The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 73: Go home and sell chickens and ducks


After Jiang Zhen came out of Zheng's house, he went to the pier again.

The goods on the two ships have almost been moved, but some follow-up payments have to be collected by him, and some follow-up matters have to be handled by him.

After all this work, it was already dark, Jiang Zhen was not in a hurry to go home, but slept on the boat for one night, and he was not the only one who chose to do this. In fact, except for a few families In the county seat, other people basically stayed.

Everyone doesn't like to walk at night these days.

After going out for a trip and doing a business, Jiang Zhen was in a good mood, so he went to buy a few chickens, and set up a large iron pot on the shore to cook the chicken.

He actually wanted to buy pork, but it was too late, and there was no pork to sell at all.

The chicken is cut into small pieces and boiled in an iron pot. A large pot of soup is boiled. In another pot, water is boiled to cook noodles. When the noodles are ready, put them in a bowl. Pour two spoons of chicken soup on top, and it will be hot. The chicken noodle soup was eaten.

Jiang Zhen ate two bowls, put down his chopsticks, and found that the people in front of him were already chatting.

These people are all men. They have never been out before and have no idea, but this time they went out with Jiang Zhen, but they yearned for the outside world, and even felt that their whole person was different.

The people around them basically never left Hecheng County, what about them? They have been to Fucheng!

These people started chatting, and all of them were very excited. They were very happy, and they felt more of a sense of belonging to this team.

People of this age are actually much more fooled than modern ones. Jiang Zhen felt that he should be able to let these people give up on him before leaving for the capital.

Hmm... This adjective is useless, it should be said loyal.

"In ten days, I will take you to the capital." Jiang Zhen suddenly said.

"The capital?" Wang Haisheng was stunned, almost jumping up. What did Jiang Zhen say? Is he going to take them to the capital

That's the capital... They can go to the capital

"Boss?" The others were also stunned, suspecting that they had heard it wrong.

The capital is where the emperor lives. I heard that the palace is still made of gold! Can they go to the capital? !

"It's the capital. Young Master Zheng asked me to send him to the capital. If you perform well, some will go. If you don't perform well, then forget it." Jiang Zhen said.

"Boss, we must perform well!"

"I... Boss, I will listen to everything you say!"

"Boss, I have always been obedient!"

Those people surrounded Jiang Zhen, and they were all excited. Even Liu Heitou began to look at Jiang Zhen secretly—he is obedient now, is it too late

Liu Heitou used to be a bully in the village, and he felt that he was already very powerful, but now... He suddenly realized that he was nothing before...

"Be quiet, you won't have to go any more noisy." Jiang Zhen laughed, and ordered a few more words: "Also, don't talk nonsense about this, otherwise... Be careful that I peel your skins. ."

These people suddenly stopped talking, but their eyes looked particularly bright under the light of the fire.

The next day, Jiang Zhen went to return the two ships first, and then walked to Hexi Village with Zhao Jinge Wang Haisheng and others.

Jiang Zhen has already handed out the wages that should be paid. Wang Haisheng and others are very happy with the money, but Jiang Zhen himself lost more than ten taels of silver. He didn't take it seriously, but Zhao Jinge was a little worried and distressed.

"Brother Jin, don't worry too much, it's just a dozen taels of silver." Jiang Zhen said.

Brother Zhao Jin opened his mouth and didn't speak, this is more than ten taels of silver! All of their family's previous possessions were only a dozen or so.

"In business, there is always a loss and a profit. No one can guarantee that you will make a profit." Jiang Zhen said: "What's more, I will definitely make a profit next time."

Brother Zhao Jin was finally appeased: "Well, I believe you."

Jiang Zhen is so powerful, he will definitely make a lot of money in the future!

After Jiang Zhen said such words, Zhao Jinge was appeased, but when another person said such words, no one in his family believed it.

