The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 83: was worshipped


Zhao Jinge went out with his dirty clothes in a wooden bucket. Seeing him walking away, Jiang Zhen opened the food box and ate a chopstick of mushrooms and fried bacon slices, and then another chopstick of sauced pork.

After working for several hours before, he only drank a bowl of porridge and fell asleep. Jiang Zhen was so hungry that the soy bean sprouts and white rice that had no oil and water just didn't make him happy at all.

Whether it was bacon or sauce meat, it was very fragrant, but Jiang Zhen didn't eat all the meat, but put it back in the food box, and then went to see the wounded who had their wounds sewn by himself.

The wounded needed to live in a ventilated and dry place. After Jiang Zhen mentioned this to Zheng Yi, Zheng Yi gave up the cabin with windows that he used to eat to accommodate the seriously wounded. In the upper cabins of several other ships.

Jiang Zhen had just approached the cabin where the seriously wounded lived, when he found that there were many people around the door, and those people were full of awe when they saw him.

Among these people, some were Jiang Zhen's subordinates originally, and some were not known to Jiang Zhen, but at this moment, whether Jiang Zhen knew or Jiang Zhen did not know, they were all excited when they looked at Jiang Zhen look of worship.

"Boss!" Several of Jiang Zhen's subordinates even shouted loudly. They held their heads high and looked proud, while others looked at them with envy on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Zhen was a little puzzled when he saw this situation.

"Boss, after we moved people here, two people died!"

"Boss, they seem to be getting better!"

"Boss, do you have the ability to bring the dead back to life?"

Several of Jiang Zhen's subordinates looked at Jiang Zhen eagerly.

Two more dead? Jiang Zhen helped suture the wounds this morning. There were 19 people in total. A few had died before, and if two more died... Now there are only thirteen people left alive.

For Jiang Zhen, the mortality rate is very high, but for others...

Thirteen people who were originally determined to die have survived to this day!

You must know that those who were treated by Doctor Hu, who were treated with medicine and bandaged their wounds, were relatively lightly injured. During the time that Jiang Zhen was sleeping, three also died!

Jiang Zhen... It's really amazing.

Many people on the main ship didn't like Jiang Zhen before, but now... Thinking that Jiang Zhen might be able to save their lives at a critical moment, they became eager to Jiang Zhen.

Think about Jiang Zhen's ability to repel those water bandits... If they don't worship Jiang Zhen, who else can they worship

"Jiang Zhen, stitching the wound with a needle can really save them?" Just when Jiang Zhen was surrounded, Zheng Yi also came.

Zheng Yi also rested for a while. Now that he just woke up, he heard from the servant next to him that Jiang Zhen had woken up, so he came to take a look. At this moment, he was looking at Jiang Zhen with great interest.

"That can reduce bleeding." Jiang Zhen said: "These people may have a fever next, and they may not be able to survive, but at least they will not die due to excessive blood loss."

"How did you come up with it?" Zheng Yi looked at Jiang Zhen curiously. What Jiang Zhen did is very simple, that is, he used needle and thread to sew up the wound. It can be said that everyone can do it, but this idea is absolutely novel.

"Zheng Shao, I actually didn't come up with this method, but I saw others use it." Jiang Zhen said: "When people raise chickens, some chickens are raised, and their stomachs will get bigger and bigger, and they will die like that in the end. , and after such chickens are killed, they will find a large bag of water in their stomachs. This is because the chickens are sick. Everyone thinks that such chickens should be killed and eaten earlier. My mother also thinks so, but I think This chicken is sick and can't eat it, so I want her to throw it away."

"Then what?" Zheng Yi asked.

"But my mother was reluctant to throw it away, so she poked a hole in the chicken's stomach with a knife, squeezed out the water in the chicken's stomach, and sewed up the chicken's belly with needles and thread... Then the chicken came alive." Jiang Zhen said.

He said it was true.

