The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 72: Ready to go to Beijing


Jiang Zhen took his subordinates and two boats this time, and basically only wandered around Hecheng County. He and Wang Haisheng went directly to many places, so it was relatively safe.

But it was the first time to go out, so he had to be extra careful, and there were a lot of things to do.

After squinting for a while after dinner, Jiang Zhen got up, and at this time, their boat slowly approached Fucheng and stopped at a pier.

Staying on the boat, Jiang Zhen's subordinates felt very novel, and no one was bored, but when the boat docked, Jiang Zhen asked them to unload some goods ahead of schedule, and arranged for a vigil, some of them were not happy .

Of course that person is Liu Heitou.

"It's already night, why do we still need to work?" Liu Heitou said dissatisfiedly, trying to incite the people around him.

"You don't have to do it, and you don't have to follow me... Do you think it's difficult for me to find a few people to do things for me?" Jiang Zhen looked over with a sneer.

He didn't have anything before, and if he wanted to recruit people, no one would come. In addition, he was worried that Liu Heitou's group would get together to make trouble for himself if they didn't clean up, so he accepted this group of people, but later...

In fact, it is better to use hard-working people like Wang Haisheng and He's brothers, isn't it

As soon as Jiang Zhen's words came out, Liu Heitou's heart skipped a beat.

He himself is a man who must report, and he feels that Jiang Zhen is probably the same.

He followed Jiang Zhen, there were so many people watching, Jiang Zhen couldn't do anything to him in order not to let his subordinates chill, but if he left here...

That guy Jiang Zhen has seen blood!

Liu Heitou was silent for a moment and started to work obediently.

When other people heard Jiang Zhen's words, they were also shocked. After thinking about it carefully, they found that Jiang Zhen was right.

These days, people are not lacking the most. With the treatment given by Jiang Zhen, it is very easy to recruit people in the future, but they... If they leave here, they can't become thugs. What can they do

These people work harder.

Jiang Zhen is very satisfied with this, and also thinks that the punishment and incentive measures should be made more perfect.

Of course, he doesn't think there should be such people... These people are actually quite obedient now.

After being busy for more than an hour, unloading the cargo off the ship and placing it in the open space, and arranged for someone to guard it, Jiang Zhen went back to the ship.

Zhao Jinge also helped to move the goods and count them. When he got to the room, Jiang Zhen took his hand and said, "Are you tired?"

"I'm not tired." Zhao Jin said, this job is really nothing to him.

Although Zhao Jinge said that he was not tired, it was their first time to go out. Jiang Zhen didn't plan to do anything this evening... As a result...

"Jiang Zhen, you said you were going to teach me at night... What are you going to teach me?" Zhao Jinge asked curiously in the dark cabin.

What Jiang Zhen wanted to teach Zhao Jinge was, of course, how to prevent the bed from shaking.

For example... Zhao Jinge crouched on top of him and moved up and down by himself.

Brother Zhao Jin is very forbearing. He felt that he had already taken the initiative, but to Jiang Zhen, he was actually very shy.

Of course, it's not bad to have a shy partner. Jiang Zhen enjoys developing Zhao Jin a little bit, not to mention that Zhao Jin is always very cooperative with him...

This time, the two of them really didn't make any sound, and only after everything was over, when Zhao Jinge got off him, his legs slammed on the bed and made a "bang", but this sound was too loud on the boat. It is common, and it will never make others suspect anything.

Jiang Zhen felt that it was a pity.

Zhao Jinge also felt that it was a pity. This position is not very good. After finishing the work, all those things flowed out, which is not good for the pregnancy.

Thinking so, Zhao Jinge touched his stomach.

"Stomach discomfort? Do you want me to help you clean it up?" Jiang Zhendao, he remembered that after finishing, he should clean up, otherwise it will be easy to have diarrhea.

The first time he was too excited and forgot, and then he thought about doing it, but Zhao Jinge was not happy... He saw that Zhao Jinge didn't have diarrhea, so he didn't force it.

This is probably because the structure of Shuang'er is somewhat different from that of men, but unfortunately he didn't see any difference at all.

"No need." Zhao Jinge said quickly, how can we clean it up at this time? His mother said, it is best to lie down and not move.

Zhao Jinge wiped himself, then lay down, Jiang Zhen saw this scene, reached out and touched his stomach: "You said, will there be children in it?"

"I don't know either, but people in the village said it was not easy for me to have children." Brother Zhao Jin was a little disappointed. Shuang'er is not as easy to have children as a woman, let alone a Shuang'er like him.

"It's okay, take your time." Jiang Zhen kissed Brother Zhao Jin, and he felt that it was fine to have no children.

