The Only Favourite Ugly Husband

Chapter 88: Turned out to be pregnant


Whether it was Jiang Zhen or Zhao Jinge, when they got off the boat and finally stood on the ground, they all felt like they were floating. They only felt that the ground was very unstable, as if it was shaking.

This is the aftermath of being on the boat for a long time.

The pier here is quite big, but it is not much bigger than the pier in Hecheng County. On the contrary, almost all the houses here are larger than those in Hecheng County, and they look very different.

But the biggest difference between the two is probably language.

Ten li is different from one hundred li and one hundred li is different. The dialect of Jiangnan is very different from the dialect of the north. At least when the porter came up to talk, Zhao Jinge didn't understand a word.

But Jiang Zhen understood. The words spoken by the people here are slightly similar to modern Mandarin. As long as they speak slowly, he can still understand.

Watching Jiang Zhen communicate with that person, Zhao Jin-ge couldn't help but feel a little tangled... He has managed to memorize the table of multiplication formulas recently. learn to speak...

He really can't compare to Jiang Zhen everywhere...

Zhao Jinge's mood was a little down, but after Jiang Zhen held his hand, he regained his energy and held that hand back.

When Jiang Zhen went to hold Zhao Jinge's hand, he was ready to be thrown away by Zhao Jinge, but he didn't expect that Zhao Jinge didn't do that...

Since Zhao Jinge didn't throw himself away, Jiang Zhen held Zhao Jinge's hand openly.

People these days are very restrained, at least no one will hold hands on the street, so that the two of them have attracted the attention of many people.

Brother Zhao Jin realized this later, so he hurriedly let go of Jiang Zhen's hand, and at the same time felt a little dizzy - he didn't know what was going on recently, he always wanted to stick to Jiang Zhen.

"Brother Jin, tell you something." Jiang Zhen said suddenly after walking around with Brother Zhao Jin.

Brother Zhao Jin looked over in confusion.

"Wait a minute when I want to buy something, you can't stop me at all, that will make me very embarrassed, you know?" Jiang Zhen smiled and looked at Brother Zhao Jin.

His mother also said that when you go outside, you want to show respect to men and talk less... Brother Zhao Jin nodded obediently.

"Do you have anything to eat?" Jiang Zhen asked again.

Zhao Jinge smelled the smell of meat buns, and subconsciously avoided the bun shop, then pursed his lips and said, "I want to eat sweet." He has been craving all kinds of sweet things these days, brown sugar wheat cake Sweet wheat dumplings with bean paste... All are amazing.

But there are many things on the boat, and even a little bit of sugar was used to cook for him. It would be too troublesome for him to eat them... He also endured and didn't tell Jiang Zhen.

Hearing that Brother Zhao Jin wanted something sweet, Jiang Zhen immediately took him to a pastry shop.

The pastries here include glutinous rice dumplings, which look like donkeys rolling, and walnut cakes and mung bean cakes. They are not delicate, but they smell very sweet.

Jiang Zhen had tasted these things more or less in modern times. He didn't like sweets, and he didn't react when he saw them, but Zhao Jinge, he had never eaten any of these things, and he was so greedy looking at them.

Jiang Zhen suddenly felt a little distressed when he saw Zhao Jinge swallowing there.

He had no money before, so he never let Zhao Jinge eat anything good, and he didn't know that Zhao Jinge liked sweets...

When Jiang Zhen has no money, it is very economical to spend money, but when he has money, he is very generous. At the moment, he said that all the pastries here cost one kilogram of each—this dim sum shop has a total of nine kinds of pastries, and one kilogram of each cake is only one kilogram. Only nine pounds.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for the fact that the refrigerator would go bad at this time, he wouldn't even mind buying more.

Zhao Jinge felt that he bought too much and wanted to refuse, but thinking about what Jiang Zhen said to save face for Jiang Zhen, he didn't say anything.

However, when Jiang Zhen said that, he actually wanted to buy something for him, right

Holding all the pastries in his hands, Zhao Jinge glanced at Jiang Zhen happily.

Gritting his teeth, he also hooked Jiang Zhen's finger with his finger while others were not paying attention.