Zhao Liu kept so many chickens and ducks, and there were always sick ones. One of the chickens probably got ascites and was about to die.

Zhao Liushi was afraid of wasting it, so he would kill it for his family to eat, but Jiang Zhen didn't want to eat the sick chicken, so he asked Zhao Liushi to give it away or throw it away.

Zhao Liushi didn't want to, and also said that she had heard others say that a chicken with this problem might survive as long as the water in its stomach was released... Then she stabbed the chicken and let it go. water in.

When Jiang Zhen saw it at the time, he said that he could sew the chicken's stomach with needles and thread, and Zhao Liu did the same. Later, the chicken actually survived...

"This method can be used by chickens, and people should also be able to use it. I don't know medical skills, but I just think that the wound is too big and it's easy to bleed, but when it is sewed up, it won't bleed." Jiang Zhen said again.

"You think of this method well!" Zheng Yi praised. In normal times, this method is not very useful, but in war...

Such a method is given to those generals and given to the military doctor, and many more people will definitely survive on the battlefield!

Zheng Yi has already begun to think about how to use this method to benefit himself.

Of course, he would not treat Jiang Zhen badly.

"Thank you for your praise, Master Zheng." Jiang Zhen said.

"Let's go in and have a look." Zheng Yi said again, and took Jiang Zhen into the cabin.

There were more than a dozen people lying in the cabin, and a few fell asleep, but most of them were awake.

These people were seriously injured, but they seemed to be in good spirits, and the one with the best spirit was Fang Ping, who had a hole in his abdomen.

At first, Fang Ping asked Jiang Zhen to sew his stomach, but he didn't want his intestines to fall out. He didn't expect that after the sewing, he never died.

Not only did he not die, but some of the people around him died with serious injuries. That's all. Wang Haisheng, who was in charge of taking care of them, had been praising Jiang Zhen in front of them.

It was at this time that he realized that Jiang Zhen was so powerful. Not only was his fighting power amazing, but he also saved Wang Haisheng's dying daughter-in-law.

In this case, can Jiang Zhen also save him

Fang Ping thought that Jiang Zhen could save him, and immediately felt that he became more and more energetic and stronger.

He will definitely survive, and he will go back to have a son with his wife!

"Our boss didn't get enlightened before, so he was unknown. Later, when he got enlightened, he became as powerful as an ox. He was very powerful. I used to go out with him and meet water bandits, and he alone took two of them. All the water bandits on the boat were caught!" As soon as Jiang Zhen entered, he heard Wang Haisheng boasting about himself: "And this time, he took us to the boat where the bandit leader was, and easily caught the bandit leader. Well, we haven't had any casualties at all!"

Wang Haisheng said that when he and Jiang Zhen met the water bandits, he blurred the fact that there were not many water bandits on the two ships, so that those around him even thought that Jiang Zhen had killed the water bandits on the two large ships. Plus this time... they all look forward to it.

"Jiang Zhen is too powerful!"

"No wonder his twins can beat a group of people."

"It's nice of you to follow him."

Jiang Zhen: "..."

Jiang Zhen had told the people around him some ways to take care of the wounded, and the most important thing was to be clean, so the cabin was kept clean, and all the wounded were put on clean new clothes.

This undoubtedly makes people feel happy. The condition of the wounded is very good. When they saw Jiang Zhen come in, they also looked over with admiration.

Jiang Zhen used to fight to subdue people, and only Zhao Jinge and Wang Haisheng admired him, so he was not used to it for a while.

However, he was in a good mood - it was always a good thing to be able to save people.

Jiang Zhen gave Wang Haisheng the lunch box in his hand: "There is some meat here, you have worked hard, take it and share it."

"Thank you boss!" Wang Haisheng laughed happily.

Zheng Yi glanced at Jiang Zhen in surprise, then smiled and said, "Jiang Zhen, I believe you will be able to do a good job of your security guard."

