The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 46: Fragile bed board


"It's already night, then Zhao Liu's came out to do laundry..."

"In the past, Zhao Fugui and Zhao Jinge were afraid that the river would be too cold, so they didn't let Zhao Liu go to the river to wash clothes, and even cut more firewood to let her boil water for laundry and dishes, but today..."

"This Zhao Liu's eyes were red from crying, and he was probably driven out by that Jiang Boss."

"Then Zhao Jinge looked dumbfounded. He was probably frightened. Yes, no matter how much he looks like a man, he is actually a twin."

"Then Boss Jiang... ah!"

The people in the village have already left their jobs and have nothing to do, so they chat with people in the village, and the main object of their chat is undoubtedly Zhao Fugui's family.

Then Zhao Jinge was taken a fancy to by Boss Jiang, and he didn't know how the Zhao family would live in the future.

The people in the village avoided Zhao Liu's and Zhao Jin's chatting like this, so Zhao Liu's and Zhao Jin's two people didn't even know that they were thinking so "far-reaching".

Even though Zhao Liu's eyes were so red and swollen, in fact, she was very happy and proud at the moment.

Since the death of her eldest son, she has become a sympathetic presence in the village, which makes her even more reluctant to go out, but now... She feels that she can raise her eyebrows.

When Zhao Liu came out to do laundry, he had no intention of showing off in front of the villagers.

As a result... She was washing clothes there, waiting for others to ask about her family, but no one came up to ask, even the few people who were washing dishes by the river looked at her without saying a word At a glance, he left.

Zhao Liushi was extremely depressed. She really wanted to hold those people back and tell them that his brother Jin was going to get married.

He was both happy and tangled in his heart, Zhao Liu's washing action was a lot harder, but Zhao Jinge was completely the opposite.

After Jiang Zhen said those words, he was still a little dizzy and didn't know what to do.

Especially... Jiang Zhen actually said that he wanted to come to his house for a long time... Did Jiang Zhen fall in love with him a long time ago

Even though he has always been very unconfident, at this time, Zhao Jinge believed that Jiang Zhen should like him, and after believing this, he felt so happy that his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Zhao Jinge suddenly felt that saving Jiang Zhen from the river at first, and then serving him porridge to keep him alive was the most correct thing he had ever done in his life.

"Then Zhao Jin used to work so neatly? Now he doesn't move anymore."

"Zhao Liu's laundry looks like he wants to tear his clothes."

"They probably don't feel well in their hearts, it's so pitiful..."

The villagers felt more sympathetic to the Zhao family.

Although they like to watch other people lively, although they sometimes break their mouths and gossip, but after they really feel sorry for the Zhao family, no one will go up to lift the scars of the Zhao family.

So... Zhao Liu's clothes were all washed, and no one came up to ask her about Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Liu's heart was extremely depressed, but in the end he could only go home in frustration.

However, when she saw what Jiang Zhen gave her, she became happy again.

When she got married before, Zhao Fugui also gave her a bracelet, but when the family was short of money, the bracelet was naturally sold, so that she didn't have any jewelry before.

But now, she has another bracelet.

"My son, this bracelet looks much better than the one you bought for me." Zhao Liu put the bracelet on his wrist and showed it to Zhao Fugui.

"My bracelet is big!" Zhao Fugui said dissatisfiedly. He bought a bracelet for Zhao Liu, but he bought the largest bracelet he could afford!

"It's big, but it doesn't look good!" Zhao Liushi said, the bracelet was stupid and thick, and it was inconvenient to wear it for work, so she didn't wear it much.

Although the bracelet that Jiang Zhen gave was a little small, it was small and beautiful, and it was just right to wear.

Zhao Liu looked at the bracelet, and the more he looked, the more he liked it. Zhao Fugui saw this scene next to him, but his face turned black. What is his mother-in-law showing off what others gave him

However, Zhao Liushi didn't realize it, and was still praising Jiang Zhen, and took out the rouge that Jiang Zhen sent, picked a bit of it with his fingernails and applied it to his lips, and asked Zhao Fugui if it looked good.

What's so cool about the darkness at night! Zhao Fugui snorted twice.

Speaking of which, Jiang Zhen is actually not aesthetically pleasing, and he has no money on hand, so when choosing rouge for Zhao Liu, he chose not only the most common, but also the cheapest.

If you put it in modern times and give your husband and wife the cheapest lipstick, then you shouldn't want to marry another girl, but this was in ancient times, and Zhao Liu's family didn't even have a box of rouge before.

So, she didn't think she liked such a box of rouge.

Zhao Fugui's face became even darker. If he had known that Zhao Liu's liked these things that couldn't be eaten and used, he would have spent money to buy a box for her!

But... If he gave Zhao Liushi this thing before, Zhao Liushi would probably get angry with him and think he was spending money indiscriminately.

