The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 69: The county town talks about business


When Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge were thinking about how to arrange the people under them, those people were also paying attention to Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge.

The former Liu Heitou was completely different from Jiang Zhen.

Liu Heitou asked them to do things and let them help him make money, but it was not good for them. He would only give it to his cousins, not to them. He always looked high and mighty. .

Jiang Zhen is different. These days, Jiang Zhen eats the same food as them, and will train with them, even Zhao Jinge will train with them.

This gives them a sense of being valued and less repulsive to training.

"I didn't realize at first that Brother Zhao Jin was a double. At that time, I wanted to invite him to drink flower wine together..." A thug from a casino couldn't help but said.

Hongxing Casino usually doesn't need too many thugs, as long as there are people there to maintain order. After Jiang Zhen asked those people, he left five thugs who didn't want to follow him to watch in the casino, and then took the rest Several people got it under their own hands.

And the person in front of him who once wanted to invite Zhao Jinge to drink flower wine was one of the people he got under his control, named Ding Li'an.

This Ding Li'an, after training with Jiang Zhen for two days, learned from Liu Heitou, who scolded Jiang Zhen's body and was not a man, that Zhao Jinge was actually Jiang Zhen's twin.

When he first heard about it, he thought it was Liu Heitou who lied to him, and he didn't believe it at all. After all, Brother Zhao Jin really didn't look like a twin.

However... People in Qiaotou Village all know that Zhao Jinge is still Jiang Zhen's twin. Some of them went to Jiang's house to make trouble on the day Jiang Zhen got married, and even saw them get married with their own eyes.

"It's not just that you didn't see it, I didn't see it either." Another humane said.

"Who would have thought he was a twin? He's taller than me!"

"By the way, he is Shuang'er, why did Jiang Zhen let him train with us?"

"Boss Jiang... just treats him as a man..."

Everyone was talking a lot, and they were all speechless, and they were more sympathetic to Zhao Jinge.

He is obviously a twin, but he is brought by his husband to train every day... This is not a life a twin should live at all.

Jiang Zhen is so rich, shouldn't his twins be like Liu Heitou's mother-in-law, who only needs to watch the children at home every day, and then support the wife hired by the family to work

Brother Zhao Jin didn't feel that it was hard. This training was really nothing to him, and even made him feel that he was closer to Jiang Zhen.

He wanted to learn more about his skills so that he could help Jiang Zhen in the future.

After dinner, Jiang Zhen called those people together and started brainwashing education.

He used to take a lot of political lessons, and although he didn't listen carefully at first, it was enough to instill some ideas in these people.

Jiang Zhen was impatient with long speeches, and only said a few words, agitated these people, and then asked everyone to take a lunch break for an hour. After an hour, it was physical training.

Only after Jiang Zhen accepted these people did he realize that their physical strength and endurance were really average.

Under a forest in Qiaotou Village, each of the more than 30 people held a bamboo pole in their hands.

Jiang Zhen didn't teach these people too many skills, he only hoped to improve their cooperation and physical fitness, but for Zhao Jinge, it was different.

Let Wang Haisheng take those people to do some repetitive training, and Jiang Zhen takes Zhao Jinge to teach him fighting skills.

Zhao Jinge's body is softer than Jiang Zhen's body. In Jiang Zhen's opinion, it is very suitable for learning combat skills, and he also teaches very carefully.

He hoped that Zhao Jinge would have the ability to protect himself.

Combat skills, of course, cannot be learned one by one, and one must actually fight. Jiang Zhen has tried his best to restrain the strength in his hands, but in the eyes of others...

Jiang Zhen is beating his own twins!

Their boss likes to train people, and even his own daughter-in-law does not let go. Thinking about it carefully, it is true that only Zhao Jinge can bear it...

Jiang Zhen's subordinates sighed when they saw this scene. When they were resting, Ding Li'an went to Zhao Jinge's side and asked in a low voice, "Hey, are you alright?"

"It's okay," Zhao Jin said. Although he was thrown by Jiang Zhen several times over the shoulder before, but he was caught by Jiang Zhen later, so he didn't fall to the ground, and it didn't hurt at all.

But... Jiang Zhen squeezed his ass with his hands when he fell on him, and I don't know if anyone saw it...

As long as Zhao Jinge thought that someone might have seen such a scene, his face felt extremely hot.

"It's fine." Ding Li'an gave Zhao Jinge a sympathetic look.