Jiang Zhen suddenly felt that this cake was worth buying.

Jiang Zhen didn't have to eat meat with Zhao Jinge these days. In fact, he really wanted to buy more meat and go back, but thinking that Zhao Jinge couldn't eat it, he finally endured it.

But Zhao Jinge stopped Jiang Zhen: "Let's go buy a few chickens. If I cut the chicken, I can smell it."

When Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge went back, they brought a lot of food and several live chickens.

Liu Qianqian and Zhao Lingxi didn't have to go out. Lying on the bow, seeing Jiang Zhen bringing Zhao Jinge back, and seeing the cakes Zhao Jinge was carrying, they couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

"If my parents didn't sell me, maybe I could marry such a man." Liu Qianqian couldn't help but said.

"Who said it wasn't." Zhao Lingxi also sighed. His family was in business and had some money. He used to meet the little brother in the shop opposite... But his parents wanted to marry him to a scholar, In the end, he even let him fill in the house for a forty-year-old Juren.

If he married the person he liked, he wouldn't have to leave his hometown and be in trouble at all. If he had a small relationship with that person, that person should also be very kind to him.

Zhao Lingxi couldn't help feeling a little melancholy.

Of course, it's not just the two of them who are jealous of Brother Zhao Jin, but the two women with strong identities, who are either killed by the water bandits or commit suicide. For others... They don't think they are much better than Brother Zhao Jin, and naturally they don't dare to fight. grab.

Zhao Jinge always likes to save good things for last, or eat them slowly, but this time, he couldn't control his mouth for some reason.

After buying the cakes, he ate more than a pound on the way. After returning to the boat, he couldn't help but eat one piece and another piece. After a while, the pastry was reduced by a third.

This is... Once you have money, you can't help but want to spend money indiscriminately

Zhao Jinge felt that he had eaten too much, and was very embarrassed, but Jiang Zhen didn't think there was anything.

Brother Zhao Jin had never eaten anything good before, but now he can finally eat something good, and it's normal to eat more, even sweets like pastries, eating too much is not good.

"Brother Jin, it's good for a rare time, don't eat it every day, otherwise what can you do if you get fat?" Jiang Zhen touched Zhao Jinge's belly. Even if you are fat, you can easily get diabetes if you eat too much sweet...

In modern times, if you have diabetes, you can take medicine anyway, but this was not possible in ancient times.

When Zhao Jinge heard Jiang Zhen's words, he was also anxious.

Yes, why did he forget that he would gain weight? If he gets fat, Jiang Zhen might not like him anymore!

Zhao Jinge knew that Jiang Zhen should like the muscles on his body very much, otherwise he would not always touch him, and of course he must maintain such an advantage, otherwise...

What if Jiang Zhen is no longer interested in him

"Tomorrow I will go to training with you." Zhao Jinge said.

Jiang Zhen nodded, if Zhao Jinge insisted on exercising, then it would be okay to eat more.

As the two said this, Xiao Ruo brought them the food, and there was a chicken in it.

At this time, the chicken was not greasy. Although Jiang Zhen's eating chicken had an effect on Zhao Jinge, the effect was not great. Even Zhao Jinge could eat a little chicken breast.

However, he has a strong taste recently. He just doesn't think it tastes good to eat chicken breasts. He has to dip the chicken breasts in the soup of the sweet and sour fish before he can eat them.

Before I knew it, Brother Zhao Jin ate too much...

He must get up early tomorrow to exercise!

No, he's going to practice tonight, isn't that crunches to make his stomach smaller

Before going to bed at night, Zhao Jinge proposed that he should do sit-ups.

Jiang Zhen agreed: "Okay, I'll sit on your lap and press it for you. You can do it. Let's come in fifty and fifty, and make two hundred first."

It was very easy for Zhao Jinge to do 100 reps at a time, but recently he was not feeling well and had not exercised for a while, so it is best not to be too intense all of a sudden.

Having said that, Jiang Zhen touched Zhao Jinge's strong thigh, and then went to touch the middle part of Zhao Jinge's legs.

Zhao Jinge: "..."

Zhao Jinge was used to being harassed by Jiang Zhen from time to time, he quickly recovered, and then started to do sit-ups quickly.

