The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 40: Make money in Fucheng


In ancient times, the information was not smooth, the logistics was inconvenient, and the people had very little money, so that the vast majority of merchants did very little business. Although there were also rich merchants and tycoons, they were only a few, and basically they were all talking about the government. In a relationship, you can make a lot of money.

For example, the Osmanthus Xia family, who married the Xue family in the Red House, was originally only in the flower and grass business, but because of its name in the Ministry of Household, it earned back gold and silver. And really speaking, their business is limited to "Osmanthus Bureau in and outside the city, all of which belong to his family", which is incomparable with the situation of modern chain stores opening all over the country.

Because of this, those merchants who came to buy goods together did not dare to import too much goods, and the situation in Hecheng County could actually consume the amount of goods they imported.

Jiang Zhen entered a shipment like this... They all thought Jiang Zhen was crazy.

Wang Haisheng was also a little worried when he heard the words. They did buy a lot of goods. He felt that there were so many things that he was afraid that he would not be able to sell them for a lifetime...

But anyway, there are real things, and they are all very durable, and the big deal is to keep them for yourself.

"We plan to walk around and sell as we go." Jiang Zhen explained, but he didn't say that he actually wanted to go to Fucheng to sell. Of course, even if he told these people that he wanted to go to Fucheng to sell, these people probably wouldn't Understandable - there are also seafood merchants in Fucheng. Jiang Zhen goes there to do business, how can he rob the local merchants there

"So it turns out, you go to more remote villages, and you should be able to sell some." The humane looked at Jiang Zhen and Wang Haisheng sympathetically. The business of these two people didn't open up, so they could only eat and sleep like this. ran around...

These seafood merchants stayed in this fishing village for a day or two before leaving, and Jiang Zhen took this opportunity to learn about the situation of the fishing village and the private salt he had been thinking about before.

Salt is expensive outside, but in this fishing village, no one makes and sells salt for many reasons.

At this time, the salt-making process was not as good as that of later generations. The salt of later generations was all sun-dried and required not much manpower and material resources. Therefore, those fine salts in supermarkets were only two or three yuan a pack, and a cheap one could be enough. Buy a pack, but this year is different.

Nowadays, people mainly rely on the use of fire to make salt, which makes salt production more troublesome and requires more firewood.

Because of this, it is easier for the people at the salt farm to control the people and prevent them from making salt. For example, in this fishing village, people from the Hongjiang salt farm will send people to look at it from time to time, and find that there are people here who have cut wood and boiled too much salt. , either killed or caught, and over time, no one dared to cook too much salt.

After understanding more, Jiang Zhen let go of his previous idea of selling some private salt.

He didn't think it was such a rebellious idea for him to sell illicit salt, because he didn't have much sense of belonging to the current dynasty called Daqi, and he didn't regard it as his own country at all, and the price of the same necessities was so high. Many people can't afford it, and in his opinion it's too much.

Of course, he did not intend to advocate justice for the people. He had such thoughts before, mainly for the sake of his own life. Similarly, if he traveled back to the 1960s and 1970s, in order to live a good life, he would probably secretly do some speculative things, such as reselling eggs and food stamps.

After all, in essence, he does not agree with such a system.

However, he wanted to sell illicit salt mainly to improve his life, but he didn't intend to lose his own life. When he found that this road would not work, Jiang Zhen decided to let it go, but it was a pity.

It's really not easy to make money these days.

Their small fleet set off again in the early hours of the morning, and when they reached the place where they had been charged a toll of 200 cents before, someone else boarded the boat to check.

There were some men with fierceness on the boat, and after they got on the boat, they started to check the things on the boat, especially the salted fish.

Noticing this, Jiang Zhen felt relieved. He found out before that the people who went with him didn't buy too much salted fish. After thinking about it, he didn't buy much salted fish. Now it seems that he did it right.