After Zhao Liu reluctantly wiped off the rouge on his lips and went to bed, he kept talking about Jiang Zhen, while on the other side, Zhao Jinge was also thinking about Jiang Zhen.

Will Jiang Zhen come over tonight

Zhao Jinge was restless, afraid that Jiang Zhen would not come because he thought he was asleep, so he opened the window and waited.

In fact... He opened the window and waited last night, hoping that Jiang Zhen would come to him, but he waited all night, but he didn't wait for Jiang Zhen, and then fell asleep in a daze.

Because of this, when he woke up this morning, he was actually apprehensive. He was afraid that Jiang Zhen was just talking about it casually. In fact, he didn't plan to come to his house to propose marriage today.

The heart he was holding didn't finally let go until he learned from Wang Yu'er that Jiang Zhen had gone to the county seat. At this moment, his heart had already hit the ground, but it was beating very fast.

If Jiang Zhen didn't come here tonight to ask for a reward and take advantage of it, then he would not be Jiang Zhen.

Just thinking that he seemed to drop a bomb at Zhao's house today, afraid that Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu would be too excited to sleep late, so he didn't dare to come over early, and finally came much later than usual.

When he came over, he was worried that Brother Zhao Jin had already fallen asleep, and he didn't want to see the window of Zhao's house open...

Jiang Zhen easily entered Zhao Jinge's house, and then closed the window.

"Brother Jin, do you want me?" Jiang Zhen asked in a low voice, throwing himself on the bed and pressing him on Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Jinge was startled by Jiang Zhen, and as soon as he struggled, the bed board, which was not very stable, suddenly made a "squeaky" sound, which startled both of them.

"You... get out of the way." Feeling Jiang Zhen's entire body lying on top of him, Zhao Jinge's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This... this... this posture is wrong.

"That's pretty good... and now that I move, the bed will move too." Jiang Zhen said again, Zhao Jinge's bed is just made of wooden planks, and the quality is so bad that there is a sound when he turns over.

Speaking of which, before getting married, he had better get a firm bed and come back, otherwise it would be too inconvenient to do things in the future.

Zhao Jinge's face blushed, and he really didn't dare to move. Jiang Zhen lowered his head and kissed Zhao Jinge's mouth when he saw him like this.

Before Jiang Zhen did not kiss Zhao Jinge less often, but he always kissed him very simply. No matter how much more, he would not do the same thing. He would lie on the bed with Zhao Jinge, or at most touch a few hands, always within Zhao Jinge's tolerance. within the range.

But this time... Jiang Zhen stuck his tongue into Zhao Jinge's mouth.

Brother Zhao Jin lay quietly and was kissed by Jiang Zhen, but Jiang Zhen didn't kiss him casually as usual, but bit and licked his lips.

Jiang Zhen also licked it before, just lick it... Zhao Jinge still didn't move, but at this moment, Jiang Zhen suddenly pried open his mouth with his tongue, and then stuck his tongue into his mouth.

This... this... Jiang Zhen, what is he doing

Zhao Jinge was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to close his mouth, but accidentally bit Jiang Zhen's tongue.

This was also the first time that Jiang Zhen had a French kiss with someone. He was just trying to get bitten, and then he made a "hiss" sound and ducked to the side again.

"Bang!" The bed board suddenly made a loud sound, it seemed, there was another piece cracked

Jiang Zhen looked at the obviously broken bed board below his knees, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Brother Jin, what's the matter?" Zhao Liu couldn't sleep, and when he heard movement in his son's room, he couldn't help shouting.

"Mother, I'm fine, it's just... I just can't sleep." Brother Zhao Jin said, he took Jiang Zhen's hand and felt extremely guilty... Why did he bite Jiang Zhen? !

Jiang Zhen wasn't bitten by him, right

Zhao Jinge dealt with Zhao Liu's, and was about to go to see Jiang Zhen's situation, but he was blocked again. He didn't dare to move this time. He was afraid that he would accidentally bite Jiang Zhen again, so he just lay silently. , and let Jiang Zhen's tongue rage in his mouth.

This guy Jiang Zhen actually eats his saliva, how bad is this...

Zhao Jinge felt a little bad, but he couldn't deny that he liked this feeling again. Jiang Zhen treated him like this, which made him feel that he was cherished and loved by Jiang Zhen.

Although Jiang Zhen's tongue was bitten, Zhao Jinge was still merciful, so there was no serious problem, and now he can kiss Zhao Jinge well.

Zhao Jinge's body was stiff, and he stopped breathing several times. It was really interesting... Originally Jiang Zhen was worried that his skills were not good, but now... He suddenly realized that he didn't have to worry at all.

Compared with Zhao Jinge, who can't do anything, his skills are absolutely too good!

Jiang Zhen has been very busy a few days ago, and now he is somewhat tired, not to mention that it is impossible for him to finish with Zhao Jinge now. So when the kiss was enough, he said, "Go to sleep."