"In business, there is always a loss and a profit, and I haven't lost yet! What are you worried about? I will definitely make money!" Jiang Chengcai said to his family.

"What do you rely on to make money? Just rely on that house of seafood? Hurry up and sell them if you have the ability!" Jiang Chengxiang looked at his brother sarcastically.

When Jiang Chengcai came in with a shipment of marine goods, he was very proud, he looked down on Jiang Chengxiang everywhere, and ran on Jiang Chengxiang at home, but he was only proud of him for ten days.

In the first few days, under the propaganda of Mrs. Jiang, people from Hexi Village and some people from nearby villages came to Jiang's house to buy seafood. Out of three taels of silver.

And then... no one came to buy it again.

Seaweed and salted fish can be stored for a long time, and people don’t eat it often. People who are familiar with the Jiang family see the Jiang family doing this business. After buying some, they don’t need to buy it again for a few months. Buying, Jiang Chengcai's goods will naturally not be sold.

But it's not a problem to keep those things like this. You can't keep them all the time, right

Seeing that they couldn't sell a single piece of kelp for several days, the Jiang family became anxious. After much deliberation, they learned the practices of those merchants in the county, soaked the kelp, and sold it for a penny.

However, after they did it, they still didn't sell much... How many people in their village? Not to mention that many of them have already bought dried kelp.

Jiang Chengcai had no choice but to take it to the county seat to sell it, but it was very hard going back and forth, and not many were sold...

There are others in the county who are selling it!

Jiang Chengcai was lazy by nature. At first, he could work hard for a few days to make money, but after a few days of tiredness, he was not happy.

The goods are kept at home anyway, and they won't go bad for a while. If they can't be sold, they can't be sold. The big deal is to sell them slowly... Thinking of this, Jiang Chengcai was too lazy to go to the county town to sell.

But he thinks it's okay to keep things, but the rest of the Jiang family know that it can't be like this - no matter how long the salted fish and kelp can be stored, they can't be piled up and not sold!

Today, Jiang Chengxiang, who came home, couldn't stand the fishy smell at home, so he talked about Jiang Chengcai, and as a result, the two got into a quarrel.

"Okay, stop arguing!" Butcher Jiang shouted.

"Father, are you planning to indulge the second brother like this? Aren't you afraid that he will squander the family's money?" Jiang Chengxiang said.

"Where did I waste money? I took out 20 taels of silver, at least the goods are here? What about you? Take out your 20 taels of silver, you really haven't seen a single one." Jiang Chengcai sneered.

Jiang Chengxiang couldn't hang on his face, and looked at his parents: "Dad, don't worry, when I get paid, I will definitely take half of it for the family."

"You hand it over first!" Jiang Chengcai and Jiang Chengxiang competed against each other again.

"Okay!" Butcher Jiang said: "Don't be arguing, Chengcai, tomorrow we will carry the burden and go to other villages to sell together."

"Walking?" Jiang Chengcai frowned.

"How else do you want to go?" Jiang Butcher wanted to beat his second son.

Before they held it, Jiang Ping knew that the person who bought their land was Jiang Zhen, but he didn't tell them that he had borrowed a boat from Jiang Ping and let Jiang Chengcai come back with a bunch of seafood, but he couldn't borrow Jiang Ping every day. ship, right

Jiang Chengcai was not happy when he thought of taking the burden so far, but Jiang Butcher was angry... He didn't dare to disobey.

Butcher Jiang was also worried in his heart. He went out to sell goods, how could he do the work in the fields? I have to keep silkworms at home...

Originally, although the two daughters-in-law were women, they were also able to work. The work of picking mulberries and raising silkworms was entirely done by women. As a result, Zhu Shufen only picked a few mulberry leaves, and said that she was bitten by insects. Huang Min refused to do it after it was so itchy all over his body, and what was even worse was that the two of them were even pregnant.

It was a good thing to have a baby in the family, but now the two are pregnant together, but it has become a problem.

