The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 84: Water robbers' money


Zheng Yi parked the boat here and never left, which was also helpless.

In the previous battle with the water bandits, the main ship had a lot of people and guards, so the casualties were not too big to stop the water bandits, but the other ships were different.

At that time, many water bandits climbed onto those ships, and after a battle, the four ships except the main ship lost at least one-third of their personnel, and many people were injured and frightened.

Zheng Yi wanted to leave the ship immediately after the battle, at least one of the big ships had to be abandoned, but this time the water bandits have already lost a lot of people, how can they lose more goods

He is a businessman after all, and he came out to make money.

In desperation, Zheng Yi could only repair for a day, and then rearranged the manpower. At the same time, he also allowed his subordinates to bury the dead on the shore and let the wounded rest well.

Zheng Yi had already made some arrangements, and let some guards temporarily act as sailors. He originally planned to continue the journey this afternoon, but Jiang Zhen actually made such a request at this time.

"Are you sure?" Zheng Yi asked. There are a large number of those water bandits. It's good to be sure. If Jiang Zhen is not sure, he will go back...

If something happened to Jiang Zhen, his next trip might not be easy.

"Yes." Jiang Zhen said with certainty that those water bandits were gathered by the displaced people after the drought. Although there are a few powerful people in them, they are nothing but the bravery of ordinary people. As long as you are fully prepared, In his opinion, it is not difficult to take down such a group of water bandits.

Jiang Zhen thought before that he must not put himself and Zhao Jinge in danger in the future, and if he wants to do this, he should not think about avoiding all dangers, but should think about becoming stronger.

Only when he becomes stronger and the people in his hands become stronger can he not be afraid of danger.

And if you want to get stronger, you have to practice.

Those water bandits have just lost the battle, and the bandit leader has also been killed, and now it is estimated that they are still in chaos... Is there a better target for training than them in this world

Jiang Zhen didn't hide it from Zheng Yi, and directly told his plans.

"Jiang Zhen, if you go to join the army, you will definitely become a warrior who wins more with less." Zheng Yi said with admiration.

"Zheng Shao, if I go to join the army, maybe I will only be a soldier until I die." Jiang Zhendao, how can promotion be so easy these days

Moreover, what he is relying on now is only the experience of leading troops in modern times, and in modern times... he has led at most a hundred people.

It's no problem for him to train a strange soldier, but if you want him to bring an army of tens of thousands... he may not be able to bring it well.

Zheng Yi also knew that it was difficult to be promoted in the army without power and power. He smiled and said, "I can wait for you here for a few days, but I have a request."

"Young Master Zheng, just say it." Jiang Zhen said.

"Take Lu Da with you, and choose a few of his subordinates to go with them and help me train them." Zheng Yi said. Zheng Yi used to think that Lu Da and Lu Da's subordinates were powerful enough, but now compared with Jiang Zhen and Jiang Zhen's subordinates, he felt that they had shortcomings everywhere.

When he spent money to invite Jiang Zhen to join his northbound team, although he valued Jiang Zhen, Jiang Zhen was actually similar to Lu Da to him.

He even felt that he could completely turn Jiang Zhen and Jiang Zhen's men into the same guards of the Zheng family as Lu Da and the others.

But now he doesn't think so anymore. Jiang Zhen is much more powerful than he imagined. It is impossible to be a steward under him all the time. His security bureau is estimated to develop well.

He will give Jiang Zhen enough respect, and will no longer treat Jiang Zhen as his subordinate. In this case, he hopes that Jiang Zhen can train his subordinates.

Jiang Zhen was eager for Zheng Yi's request.

Although most of his subordinates had been thugs, they were nothing more than bullying thugs in the countryside. They were nothing special, but Lu Da was different from Lu Da's subordinates.

Those people have seen blood.

"Master Zheng, of course I'm willing to bring a few more people, but I still want them to volunteer." Jiang Zhen said.

