drinking porridge, but Jiang Zhen felt very happy.

After he was discharged from the army, he had been living alone, and now he finally had someone to accompany him.

Zhao Jinge was a little uncomfortable when Jiang Zhen looked at him, and he couldn't even taste the taste of the porridge in his hand.

"I brought you something." Zhao Jinge said when Jiang Zhen looked over again, breaking the atmosphere in the room that seemed not right to him.

"What?" Jiang Zhen asked.

Zhao Jinge took out a few small bamboo tubes from his arms and gave it to Jiang Zhen. He pointed to one of them and said, "Here are green rapeseeds. Now is not the time to plant green vegetables, but if you scatter the seeds, you can germinate, and you can eat small green vegetables."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the remaining bamboo tubes and explained them, all of which were filled with vegetable seeds.

"Why did you remember to give me this?" Jiang Zhen asked.

"This..." Zhao Jinge hesitated and didn't speak. In fact, his mother said that Jiang Zhen stole the lettuce from his house, and he remembered that Jiang Zhen has nothing to eat now.

They can eat a lot of vegetables here, and there is no shortage of vegetables to eat all year round, but everyone prefers to grow food, and generally they just sprinkle some seeds in the front and back of the house to grow and order vegetables, just enough to eat at home.

However, other people's homes are not short of vegetables to eat, but Jiang Zhen is different. He has not planted anything, and now he has no vegetables to eat.

"You plant the seeds first, and it won't take long for you to eat vegetables. As for these days... I will bring you some vegetables every day in the future." Zhao Jinge said again.

"Did your mother see me stealing lettuce?" Jiang Zhen smiled at Brother Zhao Jin.

"If you eat lettuce, it's not stealing." Zhao Jinge said, in fact, no one would say anything about ordering food from the neighbors. After all, it was grown in his own farm and did not cost money, but Jiang Zhen recently took charge of it. The name of the evil star, when he went to pluck lettuce, his mother was startled.

He didn't care that Jiang Zhen went to his house to get vegetables to eat, but Jiang Zhen always went to get it, and it was not good for his mother to have an opinion on Jiang Zhen.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to bring me food in the future." Jiang Zhen smiled, hugging Brother Zhao Jin and kissing him on the face again.

I have been kissed on the mouth before, but this time I just kissed the face, but it did not frighten Brother Zhao Jin, but even so, Brother Zhao Jin was very uncomfortable, and the hand holding the bowl was unconsciously forced.

Jiang Zhen also let go of him: "Hurry up and drink porridge, and eat some pig liver is good for your body." Don't panic if you have meat in your hands, Jiang Zhen has already begun to think about how to take care of himself and Zhao Jinge's body. .

Jiang Zhen took out all the porridge left in the pot, shared it with Zhao Jinge, and then sent Zhao Jinge back to Zhao's house. When Zhao Jinge climbed the window and entered the room to say goodbye to him, he still held his head and aimed at him. Another kiss on the mouth.

Jiang Zhen slept a little late that night, and woke up late the next day.

He cooked a pot of rice with the rice grains he had worked so hard to dehull yesterday, and then steamed a small piece of bacon and a leaf of pork liver that had been marinated overnight on the steamer.

This ancient pig did not eat feed, it was pure natural and pollution-free, but it actually tasted no better than those of later generations.

I think it's the same, these pigs usually only eat some pig grass, they don't grow fat, and if they want to grow up, they have to raise them for more than ten months. The pigs raised like this... The lean meat is a bit old and the fat is too little. , the skin is too thick.

Fragrant is fragrant, but for a person like him who is short of oil and water in his stomach, it is not as good as lacking.

Of course, this may also be because the pig breeds are not good enough. These days, if you want to buy a well-bred piglet, there is nowhere to buy it. He has seen chickens and ducks raised by villagers before, and it is generally better than what he has seen in future generations. Be small.

But even if the meat doesn't taste perfect, it's meat! Jiang Zhen took the pork and ate two bowls of rice in one go, then filled a bamboo tube full of rice and a piece of pork the size of two fingers, waiting to deliver it to Brother Zhao Jin on the way to the county town later.

Thinking of going to the county seat, Jiang Zhen deliberately changed into new clothes, combed his hair with his fingers, and then went out with the money. Before going out, he also went to see his chicken. Probably because of the change of place, the chicken was a little frightened and didn't lay eggs, which made him feel quite a pity.

Jiang Zhen went to look for Zhao Jinge, but didn't speak to Zhao Jinge. After looking at each other, he put the bamboo tube in his hand in the grass not far away, and asked Zhao Jinge to wait and eat it.

For a long time in the future, I am afraid that he and Zhao Jinge can only have an affair, which is quite emotional to think about.

Boss Jiang rarely goes to the county seat, but he still recognizes the way to the county seat. After all, there is only one way from the village to the county seat.

He Xicun was not far from the county seat. Jiang Zhen had already arrived in the city after walking for less than half an hour. He also saw the county seat that Boss Jiang thought was very prosperous.

To be honest, Jiang Zhen was quite disappointed when he saw the county seat. He had traveled to those water towns before, and he always felt that Hecheng County should be as prosperous and beautiful as those water towns, but in fact...

It is a tourist attraction that has been repainted from time to time, but the reality is different.

The roads in Hecheng County are very narrow. Except for the main road in the middle that is relatively wide, the other roads are very narrow, and the houses on the street look quite dilapidated... Of course, the most important thing is that there are no two sides here at all. It is a bustling commercial street with shops.

Although there are also shops on the street, those shops are really shabby in Jiang Zhen's view.

Of course, looking at this era with the eyes of future generations is not very good, Jiang Zhen quickly adjusted his mentality and walked towards the pier not far away.

