The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 67: Jiang Zhen is lucky


It was getting late, so Jiang Zhen did not go to the county seat, but said goodbye to the others, and then took Zhao Jinge to Hexi Village.

"Brother Jin, do you have a good relationship with those thugs? They are going to invite you to drink." After walking for a while, Jiang Zhen asked casually.

When Zhao Jinge heard the words, his expression suddenly became extremely tangled.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Zhen saw that Zhao Jinge's expression was not quite right, and his heart tightened at the moment, could there be something else going on here

"They... said they wanted to invite me to drink flower wine." Zhao Jin said, a little uneasy and a little scared, afraid that Jiang Zhen would be angry.

Jiang Zhen noticed his emotions, but he was not angry at all. Instead, he laughed, and then hugged Zhao Jinge.

"You..." Brother Zhao Jin looked at Jiang Zhen angrily. Jiang Zhen's reaction was different from what he thought.

"I just didn't expect it," Jiang Zhen chuckled, "Why would they invite you to drink flower wine instead of inviting me?" Zhao Jinge looked very serious and old-fashioned. Flower wine people.

Zhao Jinge immediately looked at Jiang Zhen, Jiang Zhen wanted to drink flower wine? !

"Okay, I won't go, you are not allowed to go either, we are all family members." Jiang Zhendao, his eyes flickered slightly - those people actually wanted to invite Zhao Jinge to drink flower wine... Haha!

"Yeah." Brother Zhao Jin nodded. People with families shouldn't drink flower wine!

"Jiang Zhen, if you do this today, will it be bad?" After walking for a while, Zhao Jinge couldn't help but ask, is it really okay for Jiang Zhen to grab Liu Heitou like this

"I've always had revenge and revenge for kindness. If he provokes me, he always has to pay a price." Jiang Zhen said with a smile. What good stuff, as for the rest...

Young Master Zheng and Manager Zhang wish he could teach the restless Liu Heitou a lesson.

Thinking that Liu Heitou came to make trouble when he and Jiang Zhen got married, Zhao Jinge also felt that what they did today was nothing.

However, Jiang Zhen said "repaying kindness with kindness", but it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

It was because he was kind to Jiang Zhen that Jiang Zhen was so kind to him. If it was someone else who saved Jiang Zhen...

However, this is also a good thing. Jiang Zhen will repay his kindness, and he will not suddenly want him.

After he figured it out, Zhao Jinge smiled.

"Brother Jin, do you have anything you want?" Jiang Zhen asked.

Zhao Jinge shook his head, he has nothing left now, so...

Zhao Jinge looked at the small silver bracelet that the thug had put into him before, and his heart moved, he wanted a child now, a child with Jiang Zhen.

When you have children, the family will not be separated.

"Then let's go get something to eat." Jiang Zhen saw Brother Zhao Jin shaking his head, thought for a moment, and then knocked on the door of a house they passed by.

There were two young roosters in the yard of that family. Jiang Zhen bought one from them and took them home.

Since Zhao Jinge has nothing to want, they will buy something to go back to eat.

When Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge went back, Zhao Liu's had almost finished dinner.

"Mother, let me clean up this chicken and add a dish at night." Jiang Zhen said.

Even if Jiang Zhen is rich now, he can't waste it like this. Zhao Liushi hesitated: "Forget it, I have already steamed eggs with bacon today."

"Let's do it, let's celebrate." Jiang Zhen said: "I'll go get the knife."

Jiang Zhen went straight to get the knife. Seeing that Zhao Liu couldn't be persuaded, he hurriedly went to the house to get a bowl - chicken blood can't be wasted!

It was Jiang Zhen who came to kill the chickens. Zhao Liushi didn't want to let Jiang Zhen get his hands on the chickens, and Jiang Zhen didn't force it. Knowing that Zhao Fugui and the others were still in the ground, they went there, intending to help Do some work and then call people over for dinner.

"Brother Jin, you have to watch Jiang Zhen, don't let him spend money." As soon as Jiang Zhen left, Zhao Liu said to Zhao Jinge: "The days to come are still long, now put the money away. It's gone, what do I do next?"

"Mother..." Brother Zhao Jin took the bamboo basket he was carrying and showed Zhao Liu the money inside.

Zhao Liushi clutched his chest, feeling breathless: "This... this... is another hundred taels?"

"There are about two hundred taels." Zhao Jinge said.

"Jiang Zhen gave us 100 taels before, and this time he gave us 200 taels. If we can buy another 15 acres of paddy fields, our family will have 20 acres of paddy fields by then, which is even richer than that Jiang family!" Zhao Liu said.

"Yeah." Brother Zhao Jin nodded.

Before, Zhao Liu thought that it would be too wasteful to buy a chicken to eat, but now...

She handled the chicken quickly.

The people in Hexi Village make chicken. Basically, they put a pot of water in an iron pot, and then put the whole chicken in and cook it. When the chicken is cooked, take it out and cut it into pieces to eat. Okay, let's cook.

However, for the chicken to be cooked like this, it took at least half an hour, which was too slow, so Mr. Zhao Liu decided to braise the chicken.