When he went out this time, he took the route of the strange soldiers, but he didn't want any disobedient people in the team.

Leaving from Zheng Yi, Jiang Zhen went to prepare.

"Thousands of those water bandits are there. This operation is very dangerous, so it's up to you to decide whether to go or not." Jiang Zhen called all his uninjured people and said that he was going to fight the water bandits. matter.

"I'm going!" Wang Haisheng and a few people who had dived with Jiang Zhen to kill the bandit leader immediately said.

After following Jiang Zhen to kill the bandit leader and rescued the caravan, they have always been worshipped, and some people have sent them gifts of thanks, which made them both excited and happy.

They love the feeling of being adored, and now they wish there was a battle for them to take part in.

"Boss, let's go too!" The rest of the people also shouted, they hated those water bandits, and they also wanted to be envied.

Isn't that just killing water bandits? Did they kill less yesterday

It's a man, and there are few people who don't want to make achievements. Jiang Zhen has not used material to agitate these people, and they have already agreed.

Even from Lu Da's side, Jiang Zhen finally selected a total of 60 people, and spent some time preparing all kinds of useful equipment before leaving.

Before leaving, he went to see Brother Zhao Jin, but he was still asleep...

"Brother Jin." Jiang Zhen rubbed Zhao Jinge's head.

Brother Zhao Jin opened his eyes in a daze, only to realize that it was already dawn: "Is it very late? I'll get up right away."

"No, you take a rest." Jiang Zhendao, kissed Zhao Jinge again: "I want to go out, you wait for me to come back."

At the beginning, Jiang Zhen also thought about asking Zhao Jinge to go with him, but in the end he gave up.

After Zhao Jin-ge killed someone, he felt very guilty and reacted a lot. He couldn't take him to kill again...

After Jiang Zhen finished speaking, he left. Brother Zhao Jin quickly got up, packed himself up and went out. Only then did he know that Jiang Zhen had actually brought someone to fight the water bandits.

Jiang Zhen is going to fight water bandits? !

Although Zhao Jinge thinks that Jiang Zhen is the most powerful and has full confidence in Jiang Zhen, he is also worried about Jiang Zhen. Hearing that Jiang Zhen is going to fight the water bandits, he is immediately anxious.

Those water bandits are so vicious and there are so many people, will something happen to Jiang Zhen and the others

Zhao Jinge became more and more worried, and he didn't know if he recalled the previous battle scene. His stomach shrank, he couldn't help but retched again, and he couldn't stop it.

"Brother Zhao Jin, are you alright?" Jiang Zhen asked a subordinate with an injured arm.

This person was also one of the people Jiang Zhen helped suture the wound.

Originally, he didn't want Jiang Zhen to help him suture because the injury he suffered was not fatal, but after being glanced at by Jiang Zhen, he subconsciously agreed...

Jiang Zhen took everyone who could be taken out this time, but those with arm injuries like him stayed behind.

"I'm fine, I'm just hungry." Brother Zhao Jin said.

"Then go get something to eat." The man said, a little disappointed: "Why am I injured? If I wasn't injured, I would be able to fight water bandits!"

Brother Zhao Jin nodded, and went to the kitchen in despair, but this person went to the place where the wounded lived.

When Jiang Zhen went out this time, he left five of his subordinates, one was the one who was seriously injured, and the other four were slightly injured but could not move. The injured person is responsible for taking care of the seriously injured.

But in fact... those seriously injured patients don't need their care at all.

Zheng Yi attaches great importance to those who were seriously injured and whose wounds were sutured by Jiang Zhen, and actually sent his two maids to take care of them.

Jiang Zhen's request was a bit trivial to the big men on the boat, but to these two maids, it was all right.

They waited on Zheng Yi to wash, not only with boiled and cooled water, but the water had to settle for several days before it boiled!

They take good care of people, and the friends and companions of the wounded will come to help, so that Jiang Zhen's slightly injured subordinates don't need to do anything at all, at most they only need to take care of He Xicun. Severely wounded with a slash in the leg.

