The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 5: Swear to kill you again


Jiang Zhen turned a deaf ear to Mrs. Jiang's scolding, but he was once again clearly aware of Boss Jiang's status in this family.

If Boss Jiang was idle and lazy, he wouldn't find it strange that his family rejected Jiang Zhen, but in fact, most of the manual work in this family was done by Boss Jiang.

For the past two years, Boss Jiang always felt that he was sore and heavy, and he couldn't do anything, but at the request of his parents, he still worked in the fields all day long. He never opened his mouth or communicated with others. He lived a difficult and undisturbed life. The only consolation was the occasional "brother" from Jiang Xiaomei, a little attention.

"You bastard..." The old lady Jiang was still scolding, but Jiang Zhen suddenly stepped forward, sat down at the table, and then took the chopsticks and started eating.

"Who allowed you to eat at the table?" The old lady Jiang was already angry, and she was even more angry when she saw Jiang Zhen sitting at the table.

By the way, for a long time, Boss Jiang has not been allowed to eat at the table. Usually, everyone has finished eating. He will eat some leftovers while washing dishes. Occasionally, if there is no leftovers, he can only be hungry. .

Fortunately, cooking with an iron pot inevitably results in a layer of hard and unpalatable rice noodles, and it is this layer of rice noodles that prevents Boss Jiang from starving to death.

Jiang Zhen just ate the vegetables with chopsticks when he couldn't hear Mrs. Jiang's words. He didn't have a job, so he just kept on eating vegetables. Since his body had not fully recovered, he didn't dare to eat too much meat, so he only ate half meat and half vegetarian dishes.

But this already made Mrs. Jiang unbearable. She stood up and grabbed the tableware and chopsticks in Jiang Zhen's hand: "This dish is going to be reserved for tomorrow, who will let you eat it?"

Said, the thin old lady Jiang stood up and took a broom from the side to hit Jiang Zhen.

When Mrs. Jiang stood up, Jiang Zhen stood up with him. He took the big bowl that Mrs. Jiang had filled with two chicken legs, pulled a large bowl of rice into it from the rice bucket next to it, and put it in. The bowls were piled up.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Jiang Lao Er frowned when he saw that Jiang Boss actually took the chicken legs for his son, and as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Jiang Zhen holding the bowl in one hand and grabbing the corner of the table with the other. Just overturned the table.

The wooden Eight Immortals Table fell to the ground, the porcelain bowls on the table were smashed, and the dishes were all mixed up on the ground.

Jiang Xiaomei, holding chopsticks in one hand and chicken wings in the other, was stunned. Old man Jiang, who was sitting opposite to Boss Jiang, was the first to bear the brunt after the table was overturned. Her clothes were covered with vegetable soup and oily stains. She was so angry that she could not speak. , Even Mrs. Jiang, who was about to hit someone with a broom, was stunned.

Boss Jiang has always been quiet, and they all thought that he would be beaten without a word, but never thought...

"You killed this day, you dared to lift the table, you turned against you!" Madam Jiang charged towards Jiang Zhen with a broom. There were a lot of good ingredients in that table. Now, half of them had to be ruined by such a fall, and the dishes were also shattered. She was so distressed that she could hardly breathe.

Mr. Jiang stood up and called her, but Jiang Zhen wouldn't. Holding the big bowl with two chicken legs and a bowl of rice, he walked away from Mrs. Jiang and entered the general utility room of Jiang's family, which was also the residence of Mr. Jiang.

"You bastard, you've gone against the sky!" Madam Jiang chased after him and was about to enter the utility room to beat someone, but Jiang Zhen had already bolted the door inside, where would Madam Jiang get in

But she couldn't get in, but she was able to scold people outside, and every word of swearing came out of her mouth so uninterruptedly, as if it wasn't her son in the house, but the enemy who killed her whole family.

But in fact, Jiang Zhen'e never harmed her.

When old man Jiang went to join the army, he really had nothing to do with Boss Jiang. Even if she hadn't given birth to Boss Jiang and had a son by his side, after five years of military service with old Jiang, everyone thought he was dead. In this case, the land may be taken away by the Jiang family uncle.

Later, Mrs. Jiang's life got better and better, and it was even more inseparable from the relationship with Mr. Jiang - Mr. Jiang wanted his mother to treat him better, and for Mrs. Jiang, he did whatever he was told.

Hearing the voices outside, Jiang Zhen felt a sullen rush in his heart, which made him inevitably irritable.

With a sneer, Jiang Zhen pulled out a machete from the utility room and took a few steps forward to open the door.

"Little beast..." When Mrs. Jiang saw the door open, she opened her mouth and scolded, and then stopped abruptly.

There was a knife, a big knife, just facing her face, it shone darkly in the dark night, looking murderous. If she rushed forward, she might be cut in the face by the knife. .

"You curse, continue to curse, come!" Jiang Zhen took the knife and took a step forward with a sneer.

Madam Jiang subconsciously shrank her neck and stepped back, looking at Jiang Zhen as if she had seen a ghost: "You, you..."

