The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 75: Zhao Jin-ge beat someone


Butcher Jiang and his wife are not good to Boss Jiang, mainly because of superstition. To be honest, they are actually good to children, at least to children other than Boss Jiang.

Jiang Chengcai entered a room of unsellable seafood, but Jiang's butcher not only didn't blame him, but also took the burden and went out every day to help sell it.

But this Father He is really bad for his children, he doesn't even care about his own children at all.

He Chunsheng remembered what he had just known, and a big man's eyes turned red.

"What happened?" Jiang Zhen asked with a frown.

He Chunsheng spoke up immediately.

He and He Xiasheng had cleaned up Father He before, and after staring at Father He all day, Father He was honest for a while, but after he followed Jiang Zhen out, Father He's mind became active again.

At first, Father He just deceived the food and two chickens left by He Chunsheng to Mother He, and took the money to gamble. Later, he lost all of it and could not get any money, but he turned his mind to Jiang Zhen.

A gambler like He's father can do anything without face and skin. He found Hongxing Casino and told them that his two sons were working under Jiang Zhen, so he borrowed money from Hongxing Casino. , Bet in the casino.

No doubt he lost all his money again.

Then, Jiang Zhen and others came back.

His two sons came back, and they came back with money, and in a few days they were going to the capital... Father He suddenly became more courageous.

Before, he only dared to borrow one or two taels of silver, but this time he directly borrowed twenty taels, and he played big with others.

Gambling is a game where you lose nine times out of ten. People with smart brains may even win some money in casinos. For a father like He who is not smart and doesn't know any skills, don't even think about it.

There is no doubt that twenty taels of silver have been lost again.

He didn't tell He Chunsheng and He Xiasheng about it, and even wanted to continue borrowing money. The two brothers of the He family, the thugs of the casino, only knew about it after they told them.

"You can solve it yourself." Jiang Zhen heard the words and said immediately.

"We..." He Chunsheng was taken aback for a moment, he just didn't know how to solve it, so he came to Jiang Zhen.

"There is still one day left. If you can't solve it well, you don't have to go to the capital." Jiang Zhendao, He Chunsheng and He Xiasheng can still use it, but he doesn't want to be entangled with people like He's father.

If these two people can't solve his father, he can only give up these two people.

Can't go to Beijing? He Chunsheng was stunned for a while, then pulled He Xiasheng over and said to Jiang Zhen, "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely solve the matter."

He didn't dare to delay, he took his younger brother and left quickly.

Since Jiang Zhen accepted him and He Xiasheng, they don't have to go hungry. After returning from this trip, they became the envy of everyone in the village.

He Chunsheng was already in his early twenties, and he also had someone he liked. Before, he always felt that it was hopeless to marry someone he liked, but now... He is not without hope at all.

But if his father kept making trouble, that hope would soon be wiped out.

He and Xia Sheng Qiu Sheng, if this goes on like this, they will be destroyed sooner or later.

When He Chunsheng returned home, he saw his father eating.

After He Chunsheng followed Jiang Zhen out of the door, he was paid for the wages. With the money, they bought some delicious food to go home. But for the food, Mother He was reluctant to eat it, but he let Father He eat it.

"Have you asked Jiang Zhen? He should be able to wipe out that debt, right? He is the manager of Hongxing Casino!" Father He said: "And you, you will all follow Zheng Dashao to the capital, I only owe twenty or thirty taels of silver, why are you making trouble with me..."

Before Father He could finish speaking, He Chunsheng was dragged off the table by He Chunsheng. He was caught off guard and suddenly screamed.

"Chunsheng, what are you doing?" Mother He hurriedly went to help Father He.

"Mother, Jiang Zhen is going to drive us away." He Chunsheng said.

"How could it be?" Mother He became worried: "Doesn't he value you very much? How could he drive you away?"

"Father makes trouble everywhere, can he not drive us away? With such a father, Xiasheng and I don't even want to find jobs! We don't even want to be our own children! There is also Qiusheng, Qiusheng is good-looking and good-looking. What's the use? After marrying someone, such a father would come to borrow money every day, and the family would be annoyed, and they would probably beat him to death!" He Chunsheng said angrily to his mother.

Their father would be like this, and it was not unrelated to their mother. He didn't understand why his mother couldn't think about them.

"No..." Mother He said, "There must be a way..."

"What can I do? Now he owes Hongxing Casino more than 30 taels of silver, can he get the money? Can you get the money?" He Chunsheng has been very worried about his mother now. resentment.

