The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 34: ex-engagement partner


Brother Zhao Jin was very tired. He slept very early that day, so he didn't know that Jiang Zhen actually knocked on his window that night.

After knocking on the window a few times, there was no response. Thinking that Brother Zhao Jin was probably going to bed early, Jiang Zhen also went back, but the next morning, he got up early and waited by the side of the road.

Jiang Zhen saw Brother Zhao Jin, but instead of talking to him, he gave him a wink and asked him to pick up a bamboo tube on the side of the road.

The bamboo tube contained the fish soup that Jiang Zhen made last night and reheated this morning.

The two of them are now in contact with each other in a completely cheating mode. Jiang Zhen is a little regretful, but he also thinks it is quite interesting.

Brother Zhao Jin took the bamboo tube, glanced at Jiang Zhen from a distance, and walked towards Dahu Zhao's house with the bamboo tube in his arms. His footsteps were inevitably much lighter. After walking for a while, he opened the bamboo tube and ate slowly. stand up.

The bamboo tube was still hot, obviously Jiang Zhen wanted him to eat it while it was still hot, so he definitely couldn't waste it.

The fish soup in the bamboo tube is made by Jiang Zhen after steaming the fish and removing the fish bones, and cooking the remaining fish meat and an egg together. Not to mention the taste, at least the nutrition is good, and you can eat a lot of fish meat to supplement protein. .

Because it was the fish soup that was cooked last night, it was a bit fishy to drink, but Zhao Jinge didn't dislike it at all, he drank it cleanly quickly, and cooked it with the one he brought with him every day these days. The water brushed the bamboo tube, and then drank the water that was brushed through the bamboo tube.

When he woke up in the morning, he ate dry rice at home, and now he drank fish soup. He only felt that he was full of energy, and when he was working in the morning, he didn't know he was tired.

It didn't rain this morning, so Dahu Zhao came to the field for a walk, and when he saw Zhao Jinge like this, he nodded with satisfaction.

Originally, everyone thought that he had no brains to hire a pair of children to be a long-term worker, but now after a few years, they all envied him. It was true that Zhao Jinge was not inferior to men in his work, and he was serious.

He didn't know that when he left, Zhao Jinge started to lose his mind.

It's almost noon, Jiang Zhen should be here...

Although it is somewhat uncomfortable to eat Zhao Jinge with Jiang Zhen's food, he still expects Jiang Zhen to come... Although he is still working at the moment, Zhao Jinge's eyes can't help but look at Jiang Zhen's usual way.

However, after glancing for a long time, he didn't see Jiang Zhen, but a familiar old woman in her fifties or sixties suddenly turned out at the intersection.

After a few more glances, Zhao Jinge recognized that it was a friend of Zhao Liu's, but Zhao Liu and this woman had not been in contact for a long time, so he didn't recognize it for a while.

"Brother Jin!" When the woman saw Brother Zhao Jin, she immediately walked towards Brother Zhao Jin with a smile on her face: "Brother Jin, it's been a long time since I saw you!"

"Aunt Li." Zhao Jinge greeted. The woman's name was Li Xiu'er. She was from the nearby Lijia Village. She married to Qiaotou Village, where Zhao Liu's family lived.

When Zhao Liu was not married, she had a good relationship with this woman surnamed Li, and she also had contacts after marriage. The reason why she broke up later was because the woman surnamed Li told Zhao Jinge about a marriage.

What she told Zhao Jinge was her family's neighbor, who had a son who was two years older than Zhao Jinge, named Li Zugen.

Just this name, you know how much this Li Zugen is treasured at home... And the reason why he is treasured is because of the three generations of the Li family. This Li Zugen's health is not very good, and he is very thin.

The Li family's family background is very ordinary, and Li Zugen's health is not very good, so the Li family wants to arrange a marriage for him as early as possible.

When Zhao Jinge was young, he was very strong, not to mention, he was very cute. Once Zhao Liu took him to Lijia Village to watch a play, and he was attracted by Li Zugen's mother, Li Liu, who was also from Qiaotou Village and went home to inquire. For a moment, after knowing the situation of Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu, I was more satisfied with Zhao Jinge, and now I found Li Xiuer and asked her to help me as a matchmaker.

The Li family came to the Zhao family several times to ask, and they showed great sincerity. Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu saw that Li Zugen and found that although he was a little thinner, there was nothing wrong with him, so they agreed.

