The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 51: other bullies


Jiang Zhen has been gone for more than 20 days and hasn't come back. Zhao Liu's is actually very worried, worried about what happened to Jiang Zhen outside.

"Xiaoshan, when do you think Jiang Zhen will come back?" Zhao Liu asked Sun Xiaoshan, who was feeding the ducks in front of him.

Sun Xiaoshan has been fishing with Wang Haisheng all these years. Although there is no fishing boat at the moment, he can catch some fish with the fishing net and bamboo basket.

For example, today, he brought back two special bamboo baskets containing fish. The bamboo basket has a big hole, and the hole gets smaller and smaller as it goes inward. Earthworms are put in it, and the fish get in and eat the earthworms. Can't get out.

Hearing Zhao Liu's questioning himself, Sun Xiaoshan paused, and then whispered, "I don't know." As he said, he took out the fish from the bamboo basket, and then began to chop the fish.

Sun Xiaoshan would rather eat wild vegetable porridge than fish. These days, he goes to catch fish and snail lions, all for the purpose of feeding ducks, but Zhao Liu is often reluctant to feed the ducks with those fish, and he picks big fish to cook every day. cooked to eat.

Their family has eaten like this for more than 20 days. Although they are tired of eating fish, the health of the family members looks much better, especially Zhao Jinge.

He thought that Jiang Zhen had asked him to eat fish to keep his body healthy. Now that there is no shortage of fish at home, he would eat as much as possible. Now his complexion is getting better.

"They shouldn't be in danger, right? Jiang Zhen is very powerful. Even if he encounters trouble, he should be able to solve it?" Zhao Liu kept talking.

Sun Xiaoshan kept silent, and threw the chopped fish in his hand to the ducks to eat.

Two of the ducks that Jiang Zhen bought at the time had fallen ill and died in these days, but the others were all growing well. They have grown quite a bit now, they can eat everything, and they look very lively.

Chickens and ducks are raised in this country. Those who have been raised for a long time will be free-range. At that time, chickens and ducks can already recognize their way home, but they are generally not free-range when they are still young. .

It just so happened that Zhao Fugui didn't go to work these days, so Zhao Liu asked him to build two fences with wooden stakes behind their house. She kept the ducks in the larger fence and put the five chicks together with them. The egg-laying hens Jiang Zhen brought from the Jiang family were kept in a small pen.

That hen ate well, and now that the weather is getting hot again, it lays an egg almost every day, and those eggs were saved by Zhao Liu according to the time. Only eggs that have been laid for ten days will be made Eat it for the family, keep the fresh ones, and wait for Jiang Zhen to come back for him to eat.

She was very unhappy when she saw Jiang Zhen climb up her son's window before, but now she couldn't help but think about it, and she hoped that Jiang Zhen would come back sooner, so that the villagers would know that she was not lying.

Jiang Zhen didn't come back sooner, but Zhao Jinge came back early.

Now that he eats well, he has a lot of energy, so he can finish the farm work quickly every day, and then go home to work.

Their family didn't have much money and couldn't build a house, but he cleaned up his house very carefully, cleaned it up clean, and found mud to paint it all outside the house, so that his house could see It looks like a new house.

After coming back today, Zhao Jinge looked inside and out and couldn't find any work to do. Finally, after thinking about it, he simply tossed his own earthen stove. He cleaned all the ashes from the stove, and also removed the iron pot from the stove. , move outside to scrape the bottom of the pot.

If you cook in an iron pot for a long time, there will always be a thick layer of ash on the bottom of the iron pot. When you cook again in the future, the food will be much slower to cook. Therefore, every once in a while, the people of Hexi Village They will remove their own iron pots from the stove, and then scrape off the bottom of the pot.

Zhao Jinge was scraping the bottom of the pot with bamboo chips when suddenly an old lady came to Zhao's house.

Brother Zhao Jin glanced at him, then frowned. This old lady who came to his house was Jiang Zhen's mother, Mrs. Jiang.

It stands to reason that he should go up and entertain people at this time, but Jiang Zhen and Mrs. Jiang have hatred at the root, and they definitely don't want him to please Mrs. Jiang.

"What a shameless little slut. He is ugly and seduces people." When Mrs. Jiang saw Brother Zhao Jin looking over, she immediately said: "I have never seen such a shameless pair of you, I said that at the beginning The debt collector fell into the river, why do you want to save it, it turns out that you have already taken a fancy to others, and you are really not ashamed at all."

Mrs. Jiang talked a lot, making Zhao Jinge unable to react, but at this time, Mrs. Jiang continued to say: "But yes, you are so ugly, no one wants you other than posting like this! I don't know if you broke your legs to make people look at you!"

The Jiang family has had a very bad life these days, and Old Jiang is even worse. The reason for this... is that Chief Jiang ran away.

