The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 6: Don't mess with me


Jiang Zhen was resting in the house, but outside, the Jiang family had already seen their new daughter-in-law.

Jiangnan's literary style is prosperous, and there are so many people reading that it is extremely difficult to test talents. Jiang Laosan's new wife Zhu Shi is the daughter of Xiucai, and her father Zhu Xiucai is also expected to be admitted to Juren. Because of this, Jiang's family attaches great importance to marriage, not only paying a large amount of dowry to marry her, but now Some hold her.

But even so, Zhu Shi was still not very happy.

Last night, she was in her bridal chamber and was about to talk to her husband, when there was a commotion outside, and her mother-in-law kept insulting her uncle like a shrew...

Even if her uncle is ill and can't talk or do things, her mother-in-law would be embarrassed to do so.

After pursing her lips, Zhu Shi first looked down on Mrs. Jiang, but she didn't show it on the face, and she still seemed gentle and polite.

"Shufen, I made a candy egg for you, eat it quickly." Mrs. Jiang held a bowl in front of Zhu Xiufen. The bowl contained two poached eggs soaked in brown sugar water.

On the first day that Jiang Chengcai's daughter-in-law Huang Min got married to Jiang's family, she got up early in the morning to help Mrs. Jiang to cook, but she didn't eat any candy eggs. Now, seeing the treatment of her sister-in-law, she couldn't help but feel a little resentful, Mrs. Jiang But he didn't pay attention, and greeted Zhu Shufen to eat meat, and complained about Jiang Zhen again: "Damn yesterday, the table was turned over, and all the good dishes fell to the ground. I can only wash it and cook it again..."

Zhu Shufen wanted to stretch out her chopsticks to eat the chicken, but after hearing this, she put the chopsticks back. Yesterday, her mother-in-law scolded her for a long time, and she understood the ins and outs. She thought that the items on the table were picked up from the ground, and they disappeared. appetite.

Zhu Shufen didn't want to eat anything on the table anymore, so she ate the eggs in her bowl with chopsticks. At the same time, she once again picked out a lot of dissatisfaction - the sugar water and eggs were not sweet enough. As for eggs...

Zhu Shufen took a bite, and the undercooked egg yolk flowed out, and her face changed: "Why is this egg not cooked? I said before, I like to eat cooked."

Zhu Shufen knew Jiang Chengxiang before marriage, and Jiang Chengxiang would give her something from time to time. At that time, she sent boiled eggs. Once the eggs sent by Jiang Chengxiang were not fully cooked, she told Jiang Chengxiang that she did not like half-boiled eggs.

After that, the eggs that Jiang Chengxiang sent were all fully cooked, but why did they bring her such eggs today

"Egg with a soft heart is better." Mrs. Jiang said, the third child told her that his daughter-in-law wanted to eat well-boiled eggs, but the poached eggs had to be fully cooked, and more firewood had to be used, so she saw that it was almost the same. The bowl is ready.

What's more, eggs are obviously more delicious when they are soft. Jiang Xiaomei likes to eat undercooked eggs. Occasionally, if she can eat an egg, she has to wait for her to cook before putting it on the steaming rack. half cooked.

Zhu Shufen pushed the bowl in her hand to Jiang Chengxiang and refused to eat the candy egg again.

Madam Jiang was a little embarrassed and a little dissatisfied when she saw this scene, but she still said: "Shufen, you don't like to eat this kind of food, wait for me to boil a boiled egg for you, it will definitely be cooked."

"Eggs, eggs!" Jiang Yuanwen, the only grandchild of the Jiang family, tapped his bowl with a spoon and asked Mrs. Jiang to eat.

"Our Yuanwen must also have eggs to eat, don't worry." Mrs. Jiang has always loved her grandson the most.

Although there was a little unpleasantness, everyone in the Jiang family had seen their new daughter-in-law.

Zhu Shufen ate something, and then went back to the room with Jiang Chengxiang. Mrs. Jiang asked Jiang Xiaomei to pack up together, and asked, "Then who should jump into the river hasn't come out yet?"

No matter what Mrs. Jiang scolded, the only one who would be called by her would be Mr. Jiang.

"I didn't see him come out." Jiang Xiaomei said, thinking of what happened last night, she couldn't help but have lingering fears.

Mrs. Jiang was also frightened by what happened last night. She didn't sleep well all night, and now she looked gloomy in the direction of the utility room: "If he has the ability, he will never come out. It's best to starve to death inside!"

Boss Jiang used to be unwell, and it was not during busy farming seasons. Occasionally, he would lie in the house motionless for a day without eating or drinking. After last night, Jiang Zhen never left the utility room, which reminded Mrs. Jiang of the past. , is not so afraid of him anymore.

He is his mother, how dare that guy with no seeds really dare to kill him

Thinking of this, Mrs. Jiang wanted to slap the door again.

"Mother." Just when Mrs. Jiang was going to teach her eldest son a lesson, the newly married Jiang Chengxiang suddenly entered the kitchen.

"What is the third one doing here? This is not the place where you men should come." Mrs. Jiang said, but she completely forgot that the kitchen work, such as washing dishes and pots, was done after Mr. Jiang came back from the field. of.

Boss Jiang didn't touch his hands to cook because Mrs. Jiang was afraid that he would steal it.

"Mother, I have something to tell you," Jiang Chengxiang said. "In the future, when you make eggs for Shufen, they must be cooked. She doesn't like to eat undercooked eggs. In fact, she likes scrambled eggs the most."