Now that it is very hot today, it is even hotter in the cabin. Although they are all used to the heat, it is not very pleasant after exercising.

Brother Zhao Jin took a fan, and slowly fanned himself and Jiang Zhen, shook it, and fell asleep before he knew it.

Jiang Zhen took the fan, fanned him for a while, then threw the fan away and slept with him.

The next day, the merchants whose destination was Fucheng disembarked from the boat. At the same time, Jiang Zhen asked people to go to the dock for a few turns, and brought back a few merchants who were going to the same place as their route.

Those merchants are willing to take a big boat after paying some money. After all, in this area of Jiangnan, large groups of water bandits are rare, which means that it is basically safe to take a big boat.

Because the goods were unloaded from the ship last night, the day was actually not as busy as Jiang Zhen imagined. After lunch, he also found time to take Zhao Jinge to go shopping.

After explaining that Wang Haisheng and the He brothers were optimistic about the boat, Jiang Zhen took Zhao Jinge out.

"Boss, he is so kind to Brother Zhao Jin, I really can't see how he loves his daughter-in-law so much." Someone came over to talk to the He brothers.

He Chunsheng nodded and sighed. If he had known that Jiang Zhen was so good, he would have promised his younger brother to Jiang Zhen earlier... It's a pity that it's too late now.

"By the way, He Chunsheng, I heard that you have a twin brother who is very handsome... What do you think of me? I swear, I will love my daughter-in-law just like Boss Jiang!" The man said again.

He Chunsheng's face turned dark, this man is so ugly, how dare he miss his brother

Thinking of this, He Chunsheng couldn't help but glared at Liu Heitou again.

He Chunsheng and Liu Heitou have a big hatred, but because Liu Heitou went to He's house to rob people, he only brought his own cousin, so He Chunsheng and others have no contradictions, but Liu Heitou is not pleasing to the eye , He Xiasheng stared at Liu Heitou all day long.

Being stared at like this... Liu Heitou feels quite safe, at least it means that these people didn't plan to tie him up with rocks and throw him into the river, right

Jiang Zhen went to buy a few pieces of cloth, and then found the tailor who helped him make clothes before and entrusted her to make some flags.

His dart board is going to open, and there are still many things to do. First of all, the dart flag must be done.

"What is to be embroidered on this?" asked the tailor.

"Just embroider the word 'zhen'." Jiang Zhen said, and then made some comments.

Leaving from the tailor, Zhao Jinge looked at Jiang Zhen excitedly: "Are you really going to start an escort?"

"Yes." Jiang Zhen smiled: "We can't stay in the countryside all the time."

In fact, in modern times, Jiang Zhen would not mind being an ordinary person. After all, ordinary people have food and drink, and their life is not bad, and generally they will not encounter any danger.

But this was in ancient times.

You stay in the countryside and do nothing, who knows if there will be a catastrophe and you will die

Let's just say that in another ten or twenty years, he will not be as strong as he is now. He is old and frail. If there is a conscription order at that time, will he be drawn into the army

Maybe he has some money and can be exempted from military service, but if the magistrate of Hecheng County is changed to someone who likes to make money, he has no background, can he keep his family business

Even if these things don't exist... This Daqi has existed for hundreds of years, and it may be time to change the dynasty. If they are just ordinary people, they will definitely only be slaughtered by others.

Jiang Zhen thought a little far, and when he saw that Brother Zhao Jin was puzzled, he slowly started talking to him.

Before Zhao Jinge's vision was limited, he never thought about it. Now, after hearing Jiang Zhen's words, he realized that he had thought too little before.

"But these are all my thoughts. Maybe we won't encounter any problems." Seeing Zhao Jinge's tangled face, Jiang Zhen put his hand on his shoulder and pinched it.

Jiang Zhen took Zhao Jinge to Fucheng and ate a bowl of sweet lotus root flour that looked crystal clear after being soaked, and bought another sesame cake for him to eat. Zhao Jinge wanted to refuse, but thinking about the story Jiang Zhen told yesterday, he endured it. Living.

Seeing this, Jiang Zhen took a bite of his own sesame cake in a good mood.

He is not as poor as he was at the beginning. It is not enough to eat delicacies of mountains and seas and wear silk and satin, but it really doesn't matter if he buys some small things on the street.

Their ship only left the prefecture for the next county the next day. At the same time, all aspects of the team were on the right track, and Jiang Zhen didn't need to keep an eye on it.

It was at this time that Jiang Zhen began to teach Zhao Jinge to memorize multiplication formulas and learn Arabic numerals.

There are no Arabic numerals in this Daqi, but Jiang Zhen felt that it was more convenient to use numbers to learn mathematics, so he gave them to Zhao Jinge, and by the way, he gave many arithmetic problems of addition, subtraction and subtraction for Zhao Jinge to do.