Without Jiang Boss, a strong and neat worker, the Jiang family's farm work would not be too busy at all, but Jiang Chengcai and Jiang Chengxiang were both unwilling to go to the ground.

Jiang Chengcai refused to go to the ground, he was simply lazy, and Jiang Chengxiang... He said he was going to the county town to find out if there was anything he could do, and then he went out early every day and returned late.

Originally, even if Jiang Chengcai often refused to work, he would always go to the field to work for a long time if he called too much, but now that Jiang Chengxiang was not working, he was even more reluctant to work.

In the end, all the work in the field was actually done by Jiang's butcher, Mrs. Jiang! They really couldn't do it, and they had to call Jiang Xiaomei to the ground!

In this way, even if it was slower, the work could be done anyway, and as a result, something went wrong at home.

In the past, Mrs. Jiang took Sister Jiang to cook. Now they both have to work in the fields. Mrs. Jiang lets her two daughters-in-law cook and feed the pigs together, and take care of the dishes in front of and behind her house. land.

The first few days were fine, Huang Min and Zhu Shufen had prepared their meals and fed the pigs, but after a few days...

Huang Min, it is said that when she was a girl before she got married, she was actually a very diligent girl, but now... I don't know if it is because the people who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Since she married Jiang Chengcai, she has become more and more lazy.

Originally, there were many people working in the Jiang family. As soon as she entered the house, she became pregnant with a child, and gave birth to the first grandson of the Jiang family. Mrs. Jiang had never let her work very much, and her habit was not exposed, but now…

After only a few days of cooking, Huang Min felt tired. In the case that Zhu Shufen was unwilling to feed the pigs, she first did not care about the cooking and just fed the pigs. Later, she was not happy with feeding the pigs. .

Why does Zhu Shufen look like an uncle, she can't wait to walk three feet away from the pigsty, and she will feed the smelly pigs

It happened that Jiang Yuanwen was suddenly not feeling well, and Huang Min simply stopped feeding the pigs, saying that he wanted to take care of his son.

Zhu Shufen cooks meals for the whole family by herself, and then she has to wash the dishes and wipe the table to water the vegetables in the vegetable field outside. Now Huang Min refuses to feed the pigs, and that errand will fall on her...

Zhu Shufen, who had cut a handful of vegetables from the garden and was choosing vegetable leaves, couldn't help but feel nauseated when she saw the cabbage worms twisting on the leaves. She didn't want to work anymore. .

People can not work, of course she can!

This day, Mrs. Jiang, the butcher of Jiang, came home from a tired day, and found that not only did the house have cold pots and stoves, but no one fed the pigs.

Butcher Jiang and Madam Jiang were instantly angry.

But Huang Min held his son and kept saying that his son was ill, and Zhu Shufen choked there in a low voice, but they had nothing to do with them.

These two daughters-in-law are guarded by their sons, but unlike the original Boss Jiang, they can be beaten and scolded by them.

The days of Jiang's family suddenly became so frustrating.

The relationship between Jiang Chengcai and Jiang Chengxiang was quite good at first, but now it has become worse - Jiang Chengxiang felt that Jiang Chengcai was too lazy and ignorant, and Jiang Chengcai felt that Jiang Chengxiang was just like him and looked down on him as disgusting. No words were said.

The Jiang family, who used to be happy, is now quarreling every day at home, and the villagers have seen a lot of jokes.

Madam Jiang, who has always been strong, was so angry that she resented Jiang Zhen more and more. She didn't dare to trouble Jiang Zhen. At first, she didn't even dare to trouble the Zhao family, but Jiang Zhen walked away for more than 20 days. Before she came back, her courage grew.

No, she came to the Zhao family.

"You think that debt collector really likes you, he just wants a free labor, and you can look at it..." Mrs. Jiang pointed at Brother Zhao Jin and kept scolding, specifically picking on Brother Zhao's fault.

Zhao Jinge became more and more angry, and Mrs. Jiang said that Jiang Zhen would not like him, which made him even more angry.

Throwing the iron pot on the ground at once, Zhao Jinge stood up and said to Mrs. Jiang, "Do you think Jiang Zhen will not come back? Do you want to let Jiang Zhen come back and then go to your house to make trouble?"

After all, Mrs. Jiang was a woman, and she was not tall. She was working on the farm every day these days, and she looked black and thin. Now, she didn't dare to talk nonsense when she met Zhao Jin, who was tall.

At this time, Wang Yu'er pulled his younger brother Wang Daniu and ran towards him: "My father is back! My father is back!"

"Where's Jiang Zhen?" Zhao Jinge asked quickly.

"Uncle Jiang is back too!" Wang Yu'er narrowed her eyes happily.

With a happy face, Zhao Jinge stood up and ran out. He couldn't wait to see Jiang Zhen.