The whole chicken is cut into small pieces, and the poor chicken oil in the chicken belly is first put in the pot and fry for a while, the oil is boiled, then the diced chicken is turned in and stir-fried for a while, and then put in the soy sauce and water, then wait for it to cook slowly.

When Jiang Zhen brought Zhao Fugui back, Zhao Liu had already prepared the chicken and was asking Zhao Jinge to bring a small bowl to Sun Xiaoshan.

Sun Xiaoshan is not going to touch the snails or lions every day these days, or to catch fish. When he catches them, he feeds them all to Zhao Liushi. Zhao Liushi is very grateful to him.

In the evening, there is a large bowl of braised chicken on the table, a bowl of bacon steamed eggs made by cracking eggs into bacon, and broad bean watercress and fried garlic sprouts cooked with pickled vegetables.

While talking about the chickens, ducks and vegetables grown at home, Mrs. Zhao Liu gave Jiang Zhen the chicken legs.

Jiang Zhen put the chicken leg directly into her bowl, and put another one for Zhao Fugui: "Daddy, you eat."

As for Zhao Jinge... Jiang Zhen gave him two pieces of chicken breasts. In modern times, except for muscle gainers who want to lose weight, many people don't like chicken breasts, but these days, chicken breasts are a good thing.

It's a whole piece of meat after all.

Of course, for Jiang Zhen, after there is no shortage of oil and water in the stomach, the taste of chicken wings is better.

The two chicken wings were almost eaten by Jiang Zhen, and only one of the chicken wings was given to Zhao Jinge: "This one tastes the best, you can try it."

Zhao Jinge ate the chicken wings sweetly, while Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liushi slowly nibbled at the chicken legs.

Zhao Liu's family is okay, but she is not in good health. In the past, during the Chinese New Year at home, they killed a chicken to worship their ancestors. Zhao Fugui and Zhao Jinge often left the chicken legs for her to eat, but Zhao Fugui... He hadn't eaten chicken legs for decades.

He is a big man, what kind of chicken legs do you eat? Zhao Fugui thought so in his heart, but there was a smile on his face.

The next day, Zhao Liu started talking to people again: "Our family, Jiang Zhen, is really a loser. I bought a chicken and came back, and I would eat it on the same day, and I would eat almost a chicken with one meal. ... that's fine, the chicken legs have to be eaten for me and my old man, you say we are so old, what kind of chicken legs do we eat!"

The person who listened to Zhao Liu's remarks: "..." These days, if you take a chicken leg, you can go to visit relatives! This Zhao Liu's words are really annoying!

Everyone became more and more envious of Zhao Liu, and it was at this time that news came to He Xicun.

That Zhao family's Jiang Zhen actually took someone to copy Liu Heitou's casino! That Liu Heitou didn't even dare to say a word!

On the day that Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge got married, Liu Heitou went to the Zhao family to ask for trouble, which made many people in Hexi Village feel sympathetic to the Zhao family, thinking that the Zhao family would be unlucky sooner or later.

As a result... Jiang Zhen was able to copy Liu Heitou's casino!

How did Jiang Zhen suddenly become so powerful? He used to be a boring gourd who could be bullied by anyone!

"I heard that Jiang Zhen is still the manager of the casino in the county seat!"

"I also heard that Liu Heitou's subordinates in the past are now his subordinates."

"Not only that, even Liu Heitou has become his subordinate!"

"I heard that they copied a few hundred taels from Liu Heitou's casino yesterday. That's a few hundred taels!"

"Now Jiang Zhen is rich... The Zhao family is lucky."

These days, people in Hexi Village can say that they are talking about Jiang Zhen every day, but no, they are talking about it again now, and they all regret not marrying their daughter Shuang'er to Jiang Zhen.

Mrs. Jiang used to like to hear people say that the East is long and the West is short, but now, as soon as she saw someone getting together, she wanted to turn around and leave.

"Jiang's butcher's family, Jiang's butcher's family!" Someone called out Mrs. Jiang.

Madam Jiang stopped in her steps with a cold face, and then listened to the man: "Jiang's butcher's family, now everyone is saying that Jiang Zhen is a lucky person, have you heard?"

"He is a evil star, how can he become a lucky person!" Old lady Jiang almost exploded.

"He is indeed lucky, think about it, when you were pregnant with him, Butcher Jiang had the opportunity to join the army, and then came back with a fortune, and after returning, your Jiang family's life was even better day by day... After your family left... tsk tsk!"

The man paused when he said this, but the meaning could not be clearer.

Since Jiang Zhen left the Jiang family, the life of the Jiang family has become more and more sad, and there are still people quarreling in the family every day.

"Now Jiang Zhen has gone to the Zhao family, and the one who has developed has become the Zhao family. The Zhao family treats him well, and his blessings are getting bigger and bigger..." the man said again.

Zhao Liushi has been praising Jiang Zhen outside all day, and at first glance she can tell that she is very satisfied with Jiang Zhen. No, Jiang Zhen is also very good to them.