Jiang Zhen didn't know that his subordinates were sympathizing with his daughter-in-law, and he was revising the punishment and incentive measures at the moment.

Those who do not do well will be punished, and those who do well will be rewarded. This is stipulated at the beginning of Jiang Zhen's training for these people, and these days, the punishment is basically running and frog jumping, etc., reward It's money or food.

The training content of each stage is different, and these measures naturally have to be slightly modified...

Seeing Jiang Zhen writing, Zhao Jinge took a branch and wrote it on the ground. He didn't write anything else, just wrote Jiang Zhen's name, and then his own name, watching them next to each other. Together, he has a sense of contentment.

That night, Jiang Zhen disbanded these people very early. Before these people left, he also distributed a string of copper coins to each of them according to their performance, and gave each of them a suit of clothes.

The clothes are made of the most common coarse cloth, but the style is slightly different from the usual ones. These clothes were made by Jiang Zhen who asked Zhao Liu to find a woman from Hexi Village these days.

"Is this a dress?" Ding Li'an looked at the dress in surprise.

In fact, they don't lack clothes, but even so, Jiang Zhen's giving them clothes makes them a little excited, especially Ding Li'an.

Ding Li'an would be a thug because there was no one in the family, and although he had received a lot of money every month before, he always spent all of it without realizing it. Clothes and stuff, because no one cares, they're always tattered and dirty...

Suddenly getting a new dress with fine stitches in his hand, Ding Li'an was actually thinking about his mother.

Of course, there are also people who are not satisfied with this dress, such as Liu Heitou.

But after being tossed about by Jiang Zhen for a long time, no matter how unhappy or dissatisfied he was in his heart, he no longer dared to resist.

"Tomorrow you all wear these clothes, come here early." Jiang Zhen handed down the clothes and said.

Tomorrow, he will take these people to the county seat.

These days, the rhythm of the whole society is very slow. For example, a letter may have to travel for a month before it is delivered to the recipient.

After Zheng Yi got the cards, he wanted to make a big fight, but he couldn't get up no matter what.

More than half a month has passed. Although a lot of the lowest-end cards have been printed, the high-end cards cannot be printed. The painters have to draw them one by one, and they have to draw them delicately, and the speed is slow.

Under such circumstances, Zheng Yiteng didn't want to get the casino that Jiang Zhen wanted to open, and he didn't want to make the casino available in advance. Don't be impatient, just wait.

He already knew that Jiang Zhen was training people, but he only thought that Jiang Zhen was eager to do something.

Jiang Zhen took the fifty taels of silver at the time, but he didn't plan to wait for anything to be ordered. Instead, he asked Manager Zhang if there was an empty big boat to rent.

In this area in the south of the Yangtze River, all goods are shipped by boat. There are dozens of large and small boats in the Zheng family. Some of these boats are used, but some are vacant. Manager Zhang asked and rented them out. Jiang Zhen has a big ship.

When Jiang Zhen rented the boat, he contacted Yang Jiang and asked Yang Jiang to help him contact some merchants who needed to deliver goods.

Jiang Zhen thinks that the way to make money is nothing but logistics.

Nowadays, those businessmen do business by themselves and find someone to transport them by themselves, and occasionally join boats with others, but for the sake of safety, to avoid being killed and stolen goods, basically only two businessmen who have a very good relationship will do this. , as a result, it will inevitably cause some waste, the cost will increase.

Now, Jiang Zhen has brought out a big boat, and merchants can bring goods to board his boat, as long as they pay a small fee...

As soon as Yang Jiang talked about it, many businessmen were moved, but they had to wait until they met Jiang Zhen before making a decision.

Jiang Zhen took his men to Hecheng County just to see the merchants that Yang Jiang contacted.

Jiang Zhen rented a yard near Hecheng County, and it was in this yard that he met those businessmen.

Before the appointed time, businessmen from Hecheng County came here one after another.

The owner of the porcelain shop who did business with Jiang Zhen is going to buy a batch of porcelain from other places this time. It is easy to encounter danger when he finds someone to row a small boat. Hearing Yang Jiang's words, he is immediately tempted, and he came here early.

And when he came, he saw many familiar faces.

Among them, Hecheng County specializes in traders, and there are also some shop owners. Among them, there is a silk businessman named Li Mingzhe who is familiar with him.