He used to think that he was a steward for Jiang Zhen, and he was already paying attention to Jiang Zhen, but now it seems...their Zheng family probably won't be able to keep Jiang Zhen.

Zheng Yi saw the wounded and left after a few words. Jiang Zhen didn't stay here any longer.

Thinking that Brother Zhao Jin might not be full, Jiang Zhen went to the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat.

Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge didn't come to the kitchen for lunch and dinner, so they can get food in the kitchen now.

"Today's dishes in the kitchen are meat dishes." The boy who scooped the vegetables opened the pot and showed it to Jiang Zhen: "The stewed bacon with soybeans is delicious."

Before they go out, they will bring a lot of soybeans, because these soybeans are really good things.

It can be used directly for cooking, bean sprouts, some ships have stone mills, and even tofu.

Jiang Zhen ordered two bowls of rice in the kitchen and a bowl of stewed bacon with soybeans. After thinking about it, he ordered some pickles before going back.

Facts have proved that Jiang Zhen's approach is very prescient.

On the way back, Jiang Zhen had already picked out a little bit of meat in the soybeans to eat, but when Zhao Jinge saw the bowl of soybeans, he still retched.

"I smelled meat inside." Zhao Jinge said, he smelled meat, which had always made him feel very fragrant, but now he doesn't know what happened, but it made him feel very unpleasant and unbearable. .

"I'll take it outside." Jiang Zhen said immediately.

Jiang Zhen brought the soybeans to the outside of the cabin, and Zhao Jinge had nothing to do, and he ate another big bowl of rice with the pickles.

"You look like this... It is estimated that in the next period of time, you can only be vegetarian." After eating and packing up, Jiang Zhen touched Zhao Jinge's head.

Brother Zhao Jin was stimulated much more than he imagined.

"Yeah..." Zhao Jinge's face is full of pity, he can't eat meat, it's a pity!

As for excitement...

Killing someone was originally a very exciting thing, but now Zhao Jinge is focusing on the fact that he has to vomit from time to time. He has no time to think about those bloody scenes, nor does he want to think about those bloody scenes.

After sleeping for a long time during the day, Jiang Zhen was in good spirits at the moment. Seeing Zhao Jinge's annoyed look by candlelight, he couldn't help but kiss him.

He and Zhao Jinge are still newly married, so even on the boat, he asks Zhao Jinge almost once a day.

When Zhao Jinge was kissed by Jiang Zhen, he knew what Jiang Zhen wanted to do, and his face suddenly blushed.

He vaguely felt that Jiang Zhen wanted too much, but Jiang Zhen liked him, which was also a good thing... Anyway, he would never refuse him anyway.

What if he refused and Jiang Zhen went to find someone else

"Be gentle." Brother Zhao Jin said, it must not be heard...

"Don't worry, I will." Jiang Zhen said, in order not to be heard, his affectionate actions with Brother Zhao Jin these days are extremely gentle, and this... is also quite interesting.

Watching Zhao Jinge slowly grind him with forbearance, it feels really good.

Jiang Zhen untied his pants and slowly entered Zhao Jinge's body, but before he could move, the door suddenly slammed.

"Damn it!" Jiang Zhen couldn't help but scolded secretly. After pushing Zhao Jinge, he hurriedly left Zhao Jinge's body and put on his pants. He tied his clothes around his waist as a cover. Seeing that Zhao Jinge also packed himself up, Then he opened the door and asked in a bad tone, "What's the matter?"

A young man stood outside the door. As soon as the door opened, he looked at Jiang Zhen angrily: "You obviously can save people, why didn't you save my brother before, you..."

Jiang Zhen didn't know this person at all, and his brows furrowed.

Jiang Zhen originally wanted to listen to this man talk and figure out what was going on, but he didn't expect this man to be talking, and he actually stretched out his fist to hit him.

This is the door to find fault!