Although his father went out to gamble every day, he still went home to eat and sleep. Couldn't his mother really see his father's difference? Why didn't he tell him and Xia Sheng, and offer his father delicious food and drink

"You have done so much work for that Jiang Zhen, how can Jiang Zhen drive you away when he says he will drive you away? This is impossible! You should go to him and ask for compensation!" Father He said, and as soon as he finished speaking, He Chunsheng had already Pull him up and walk out despite his resistance.

He Chunsheng took He's father directly to the Hongxing Casino, looked He Xiasheng at He's father, and then went to find the casino's manager Zhang.

In the past, he didn't even dare to enter the casino, but after going out with Jiang Zhen this time, he was a lot bolder, and he didn't hesitate when facing Manager Zhang.

"Steward Zhang, I'm sorry. I'm not very capable, and my father has lost all the money in the family. I still can't pay the gambling debts he owes." He Chunsheng apologized to Manager Zhang.

"It's okay, it's okay." Manager Zhang smiled. He knew that Jiang Zhen was highly valued by Young Master Zheng, so he was more tolerant to Father He after learning that both sons of Father He were working under Jiang Zhen's hands. In fact, he wanted to sell Jiang Zhen a good one. .

That being the case, he naturally didn't care if Father He could repay the money.

"Steward Zhang, please remember this money first, and I will pay it back in the future. Besides, there is one more thing I would like to ask steward Zhang for help." He Chunsheng said again, bowing.

"What?" Manager Zhang became interested.

"I hope Mr. Zhang can keep my father working in the casino. Mr. Zhang, you said to my father that I don't want to pay back the money, and asked him to do the work himself... With so much money, let him do it. Twenty years." He Chunsheng said: "My father is still in his forties this year, and he will be fine for another twenty years. He can do all the dirty and tiring work, and he doesn't need any wages!"

"You're a smart person." Zhang Guan was surprised in advance, and then smiled: "Yes, let him work with me in the future, don't worry, I will let people look at him." After being a steward for a long time, steward Zhang has met a lot of gamblers.

As long as the family members are soft-hearted towards the gambler... the gambler will be useless no matter how many guarantees he makes, and he will gamble next time.

He originally wanted to get rid of the bills and have a relationship with Jiang Zhen or Jiang Zhen's subordinates, but now it seems... maybe a different method can be used.

Manager Zhang agreed to keep Father He.

He Chunsheng thanked him before leaving. After walking a few steps, he turned around and said, "Steward Zhang, even if you let him work, you don't have to be too kind to him. He said before that as long as you can stay in the casino, Dun Dun porridge and pickles are also happy."

"Okay, no problem." Manager Zhang said, he wanted to befriend He Chunsheng. After he understood what He Chunsheng meant, he certainly couldn't do anything that would make He Chunsheng angry.

Father He, he must be well trained.

He Chunsheng turned around and told Father He that he had sold Father He to the casino for 20 years, and let Father He work to repay the money.

Father He was taken aback and cried out that He Chunsheng was unfilial, but He Chunsheng ignored him at all, went to a few thugs in the casino, took out all his savings and invited them to a meal .

"My father is a man who has nothing else but gambling. Please look at it. If he wants to gamble, he can fight. If he borrows money from someone, tell that person. I can't get through with me, anyway, I won't pay it back." After He Chunsheng finished speaking, he cried with these people again, and told his past experiences one by one, and finally said: "Please help me, wait for me to go. Come back from the capital, and then invite everyone to drink."

He Chunsheng was busy outside for a long time before returning home. When he got home, he saw his mother looking at him with an uneasy expression: "Chunsheng, Jiang Zhen really doesn't want you anymore? How can we do this?"

"Mother, don't you know, don't worry about that person next time! I handed him over to the casino, and let him repay his own debt. If you still miss him, don't live with me and Xia Sheng, Go find him!" He Chunsheng said, "Mother, think about it."

Mother He froze.

"Come here Qiusheng, brother has something to tell you." He Chunsheng said to He Qiusheng again.

He Qiusheng is a person who can handle it clearly, He Chunsheng told him the specific situation, and said: "Qiusheng, mother is confused, your own marriage, you need to weigh a little by yourself, the days when Xia Sheng and I went to the capital Here, you can see who is suitable."

"Big brother..." He Qiusheng wanted to say that he didn't want to marry, but he didn't say it. He should have planned for himself.

His eldest brother took his father away, and he could finally have a better choice.

The next day was the day to leave for the capital.

Since the He family brothers have settled the matter of He's father, Jiang Zhen will naturally not take them away.

The Zheng family went to the capital this time, and there were several ships in total. It is reasonable to say that people hired by Jiang Zhen could not stay on the main ship, but Zheng Yi insisted that Jiang Zhen would take his men and all of them on the main ship— Jiang Zhen and his subordinates are all natives of Hecheng County, so they are not bad people.