The man had already woken up. When he first woke up, he was still full of fear, thinking that he would die, but after the big guy talked to him, he felt that he would definitely survive because of his confidence in Jiang Zhen.

He had a hole in his stomach, but he was fine now. He was just slashed in the leg, so what was he afraid of

Most of the seriously wounded who woke up were optimistic, but in the end not all of them would survive - someone had a fever.

It is even more difficult to survive an injury and still have a fever. However, compared with this side, more people with minor injuries that Dr. Hu has treated and treated have a fever.

Fever after injury is a very common thing, but compared with Jiang Zhen's side, it seems that Dr. Hu's medical skills are not good.

Before, I still thought that Jiang Zhen was a rambunctious Doctor Hu, and these two days became more and more tangled day by day.

Zhao Jinge went to the kitchen, smelled the smell of meat, and retched again. Fortunately, someone helped him get the simplest porridge and pickles and let him take it back to the cabin to eat, and he finally felt better.

But this porridge, in the end he didn't know how to eat it.

Jiang Zhen didn't bring him this time, probably because he wanted to vomit at every turn.

Why is he so useless? Others will vomit on the same day, and it will be fine in two days. What about him? It kept vomiting...

If he doesn't vomit, he can definitely follow, so there is no need to stay here and be afraid...

After eating, Zhao Jinge went out, looking for Doctor Hu to show himself, it is best to get some medicine to stop vomiting.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not. Just as soon as Brother Zhao went out, he met Doctor Hu, but before he went up to talk to Doctor Hu, Doctor Hu looked at him viciously... When Brother Zhao froze, he immediately gave up his original plan.

He also remembered the thing that Doctor Hu questioned Jiang Zhen before... This Doctor Hu didn't like him, and he didn't like this Doctor Hu either.

Zhao Jinge gave up his plan to let Doctor Hu show him, turned around and left.

Zhao Jinge originally liked the life on the boat very much. Although he was not familiar with his life, Jiang Zhen was always by his side.

But right now, Jiang Zhen is not there.

Without Jiang Zhen, Zhao Jinge only felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't lift himself up.

He is not a person who likes to talk and socialize widely, because he is a double child, and he doesn't have much contact with people. At this moment, he actually feels that there is nothing to do, and he unconsciously thinks about it.

If Jiang Zhen is in danger, what should he do

Zhao Jinge was worried, restless, and retched even worse...

Although he just retched and didn't spit out what he ate, it also affected his actions very much. In the future... Wouldn't he be able to accompany Jiang Zhen to go out for training

It's okay for him to be ugly, and now he can't even fight with Jiang Zhen, let's go on like this...

The more Zhao Jinge thought about it, the more uneasy he became. The last time he gritted his teeth, he went to find Zheng Yi.

Brother Zhao Jin has always been a little afraid of Zheng Yi. He felt that he and a young master like Zheng Yi were not the same. In the past, when he went to see Zheng Yi with Jiang Zhen, he didn't even dare to say a word to Zheng Yi.

But today...

Zhao Jinge cheered up and found Zheng Yi.

"Zheng, Zheng Shao..."

"Is something wrong?" Zheng Yi could see through Zhao Jinge's temper at a glance. He was a little surprised when Zhao Jinge came to him on his own initiative.

"Jiang Zhen... When will he come back?" Zhao Jinge asked, looking up at Zheng Yi with concern in his eyes.

It turned out that he was worried about Jiang Zhen, so he came here... Zheng Yi had a good impression of Brother Zhao Jin, so naturally he didn't hide it at all at this time: "I don't know the exact number of days, but it will take about two or three days."

"Two or three days..." Brother Zhao Jin frowned tightly.

"Don't worry, Jiang Zhen said that he is sure." Zheng Yi said, seeing Zhao Jinge's worried look, and said: "By the way, he still thought about you before he left, let me send you some eggs to eat."