Butcher Jiang suddenly felt that what the villagers said that Jiang Zhen was born with blessings might be true. If Jiang Zhen hadn't left, how could life at home be like this

In fact, the current life of the Jiang family is better than that of the vast majority of people in the village, but it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. After they have lived comfortably for a long time, they can no longer bear the hard work.

The Jiang family was gloomy and gloomy, but the Zhao family was beaming.

After Jiang Zhen and others went out, Zhao Fugui and his wife, along with Sun Xiaoshan and his two children, began to concentrate on taking care of their own land, raising chickens and ducks.

Jiang Zhen had already asked He Chunsheng and He Xiasheng to help plant those few acres of paddy fields. Zhao Fugui only needed to visit every day and pull the weeds. They didn't need to worry too much, they just served those chickens and ducks wholeheartedly.

Chickens are kept in the woods, and they will find food by themselves. Just feed some grain bran every night. As for ducks...

The Zhao family raises many more ducks than chickens. These ducks are all fed to fish and snails.

There is a saying here that it is called winter mussels and summer snails. Winter is a good time to eat river mussels, and summer snails are the most plump.

It's summer now.

There is no meat in the snail, so if you want to cook it deliciously, you have to put oil. In fact, ordinary people don't eat it very much, and occasionally children are greedy, and they steam a bowl with a few drops of oil.

For these reasons, snails are very easy to catch. On the rocks on the river bank, there are often a lot of snails adsorbed. Even if the boat has been parked in the river for a long time, the bottom of the boat can be completely covered by snails.

Sun Xiaoshan has been with Wang Haisheng for so many years. He may not have the strength to row a long distance, but he is a good player in catching fish and snails. When Zhao Fugui was young, he also searched for food everywhere, so it was no problem to do these things.

They went to touch the snails every day to catch the small fish. At first, Zhao Liu had to chop the small fish and smashed the snails before they could be fed to the ducks. Later, the ducks could swallow the whole snail.

I don't know if it was because of the sufficient food they gave. Those ducks grew very fast, and it didn't take long.

Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liushi were reluctant to eat duck eggs, so they greeted them in the village and asked people in the village who wanted duck eggs to buy them... As a result, they sold well.

And that's not surprising.

For many people, things like kelp and salted fish are a change of taste. In contrast, they prefer eggs, duck eggs, and…

These days, when a woman is pregnant, she needs to eat eggs and duck eggs to make up for it. She gives birth to a child, and she needs to eat eggs and duck eggs. When the moon is full, she has to share red eggs. , that is the most enthusiastic performance.

If you don't eat kelp, you won't eat it. This egg, duck egg, is a must!

When Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge came back, someone came to Zhao's house to buy a basket of duck eggs, and planned to buy them back to make salted duck eggs - going out to visit relatives or something, salted duck eggs are also a good gift.

"The ducks at home are starting to lay eggs?" Brother Zhao Jin was a little surprised.

"Yeah!" Zhao Liushi smiled happily: "It's really good to raise ducks, and you can exchange money so quickly! Even if the ducks can't be sold, just sell eggs and eggs, and the capital can be slowly earned back." Duck, in fact, spent a lot of effort, but whether it is Zhao Liushi or Zhao Fugui, it is not a problem to spend a little effort.

"The ducks will definitely be sold." Jiang Zhen said: "Tomorrow we will go to the county seat, sell all the roosters and ducks, and buy some chickens and ducks back."

"There's no need to buy chickens and ducks, we can hatch them ourselves." Zhao Liu said quickly, although they didn't understand this before, they just need to learn.

"That's too much trouble, why don't you just buy it directly." Jiang Zhen rejected Zhao Liu's proposal. It would take several days to hatch a nest of chicks.

In fact, chickens and ducks are quite cheap.

As for those roosters and ducks that have grown up, he can take them and sell them to the Zheng family... Zheng Yi is going to the capital, and he certainly doesn't mind buying some chickens and ducks, pickling them or putting them in sauce for the crew to eat.

