The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 48: Encountered with robbers


What Jiang Zhen does today is the same as yesterday.

He went to catch fish with Wang Haisheng early in the morning. After catching the fish, he went to the county town with Wang Haisheng to sell fish and the rest of the seafood.

On this day, they sold another 2 taels of silver, and they sold almost all the fish and seafood. It was a worry.

All the goods in his hand had been disposed of, and he had nearly 30 taels of capital. Jiang Zhen thought about waiting for him to become a relative before going out to buy some seafood, by the way, to see if there was any other business that he could do.

When he returned to Zhao's house in the evening, Jiang Zhen told Zhao Jinge his plan, and by the way molested Zhao Jinge.

Because Zhao Liushi and Zhao Fugui might come back, Jiang Zhen went back to his residence after dinner. He didn't go to Zhao's house until he waited for an hour, and he didn't wait for Zhao Fugui and his wife to come back.

Today, Zhao Fugui and his wife are not at home. After the two meet, they don't even dare to talk like before, and they finally lie on the bed side by side and talk a lot.

While talking, Jiang Zhen mentioned something.

When he was picking up clams with Wang Haisheng at the beach, he picked up some rather unique shells by the way, but he forgot about it before, so he didn't bring them to Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Jinge had not seen shells before, and was very interested in them. Jiang Zhen immediately got up from the bed and wanted to go home to get them.

Although Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu's have recognized the relationship between Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jin, but with them, Jiang Zhen is not good at giving gifts to Zhao Jin during the day, so it is better to give some things at night.

Zhao Jinge thought it was quite troublesome, but Jiang Zhen didn't feel troublesome at all, so he went to get the shells, while Zhao Jinge lit the lamp and waited for him in the room.

At night, there was no one in the village, so they didn't think they would be seen, but...

Zhao Fugui held Zhao Liu's hand in the dark, always feeling a little out of breath.

He hoped that Brother Zhao Jin could marry Jiang Zhen soon. After all, he was very satisfied with Jiang Zhen, but even so, he was still annoyed when he saw Jiang Zhen climbing his child's window.

This Jiang Zhen actually... can't wait a few more days? !

Zhao Liushi had recovered by this time, and was also angry.

Her brother Jin hasn't married Jiang Zhen yet, how could Jiang Zhen be like this!

The two slowly had to walk in the direction of their own home, and along the way, Zhao Liu became more and more tangled.

She suddenly thought that she couldn't sleep one night and saw Jiang Zhen wandering near her house... At that time, she thought that Jiang Zhen was trying to steal something from his house, but now it seems... that Jiang Zhen didn't come to steal at all. To steal things, but to steal people!

No wonder Brother Jin always spoke for him at that time!

The more Zhao Liu thought about it, the more depressed he became, and then he remembered something...

Today, Brother Jin took out a broken bed from his room. There was still movement in Brother Jin's room the night before...

Brother Jin has always been sleeping very well, how could it possibly crush the bed board? so…

Her own twins were bitten by someone... Zhao Liu's mood was extremely complicated.

How could Jiang Zhen do this? What if you have children? The spittle of the villagers can drown Brother Jin!

However, someone from her family's brother Jin came to climb the window in the middle of the night... For some unknown reason, Mrs. Zhao Liu was a little happy in addition to being angry.

At this time, Zhao Liushi and Zhao Fugui had already walked to Zhao Jinge's window.

"Brother Jin, kiss me and I'll give it to you." Jiang Zhen held a shell and said to Brother Zhao Jin. He is actually a very alert person, but he is sitting on Brother Zhao's bed and hugging Brother Zhao. If he could still be as alert as usual under such circumstances, he would be a saint.

Of course he can't be a saint, ahem, he's still hard at the moment...

Since his parents agreed to his marriage with Jiang Zhen, Zhao Jinge was very generous in front of Jiang Zhen. Now Jiang Zhen asked him to kiss him, and he really did.

However, Jiang Zhen was still dissatisfied: "You can't kiss like this, you have to kiss on the mouth and stick out your tongue." Jiang Zhen followed suit.

Before Zhao Jinge could move, there was a knock on his window, and Zhao Fugui's coughing sound came from outside.

Just as he was thinking about whether to listen to Jiang Zhen's words and kiss Jiang Zhen, Brother Zhao Jin froze, even Jiang Zhen was also a little frightened.

In the middle of the night, I ran into my future wife's room and was caught by my husband's mother-in-law... This is definitely something that will annoy my father-in-law.

Jiang Zhen was sent out of the Zhao family, Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu didn't say a word to him, but he still had a feeling that he might be unlucky.

