The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 68: Train subordinates


After messing around with Zhao Jinge, Jiang Zhen felt a sense of contentment. He stroked Zhao Jinge's body over and over again with his hands, and hugged Zhao Jinge into his arms, so that the two naked bodies were tightly attached to each other. .

Zhao Jinge didn't refuse at first, but after being hugged for a while, he couldn't help pushing Jiang Zhen away: "It's too hot."

Now that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, the mattress on the bed has also been replaced with a straw mat. Under such circumstances, sleeping together is clearly a tossing!

"Just get used to it..." Jiang Zhen is actually a little hot, but he just likes to hug Zhao Jinge, he really doesn't want to let people go...

The place where the two are in contact is full of sweat, can this be used to

It's just that Jiang Zhen has such a small request, isn't it bad that he refused

Zhao Jinge was struggling when Jiang Zhen suddenly pressed him on top of him, kissed him fiercely for a while, and then let go of him: "Okay, I won't bother you anymore, go to bed earlier."

Jiang Zhen wanted to be intimate with Zhao Jinge, but he also knew that the two of them had been hugging each other all the time, and Zhao Jinge would definitely not be able to sleep well, so he gave up this plan.

In the past few days, Zhao Jinge ran with him outside every day, and he was also tired.

Jiang Zhenping lay beside Zhao Jinge and did not pester Zhao Jinge any more. Now Zhao Jinge was much cooler, but for some reason, he was inexplicably lost.

At this moment, Jiang Zhen suddenly stretched out his hand and took his hand.

Brother Zhao Jin held that hand back, even though his palm was full of sweat, he didn't let it go.

These days, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge both go to bed early and get up early in the morning, but Zhao Liushi and Zhao Fugui, who are older and sleep less, still get up earlier than them.

When the two walked out of the room, Zhao Liu was already cooking porridge, while Zhao Fugui was feeding the pigs and cleaning the pigsty—just a few days ago, Zhao Fugui bought two little pigs and planned to keep them for the New Year. Only killed, one sold.

Raising pigs is dirty work, but Zhao Fugui does it very seriously and is very satisfied.

This is my own pig, raised for myself! As long as he thought about it like this, Zhao Fugui was full of energy. Before Jiang Zhen wanted him to find someone else to help with his work, he was not happy.

Older people have something to do, which can also make their body healthier... Jiang Zhen pondered so much, he did not insist on not letting Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu work, but brought some meat to the house every day to let them eat well point.

In modern times, people like Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liushi in their fifties should be careful about eating less greasy food, but at this time, they don't need it at all.

These days, everyone is reluctant to put oil in cooking. The fat content of pork is a lot worse than that of later generations, which is chicken and duck...

In modern times, many chickens and ducks have a layer of oil under their skin. The wife of one of Jiang Zhen's comrades-in-arms has to peel the skin before putting it into the pot. , that can make people happy for a long time.

It was just dawn and it was too early to go out. Jiang Zhen found out the sand table he made by himself, and then taught Zhao Jinge to read.

He had read the enlightenment book at this time, and then found something like "Heaven, Earth, and Yellow Universe", many of which he couldn't understand and couldn't explain, so he threw the book away, and only taught Zhao Jinge from one, two, three, four, and taught him by the way. count.

In Jiang Zhen's view, arithmetic and literacy are equally important. Last time, a scholar bought a few more things and it was unclear. He was helpless.

After all, Zhao Jinge is old, and he does not learn things as fast as a child, but he is more serious than a child, so his reading speed is not slow, but in seven or eight days, he has already learned seventy or eighty simple words.

"Jiang Zhen... how to write it?" Zhao Jinge asked suddenly.

Jiang Zhen was taken aback.

He taught Zhao Jinge how to read, and it was taught step by step. Because he didn't know many traditional characters, he taught Zhao Jinge and he had to learn it by himself, so that he forgot to teach Zhao Jinge to write their names.

As a result, Zhao Jinge offered to learn to write his name.

Jiang Zhen smiled, took out a piece of white paper from the side, and wrote the words "Jiang Zhen" on it. He wrote it in straight and upright italics and simplified characters.

It was only after Jiang Zhen had finished writing that he realized that he had accidentally made a mistake. He wanted to write it again, but after thinking for a while, he gave up the plan.

He plans to learn traditional characters, and Zhao Jinge also wants to learn traditional characters, but if it is just his name, even if Zhao Jinge writes simplified characters, it doesn't matter.

The simplified version of Jiang Zhen is only slightly different from the traditional version.

"This is my name." Jiang Zhen gave the paper in his hand to Zhao Jinge, and then wrote it on the sand table several times for Zhao Jinge to see.

Zhao Jinge wrote the word "Jiang Zhen" on the sand table with strokes and strokes.