This Hecheng County is said to be the most prosperous among several nearby counties, because there is a wharf here, and the vicinity of the wharf is also the most prosperous place in Hecheng County.

After arriving here, Jiang Zhencai finally saw what the ancient city he imagined looked like. At the same time, he also saw two acquaintances, Yang Jiang and Jiang Chengxiang.

Jiang Zhen saw the two, and the two also saw Jiang Zhen.

After Yang Jiang rested for the night last night, he went to the county government to report today and continued to patrol.

He is very afraid of Jiang Zhen now, and he doesn't dare to trouble Jiang Zhen at all. He blamed Jiang Chengxiang for all the crimes he suffered a few days ago. No, after he came out for patrol, he came to trouble Jiang Chengxiang.

As a result, before he could teach Jiang Chengxiang a lesson, he looked up and saw Jiang Zhen standing not far away.

Yang Jiang's movements stiffened subconsciously, and he had the urge to turn around and run, but Jiang Zhen had already seen him, if he ran away... Yang Jiang took a deep breath, and the arrogance on his body suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Walking towards Jiang Zhen, Yang Jiang, who was wearing the yamen's uniform, subconsciously showed the expression he would show when he saw his immediate boss.

Jiang Zhen glanced at Yang Jiang up and down: "I'm here to buy something. Also, don't call me Boss Jiang, why don't you... just call me Boss."

In Jiang's house before, Jiang Chengxiang and Jiang Chengcai did not call him eldest brother, but followed Jiang Butcher's father to call him eldest. He sounded a little unhappy, because when they called him, they had nothing to do with him. Respect, but at this moment he asked Yang Jiang to call him "boss" with a different meaning, and Yang Jiang didn't dare to disrespect him when he called him.

Jiang Zhen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Yang Jiang is very good, not only changed his name, but also very enthusiastic: "Boss, what do you want to buy? I'll accompany you, the price can be cheaper." He actually didn't know what the boss really meant, but he didn't dare to offend him. Jiang Zhen, what Jiang Zhen said and what he did.

"Okay." Jiang Zhen nodded and agreed.

Finding that this person had no ill will towards him, and did not intend to hit him, Yang Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately left the pier with Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen wanted to buy a lot of things, and the first store he went to was a place that sold condiments.

"Bring me five catties of salt... How is the salt sold?" When Jiang Zhen was buying salt, he suddenly remembered that the price of salt was not cheap.

Mrs. Jiang did not let Mr. Jiang touch the money, and Mr. Jiang did not have detailed prices in his memory, but even so, from Mrs. Jiang's words, it could be seen that the price of salt was not cheap.

"Forty cents a pound." The shopkeeper said.

Forty wen? The price of this salt is actually twice that of pork? Jiang Zhen was a little surprised, and immediately changed his mouth: "Just give me two catties of salt."

The shopkeeper had already started to take the salt. He could not help frowning when he heard Jiang Zhen's change of mind, but when he looked up and saw Yang Jiang standing beside Jiang Zhen, he immediately put a smile on his face, and he became enthusiastic about Jiang Zhen. .

The King of Hell is so good at seeing little devils, and people who do business in this county are not willing to offend the yamen.

"Manager Zhang, they are all acquaintances, so it's cheaper!" Yang Jiang said carelessly, and then, Jiang Zhen's two catties of salt were only 70 cents.

After buying the salt, Jiang Zhen wanted to buy vinegar and soy sauce again, but the result... The vinegar and soy sauce in the store are all in a vat. When customers come to buy them, they scoop some out and put them in the containers brought by the customers. , Jiang Zhen did not bring a container at all.

Fortunately, Yang Jiang was there. The shopkeeper was very talkative. He even asked his son to buy two clay pots with wooden stoppers to fill Jiang Zhen with vinegar and soy sauce. Of course, he asked Jiang Zhen for the money for the pots. give.

Coming out of this shop, Jiang Zhen had already spent 200 wen. This was when he didn't really care about eating and drinking, so he didn't buy spices and sugar.

It's not easy for people in ancient times to get money, but because of low productivity, the prices of commodities are still very expensive...

"I didn't expect salt to be so expensive." Jiang Zhen frowned slightly when he left the shop. This is still a coastal area, and salt is so expensive. What should we do inland

"Boss, in fact, if you don't buy it here, there are also cheap ones..." Yang Jiang said, closing his mouth suddenly.

Jiang Zhen thought about it for a while, and already guessed what Yang Jiang meant. What Yang Jiang said was private salt

Jiang Zhen didn't ask any more, and said again, "I'm going to buy some cloth."

"The cloth shop is there!" Yang Jiang quickly pointed the way.

Jiang Zhen was taken to the cloth shop by Yang Jiang, and behind him, Jiang Chengxiang's expression was particularly ugly.

Yang Jiang saw Jiang Zhen and ran after Jiang Zhen, and he followed. At first, he thought that Yang Jiang would make trouble for Jiang Zhen, but what happened? Not only did Yang Jiang not bother Jiang Zhen, he even nodded and bowed to Jiang Zhen!

What exactly is going on

Jiang Chengxiang didn't understand how all this happened. It was obvious that he had just married a wife that he was satisfied with, and he was about to usher in a better life. How could everything change in a blink of an eye

Thinking of his return to his home in the county town last night, but because Zhu Shufen hadn't come back, he couldn't cook, so he could only starve. Today, he dragged his injured leg to work and was asked by Yang Jiang for trouble. Jiang Chengxiang felt unlucky.

Forget it, what is his big brother? How could Yang Jiang be so flattered

Jiang Chengxiang was so angry, but thinking about what happened a few days ago, he didn't dare to go to Jiang Zhen's troubles, and finally he could only return to the dock in despair.