Brother Zhao Jin did it very fast, the bed board made a sound, and Wang Haisheng and the He brothers who lived next to them couldn't lie down.

This sound... The boss is very intense!

"I miss my mother-in-law a little... Do you think I will take him with me next time?" Wang Haisheng couldn't help swallowing.

He Chunsheng didn't speak, Wang Haisheng had a mother-in-law anyway, he didn't even have a mother-in-law!

"Those women and Shuang'er who just came back are really good looking, but the boss won't let them touch..." He Xiasheng said, since he saw Liu Qianqian, he was fascinated, but it was a pity that Jiang Zhen didn't allow them to touch.

In the end, he actually watched helplessly as Liu Qianqian followed that Fatty Luo...

In fact, it was not only He Xiasheng who was fascinated, even He Chunsheng and Wang Haisheng couldn't help but be moved.

"If I go to other women, my wife will definitely be unhappy. Don't look at him being silent all day. If I talk to others a few more words, he will be unhappy." Wang Haisheng said: "He used to be unhappy. He looks good too, this time he has money, I will buy him some rouge gouache, he will dress up well, he will definitely become beautiful."

Hearing what Wang Haisheng said, He Chunsheng glanced at him and didn't care about those women anymore.

It would be better for him to go back and marry the person he likes.

The three of them were talking here, and at this moment, the regular noise from the next door suddenly stopped.

"So soon?" Wang Haisheng couldn't help but said, this time is a bit short...

He Chunsheng glared at Wang Haisheng, this person dared to arrange their boss, is this a life-threatening situation

However, it seems to be a bit fast...

He uses his own hands, and he needs to be a little slower...

He Chunsheng and others were thinking about Jiang Zhen's ability in a certain aspect, but Jiang Zhen was looking at Zhao Jinge worriedly at this time.

Zhao Jinge was doing sit-ups well, but suddenly he curled up, saying that his stomach hurt badly.

"Brother Jin, are you okay?" Jiang Zhen asked worriedly.

Zhao Jinge was speechless for a while. Seeing him like this, Jiang Zhen jumped up immediately, and then went to knock on the door of Wang Haisheng and others.

"Wang Haisheng, get up!"

"Boss?" Wang Haisheng got up and looked at Jiang Zhen puzzled, what happened

"Brother Jin suddenly has a stomachache. You and He Chunsheng are watching him here. I will go to the main ship to find a doctor." Jiang Zhen said.

Did it stop suddenly because of stomach pain? It was summer now, and there was no need to wear any clothes. Wang Haisheng and He Chunsheng quickly got up and came to the cabin where Jiang Zhen lived.

Zhao Jinge was lying on the boat, sweating profusely, his face a little red, embarrassed holding his stomach... They looked away together.

"I'm fine, I guess it was a little cramp just now." Brother Zhao Jin had already recovered at this time. He had a sudden throbbing pain in his stomach just now, but now he has recovered, and nothing has happened.

"It's better to go to the doctor to have a look." Jiang Zhendao, the cramps shouldn't be on the stomach, right

"I'm really fine." Brother Zhao Jin sat up, but he suddenly felt pain, and there was no need to go to the doctor at night.

I used to work in the countryside, and I had a headache or something. When did you ask for a doctor

Zhao Jinge insisted that he had sat up again now, and it seemed that he was fine. Jiang Zhen did not force him to see a doctor, but only thought that he had eaten too much and exercised, and finally his stomach could not bear it, or his cecum and appendix were affected. Vibration hurts.

However, although he didn't force Zhao Jinge to see a doctor, Jiang Zhen didn't dare to let Zhao Jinge do any more exercise, so he took him to bed early.

When I woke up, it happened again.

Early the next morning, Brother Zhao Jin threw up as soon as he got up.

Every time he vomited before, it was just dry retching. It was good to vomit a few times, but this time he vomited in earnest. Not only did he vomit out everything he ate last night, but he even vomited out the bitter bile in the end. .

He was obviously very distressed, with tears streaming down his face, looking very embarrassed.

Jiang Zhen was startled, turned around and ran out to find a doctor.

These days, Doctor Hu has been struggling to pull off his beard.