His hunch was right. After asking Jiang Zhen out, Zhao Fugui and his wife sat in front of Zhao Jinge and asked, "When did it start?"

"Last month..." Zhao Jinge said.

Last month, before Jiang Zhen went out to sell seafood... My son and that Jiang Zhen, actually...

Both Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu were silent. They are very satisfied with Jiang Zhen, but now...

"It's too soon to get married in 12 days. It's better after two months." Zhao Fugui said.

Zhao Liu also nodded in agreement: "Yes, we can't get married too hastily, it's better to wait for two months."

The two of them agreed, but after a while, Zhao Liushi said again: "Two months is too long, and the night is long and dreamy..."

"Let's get married in a month." Zhao Fugui said, and couldn't help but glanced at Zhao Jinge's belly... Even if there is, it shouldn't be seen in another month

The next day, Jiang Zhen was told by Zhao Liu, who had wanted to marry Zhao Jinge in a few days, that their marriage would not be held until a month later.

At the same time, Zhao Liushi also said that before getting married, it is best for the young couple not to meet each other, so she will not let Jiang Zhen come to their house to eat when she will deliver food to Jiang Zhen in the future. She comes.

As for the night... Zhao Liu said that he wanted to teach Brother Zhao Jin something, and slept directly on the bamboo couch in Brother Zhao Jin's house.

At this time, the weather is already hot, even wearing a single shirt will not freeze, and sleeping on the bamboo couch is no problem.

Jiang Zhen: "..." If he knew that night, he endured it for a while. It was said that he could get married in ten days, but now it has become a month later.

One month, how are you going to spend this day

However, he also understands Zhao Fugui and his wife. If he has a daughter, and a bastard sneaks up on his daughter's window, he will definitely be angry and unhappy.

He wouldn't even be so calm, he would probably grab the bastard and beat him up.

Speaking of which, if he hadn't come to the door sincerely to ask for a kiss before, Zhao Fugui and his wife would never have been able to talk so well, and they would have given him delicious food every day.

After eating all the food brought by Zhao Liushi, Jiang Zhen thought about it and decided that it would be better for him to go out again.

Now that he can't eat or even see Brother Zhao Jin, he might as well go out and do some business to make some money.

He didn't think about it before. He just wanted to be durable and bought some coarse cloth for Zhao Jinge, but then he thought about it... When he got married, he didn't have any better clothes to wear, which made Zhao Jinge wrong.

Jiang Zhen has always been a person who made a decision and wanted to do it immediately. After making that decision, he immediately found Zhao Fugui and his wife, and told them that he planned to sell some more seafood.

"It's about to get married..." Zhao Liushi was a little hesitant. Before Jiang Zhen went away, she didn't take it seriously, but now she couldn't help but worry.

How dangerous is it out there! Some people in their village had gone far away before, but they never came back.

"There's still a month. And I originally planned to do business to make money in the future. Even if I don't leave this time, I'll have to go out after a while." Jiang Zhen said.

Zhao Liu looked at Jiang Zhen and was a little worried that Jiang Zhen was unhappy because he and Zhao Fugui didn't let him meet Zhao Jinge, so he wanted to go out: "Jiang Zhen, these few days..."

"It was my fault before, I did it before." Jiang Zhen apologized, but it was a bit inappropriate for him to climb the window. If he didn't see Zhao Fugui and his wife, I'm afraid that Zhao Jinge would have to endure a lot of rumors.

"Go and tell Brother Jin." Zhao Liushi glanced at Jiang Zhen and said, she actually didn't want to stop Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge from getting close, but the two were not married...

Jiang Zhen went to meet Zhao Jinge, told Zhao Jinge that he would be away for a while, and then went out with Wang Haisheng the next day.

Wang Haisheng followed Jiang Zhen and had no wages for the time being, but his wife and children had a house to live in and food to eat, so he was very satisfied.

Although his boat has become Jiang Zhen's, the life of their family is much better than before!

Jiang Zhen and Wang Haisheng went to the seaside fishing village again to buy goods. He bought the same goods as last time, but the kelp was not as much as last time. At the same time, he and Wang Haisheng also went to the beach to pick up five hundred catties of clams.

Facts have proved that their decision was very correct, because as soon as they arrived in Fucheng, the owner of a restaurant came to the door and bought all the five hundred catties of clams at the price of one tael of silver and one hundred catties.

It is rare to see live seafood here in Fucheng, and the last time Jiang Zhen came here with clams, it made the people here realize that such a kind is similar to mussels, but much smaller than mussels. Also a lot of pretty food.

No, some restaurants found business opportunities and took the initiative to buy clams.