Seeing his seriousness, Jiang Zhen suddenly wanted to kiss him, but before he could make any move, Zhao Liu outside shouted, "Jiang Zhen, Brother Jin, it's time to eat."

In the morning, he ate porridge with pickles. Jiang Zhen was just a little hungry and thirsty. He drank three bowls in one go, while Zhao Jinge's appetite was no smaller than his, and he also drank three bowls in one go.

After eating, Jiang Zhen let Wang Haisheng and the He brothers row a boat, and took him and Zhao Jinge to Qiaotou Village.

These days, Jiang Zhen is basically hanging out in Qiaotou Village. He occupied Liu Heitou's casino, and then used this casino as a place to train his subordinates.

In addition to Wang Haisheng, He Chunsheng and He Xiasheng, Jiang Zhen now has some other subordinates. Among these people, there are casino thugs, and even those who used to work under Liu Heitou, and now rely on him, adding up to three more than ten.

Even Liu Heitou was among them.

At the beginning, Liu Heitou was reluctant to follow Jiang Zhen to do things for Jiang Zhen. He couldn't afford to lose face, but after Jiang Zhen copied his casino that day, he beat him severely the next day. , made a threat by the way.

He wanted to find Manager Zhang to give him a head start, but Manager Zhang didn't care at all. In the end, he had no choice but to start following Jiang Zhen and became one of Jiang Zhen's subordinates.

A few days ago, he was still a leader, but in a blink of an eye he turned into a soldier under someone else's hands. You can imagine how aggrieved Liu Heitou was, but Jiang Zhen was always staring at him, and he had to clean up from time to time...

Seeing Jiang Zhen lead people into Qiaotou Village from a distance, Liu Heitou's face turned black again.

Jiang Zhen began to train his men again.

At the beginning, he drew a big picture for these people who came to him, and set some rules for them, and then began to train them. In the morning, he stood in a military posture and walked in a square, ideological education at noon, and physical training in the afternoon.

Jiang Zhen had to admit that these people were the most difficult people he had ever taught.

In modern kindergartens, children all know how to line up, but people here don't know, and they can't even tell the difference between left and right.

At the same time, these fighters who are used to freedom are also very disgusted and rejected by the boring exercises that Jiang Zhen asked them to do.

But it has to let them do it. These people are people who have no rules or discipline at all. If they don't train well... Jiang Zhen feels that he will encounter danger in the future, and these people may run away in a swarm!

He asked them to practice what they practiced during the military training of the school, not to want their team to be so neat and their movements to be so standard, he just hoped that these people would be obedient and have a little team spirit.

After waiting for everyone to be assembled, Jiang Zhen took them to train again, making people stand up straight and do some unified movements.

Among these people, Zhao Jinge is the best. He obeys Jiang Zhenyan. Jiang Zhen occasionally asks him to take off his clothes and stand in a military posture at night. He naturally learns very well, and then he learns The good thing is Wang Haisheng and the He brothers, and two men from Qiaotou Village.

The rest of the people, most of them learned so-so, and some people are particularly resistant.

"Fuck! I don't learn anymore! Jiang Zhen, you deliberately tossed me, right? What do you want me to do by letting me learn this shit?" Get up and look at Jiang Zhen alertly at the same time - if there is no accident, then Jiang Zhen will come up to beat him at this time!

Jiang Zhen did go up and beat him.

After fighting with Liu Heitou a lot, Jiang Zhen had already figured out Liu Heitou's ways, but Liu Heitou had not figured out his ways, so it became easier and easier for Jiang Zhen to beat him.

No, after a while, Liu Heitou was beaten to the ground again, and his nose was bruised.

"Liu Heitou, are you sure you want to go after you stop studying?" Jiang Zhen smiled and looked at Liu Heitou, whose wounds had collapsed on his face.

Liu Heitou was silent for a while, and obediently returned to the team. At the same time, all those who participated in the training were refreshed and dared not be lazy anymore.

Jiang Zhen is very satisfied with this situation, and this situation has come almost every day these days.

He was actually very grateful to Liu Heitou. Every time Liu Heitou either came up to provoke himself, or let his subordinates provoke him, so that he could beat them hard, and then make these people more and more obedient...

In the barracks, what should a disobedient soldier do? Of course, just beat him up to make him obey!

As for provoking the instructor, it really doesn't matter to Jiang Zhen. He used to think that the instructor was not pleasing to the eye and wanted to beat the instructor... At that time, he was not as powerful as he is now, and the consequences each time were the same as today's Liu Heitou.

But he knew that he couldn't beat him, so he still wanted to provoke the instructor, and Liu Heitou probably did the same.

After beating Liu Heitou, Jiang Zhen continued to train refreshed and tossed with these people until evening before returning to Hexi Village.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed.