Jiang Zhen was in a bad mood when he was suddenly disturbed. When he saw this scene, he was furious and kicked the person out.

When he was saving people before, he had already tried his best to treat those who were considered mortal by Dr. Hu. Even those who were not mortally wounded, he also offered to sew their wounds. When did he stop saving people

Don't be because you didn't trust him before, but now you're dead and come to trouble him again!

Jiang Zhen was right, the elder brother who came here really didn't trust him before and refused to let him sew his wounds, but unfortunately died later.

At that time, he even took the initiative to ask the person if he wanted treatment.

At that time, the man was afraid that he would die after being tossed by him, so he did not want him to suture the wound, but the bleeding couldn't stop afterwards.

Just this afternoon, the man died.

This was nothing at first. It was normal for them to die after being injured, but at this moment, that person's younger brother, who came to the door, heard that those who were injured more seriously than his brother, because With Jiang Zhen helping to suture the wound, he didn't die, and even got better.

His brother was not seriously injured, but died, but those who were more seriously injured survived... This man was so angry that he came to the door to find fault.

After being kicked out by Jiang Zhen, the man jumped up from the ground and patted Jiang Zhen's door again: "Jiang Zhen, come out for me!"

He kicked the door of the cabin angrily, but after a while, a few people rushed out from the side and held him down with his hands.

"What are you doing?" The man was angry.

"What are you doing? You're making trouble here with steward Jiang!" The person holding him was very angry.

The people on the boat now admire Jiang Zhen very much. This person actually came to trouble Jiang Zhen!

"If it weren't for Manager Jiang, you would have already become a dead soul under the knife!"

"Your brother didn't want Steward Jiang's treatment by himself. What's the matter with Steward Jiang?"

"Come on, don't disturb Manager Jiang's rest!"

Soon someone dragged this person away. These people are not all Jiang Zhen's people, many of them were originally Lu Da's subordinates.

When Lu Da heard the movement, he happened to see this scene. Hearing these words, his face darkened.

Why did all his subordinates defect to Jiang Zhen

Lu Da walked out in a bad mood. He was only halfway there when Zheng Yi called him over.

"Lu Da, you disappoint me." Zheng Yi said directly.

"Eldest young master?!" Lu Da looked at Zheng Yi in horror.

"You were cultivated by my Zheng family, and the one I trust most is you, but look, what have you done? Jiang Zhen is the one I invited, the one I value, and for your own selfish interests, Going to target him, before he wanted to save people, he also stopped him." Zheng Yi said: "If it weren't for him this time, we might be dead, you haven't seen the truth yet?"

"Eldest young master..." Lu Da lowered his head in shame.

"In the future, treat Jiang Zhen the same way you treat me." Zheng Yi said: "If you don't do well, I don't mind changing you."

Lu Da was stunned.

At this time, Jiang Zhen found that there was finally no disturbing movement outside the door, but he hugged and kissed Brother Zhao Jin...

When Jiang Zhen woke up the next day, Zhao Jinge was still asleep.

It can be felt that the sudden murder of someone has a great impact on Brother Zhao Jin. At this moment, he is asleep and his brows are wrinkled.

Jiang Zhen gently stroked the scar on Zhao Jinge's eyebrow with his hand, kissed him on the forehead, and then got up and left.

After leaving the cabin, Jiang Zhen realized that their ship was still parked and did not leave.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Zhen was somewhat surprised, and then his heart moved.

He has always had an idea. Before, he thought it would be difficult to follow Zheng Yi, but now he can try it.

Jiang Zhen found Zheng Yi and said his thoughts.

"Are you going to fight those water bandits?" Zheng Yi opened his eyes in surprise when he heard Jiang Zhen's words.

He was still worried that those water bandits would come to his door, Jiang Zhen... He actually wanted to attack those water bandits!

"Yes." Jiang Zhen nodded: "My people have never experienced combat, and they have too little experience. I want to take them out to practice."

Better get some more money if you can.