Madam Jiang also ran out quickly... She couldn't wait to avoid Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen and Wang Haisheng had indeed returned, but they had too many things on board, so it was not easy to go home for a while.

He and Wang Haisheng parked the boat by the river closest to Zhao's house, and asked Wang Yu'er, who happened to be playing by the river, to go back to Zhao Jinge and Zhao Fugui to help move things, and then began to sort out various goods. .

The money Jiang Zhen obtained was invisible to the people of Hexi Village, but the things Jiang Zhen bought, as well as the remaining goods that he had not sold, were still visible to the people of Hexi Village.

Where did this Boss Jiang go? Did you get so much back? He... got rich

Everyone in the village looked at Jiang Zhen in shock, but no one dared to go up and ask. At this moment, someone suddenly ran towards him while calling for help.

"Help! Help me!" A pair of children stumbled and ran from a distance, and behind him, followed by several men.

The pair were small and small, and they didn't run fast. After a while, they were caught by a man in his thirties with a fierce face, and the man slapped him directly: "Mother, your father I already sold you to me, but you still want to run!"

The pair staggered from the beating, and broke down and burst into tears.

No one in the village is unfamiliar with this pair of children. Even Jiang Zhen knows it. It is He Qiusheng, the most beautiful pair of children in the village who asked for a snake from Jiang Zhen.

And what happened now, Jiang Zhen just came back and didn't know the reason, but everyone in the village knew about it, and the matter had to start from He Qiusheng's gambler's father who owed a lot of money to Liu Heitou in Qiaotou Village. .

Although He Qiusheng's father likes to gamble, he has no money at all, and he sold all the fields in the family. , is also reluctant to lend him money, so even if he wants to bet big, he has no chance. Generally, he just loses everything and steals some money from his family to continue to lose.

As a result, such a person, for some unknown reason, borrowed 30 taels of silver from Liu Heitou a few days ago, and then lost it all.

Thirty taels of silver, where can the He family get it? Not to mention that Liu Heitou also said that the interest on this money is doubled in one month, so, just one month passed, the money that Father He owes Liu Heitou has become sixty taels. If he doesn't pay it back, next month It will become one hundred and twenty two.

At first, Father He hid the debt from his family, but then he couldn't hide it - Liu Heitou came to the door with some of his brothers!

As soon as these people came to the door, they beat He's father and He Qiusheng's two brothers, and then asked the He family to pay back the money. He Qiusheng was Liu Heitou's daughter-in-law, and today was the day they came to take He Qiusheng away.

There are many men in the village who like He Qiusheng, but they dare not offend Liu Heitou, so they can only watch He Qiusheng being taken away by Liu Heitou.

Originally, no matter how bad his father is, he is also He Qiusheng's father. If he wants to sell He Qiusheng, the people in the village can't handle it.

"You'd better be nice to me, or you'll look good!" Liu Heitou slapped He Qiusheng again.

Just like Jiang Zhen is currently the leader of Hexi Village, Liu Heitou is the leader of Qiaotou Village.

Liu Heitou's father and brothers were all brave and ruthless people. At that time, in Qiaotou Village, no one dared to provoke them. Later, the three brothers got married and had children. There are ten cousins in total.

And Liu Heitou was the oldest among these ten people.

There are too many people in the family, and life will naturally not be easy. Liu Heitou has several younger brothers and sisters.

He first took advantage of other people's homes in the village, and later he began to take his younger brothers to help people collect debts and help people fight to make money.

And there is a reason why he lent money to Father He this time - he accidentally saw He Qiusheng's appearance.

This Liu Heitou already had a wife and son, the eldest child was even twelve years old, but He Qiu grew up well, which made his heart itch, so he lent Father He some money...

No, He Qiusheng became his if he didn't pay his father.

"Tie him to me and bring him back." Liu Heitou pushed He Qiusheng to the ground and said to his two younger brothers. He likes He Qiusheng's face, but he is not the usual men who admire He Qiusheng. He has no feelings for He Qiusheng at all. He just wants to get people back to the bridal chamber as soon as possible.

He Qiusheng cried even more. He also thought about his future. He wanted to find a rich man to marry and live a good life in the future. As a result...

Marrying Liu Heitou, still being a child, I also know that he must not have a good life, and maybe he will be tortured to death...

This Liu Heitou once married a woman as a child for him, but the woman died within two years... I heard that Liu Heitou not only likes to beat people, but also makes this woman play with his brother...

At this moment, He Qiusheng could not wait to die immediately.

Jiang Zhen had already recalled some things related to Liu Heitou in his mind, and when he saw this scene again, he couldn't help frowning.

He is not someone who likes nosy business, and he doesn't even have a good impression of He Qiusheng, but... This He Qiusheng is only fifteen years old this year, and Fang Xian is a minor still in junior high school...