"It's very picky, where did she get so much oil for her to scramble eggs?" Mrs. Jiang muttered dissatisfiedly. Eggs are good enough to eat. How much oil does it take to scramble eggs? Eggs are the most oily thing!

"Isn't her family raising her a little squeamish?" Jiang Chengxiang smiled and said, "And the elder brother, mother, don't keep catching him and scolding him, how ugly, I heard you when we were in the bridal chamber yesterday. She has been scolding there, although Shufen didn't say anything, but I'm very embarrassed... Her parents usually can at most say insulting words."

"What kind of language?" Mrs. Jiang frowned: "You still dislike me for coming, don't you?"

Madam Jiang got angry after being told by her son, and she was not happy with Zhu Shufen, but thinking that she was the daughter of Master Xiucai, she gave up a little bit. She originally wanted to trouble her eldest son and was worried about her daughter-in-law. In the end, he didn't go, just chattered and felt distressed for the two chicken legs that were originally meant to be left to Yuanwen.

However, thinking that Yuan Wen didn't eat chicken drumsticks, Mrs. Jiang was very generous. When cooking, she steamed six eggs in one go.

When the meal was ready, Mrs. Jiang ate one by herself. When it was on the table, she gave Jiang Yuanwen two eggs, Zhu Shufen two eggs, and the rest was given to Jiang Xiaomei.

Old man Jiang didn't like to eat dry eggs, so he sat at the table and chose fatty meat to eat, but Huang Min glanced at his sister-in-law and his sister-in-law jealously. With her mother-in-law watching, she couldn't even take a bite when her son was eating eggs.

"Are you eating?" Everyone was about to start eating when a hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone in the Jiang family looked over together, and saw a tall man who was black and thin and full of suffocation walking towards them. .

Mrs. Jiang subconsciously wanted to curse, but when she saw the knife in Jiang Zhen's hand, she couldn't make a sound in her throat. Old man Jiang was also a little stunned, and others didn't dare to greet Jiang Zhen.

How did the honest and honest Boss Jiang become like this in a blink of an eye

For a while, the room was quiet and there was no sound at all.

Jiang Zhen was very satisfied with this scene. Seeing that the eight people in the Jiang family had already filled the eight seats next to the Eight Immortals Table, he walked towards Jiang Chengcai with a sneer: "Second child, let it go."

Jiang Chengcai saw Jiang Zhen's arrogance last night, and now he heard Jiang Zhen's cold words, so he subconsciously moved away, and pulled away Huang Min who was sitting with him.

Jiang Zhen sat down with a knife and put the knife on the table.

This knife, which can easily cut off pork leg bones, is very heavy. When it was placed on the table, the whole table shook. Jiang Zhen's left hand did not release it, but his right hand took Jiang Chengcai's chopsticks and clamped it. Cook vegetables with one chopstick and eat Jiang Chengcai's bowl of rice.

"Boss, if you want to eat, you can't take a bowl to serve it yourself?" Old man Jiang had seen the world as a soldier and killed pigs. At this time, he finally came back to his senses and glared at Jiang Zhen who drove Jiang Chengcai away.

Jiang Zhen just immersed himself in eating and didn't respond to the words of old man Jiang, and his performance made old man Jiang forget the fear of yesterday's thoughts.

"You bastard, I'm talking to you!" Old man Jiang slapped the table, and the dishes on the table shook.

"That's right, little brat, you are so tossed yesterday and you dare to eat at the table today, I'll beat you to death!" Madam Jiang went to find the broom again.

"Boss, what's the matter with you? Shufen just married, so don't make trouble, okay?" Jiang Chengxiang didn't see Jiang Zhen holding a knife last night, but he was not afraid of Jiang Zhen at all: "You are too embarrassing. It's gone!"

Jiang Zhen ate quickly, and in three or two bites, he shoved a bowl of rice into his mouth. After eating, he stood up.

Why do these people like toasting instead of eating and drinking

Standing up, Jiang Zhen suddenly picked up the knife and slashed it on the table, only splitting one side of the wooden table: "Forgot what I said yesterday? I'll scold you again for hacking you to death!"

The dishes on the table were not just shaken this time, they were even overturned directly, and Old Man Jiang's rice bowl fell to the ground and shattered in half.

The old man Jiang was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him. His new daughter-in-law was next to him. He didn't want to show weakness, so he also stood up: "Who are you, Laozi! Dare to talk to your father like that?"

Jiang Zhen glanced at the old man Jiang coldly, pulled out the knife in his hand from the table and slashed to the side, cutting off the broom handle that Mrs. Jiang had hit.

The knife almost cut his hand! Madam Jiang screamed uncontrollably, Jiang Zhen gave her a cold look, but suddenly reached out and grabbed the two eggs in front of Jiang Yuanwen, who was sitting beside Jiang Xiaomei, and put them into her arms, and put the egg in front of Zhu Shufen. Two eggs were snatched, and he finally glanced at Jiang Xiaomei, even the egg in Jiang Xiaomei's hand, he did not drop.

All five eggs were put into his arms, Jiang Zhen lifted his foot and kicked the table over again: "You better not mess with me in the future!"

He didn't plan to do anything to the Jiang family, and even thought that if these people were safe enough, he would eat a few meals at the Jiang family to recuperate, and then leave the Jiang family when he was healthy, but what happened

He was just coming to the table for a meal, and these people were making a fuss.

They didn't let him eat well, and he didn't need to let them eat well.