According to his experience of learning mathematics when he was a child, this thing needs to be calculated quickly, but it still needs to be practiced more!

At this time, people hardly studied mathematics, and they had to break their fingers to count things. Brother Zhao Jin had a hard time learning these things, but he never gave up. He studied very seriously, and he could even help Jiang Zhen in many ways. In a few days, he might be able to be alone.

Jiang Zhen taught him to be more motivated, and at the same time, he also studied hard every day, and strived to not write words that lack arms and legs when writing...

On this trip, they stayed outside for nearly 20 days.

Jiang Zhen originally thought that he could earn a few dozen taels this time, but this is not the case. Not only did he not make money this time, but he posted a little...

However, this is not because this business is not profitable. On the contrary, this business makes a lot of money. After deducting the cost, Jiang Zhen can have an income of nearly one hundred taels of silver, but when he first started, he forgot to count the needs of various places. cost.

In several of these counties, as soon as his boat stopped, the yamen came to inquire, and a little bit here, a little bit there... Although it was only a few taels of silver each time, and in the end, the profits were spent. Two clean.

But this is also a good start, and he has paid once, so he doesn't need to pay so much money after that. When someone comes over, it is enough to give one or two silver to let them drink.

When he returned to Hecheng County, Jiang Zhen not only brought back all the merchants he brought out, but also brought back some merchants and goods from other places.

The two large ships stopped at the dock, and immediately someone started loading and unloading the goods. It was very lively, and at this time, Yang Jiang came: "Boss!"

"Anything?" Jiang Zhen looked at Yang Jiang.

"Boss, Young Master Zheng asked me to wait for you here, he wants to see you." Yang Jiang said, he had been wandering around the dock for several days, and he finally saw Jiang Zhen today.

Zheng Dashao wants to meet people, so naturally he can't be neglected. Jiang Zhen said to his subordinates and immediately went to find someone.

After going to Zheng's house and the concierge to inquire about it, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge entered the Zheng's house again, and then met Young Master Zheng.

Zheng Yi's first impression on Jiang Zhen was that of a swinger, but this time he was neatly dressed, and the whole person was very neat, which was very different from the original, and his eyebrows were full of confidence.

Obviously, Zheng Yi encountered a good thing.

Zheng Yi did encounter a good thing. He has almost prepared for the card business. He has been hiding the good things that have been tucked for two months, and he can finally see the light.

Besides... He suddenly discovered that Jiang Zhen had more ideas than he thought.

Although he doesn't understand why a person who has not left Hecheng County has so many thoughts, as long as Jiang Zhen can bring him benefits, he doesn't care about those.

"Jiang Zhen, you are very good, you can think of such a way to make money." Zheng Yi said.

"Zheng Shao praised me, I'm just making some hard money." Jiang Zhen said.

"Maybe it's just to make some hard money now, but maybe in the future." Zheng Yi said: "Did you get yourself an escort bureau? I have a business here, do you want to take it?"

"What business?" Jiang Zhen asked, but he had already made up his mind to take it.

He created this escort, and even got the thugs of the casino, hoping to attract the attention of the eldest young master of the Zheng family.

"I'm going to the capital, I hope someone can protect me." Zheng Yi said.

"Zheng Shao, there should be no shortage of people around you to protect?" Jiang Zhen was a little puzzled. There are many servants in the Zheng family, and Zheng Yi is going to the capital, so he doesn't need his protection.

You know... He originally just wanted to take over the business of helping the Zheng family deliver goods.

"You don't know, the north is not as peaceful as we are here. The more people who protect me, the better." Zheng Yi said.

Jiangnan is rich, even if some people have no land, they can also rely on people to work to live on, but the north is different.

Some places there are vast, sparsely populated and many natural disasters. If you are not careful, there will be refugees. Those refugees will not be able to live on, and they will fall into trouble.

There are very few water bandits in the south of the Yangtze River, but in the north... there are very many bandits, and there are fewer water bandits.

Their Zheng family is very respectable in Hecheng County, and they are nothing if they go out. Those bandits and water bandits bumped into him, and they must have robbed him!

Zheng Yi is a life-sucking man. When he wants to go to the capital, he must be fully prepared, not to mention... He also wants to talk more with Jiang Zhen.

When talking to Jiang Zhen before, he felt that he had benefited a lot, and now he naturally hopes to dig more things out of Jiang Zhen.

"Young Master Zheng can give me this opportunity, I can't ask for it!" Jiang Zhen said immediately.

"Then go get ready, we will set off in ten days." Zheng Yi said with a smile.