The people near Hecheng County all grow mulberries and raise silkworms. That person buys silkworm cocoons here every year and sells them. He also sells the cloth woven by the women here. Although they don’t have a shop, they are very rich. .

"Brother Li, are you here too?" The owner of the porcelain shop greeted him with a smile when he saw the man.

"Boss Zhou, long time no see." Li Mingzhe greeted the owner of the china shop with a smile.

"I heard that Brother Li's family is going to have another baby, congratulations."

"Happy and happy." Li Mingzhe couldn't help but smile when he thought that he was about to have another child.

The two chatted with each other, and Li Mingzhe and the owner of the china shop asked about Jiang Zhenlai. He has a boat in his hand, but they are all small boats. To deliver the goods, not only do you have to dispatch several boats, but you also have to choose someone you can trust. have a look.

The owner of the china shop has always lived in the county town, and he still knows something about Jiang Zhen, so he told everything he knew right now. It's amazing, and it has gathered a group of people.

When Li Mingzhe heard the words, his heart suddenly moved, and he had decided that if the price was right, he would let Jiang Zhen deliver the goods for him.

At this time, other businessmen had also gathered around to listen to the owner of the china shop.

Among these people, many people are already excited. Of course, how to deal with it depends on Jiang Zhen and the people in his hands.

"People are coming!" Yang Jiang was also waiting here early, when he saw Jiang Zhen and others coming, he immediately said.

Jiang Zhen made a promise to him that he would get half of the commission when he pulled a business, that is to say, he could get 50 taels for a 100 taels of business... Because of this, he was very active in pulling business. of.

When the businessmen heard Yang Jiang's words, they raised their heads and looked over there, and saw a group of people coming from a distance.

These people are all black and thin, wearing uniform clothes, and they look very energetic. The most eye-catching thing is that these people's actions are actually uniform!

Each of them only had a bamboo pole in their hands, but they looked more imposing than the yamen who occasionally dispatched together on the streets of the county town, and everyone wore a waist knife.

Although I have never seen them make a move, but after a glance, these businessmen know that these people are definitely good at fighting!

If they go out to do business and encounter such a group of gangsters, the only way to go is to beg for mercy immediately, and if these people come to protect them...

What other gangsters dare to snatch their goods

When those businessmen saw such a group of people, they already made up their minds, and Jiang Zhen then gave them another reassurance.

"These people under my command are local people in Hecheng County. They have families in Hecheng County. It is impossible to leave everything here and run away. I can guarantee that your people and goods will be safe. To the destination." Jiang Zhen didn't beat around the bush, he said to the merchants directly, and then took out the contract.

"Also, this is the contract I made, you can take a look." Jiang Zhen said again.

Jiang Zhen's contract is very detailed. It also states that if there is an accident on the way, he will give these businessmen a certain amount of compensation. Of course, if the accident happens when there is a natural disaster, then the compensation will be gone. If the trouble comes out, he will in turn demand compensation from the person who caused the trouble.

These days, businessmen hire people to protect themselves, and in the end the hired people run away when they encounter danger. It is not uncommon for businessmen to die or their goods to disappear. Those small businessmen can only consider themselves unlucky.

Therefore, when Jiang Zhen said that the gangsters stole the goods, they would pay compensation. These businessmen were both surprised and happy, they couldn't believe it.

"I signed this contract!" Li Mingzhe said immediately, and asked again, "Can I not go to the delivery?"

"Of course, you can send someone to follow. If you trust me and pay the transportation fee over there, I will help you deliver the goods." Jiang Zhendao.

"Okay!" Li Mingzhe was very satisfied. He didn't like to run outside. After all, it would be dangerous. Now that he can't go, it would be better.

Li Mingzhe was the first to decide, and Jiang Zhen also paid attention to it himself.

Seeing the name written by Li Mingzhe and the address of Lijiacun, he could not help but look at the thirty-something businessman in surprise.

This person... seems to be the one who robbed Mr. Xu, the wife of Zhao Jinge's ex-fiancé Li Zugen...

Jiang Zhen knew about this Li Mingzhe, but Li Mingzhe didn't know him. He just ordered a concubine to come back and have children, but he wouldn't care about what happened to that concubine's room before, let alone all the men in that concubine's room. what did you do.

After negotiating with Jiang Zhen, he left a deposit of ten taels of silver and asked Jiang Zhen to go to Lijia Village to pick up the goods tomorrow, and then left.

And with Li Mingzhe at the head, more people came up to sign the contract and negotiate the terms.