The clams were the first to sell out. Then, Jiang Zhen stayed in Fucheng for three or four days, selling some of the marine goods on the ship, and by the way, bought various goods from Fucheng and loaded them on his own ship.

In addition, he went to a cloth shop to buy cloth, and found a tailor with good craftsmanship in Fucheng, and asked him to make clothes according to his own size and that of Zhao Jinge.

As for how did he know about Zhao Jinge's size... These days, he has been hugging and hugging Zhao Jinge a lot. It would be strange if he didn't know Zhao Jinge's size!

After doing all this, Jiang Zhen and Wang Haisheng left the palace.

In Fucheng, some things are more expensive, but some things are much cheaper than small places. For example, things like soy sauce, oil, sugar, etc., are much cheaper than the county town because there are specialized workshops here in the prefecture. In the countryside, these things are even more unaffordable.

At this time, not all the poor people lived in the countryside, and even almost every village had one or two landlords or rich people.

Jiang Zhen took Wang Haisheng along the river to the villages one by one to sell the goods on the boat, and the guests they mainly aimed at were the rich landlords in those villages.

"This is the best fabric in Fucheng."

"This wine and vinegar, you smell it, this is from the best workshop in Fucheng, with a history of hundreds of years."

"I still have seafood here, you can also take a look."

Jiang Zhen turned his boat into a small grocery store. Because he carried a lot more goods than the merchants who usually carry the burden and sell them in various villages, the quality was good, but he bought it very well. , and later met a county magistrate who resigned and returned to his hometown, and even gave his goods round.

This county magistrate lives in the countryside, has a lot of servants, and has money on hand. It is inconvenient to go out to buy things. Now that someone brings things to the door, he doesn't care if it is a little expensive.

After wandering around like this, it has been ten days since they went out. Jiang Zhen is very tired, but thinking of earning nearly twenty taels, the whole person is refreshed.

After calculating the time, Jiang Zhen decided to come again without hesitation, and Wang Haisheng also agreed with his decision.

They went to the fishing village again, and this time, they brought in less salted fish and kelp. They asked the villagers to pick up clams at a price of one cent and two catties, and finally took away a thousand catties of clams. There are a lot less clams on the beach here.

This thing can be raised for a period of time, and it is not expensive, so after bringing this thousand catties of clams to Fucheng, Jiang Zhen quickly found a buyer for them to look at restaurants or restaurants, and finally It was sold for ten taels of silver.

They bought a lot of goods in the county town again, more for the good ones, and a little less for the bad ones. Then, like last time, they waved the boat to the villages to sell.

With the previous experience, they sold land faster and made more money this time.

"I didn't expect this headband to sell so well." Wang Haisheng tidied up the headbands and couldn't help smacking his tongue.

Jiang Zhen bought some beautiful headbands, and also bought some brightly colored leftovers from cloth shops and tailors. These things are very low cost, and no one wants them in Fucheng, but they sell very well in the countryside. A red headband A penny, a piece of red cloth that is two fingers wide and palm long, looks inconspicuous, but the profit is higher than that of soaked kelp.

"Women's business is best." Jiang Zhendao, most of the women in this village have no money to make new clothes and new jewelry, but spend a cent or two to buy some brightly colored little things, make small flowers and wear them on their heads However, everyone can afford it.

"Jiang Zhen, can you give me these cloth strips?" Wang Haisheng asked Jiang Zhen with a few longer cloth strips.

"Yes." Jiang Zhen agreed without hesitation.

Wang Haisheng was instantly overjoyed, and said again: "Jiang Zhen, do you want to leave a few for Zhao Jinge? How beautiful are these cloths?"

"No need." Jiang Zhen rejected Wang Haisheng's proposal without hesitation. If he made a lot of money this time, it would be nice to send a silver hairpin to Brother Zhao Jin, but these brightly colored pieces of cloth are fine.

If Zhao Jinge made them into flowers and wore them on his head... He couldn't imagine the scene.

This trip made more money than expected. Jiang Zhen was thinking that it would be better to buy something for Zhao Jinge as a gift, when his boat was suddenly hit by someone.

It was getting dark now. Jiang Zhen and Wang Haisheng had parked the boat on the shore to rest. When they were hit so hard, the oil lamps on the table were overturned.

"Who?" Jiang Zhen walked out of the cabin frowning, and then found that his boat was surrounded by two small boats.

There were three people standing on each of the two ships, looking like a bad visitor. When they saw Jiang Zhen, one of them said: "Hey, on board, please hand over the money and goods! Otherwise..."

This is... a robber!