After he finished speaking, he turned over and fell asleep immediately.

He had been sleeping on the boat a few days ago, he was somewhat unaccustomed, and now he finally slept on a solid bed!

Although one of the bed boards was broken, the bed was made up of more than a dozen bed boards, which had little impact.

Jiang Zhen slept well, but Zhao Jinge was different. He was so tossed by Jiang Zhen that he couldn't sleep again.

Zhao Jinge, who couldn't sleep, just lay on the bed for a long time before finally closing his eyes.

Early the next morning, Zhao Jinge was woken up by Zhao Liu's knock on the door.

"Brother Jin, get up, go and call Jiang Zhen over for dinner." Zhao Liu shouted from outside the house.

Brother Zhao Jin woke up suddenly, and then met the eyes of Jiang Zhen who woke up at the same time beside him.

"Brother Jin, get up quickly, why are you up so late today? What if Jiang Zhen is hungry?" Zhao Liushi shouted again: "Go and call someone!"

Zhao Jinge: "..."

Jiang Zhen: "..."

Jiang Zhen didn't dare to open the door directly to go out for breakfast, so he could only sneak out of the window, return to his residence, and wait for Zhao Jinge to call him to eat.

This is too much trouble, I really hope to get married soon.

Because Jiang Zhen said that he would come to eat in the future, the porridge made this morning was very thick, and he even made two special dishes.

She usually has a lot of free time, so she has time to fiddle with food. Under the same conditions of lack of oil and salt, the food she cooks is much better than Jiang Zhen's. For example, the plate of pickled lettuce is crunchy. The place is very appetizing.

Jiang Zhen drank two bowls of porridge in one breath, insisted on moving his food to Zhao's house, and left some salted fish and kelp for Zhao Liu's family, and then called Shang Wang Haisheng to go out.

After he went out, Zhao Liu cut the vegetable leaves into small pieces, and then began to feed the chickens and ducks. She also added some water to the remaining porridge and brought them to them.

These chicks and ducks can sell for money when they grow up. She must take care of them!

As long as Zhao Liushi thought that everything he had done was for the sake of his future grandson, his whole body was full of energy. Also motivated are Zhao Fugui and Zhao Jinge.

Thinking that it would be better to earn more money as a dowry gift, Zhao Jinge and Zhao Fugui went out to work early in the morning.

After everyone left, Zhao Liu was left alone in the Zhao family to serve a group of ducks. At this time, someone with a good relationship with her finally came.

When the man came up, he poked Zhao Liu's scar and talked about the ducks: "Did Boss Jiang get these ducks?"

"Yes." Zhao Liu nodded.

"You're... raising ducks for Boss Jiang?" The man asked again. She didn't think Jiang Zhen would kindly send a group of ducklings to Zhao Liu's family.

"Yeah." Zhao Liushi nodded. That person was right. She was indeed raising ducks for Jiang Zhen. Wouldn't everything she and Zhao Fugui belong to Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge in the future

"Let me tell you, Jiang Zhenren is really good, yesterday..." Zhao Liu raised his wrist, about to show off the bracelet on his wrist.

It was a coincidence that Jiang Zhen came back with two wooden barrels at this time.

When the person who was talking to Zhao Liushi saw Jiang Zhen, he immediately ran away, and did not hear what Zhao Liushi said later. Zhao Liu, who originally wanted to show off, could only watch the man go away in despair...

"Mother, I went to the river to get some snails and small fish back." Jiang Zhen said.

Everyone got up early. Jiang Zhen and Wang Haisheng went to work on the boat at about seven o'clock. It took three or four hours to catch some fish. Not to mention, Wang Haisheng's two children were still on the shore to help him touch it. Barrel snails.

The grown ducks can directly swallow the whole snails into their stomachs, and they can still digest them, but the ducklings can’t. She has been feeding her for a while, and now the five ducks are not too small. As for the smaller ones, they can only feed some small fish and fish intestines for the time being, and they have to be cut into small ones before feeding.

Zhao Liu took a look and found that Jiang Zhen brought back a bucket of snails and a bucket of small fish. She was happy, but she forgot what she wanted to show off: "You leave it alone, I I'll clean up right away, ah, I'll have to wait to clean up, I'll cook first."

Because of Jiang Zhen's presence, Zhao Liu, who didn't cook lunch before, plans to cook lunch now, and plans to make it a bit richer.

At noon, Jiang Zhen ate two bowls of rice with the meat left over from yesterday and some new vegetarian dishes made by Zhao Liu, and then asked Zhao Liu to pack a bowl of rice and vegetables that were compacted. Said to be sent to Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Liu was very moved, and he was overjoyed.

Jiang Zhen cares so much about her brother Jin, he will definitely live a good life in the future, and she can rest assured!

In the next day, she will go and ask the blind man in the next village to see what is the most suitable day for marriage.

It's better to do this marriage as soon as possible.