This old lady Jiang... She scolded Jiang Zhen all day long, but she scolded Jiang Zhen's good fortune.

Madam Jiang met this man's gloating eyes, and was so angry that she left with a cold face and hurried home.

As soon as she returned, Madam Jiang confronted the angry butcher Jiang.

"There's a bunch of work at home, why are you still running out?" Butcher Jiang looked at Madam Jiang dissatisfied.

The second son went to do business, the third son went to work in the county town, and the two daughters-in-law couldn't count on them... Butcher Jiang was too tired to work every day, and it became increasingly unpleasant to see Mrs. Jiang.

"I'm not running away! I'm doing laundry!" Madam Jiang was also dissatisfied. Where did she do less work

The Jiang family suddenly became noisy again.

There is also He Jia who is also noisy.

Since being tied up by his son once, Father He has been obedient for the time being, and even helps Mother He with some work at home, which makes Mother He extremely gratified.

But ever since he knew that Jiang Zhen actually had the ability to copy Liu Heitou's casino and became a steward of Hongxing Casino, Father He's mind became active.

Jiang Zhen is so powerful, if his son can marry Jiang Zhen...

Although He Qiusheng is good-looking, the He family has always lived in a small village and has never seen much of the world, so as long as He Qiusheng can marry a slightly richer person, they will be satisfied.

And Jiang Zhen, isn't he a rich man now

"Qiusheng, what a good candidate for Jiang Zhen, you must hurry up!" Father He kept persuading: "Even if you are small, as long as you can get his favor, what is the difference between being big and big? ? Then Zhao Jinge is not only ugly, but also old. I heard that his pregnancy mole was dull before, and I don't know if he can give birth to a child. If you give Jiang Zhen a son..."

"Father! Stop talking!" He Qiusheng was angry and annoyed.

"Why are you so cruel to me? I'm doing it for your own good. I'm liked by Jiang Zhen, and he can give you a few hundred taels of silver!" Father He said again, and Jiang Zhen also became the steward of Hongxing Casino. Now, if he can be Jiang Zhen's father-in-law...

"Father, in Jiang Zhen's heart, there is only brother Zhao Jin. If you talk nonsense again, I will tie you up again!" He Chunsheng came home to get something, just when he heard Father He speak, he was immediately angry.

Father He was silent, but his eyes kept rolling.

Jiang Zhen didn't know anything about Hexi Village. He took Zhao Jinge to the county town early in the morning.

Zheng Yi said that he wanted to open a casino and let Jiang Zhen manage it, but that casino has not yet been seen, and the original casino Jiang Zhen can't get involved, so Jiang Zhen doesn't have to do any work now, just take the salary of the manager. .

After he went around the casino, he told Manager Zhang that he had something to do at home, and he was afraid that he would not be able to come over in the next few days.

Manager Zhang wished that Jiang Zhen would not come and interfere in the casino, he was very happy that something happened to him at home, he sent Jiang Zhen away with a smile, and then Jiang Zhen took Zhao Jinge to the wharf and took the chickens that were sold on the wharf into small ones. Ducks are all bought.

"So many chickens and ducks, what do you buy them back for?" Someone looked at Jiang Zhen puzzled. Jiang Zhen bought a total of thirty or forty ducklings and forty chickens. right? How much food do you want to eat

"I raised it and sold it for money." Jiang Zhen casually dealt with it.

"How to sell so many chickens and ducks..." The man looked at Jiang Zhen puzzled.

Jiang Zhen didn't speak. If there were less than a hundred chickens and ducks in total, would there be nowhere to sell them? It takes so much for a big family to hold a banquet.

Rocking the boat, Jiang Zhen returned home with a group of chickens and ducks.

The chickens and ducks that had been raised before were all put by Jiang Zhen on the land that he bought. They were kept in the fence during the day and locked in the house at night. For these chickens and ducks, which were still very small, let Zhao Liu and Mrs. Sun Xiaoshan was taken care of by two people.

Jiang Zhen paid Wang Haisheng, Sun Xiaoshan, He Chunsheng and He Xiasheng, and asked them to help with things. Every morning, he would teach them some skills.

Raising chickens, ducks and the work in the fields, Jiang Zhen basically gave these people to do the work, and he didn't touch his hands. He himself took Zhao Jinge around every day, and by the way, he began to gather Liu Heitou's former subordinates.

When Jiang Zhen was in modern times, he had a lot of thorns under his hands, but he was able to persuade him to convince him. Now he is naturally not afraid of being unable to deal with a group of thugs who do not know one big character. The only thing he needs to pay attention to is, It is to remove those who are too bad of nature from their own team.

Jiang Zhen does all this for the sake of his future well-being, and what he likes most at the moment is actually exercising every night.

Although Zhao Jinge is shy, he is very obedient. He never refuses any request he makes, which simply makes him like it.

Of course, he has no special hobbies, and he will not make any excessive demands.

"Brother Jin, let's wash up today, wait..." After dinner, Jiang Zhen was thinking about the night.

"Um..." Zhao Jinge replied in a low voice, rubbing his stomach—I don't know when he will have a baby...