"What did you get these things for?" After seeing the goods on Jiang Zhen's boat, the person who checked on the boat stabbed a few clams that Bai Jiang Zhen had packed with fishing nets with a knife.

"This one doesn't need money." Jiang Zhen restrained his aura, looking very inexistent.

"Yes, no money!" The man laughed twice, then stretched out his hand to Jiang Zhen: "Come on, two taels of silver."

Jiang Zhen didn't ask anything, and gave the other two taels of silver.

"Although he's new here, he's very knowledgeable." The man said to Jiang Zhen, jumped out of the boat and left.

Their small fleet was released, and until this time, those who came here with Jiang Zhen did not tell Jiang Zhen some rules, such as... For two hundred catties of salted fish, at least one or two must be offered. Silver, this silver will only be more, not less.

These people didn't seem to reject Jiang Zhen, but in the end they still disliked Jiang Zhen, but Jiang Zhen didn't find it strange, after all, no one likes people who are vying for business with them.

If they were willing to bring him, it was already good for him.

After saying hello to those people, Jiang Zhen separated from them. He and Wang Haisheng did not return to Hecheng County, but diverted to Fucheng.

How to sell his own cargo, Jiang Zhen already had an idea in that fishing village by the sea.

It took almost a day to go to Fucheng from the seaside. Jiang Zhen and Wang Haisheng walked slowly along the river, and they came to Fucheng in the evening.

Along the way, both Jiang Zhen and Wang Haisheng were very busy. One of them rowed the boat, and the other soaked and dried the kelp. At first, they used the traditional method to cut the kelp into several pieces before soaking it. Later, Jiang Zhen became annoyed, and there was not much water on the boat, so he simply The dried kelp was tied with a rope, thrown directly into the water, and allowed to soak in the river before catching it.

After catching it, he took a brush to wash the kelp, and cleaned the kelp one by one.

As for why Jiang Zhen did this, it has to do with the method of eating dried kelp and the way people sell kelp at this time.

People at the seaside will make kelp into dried kelp and sell it to seafood merchants, and when the seafood merchants sell, they also sell dried kelp directly.

However, the treatment method of dried kelp is quite troublesome. Not only does it have to be soaked for a day and a night, but it must also be washed. That’s all. When you buy it, you look at a small piece of kelp. After you soak it, you will find that it is very large!

A piece of kelp is often eaten by a family for a few days. After all, if you eat too much, you will get tired.

Because of this, no matter in supermarkets or vegetable markets, kelp is basically sold in small pieces after soaking. Customers can buy as much as they want, but at this time, everyone only sells dried kelp.

Dried kelp is dark and gray, and it doesn't look very good. The price of a piece of kelp is not cheap. If you convert it, the price of a pound of kelp is the same as pork.

Even if a pound of kelp is soaked, there are many, many, but other than the New Year, ordinary people are really reluctant to spend money on it.

Jiang Zhen planned to soak the kelp and cut it before selling it.

It takes a lot of work to do this, but if it can be sold, it is estimated that it can make a lot more money than selling dried kelp, and it is better to sell.

When they arrived at Fucheng and parked the boat outside the city, Jiang Zhen and Wang Haisheng hurried away.

They soak the kelp in the river, wash it clean, cut off the bad-looking parts, and cut it into filaments.

The two of them kept their hands sore, and they finally cut out 300 catties of kelp, and the 300 catties of kelp were actually cut with only 100 catties of dried kelp.

More importantly, 100 pounds of dried kelp originally appeared in bundles, and it seemed quite a small amount. When the foam was opened, it suddenly became too much, and they couldn't hold it on board!

The prefectural city is very large and very prosperous, and it is simply not comparable to Hecheng County.

Every morning, people from outside the city would come to Fucheng with their own vegetables to sell. Some of them went to the streets and alleys to sell them, while others sold them in fixed places.

One day, a boat appeared in a river in Fucheng. Two men got off the boat, and they also brought down a lot of salted fish and kelp... They were obviously here to sell seafood.