His family is a bit too strong, so they are also afraid that he will not marry well in the future. Although the Li family has no money, Li Zugen has no brothers, so there is no need to divide the land in the family. I can't beat my son...

The marriage between the Li family and the Zhao family was settled like that. Brother Zhao Jin also had a fiancé, but the fiancé, who was a little shorter than him, never liked him very much.

Of course, at that time, Zhao Jinge didn't know what he liked or not, but he was a little lost occasionally.

Later, when Zhao Jinge was twelve years old, his elder brother died, his mother was seriously ill, and something happened to the Zhao family... The Li family left the family.

They didn't want to carry the burden of the Zhao family, and it was also because Li Zugen, who was fourteen at the time, fell in love with a girl of the same age in Lijiacun. The girl was the child of a married couple from Lijiacun. When she passed away, her husband's family married another girl and threw her to her grandmother's house.

The girl had a very bad life at her grandmother's house. Li Zugen often helped her with things, so she got on well with Li Zugen and was willing to marry Li Zugen.

After resigning from his relatives, Zhao Jinge didn't take care of Lijiacun's affairs anymore. At first, there were people who mentioned Li Zugen in front of him with ulterior motives. Later, it was probably pitiful that he couldn't get married, so no one mentioned it anymore.

As for this Li Xiu'er... Li Xiu'er and Zhao Liu's are really good friends. They had a fight with Li Zugen's family over the matter of Zhao Jin, and then probably felt ashamed of Zhao Liu's, so they didn't come to Zhao's house.

And because Zhao Liu's relationship with her parents' family was not good, she hardly ever went back these years, and the two sides didn't see each other very much.

Now that he suddenly sees Li Xiuer, Zhao Jinge is quite surprised, while Li Xiuer is purely happy.

"Brother Jin, I came here specifically to see you. Let me tell you, the Li family has been punished!" Li Xiu'er said to Brother Zhao Jin.

She came to see Brother Zhao Jin because the Li Zugen family was unlucky, and she had a headache, so she wanted to tell Brother Zhao Jin to make him happy too.

"Back then, Li Zugen wanted to marry that bitch with the surname Xu, but now... Haha!" Li Xiu'er kept talking.

It turned out that after Li Zugen and Zhao Jinge quit their relationship, they got engaged with the Xu family in their village. When they were seventeen, they got married.

They had a pretty good life at first, and the Xu family gave birth to four sons to Li Zugen in one breath, which made the Li family love her dearly and did not let her do any work.

But this year... four sons that's not easy to feed.

The Li family itself has no money. Li Zugen and his father are still very thin and small. Apart from growing their own land, they can't help others to work and make money, so the family is getting poorer and poorer, and they even have to borrow money to live.

Later, they had no choice, so they told Mrs. Xu a job and asked Mrs. Xu to go to a landlord's house on their side to help with the work.

In addition to the land, the landlord's family also has a cocoon business. Several villages around the house have raised silkworms and formed cocoons, all of which are sold to his family. They are very rich. No children.

The Xu family is very capable of giving birth, and has been giving birth to sons, has it not been noticed? The landowner's daughter-in-law is quite good. She didn't want to bring in a young and beautiful fox to hook up with her man, so she agreed with the average-aged and older Mr. Xu to give her how much money she would give her. The landlord gave birth to a son.

The Xu family agreed, and the Li Zugen family, who already owed a lot of money at the time, also agreed.

In the countryside, this behavior is called concubinage, which is to pay a little money to rent a woman to give birth to a child. When the age is up, the woman sends it back and the child stays.

For a very poor family, it is actually nothing to let the wife be a concubine for a few years. Anyway, they will come back to live in the end. When there is not enough to eat, chastity or something, no one will care at all.

It was also the Xu family who had the ability. The family gave her three years, and she gave birth to a son. When the three years passed, there was another one in her stomach.

Since becoming a concubine, she has eaten and drank. After she became pregnant, she also ate meat every day. After the child was born, she had to breastfeed the child, which was even more delicious.

It was a good life that would never be possible in the Li family.

Xu Shi also didn't want to leave, she went to beg the daughter-in-law of the landlord's family and wanted to stay.

Although the wife was not very beautiful, she was much prettier than Mrs Xu, and she was even a year or two younger than Mrs. Xu. Mrs. Xu was no threat to her. After thinking about it, she agreed.