"If you have the ability, you can continue to scold you. Believe it or not, I will hack you to death!" Jiang Zhen looked at Mrs. Jiang with a ruthless gaze. He actually advocated violence. He had the urge to pinch people's necks. Speaking of which, it was really thanks to psychiatrists and the military's brainwashing education that they couldn't kill civilians and should protect them, so he didn't become a murderer, and even died trying to save people's lives.

Mrs. Jiang was very arrogant at home, but she didn't dare to use a knife with others. Now she saw Jiang Zhen holding a knife with a ferocious look, her legs couldn't help shaking, and then her legs went soft. Also collapsed to the ground. For some reason, she felt that her son was really going to kill her.

This little beast!

"You'd better not bother me!" Jiang Zhen waved the knife in his hand, went back to the room with a cold snort, and slammed the door shut again, leaving only the Jiang family outside looking at him in shock. door.

This... This... Is this person still the honest and honest Boss Jiang

The old man Jiang was a butcher, and he was very strong. He was doused with dishes just now. He wanted to teach his eldest son a lesson, but after seeing the knife and hearing his son's cold voice, he didn't dare to move. .

Jiang Lao Er, his wife Huang Shi and Jiang Xiaomei didn't dare to move, they all stood dumbfounded.

"That bastard..." Mrs. Jiang was still in shock, but she was scolding someone, and after scolding someone, she couldn't help shaking.

"Cough, okay, today is the candle night in the third bridal chamber, so let's stop arguing, so as not to let the third daughter-in-law see the joke." Jiang old man said, and then looked at his second son: "Chengcai, you and your daughter-in-law go back to the room. Go, don't wake up Yuanwen with such a big movement."

The old man Jiang gave the old lady Jiang a step down, and the frightened old lady Jiang followed.

She was so angry now that she wanted to beat her eldest son severely, but what happened just now made her afraid.

Wait until tomorrow to clean up that little bastard! Madam Jiang got up from the ground and felt distressed when she saw the mess in the main room, she quickly greeted Jiang Xiaomei: "Little girl, little girl! Go and pick up those vegetables, especially the meat, you can eat it even after washing it! "

The Jiang family is a wealthy family in Hexi Village, but they cannot afford to live in a brick house. Their house is firmly rammed with soil. Although there are beams and tiles on the top, the bottom is still muddy, and those vegetables fall off. On the muddy ground, it is really impossible to eat without washing.

"There are only a few bowls in the house, and several were broken at once, so why doesn't the debt collector die?" Madam Jiang felt a pain in her heart when she saw a few pieces of porcelain bowls.

Jiang Xiaomei is usually very favored at home, but at this time, she didn't dare to say a word. She silently packed out the food that could be eaten, and fed the pigs that could not be eaten. She was busy with Mrs. Jiang for half an hour, and washed again Go to bed with a bowl.

The Jiang family went to bed, and there was no movement outside, so Jiang Zhen could finally sleep peacefully.

Just now, Mrs. Jiang was driven away, and after he entered the house and fastened the door bolt, he was paralyzed on the ground—this body is really useless.

The most important thing is to take good care of your body.

There is no bed in this utility room, but there are many straws piled up in the corner, and there is Boss Jiang's bed.

The land in the south of the Yangtze River is fertile, and every household grows rice. Except for the Zhao family, who are too poor, they have to eat sweet potatoes every day. Most people eat rice and porridge for one meal, and they use it for cooking. Firewood, mainly straw.

The Zhao family has a lot of land and straw. Boss Jiang dug a hole in the straw pile in the Jiang family's utility room to live in, so he wouldn't be frozen, but it was a little uncomfortable to sleep like this.

Jiang Zhen has the memory of Boss Jiang. After returning to Jiang's house, he wanted to occupy the bed of Old Man Jiang and Mrs. Jiang. After all, Mrs. Jiang would not treat herself badly. Their bed must be comfortable to sleep in, but he Still didn't do that, not for anything else, just because there was a knife in the utility room where Boss Jiang used to live, and now, he needs to have enough deterrent.

Old man Jiang was a butcher. He had two knives in his hand. One was a sharp knife for stabbing pigs’ necks, less than a foot long and no more than two fingers wide. The other was a machete that could cut off pig bones. The axe is almost the same, and this knife is the one Jiang Zhen used to scare people before.

Jiang Zhen got into the thatched pile, put the knife beside him, and fell asleep again, until the light came in through the window paper, and finally woke up.

After a night of sleep, Jiang Zhen felt that the whole person was much more relaxed and his strength was stronger. He got out of the straw hole where a few tattered clothes were laid, and slowly took the bowl of rice that he had taken before overturning the table yesterday. ate.

This ancient rice is not as clean as later generations, but Jiang's rice is relatively good. On the one hand, Jiang Lao Er and Jiang Lao San don't like to eat rice that raises the throat. On the other hand, Jiang Lao San There are several pigs at home, and rice bran can be used to feed the pigs.

Jiang Zhen slowly chewed the rice in the bowl, ate half of it in one go, and ate another chicken leg. Then he went to the haystack again and continued to rest.