There is a special seafood shop here in Fucheng. People here like to go to familiar places to buy, so no one noticed them at first, and no one bought from them until one of them shouted: "Kelp! Kelp for a penny and a bowl!"

A penny and a bowl of kelp

How is the kelp sold on the bowl

Many people looked over in amazement, and found that someone was selling small, green kelp. The kelp was washed and looked very attractive.

"How do you sell this kelp?" asked an old lady who passed by carrying a basket.

"That's all, a penny." Jiang Zhen grabbed a handful of kelp to the old lady.

The handful of kelp he caught seemed to be quite a lot. When he went home and boiled it, he could indeed have a bowl, but the amount was not much. At least he sold it like this, and he made two or three times as much as selling dried kelp.

He made a profit, and the old lady was very satisfied. She was reluctant to let her sell a large piece of kelp for twenty or thirty cents, but she was willing to spend a cent to add a dish on the table.

After this old lady took the lead in buying kelp, other people also came. Most of them asked for a penny of kelp, and some asked for two or three coins of kelp, so they wanted Jiang Zhen to grab more.

"If you catch more, I will lose?" Jiang Zhen smiled, not giving the other party more kelp, but took two clams from the side as a gift: "Take this, you can play with the children. ."

Many people in this city have never seen Hua Ha, so they were stunned: "What is this?"

"The mussels in the sea are edible, but there is less meat." Jiang Zhen said. He used to be in Hexi Village before, and he always acted like no strangers would enter, and he didn't like to laugh at him to attract guests, but he was short of money.

Why didn't you work for the task before? Isn't it just a little bit of enthusiasm to sell things? Actually nothing.

Of course, he had to do this, mainly because Wang Haisheng not only couldn't attract guests, he didn't even know how to count and couldn't count money.

Jiang Zhen's stall was placed by the river, and their boats were parked in the river. At this moment, Jiang Zhen was in charge of selling things, while Wang Haisheng continued to wash the kelp.

They have to soak the kelp for at least a day before they can sell it, and Wang Haisheng is busy with tomorrow's business at the moment.

Jiang Zhen picked up a lot of clams, which were mainly used as toppings, and sold some of them for three cents a pound. When selling them, Jiang Zhen would ask a few words: "This thing has sand in it, it's best to eat it. In the past few days, or else the meat will be boiled and dug out, washed and then boiled with pickles.” People here often cook mussels with pickles.

At the end of the day, all three hundred catties of kelp were sold, and a lot of salted fish, even those clams, were also sold half.

They sell salted fish at the same price as others, and they don't make much money, but kelp is very profitable. Although the price is cheap, it adds up.

Just selling it like this, the two of them estimated that it would take many days to sell out so many kelp, and they should be very busy during this time.

Last night, Jiang Zhen was busy with kelp and couldn't sleep well. Today, I really don't want to be busy in the middle of the night. After thinking about it, he simply "hired" a twelve- or thirteen-year-old boy with two palm-sized salted fish. help.

The next day, Jiang Zhen continued to sell kelp.

Those who bought kelp for a penny yesterday have basically eaten up the kelp, and some will buy a little more today. In addition, some new customers will come to buy...

Jiang Zhen and Wang Haisheng sold kelp for ten days in total. In the last few days, their business was not very good, because other seafood merchants in Fucheng also learned to soak and cut kelp. Silk is sold.

He finally thought of a way to make money, but he could only earn it once. Jiang Zhen felt it was a pity, but after counting the money he had, he was very satisfied.

He spent about 12 taels of silver on this trip to buy goods plus the money to buy the road, but he sold things for 30 taels of silver these days.

In other words, he made a total of 18 taels this trip, and he almost earned back the money for buying the boat. There was even some sea cargo left on the ship.

Of course, making money is making money, and they are tired enough...

Jiang Zhen and Wang Haisheng discussed it and decided to take a day off before going back, but they didn't know that at this time, Zhao Jinge's family had already been entangled.