"Yeah." Brother Zhao Jin replied, feeling even worse.

Jiang Zhen has so many things to do, and he has to trouble Jiang Zhen to think about himself. It's really inappropriate... Also... Jiang Zhen specifically asked Zheng Yi to let him eat eggs because he can't eat meat now, right? He's really not good...

Zheng Yi noticed that Zhao Jinge was not in high spirits, and quickly guessed that it was probably because Jiang Zhen didn't take him away... He immediately smiled: "Jiang Zhen is going to take someone to stay outside for two nights this time, he probably doesn't want you Living with those rough men, I didn't bring you with me."

"If it was me, I would never let my twins live with a bunch of stinky men."

Zheng Yi said, and looked at Brother Zhao Jin with a mocking expression.

Zhao Jinge lowered his head quickly, but he couldn't deny that he felt a lot more relaxed when Zheng Yi said this.

When Zhao Jinge was frightened on the boat, Jiang Zhen brought people to the vicinity of the water bandit's lair.

These people are water bandits, but they obviously don't like water very much... They actually live in the mountains.

The management of this water bandit stockade can be called lax. In Jiang Zhen's view, it can be said that there are flaws everywhere.

He felt that even if he swaggered up the mountain, no one would stop him.

There is really no sense of achievement in fighting such a stockade, but it is not bad for training your subordinates.

Two days later.

Jiang Zhen brought people, and it can be said that he steadily and steadily broke through this stockade that gathered thousands of water bandits.

It stands to reason that there are thousands of people here, and one person and one knife can kill Jiang Zhen and the others, but those people... they have no fighting spirit at all.

Thinking of everything he had encountered before, Jiang Zhen's mouth twitched.

He still has a lot of big moves that are useless, and those water bandits have run away...

"Boss, I went to ask people. Those water bandits wanted to rob us that day, and after they escaped from the defeat, chaos broke out here. The second and third leaders in this stockade are all gone, and the rest People began to fight for power, and as a result, there was no result at the beginning of the fight, and we came..." He Chunsheng said to Jiang Zhen.

"The second and third leaders are gone?" Jiang Zhen asked in surprise. When he killed the bandit leader, he didn't hear that there were any second and third leaders on the boat...

"Boss, the second and third leaders are the brothers of the eldest family. Didn't we kill a few who were more closely chasing..." Wang Haisheng said, they killed several people that night, but they killed all the second and third leaders. , I didn't expect it.

After Jiang Zhen asked people to inquire, he finally figured out the specific situation of this water bandit stockade.

There were originally many water bandits on this section of the river. They were scattered widely. The number of people in each group ranged from hundreds to dozens. Because there were old and young people who were not strong enough, they generally only grabbed some small boats.

But not long ago, the leader of this group of water bandits who was killed by him stood out and unified all the surrounding water bandits.

They made several big deals one after another, and their self-confidence was inflated, so they wanted to grab a bigger boat and do a bigger business. .

The leaders of the original group of small water bandits were basically killed by the previous bandit leader. Because of this, this water bandit stockade was in chaos.

In the past two days, a lot of people in the stockade have run away secretly, that is to say, they were all soldiers, so they didn't take anything with them. If Jiang Zhen wakes up later... Maybe the stockade will be scattered.

My luck is very good... After discovering that the warehouse of this stockade was intact because the people in the stockade had no keys, Jiang Zhen's mood suddenly became very good.

This time, it can be called a bumper harvest.

With this extra money, he can give bonuses to his subordinates, he can give more pensions to those who have died, and maybe he can buy a few big ships, and then he will have to rent a boat when he doesn't have to go darts.

And the people at home... When he goes back, he will go to build a big house for Zhao Fugui and his wife, and let Zhao Jinge eat what he wants...

The more Jiang Zhen thought about it, the happier he became, but in the end he was also a little tangled.

Speaking of which, how did he feel that he made more money from black and black than from serious business