Anyway, the children born by Xu's will be called her mother in the future, and Xu's status in the family is a little better than that of the servants. Leaving such a village woman who doesn't know big characters not only does not hinder her, but also shows her generosity.

In the future, when those children grow up, compared with her to see the Xu family who was married a long time ago and had four sons outside, she always knew who to be close to.

"Then Mrs. Xu took another fifty taels of silver from the Li family, and then broke up with the Li family. Li Zugen is being laughed at so badly now! He made his wife a concubine, but the wife didn't even know it. That's it." Li Xiu'er laughed at Li Zugen.

Originally, Li Zugen's mother-in-law could make money for giving birth to a child, which was envied by some people. Now that Xu's family has run away, the situation is different.

Even if Mr. Xu got back one hundred taels of silver, he could only buy three or four acres of land after he had spent it, and Li Zugen still dragged his four sons... unless he didn't buy the land and spend those Money to buy a woman's pair, otherwise don't think about having a mother-in-law to warm the quilt in the future.

And a family without a mother-in-law is still called home

"I bought the land, he definitely won't be able to grow so much. If he doesn't buy the land, he can use the money to marry a wife... His family is so poor, how can he live after marrying someone else? There are also those four sons, and they are all right now. When they grow up, they will marry wives... tsk tsk!" Li Xiu'er said, very gloating.

At the beginning, if Li Zugen married Zhao Jinge, with Zhao Jinge's ability to work, the family would always be better off, and there was no need to worry about Zhao Jinge running away.

Li Xiu'er came to tell Brother Zhao Jin this, hoping that Brother Zhao Jin would be happy, but in fact, Brother Zhao Jin was not very happy.

He has forgotten what Li Zugen looks like, how can he be free to take care of his affairs now? On the other hand, this Li Xiuer kept talking by his side, and he didn't know whether Jiang Zhen would come.

Zhao Jinge listened very carelessly, and kept his eyes on the road. Because he had never seen Jiang Zhen, his heart was empty, and he hoped that Li Xiuer would leave soon.

Fortunately, Li Xiu'er finally finished, and said again: "Brother Jin, I went to your house, you can continue to work."

Li Xiuer finally let Zhao Jinge leave, Zhao Jinge breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the sun overhead, and walked to the woods by the canal.

In the past, when Jiang Zhen came over, he would give him a wink from outside first, but today he didn't, and he didn't know if Jiang Zhen was here.

Of course Jiang Zhen came. As soon as Brother Zhao Jin entered, he greeted Brother Zhao Jin: "Brother Jin."

The corner of Zhao Jinge's mouth ticked upwards.

Jiang Zhen had come a long time ago, and when he saw someone pulling Zhao Jinge to talk, he hid. He didn't know the woman who was talking to Zhao Jinge, but he thought that it was mostly gossip, so he didn't ask any more questions, but took out food for Zhao Jinge to eat.

The dish he cooked for lunch today was fried cabbage with bacon slices.

It was really inconvenient to eat with a bamboo tube, so he brought a basket. In the basket was a large sea bowl, which was filled with rice, and the fried cabbage with sliced meat was placed on top of the rice.

Compared with the fish soup in the morning, the fried cabbage with sliced meat is really delicious. Zhao Jinge ate a big bowl of rice in a short while, and he felt that he could have two more bowls.

But the food must be eaten sparingly... Zhao Jinge feels that it is good to eat such a bowl of rice at noon.

After eating and drinking enough, Zhao Jinge remembered what happened just now, but he thought that it had nothing to do with him, and he didn't want to talk about Li Zugen in front of Jiang Zhen, so he didn't mention it to Jiang Zhen.

Brother Zhao Jin didn't take Li Zugen seriously at all, but he didn't know that the Li family was thinking about him.

Li Zugen was still thinking about the Xu family, but then the Xu family would definitely not come back.

Their family is old and young, and he, who should be the pillar of the pillar, is still thin and weak, and it is the money sent by the Xu family to pay off the debt and spend part of it, and there are still seven or eighty taels left. These days in the future …

At their home, he worked hard for a year, but he couldn't even grow his family's rations. After that, he would either buy more land or buy food to eat!

They tend to prefer the former, but who do they want to plant when they just bought the land? Who will take care of the food and clothing of the four sons

"Then Zhao Jin-ge heard that he hasn't married yet... Although he is ugly, he has a lot of strength."

"As long as he doesn't bring his parents, our family's life will be better after he gets married."