In the early days when Jiang Zhen taught these people, he encountered a lot of trouble, but as time went by, these people became more and more obedient.

Even under the special guidance of Jiang Zhen, there are thoughts such as "what Jiang Zhen said makes sense", "Jiang Zhen is really amazing", "I'm a big man, I have to make a career in the future" and so on. .

Then, he became more and more convinced of Jiang Zhen.

At this time, most of the people were living in a daze.

Some people in modern times will feel very puzzled when they read history books. They wonder why those ancient people did not resist after encountering all kinds of injustice. If they beat or scold the whip, the people did not dare to say a word.

Jiang Zhen had doubts before, but at this age, he understood the reason.

At this time, people have too much vision and too few ideas.

A group of zebras were attacked by a group of lions, and the group of lions took one. After the initial panic, the zebras calmed down again and continued to eat grass and run as they should.

They feel that that is their life, and naturally it will not be changed by the death of the same kind.

People at this time are the same.

The vast majority of ordinary people have never read a book, and only go around in the neighborhood of their own homes. Their life is to farm and eat to become biological children, and then let their sons continue to farm and eat to become biological children.

When the Jiang family was able to develop, it actually had a lot to do with the experience of Butcher Jiang when he went out to join the army commander.

Now these people under Jiang Zhen's hands are all ignorant. Before that, they never thought about what they could do or what they could do. buy land.

But now, Jiang Zhen instilled some other ideas into them.

They are men who can go out and do something big, instead of staying in such a small place and doing things to bully their neighbors.

As long as they have the perseverance, maybe one day, they will be able to return to their hometowns on high-headed horses, and they can go to restaurants for dinner, which will make people look up to them.

This world is not limited to such a small piece of Hecheng County. In fact, it is very, very large, and it is boundless.

As time went on, those who were very repulsive to training at the beginning gradually began to work hard.

And when they no longer have a rejection mentality, the effect of the training will come out.

At this time, people usually have a hard life, and they are very able to endure hardship. As long as Jiang Zhen feeds them a meal every day, they will not be afraid of hardship or fatigue.

Of course, Liu Heitou is not uncommon to eat meat, but he is afraid of Jiang Zhen.

Afraid of Jiang Zhen, but unable to beat Jiang Zhen, and now his subordinates have become Jiang Zhen's subordinates... Liu Heitou has settled down so peacefully, so he can only speak ill of Jiang Zhen in private.

However, now that everyone is very tired from training, how many people are willing to listen to him repeatedly say bad things about Jiang Zhen

On this day, after the morning's training, everyone rushed to the place to eat, and there, two people hired by Jiang Zhen had already prepared the meal.

Pork and pickled vegetable soup, as well as steamed eggplant and stir-fried amaranth.

In the past, they all rushed to grab their meals, but now Jiang Zhen has rules, no matter what he does, there are rules for queuing up.

Therefore, everyone took two bowls and went to serve the rice first, and then went to get the vegetables.

One spoonful of pork and pickled vegetable soup per person, and in each spoonful, there is a piece of pork the size of two fingers. As for the steamed eggplant and fried amaranth, it is also one spoonful per person.

Those people eat like this, and Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge also eat like this.

They asked people to pour pickled vegetable and pork soup on the rice, and put the other two dishes in vegetable bowls. Jiang Zhen took the bowls and found a table with Zhao Jinge to sit down to eat.

This place used to be a casino, and naturally there were many gaming tables, but now, these gaming tables have become dining tables.

After sitting down, Jiang Zhen ate quickly, and after a while, he ate all the food, and then smiled and watched Zhao Jinge eat.

When Zhao Jinge eats, he likes to save the delicious food for the end. After he has eaten up the rice and stir-fried vegetables, he eats the piece of meat into his mouth and tastes it slowly.

"One day, my brother Jin can eat whatever he wants." Jiang Zhen touched Zhao Jinge's head.

Zhao Jinge looked at Jiang Zhen in puzzlement. In his opinion, his current life is already beautiful and unreal. He can eat whatever he wants - didn't he want to eat meat before

And... He thinks that if this goes on, they should become poorer: "Jiang Zhen, is it really okay to spend money like this? Do you still have money?" Although Jiang Zhen doesn't pay wages to his subordinates now, as long as they have a meal at noon , but after half a month, a lot of money has been spent.

In the future, they should still need to give them money to support their family, otherwise... Why should they follow Jiang Zhen

"It doesn't matter, it won't be long before I can make money." Jiang Zhen laughed.

These people under his command are already obedient. With such a group of people around, he still has to worry about not making any money

The casino that Zheng Yi promised is still unknown, but Jiang Zhen has already figured out another way to make money.