Before, he took two boats around Hecheng County, which is a water town, so he could dock from time to time to buy food, but if he went north, he often couldn't dock for several days.

Early the next morning, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Fugui tied up the chickens and ducks to be sold, and then carried them onto the boat with a load.

The chickens and ducks they want to sell are actually not many, only twenty or thirty, but because they are living creatures, they are particularly noisy, as if the cabins are full.

"Jiang Zhen, can this really be sold at one time?" Zhao Fugui asked.

"Yes, I have a way." Jiang Zhen said with a smile, in fact, for such a little thing, he gave his subordinates points all at once... It's just that this is what he does for Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu, and he can't take them to support them. chickens and ducks to give away.

Jiang Butcher and Jiang Chengcai picked salted fish and kelp and were walking along the river when they saw Jiang Zhen and Zhao Fugui, and heard their conversation.

Butcher Jiang only felt uncomfortable in his heart. He was obviously his son, but he was called so affectionate by other people's fathers!

Butcher Jiang stopped and looked at Jiang Zhen, but Jiang Zhen ignored him, rowed a boat and headed for the county seat.

Selling chickens and ducks is just a trivial matter. Jiang Zhen didn't go to Zheng Dashao at all, but found the housekeeper of Zheng's house and asked him if he wanted chickens and ducks.

Of course, the Zheng family has Zhuangzi in the countryside, and they will raise some chickens and ducks specially, but for such a big family, there are not too many chickens and ducks.

Of course, in today's society, there are not many chickens and ducks.

Those chickens and ducks were sold out all at once. Because these chickens and ducks were very fat, Steward Zheng was very satisfied, and told Zhao Fugui directly that if there were chickens and ducks next time, they could be delivered to him directly.

In addition, they also want duck eggs from the Zheng Mansion. Zheng Mansion has a dedicated fleet, and salted duck eggs have always been one of the crew's favorite foods.

It was the first time for Zhao Fugui to deal with a decent person like Butler Zheng. He was so excited that he stumbled when speaking. Later, he found that Butler Zheng was very easy to get along with, so he calmed down.

Butler Zheng was indeed very approachable. He talked to Zhao Fugui with a smile, and politely sent Jiang Zhen and Zhao Fugui away. When he turned around, he told Zheng Yi about it.

"Then Jiang Zhen should have no shortage of money, and there are a large number of people. I didn't expect that he would be willing to help sell chickens and ducks, making himself duck feathers and chicken dung." Zhao Fugui said.

"Yeah... He is someone who knows how to be grateful." Zheng Yi smiled and was even more satisfied with Jiang Zhen.

A person who appreciates gratitude and repays it, he is relieved to use it.

As for Jiang Zhen's disobedience to his parents... After all, Jiang's family has done too much.

After Jiang Zhen and Zhao Fugui sold the chickens and ducks, they went to the pier to buy some chickens and ducks, and they also discussed with the chickens and ducks sellers to let them hatch a little more and come to buy them in a few days.

Jiang Zhen pondered that it should be no problem for Zhao Fugui, Zhao Liushi and Sun Xiaoshan to raise a hundred chickens and ducks.

"Father, in the future to raise chickens and ducks, don't do everything yourself. You can use eggs, duck eggs, and the villagers to exchange for snails and small fish." Jiang Zhen told Zhao Fugui about his business experience.

Zhao Fugui nodded again and again, Jiang Zhen's brain is really useful!

Think about it carefully, the bran can also be replaced with eggs...

"Also, don't be reluctant to eat and drink, each person always wants two eggs a day." Jiang Zhen said again.

"Two eggs a day? How can you eat like this?" Zhao Fugui frowned immediately, but he was very happy, and he had already planned to go back and talk to Zhao Liushi.

He didn't talk to the villagers, he talked to Zhao Liu.