"By the way, prepare a separate cabin for Jiang Zhen." After getting on the boat, Zheng Yi ordered again, and then smiled and glanced at Brother Zhao Jin next to Jiang Zhen.

"Thank you Zheng Shao." Jiang Zhen thanked him.

The boat that Zheng Yi was on was much larger than the boat that Jiang Zhen had rented before, but because Zheng Yi brought too many people, the boat was a little crowded.

As soon as Jiang Zhen put away the things he brought, someone came to him, saying that Zheng Shao wanted to see him.

"Brother Jin, wait for me here, I'll come when I go." Jiang Zhen said to Brother Zhao Jin, and then followed the person.

Jiang Zhen left, and Zhao Jinge packed up the cabin alone.

This cabin is still not big, probably because someone has been living in it, it exudes an unpleasant smell.

Zhao Jinge is a double child, he can't do anything when he goes to work in the field. He is usually at home, but he still likes to tidy up himself and the house. Now he went out, holding a bucket and going to order some water for the cabin. Scrub.

Their boat is not by sea, and the most important thing is water, but Zhao Jinge came to the place where the water was drawn at the bow of the boat, but was stopped by someone.

"The boat just opened, it's a mess here, where did the water come from? You can find a way to get it out yourself." There was water there, but they just wouldn't give it to Brother Zhao Jin.

Zhao Jinge frowned, but didn't argue, he found a rope to tie it to the wooden bucket, so he filled a bucket of water, carried it into the cabin, cleaned the bed in the cabin, and even used a knife to smear some dirt covered with dirt. Or the surface of the wood that has been moldy has been chipped off.

After doing this back and forth several times, Zhao Jinge finally cleaned the room where he and Jiang Zhen were going to live.

I was busy when suddenly someone came in from outside: "Hello!"

"Is something wrong?" Zhao Jinge looked up and saw a topless man frowning at him.

"Something, I want this cabin, you can live next door." The man said to Zhao Jinge.

"I have already packed this room." Zhao Jinge looked at the other's face instead of looking at the other's body.

It took him an hour to clean up the room back and forth, and naturally he didn't want to change it.

"Stinky boy, you are shameless!" The man glanced at Brother Zhao Jin, snorted coldly, and suddenly stretched out his foot and kicked over the wooden barrel that Brother Zhao placed next to him.

"You..." Brother Zhao Jin frowned. There are several layers of cabins on this ship, and the wood is not waterproof, so except for the specially separated place for people to bathe and wash things, you can't pour a bucket like this in other places. water.

However, the cabin they live in is on the penultimate floor, and there are some sundries that are not afraid of water below, it doesn't matter.

"What's the matter with you guy? It's okay to swipe the water for a long time like a sissy, and you still knock the water over, what do you mean! Do you know there is something underneath!" The wicked person complained first. It is to rebuke Zhao Jinge.

And, after a while, a lot of people gathered here, all looking at Brother Zhao Jin with bad expressions.

Zhao Jinge has followed Jiang Zhen these days, and he has seen a lot of things. At this time, how can he still not understand that these people are deliberately looking for trouble

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Jinge asked.

"It's time for us to ask you, you've wet the things below, what do you want to do!" The leader said humanely. These people are indeed here to find fault.

They are all from the Zheng family, and they have always protected Zheng Yi. As a result, this time, Zheng Yi even sent many of them to other ships, but let Jiang Zhen and the others board the main ship.

These people are unhappy, why don't they just come to find fault? Jiang Zhen was not there, and they also found Brother Zhao Jin, who seemed to be Jiang Zhen's right and left hand.

"Boy, you have to lose money!"

"Let this room out too!"

"Apologize to us and forget about it."

Looking at Brother Zhao Jin, these people did not hide their malice at all. Some people even stepped forward and pulled the mat that Brother Zhao Jin had laid to the ground and stepped on both feet.

If it was in the past, Zhao Jinge would probably soften at this time and give up the room, but thinking about Jiang Zhen, he didn't want to endure it at all.

If Jiang Zhen came back and knew that he had let the room out, he would be very disappointed.

Zhao Jinge looked at these people and took a deep breath.

He felt that he should learn from Jiang Zhen...

Facing the nose of the person who came first, Zhao Jinge punched him.

Those people came here because they wanted Zhao Jinge to do something with them, but Zhao Jinge made a move suddenly without saying a word, which was a bit unexpected to them, and Zhao Jinge was moving too fast, that person could not escape.

"Good boy, you are very courageous!" The man sneered while covering the nose hit by Zhao Jinge, and also moved his hand towards Zhao Jinge.