He has practiced medicine for decades, and believes that his medical skills are good, but he did not expect to be compared by a rough country man a few days ago.

Those who were injured in the battle with the water bandits and who did not die at the time, later died of fever due to fever, and among them... The people he had treated and treated were more dead than those whom Jiang Zhen had treated. many!

Dr. Hu had already taken care of the wounded with all his heart, but it was somewhat unacceptable that he had gotten such a result.

How could this be? Of the people he sentenced to death, Jiang Zhen actually rescued ten people... Those ten people are now in strong health, and it is obvious that they will not die anymore.

Is Jiang Zhen, a rough guy, really more powerful than him

When Dr. Hu thought of the doubts he had received these days and the popularity of Jiang Zhen, he was very angry, but also a little lost and embarrassed.

He is not a kind-hearted person who is benevolent and virtuous, and he is usually a little careful, but after receiving the money, he has always tried his best to save people.

That Jiang Zhen didn't understand medical skills at all, but he just used a small trick, how could he suddenly be respected

Doctor Hu tugged at his beard again, and then had to admit that Jiang Zhen's method was really useful.

Master Zheng asked him to cooperate with Jiang Zhen to study this method, and he would give a bounty when he succeeded, but... He couldn't bring himself to look for Jiang Zhen.

When he got up early in the morning, Doctor Hu sighed first, but just as he sighed, the door was knocked, and Jiang Zhen's voice came from outside the door: "Doctor Hu! Doctor Hu!"

Doctor Hu stood up agitatedly, stepped forward to open the door, and then concealed his inner excitement and asked, "Is something wrong?" What is the matter with Jiang Zhen looking for him

No matter, in short, he can have contact with Jiang Zhen!

"Doctor Hu, my daughter-in-law vomited too much, you go and show him." Jiang Zhen grabbed Doctor Hu, turned around and left.

Zhao Jinge vomited for a while, and then saw Jiang Zhen gone, and was a little stunned.

Because it smells bad, so Jiang Zhen ran away

Although he felt that this was excusable, Zhao Jinge was still a little sad, and then he didn't know what was going on, and he vomited more and more.

After vomiting, Zhao Jinge felt a sense of collapse. He had thought about exercising before, but now he can't move at all.

It's too useless to be like this... Zhao Jinge wiped his face with a handkerchief, trying to drain the dirt he vomited out of the wooden barrel, but when he saw it, he couldn't help retching again.

At this moment, Jiang Zhen finally brought Doctor Hu over.

Doctor Hu's feet couldn't stop shaking at this moment - Jiang Zhen thought he was walking slowly, so he actually carried him, and then ran from the main boat to this small boat along the thin wooden board!

Although the crew members were used to walking around on the thin wooden boards connecting the two ships all day, Dr. Hu was usually reluctant to walk, but being carried by others made him even more terrified.

Damn Jiang Zhen!

After Dr. Hu was put down, he couldn't come back to his senses for a while, but Jiang Zhen had already urged again: "Doctor Hu, hurry up and show Zhao Jinge."

"Okay, alright, isn't it just vomiting? What could be wrong? It must have broken the stomach." Dr. Hu said that the crew often drank raw water on the ship, and the food was scribbled. It was normal to vomit.

"No, Brother Jin has vomited for a while, and he even vomited out bile today!" Jiang Zhen was already in a hurry, and he wouldn't eat a bad stomach... If he had a psychological problem, he wouldn't have vomited so badly!

so serious? Doctor Hu was also a little worried, reaching out and grabbing Zhao Jinge's wrist.

"What other symptoms does he have besides vomiting recently?" Doctor Hu's expression suddenly became a little strange.

"He can't eat greasy recently... By the way, he ate several kilograms of sweet and greasy cakes in one go yesterday. Is it because of this?" Jiang Zhen asked again.

Dr. Hu's expression became even weirder.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Zhen became worried, and Zhao Jinge became extremely nervous - he must have something wrong, right

"I'm about two months pregnant. It's a normal reaction to vomit." Doctor Hu said, and added: "Don't worry, he's as strong as a cow, and there's no problem at all."

Such a strong pregnant woman is rare.